Iceweasel SVN now on alioth

Mike Hommey mh at
Mon Dec 11 11:31:52 CET 2006

On Mon, Dec 11, 2006 at 01:47:21AM -0500, Eric Dorland <eric at> wrote:
> Hello,
> For a long time the iceweasel (and firefox and mozilla-firefox) trees 
> have been living in a private SVN repo on my main work machine. With my 
> moving around and that machine being unavailable, obviously this is bad 
> for continued work on iceweasel. So I've pulled the packages out of my 
> repo (which was stupidly difficult I might add) and imported them into 
> the pkg-mozilla repository in alioth. You can get at it from 
> svn://
> Hopefully I'll be able to work on iceweasel more over the holidays, but 
> things are still very busy for me so hopefully other interested parties 
> can pick up the slack.

FWIW, I fixed some issues, but some remain, such as upgrade path from
current stable...


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