Bug#553593: Acknowledgement (xulrunner: Please port to sh4)
Nobuhiro Iwamatsu
iwamatsu at nigauri.org
Wed Feb 3 02:17:34 UTC 2010
Sorry, reply is late.
2009/12/19 Mike Hommey <mh at glandium.org>:
> Hi,
> On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 11:26:53AM +0900, Nobuhiro Iwamatsu wrote:
> <snip>
>> > - Please add the license boilerplate at the top of the files you add,
>> > with proper contributor listing. (See the files in the same directory
>> > for examples)
>> OK. I attached updated patch.
> One more nitpick: Please properly fill the original code author,
> contributors list, and copyright years. I'd expect to see your name at least
> in contributors.
I'm not contributer. Becase I get these code from http://www.stlinux.com/.
stlinux desitribute sh4 binary for linux.
I attached the patch which I added their copyright to.
Please add my name if you judge my name to enter.
> The initial developer may also not be Netscape/Mozilla,
> depending on how much of the code is novel work. I doubt this to be the
> case if the code merely implements the given interfaces.
I think that this source code was based on an existing source code of mozilla.
Therefore, I think that these do not have any problem.
>> > - ifeq (sh,$(findstring sh,$(OS_TEST))) seems a bit risky. What is the
>> > platform name ? sh only ? filter would be better than findstring,
>> > then. If it is shsomething, then filter sh% would be better.
>> The judgment of the platform is difficult in SH.
>> For example, sh has sh1 sh2 sh3 sh4 sh5, and sh3 sh4 is bi-endian.
>> When user writes it as sh3el, there is little of sh3. Or there is it
>> when usr writes it as sh3.
>> big is sh3eb, and littte is sh3 in many cases.
>> I become much quantity only in a judgment sentence when I write all these.
>> Because I was simple and wanted to assume it sh*, I wrote it like a patch.
>> Of course I understand in the problem that you pointed out.
>> I write it below, I think that I should be able to support only sh4.
>> cpu-target of sh4 is sh4 and sh4a now. (There is sh4al, too, but ABI
>> is different.)
>> Therefore, I can revise this part as follows.
>> ifneq (,$(filter sh4 sh4a,$(OS_TEST)))
>> CPPSRCS := xptcinvoke_linux_sh.cpp xptcstubs_linux_sh.cpp
>> endif
>> Do you think so?
> This sounds good. I have another concern, though. Is the code
> linux-specific or would it work on, say, NetBSD ? If the latter, then
> maybe renaming the files to *_unix_* would be better. If the former, you
> should add an OS_ARCH test.
I dont know NetBSD and I dont have environment of NetBSD.
They will revise it if this code worked.
Best regards,
Nobuhiro Iwamatsu
iwamatsu at {nigauri.org / debian.org}
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