iceape naming
Mike Hommey
mh at
Mon Oct 30 20:05:34 CET 2006
On Mon, Oct 30, 2006 at 02:13:35PM +0100, Hendrik-Jan Heins <hjheins at> wrote:
> Hello list, Mike,
> I just downloaded Mike's Iceape package and installed it for testing.
> So far it looks really good.
> I guess the only big changes that are still needed are the logo's.
> I also found the name Seamonkey still in some places in the package.
> For instance if you type "about:" in the addressbar, you get the logo,
> plus the Seamonkey name and version number. The browser identifier
> string is ok.
Yep, that's what I meant when I said the name and the logo were not
changed ;)
> I think this can be fixed quite easily. I created a patch (used it in
> my version as well), that strips all Seamonkey and seamonkey names.
> Part of this is obiously already done, but not all of them are gone.
Actually only the part is done.
> I attached the patch I used for this to the mail.
> That'll probably make it easier to find in which places the name still
> has to be removed.
There is also a file hiding somewhere in xpfe,
and some others iirc.
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