Bug#444499: field completion / suggestion often gets in the way

Frederik Eaton frederik at ofb.net
Mon Dec 21 21:57:02 UTC 2009

On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 05:13:45PM +0100, Mike Hommey wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 09, 2008 at 09:33:47AM +0000, Frederik Eaton wrote:
> > On Sun, Nov 09, 2008 at 02:26:08AM -0500, Eric Dorland wrote:
> > > * Frederik Eaton (frederik at ofb.net) wrote:
> > > > Package: iceweasel
> > > > Version:
> > > > Severity: normal
> > > > 
> > > > Hello,
> > > > 
> > > > I will give an example to illustrate my point. I have tried it out in
> > > > "safe mode".
> > > > 
> > > > (1) I enter "minimal entropy martingale measure" in Google's search
> > > > text box
> > > > 
> > > > (2) When the results come up, I want change my search text to "minimal
> > > > martingale measure". I click just after the word "entropy" in the text
> > > > box at the top of the results page, and the completion "minimal
> > > > entropy martingale measure" appears appears in a menu below the box
> > > > (even though that same string is also already in the box). (Actually,
> > > > this happens only about 50% of the time, it may be necessary to try
> > > > clicking at different parts of the word) Since I had to click on the
> > > > search box to change the text, my cursor is right near the box. When I
> > > > take my hand off the mouse to type, the cursor happens to move down a
> > > > few pixels (this happens a lot when I use a trackpad, but also when I
> > > > use my optical mouse), briefly crossing over the menu of completions.
> > > > 
> > > > (3) This results in the single completion being highlighted. 
> > > > Inexplicably, it stays highlighted even when my mouse has moved off of
> > > > it to below the bottom of the menu. Even more strangely, it stays
> > > > highlighted when I start typing in the text box.
> > > > 
> > > > (4) I hit delete a few times to delete the word "entropy", but the
> > > > completion "minimal martingale martingale measure", the text of my
> > > > original search, is still highlighted.
> > > > 
> > > > (5) I hit enter. This doesn't result in a new search with the new
> > > > contents of the search box, as I had hoped; but it results in the
> > > > completion (a useless completion, no less, since it was the original
> > > > text of the box) being selected, and the edit I just made
> > > > disappearing, and the text "minimal martingale martingale measure"
> > > > returning to the search box, and no search happening.
> > > > 
> > > > So, completion as implemented in this program (is it possible to turn
> > > > it off, by the way?) is basically incompatible with my mouse moving
> > > > down a few pixels after I take my hand off of it. That seems rather
> > > > demanding - the mouse is an analog device and the cursor can't be
> > > > expected to stay 100% still all the time. In general, it seems like a
> > > > good idea for a highlighted menu selection to become unhighlighted
> > > > when the user starts typing, even in the case where it is still under
> > > > the cursor (which it is not, in my example above), since typing
> > > > generally indicates a lack of intent to click.
> > > > 
> > > > Thank you in advance - I hope that this can be eventually fixed...
> > > 
> > > Is this any better with the latest Iceweasel?
> > 
> > Hello,
> > 
> > The problematic behaviour seems to be unchanged in 3.0.3.
> As I fail to reproduce this in version 3.0.6 and I doubt the behaviour
> changed since 3.0.3, I'm wondering if you're talking about the google
> search box on the top right of the iceweasel user interface, or the
> google search field on the google web page. If the latter, then this is
> behavioural bug of the google web page.

Thanks for the response. That's a very reasonable misunderstanding -
Google has added completion to its search box since this bug was filed
two years ago, and is therefore no longer a good way to reproduce the


I can still reproduce the bug in a plain HTML text input box under
3.0.15. If you need an example of a plain HTML text input box, there
is probably a more canonical one but ... here:

These are the fixes which I suggest still need to be implemented:

1. Unhighlight completion menu selection when the mouse leaves the
menu rectangle

2. Unhighlight completion menu selection when user starts typing (e.g. 
delete key, as in above report)

3. Don't include completions which exactly match the text of the box

4. Don't list completions when the insertion point is not at the end
of the text. (This is already partially implemented - if I defocus the
box, and then click in the middle, no completion menu shows up. But if
I click at the end of the box to get a completion menu, and then click
in the middle without defocussing, the completion menu stays around)

5. Allow user to turn off completion (?)

Best wishes,


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