setting extensions.%UUID%.update.enabled for mozilla-noscript ?
Mike Hommey
mh at
Sun Feb 17 13:37:03 UTC 2008
On Sun, Feb 17, 2008 at 02:19:50PM +0100, arno wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm maintainer of mozilla-noscript.
> I'm thinking about setting
> extensions.{73a6fe31-595d-460b-a920-fcc0f8843232}.update.enabled to false, but
> as mozilla packages team may have more experience than me, I'd like to get your
> opinion first.
> When a new version of iceweasel is installed, next time it starts, it checks
> for extensions compatibility, and fetchs update file from
> (or downloadUrl if specified in install.rdf file). As mozilla-noscript updates
> are managed via apt-get, I feel that request is not useful.
> I checked to see if setting that preference to false would break things. That
> pref is only checked in /usr/lib/iceweasel/components/nsExtensionManager.js: in
> ExtensionsDataSource::_rdfGet_updateable (l 7963), as installLocation.canAccess
> is checked, that function will return false for debian packaged extensions
> anyway.
> in RDFItemUpdater::checkForUpdates (l 5993): that function is called:
> a) when iceweasel is updated via mozilla update system (should not happen with
> debian packaged iceweasel)
> b) when an extension is installed with .xpi file (should not happen for debian
> packaged extension)
> c) when user clicks on "update" in addons manager ui: in that case,
> aVersionUpdateOnly is 0, so canAccess will be checked (l 6034), and request
> will be canceled for debian packaged extensions.
> d) when new version of iceweasel has just been installed. In that case, setting
> extensions.{73a6fe31-595d-460b-a920-fcc0f8843232}.update.enabled to false will
> prevent an unuseful request.
> So, don't think that change would break desired behaviour.
> But, I'd like to know what you think about it: did I miss a point somewhere ?
> Do you think it's too much a hassle just to avoid a http request occurring not
> too often ?
> Also, I'm not sure about the right place to set that preference. I cannot patch
> noscript preferences file, because RDFItemUpdater::checkForUpdates is executed
> before extensions are loaded, so I'm thinking about shipping a file
> /usr/share/iceweasel/greprefs/noscript.js Do you have other ideas ?
Why not have the extension set the pref if not set, in which case it
will end up in user profile ?
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