Candidate revisions to Mozilla’s web site privacy policy

Basil Hashem basil at
Fri Feb 8 23:03:27 UTC 2008

As (and our 20+ other sites such as AMO, MDC, etc...) have  
grown to be some of the top visited properties on the planet, we have  
maxed out the capabilities of our current web analytics solution. We  
needed to shift to a world-class, scalable option that has active  
development and innovative reporting and analytics. The new solution  
will help us better understand what our users are doing on our  
websites so that we can continuously improve their user experience.

Mozilla has selected Omniture ( and Google  
Analytics ( as additional web  
analytics solutions. The major difference between what Mozilla has  
today and these third-party solutions is that Omniture and Google  
Analytics are hosted web site services. In order to accommodate, we  
need to make some changes to our current website privacy policy,  
provide opt-out procedures and affect a minor change for SUMO's Live  
Chat feature (

Below are the proposed changes to the privacy policy.

* Redlined markup of proposed changes (Adobe Acrobat format)

* Candidate new web site privacy policy & hosts file opt-out  

* Current web site privacy policy

Note that this policy change is only in effect for and  
associated web properties and does not change the existing Firefox  
privacy policy.

We encourage any questions, discussions and followups to the  
mozilla.governance mailing list and newsgroup.


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