Processed: fixed (410954, 452286, 490769, 560106, 415310, 282498)
Debian Bug Tracking System
owner at
Fri Feb 11 19:51:11 UTC 2011
Processing commands for control at
> fixed 410954 3.0.6-1
Bug #410954 {Done: Eric Dorland <eric at>} [iceweasel] Tabs preference "New pages should be opened in 'a new tab' doesn't seem to work
Bug #410955 {Done: Eric Dorland <eric at>} [iceweasel] Tab preference "New pages should be opened in 'a new tab' doesn't seem to work
Bug Marked as fixed in versions iceweasel/3.0.6-1.
Bug Marked as fixed in versions iceweasel/3.0.6-1.
> fixed 452286 3.0.6-1
Bug #452286 {Done: martin f krafft <madduck at>} [iceweasel] Javascript (e.g. S5 presentations) can make iceweasel crawl
Bug Marked as fixed in versions iceweasel/3.0.6-1.
> fixed 490769 3.5.9-2
Bug #490769 {Done: Julian Gilbey <jdg at>} [iceweasel] iceweasel: input field boxes vanish randomly
Bug Marked as fixed in versions iceweasel/3.5.9-2.
> fixed 560106 3.5.9-2
Bug #560106 {Done: Alastair McKinstry <mckinstry at>} [iceweasel] Spellchecker: Language entries are unsorted, some duplicated and there are too many entries.
Bug Marked as fixed in versions iceweasel/3.5.9-2.
> fixed 415310 3.0.6-1
Bug #415310 {Done: Mike Hommey <mh at>} [iceweasel] iceweasel: javascript error while opening the help menu (checkForUpdates has no properties)
Bug Marked as fixed in versions iceweasel/3.0.6-1.
> fixed 282498 3.0.6-1
Bug #282498 {Done: Alessandro De Zorzi <lota at>} [iceweasel] mozilla-firefox: migrate Tabs between open windows
Bug #321536 [iceweasel] mozilla-firefox: make tabs draggable for relocatable pages
Bug Marked as fixed in versions iceweasel/3.0.6-1.
Bug Marked as fixed in versions iceweasel/3.0.6-1.
> --
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact owner at with problems
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