moving iceweasel to git

Mike Hommey mh at
Wed Oct 10 17:24:06 UTC 2007

On Wed, Oct 10, 2007 at 01:32:33AM +0200, Alexander Sack wrote:
> > rebasing is a big problem with shared git repositories. I think we can
> > come up with ways to list our patches even if they are applied to a
> > regularly merged branch.
> How?
> Actually I don't really think its a big problem to rebase if you have
> a small set of maintainers that know what to do. People outside of
> this group probably can just clone whenever they want and don't really
> care on whether the branch is regularaly rebased or not.

I think such an approach would become a PITA after just a few rebase
rounds. But YMMV.

> Anyway, please explain your _merge_ driven approach. Won't you loose
> the ability to extract/compare/replace/QA distinct patches? If so, why
> don't you care ;)?

A starter for this would be the following script:

git diff --unified=0 $A $B | awk 'BEGIN { FS="(^(--- a/|+++ b/)|^@@ -[0-9,]+ \\+| @@)" } /^---/ || ( /^+++ b\/(.*)/ && file=="" ) { file = $2 } /^@@/ {split($2, a, /,/); a[2] = a[2] ? a[2] + a[1] - 1 : a[1]; print "git blame -l -L " a[1] "," a[2], "'$A..$B'", file }' | sh | cut -f 1 -d " " | sort -u

Where $A would generally be upstream and $B debian. I'm thinking about
implementing something more useable and robust, though.


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