UPLOADED (icedove) Re: patches superseed beta patches

Eric Dorland eric at debian.org
Sun Oct 21 00:28:47 UTC 2007

* Alexander Sack (asac at debian.org) wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 18, 2007 at 03:42:31PM +0200, Alexander Sack wrote:
> > 
> > @Mike, Eric: if you don't want to care, I can also prepare the uploads
> > for your packages. for iceweasel I would suggest to wait till the
> > final sources are officially released though.
> > 
> Eric, I haven't received any input from you on this. So, I assume that
> you currently don't have the time to do the iceweasel update. I
> willwait till tomorrow and then do the iceweasel upload (together with
> iceape).
> In case you are already working on it, please let me know.

I will have time for it tomorrow but if you've already got patches,
and would like to do it then by all means go ahead. I haven't looked
at it at all yet, does it make more sense to use or are there
a lot of no security related changes?

Eric Dorland <eric at kuroneko.ca>
ICQ: #61138586, Jabber: hooty at jabber.com
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