Bug#454067: scroll slider vs. small window

Mike Hommey mh at glandium.org
Thu Dec 24 09:42:50 UTC 2009

reassign 454067 libgtk2.0-0


Sorry for the delayed answer.

On Mon, Dec 03, 2007 at 12:26:56AM +0800, jidanni at jidanni.org wrote:
> Package: iceweasel
> Version:
> Severity: minor
> Please do
> ALT h a
> to see the "About iceweasel" information.
> I see visible:
> Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686;
> en-US; rv:
> Gecko/20071115
> At right is the usual slider bar, indicating how much of the document
> is visible. Here it appears "full", making the user think that those
> three lines are all there is to the contents, so never mind scrolling.
> But indeed, one can scroll to see more!
> Therefore we see that for small windows, iceweasel's minimal slider
> bar size is already the maximum for that window, fooling the user into
> thinking that's all there is to the document, instead of the actual
> percent visible!
> Please reword my bug and forward upstream if also valid there.

AFAICS, the scroller doesn't show up anymore in the about dialog, but
trying to look at a small scroller, it seems to me this is more a
general problem with the gtk scrollers... The minimal size for the
"positionning button" takes all the scroller space and it is hard to say
it's going to scroll.

I could reproduce with various gtk applications with small windows.


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