iceowl l10n packages

Alexander Sack asac at
Sat Sep 1 19:52:47 UTC 2007

On Sat, Sep 01, 2007 at 09:12:18PM +0200, Thomas Wassong wrote:
> Hi guys,
> depending on debian-bug #436297 "iceowl-extension: locales missing" I  build 22
> packages for iceowl (21 deb with ca cs da de es-ES eu fr ga-IE hu it mk mn nb-NO
> nl pa-IN pl pt-BR ru sk sl sv-SE) and for iceowl-extension (all of the 21 locals
> in one deb).
> This was really tricky. There are no official xpi neither for sunbird nor for
> lightning, only localized builds. I had to extract the localization-files from
> the localized-builds and make new xpis. So they are unique. But they work here
> (I only tested de, but the others are the same).
> You'll find the packages under
>{ca cs da de es-es eu fr ga-ie
> hu it mk mn nb-no nl pa-in pl pt-br ru sk sl sv-se}_0.5-1_all.deb
> My question is now, what to do next. Will someone "control" my packages (this
> will be great, they are my first deb-packages) and what is to do to publish it
> in sid?

Thanks ... I will review and sponsor them. Just bug me if you don't
see progress in the next week.

 - Alexander
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