Processed: Re: Bug#557154: iceweasel: segfaults if older xulrunner is installed
Debian Bug Tracking System
owner at
Fri Nov 20 07:36:17 UTC 2009
Processing commands for control at
> reassign 557154 libmozjs2d
Bug #557154 [iceweasel] iceweasel: segfaults if older xulrunner is installed
Bug reassigned from package 'iceweasel' to 'libmozjs2d'.
Bug No longer marked as found in versions iceweasel/3.5.5-1.
> forcemerge 557154 556658
Bug#557154: iceweasel: segfaults if older xulrunner is installed
Bug#556658: mozilla-livehttpheaders: firefox 3.5.5 crashes with "undefined symbol: js_SaveRegExpStatics"
Forcibly Merged 556658 557154.
> affects 557154 iceweasel
Bug #557154 [libmozjs2d] iceweasel: segfaults if older xulrunner is installed
Bug #556658 [libmozjs2d] mozilla-livehttpheaders: firefox 3.5.5 crashes with "undefined symbol: js_SaveRegExpStatics"
Added indication that 557154 affects iceweasel
Added indication that 556658 affects iceweasel
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)
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