Bug#549371: dark theme still colors inputs in iceweasel 3.5, epiphany 2.29.3

Mark Hedges hedges at scriptdolphin.com
Thu Dec 24 16:50:01 UTC 2009

On Thu, 24 Dec 2009, Mike Hommey wrote:
> There were two levels to this problem, and one of them is
> gone: GTK elements *can* be styled with CSS since version
> 3.5, see the attached file, for example. It means you can
> do something by editing the userContent.css file in your
> profile. Or maybe even by fiddling with the following
> values: http://www.mozilla.org/unix/customizing.html#ui

I shouldn't have to apply custom styles to get the default
colors of basic web pages.  If Debian is supposed to be
acceptable for average users and not just coders, that is

> It also appears it was possible to style them before 3.5,
> but that required to add -moz-appearance: none.
> Anyways, the remaining problem is that web sites are
> assuming colours on the input elements while they just
> shouldn't, and apply style to input elements as they apply
> style to the rest of the page.

We can't change the world, or the HTML spec.  The default
presentation of un-styled HTML is and always has been black
text on white background.  Iceweasel should retain default
styling by default.

> Arguably, iceweasel could make it easier to edit input
> element look in the color properties dialog. I would
> appreciate if you could check that setting some of these
> ui.something values can change colors on input elements,
> and if the "Use system colors" has an effect on them.

I am saying it shouldn't be a problem at all.  It's a web
browser.  Having to alter custom page or browser styles to
achieve default colors of un-styled web pages is silly.


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