Mr.Victor Ama mrvictorama1 at
Thu Feb 10 20:48:16 UTC 2011

Listen carefully for the information, as courtesy demands; I am Mr. Victor Ama, the Operations Manager in Ecowas head office Ghana . There is information I think might interest you.
First of all, I do not know if I am talking to the right person, but I will like you to confirm if you are the owner of this email ID. Already I have your name and details in our file in the office, but somehow I am not comfortable and too sure. So I just want to make sure am communicating with the real owner of this Email ID whom we also have your other detail in our data..
If you can prove that you are the owner of this email ID, then I will furnish you with the information that I have for you.
So by your response, if you can be able to Identify your name and address as we have it in Data here, I will proceed and let you know what news we have for you.
I am taking this preventive measure because I do not want to talk to the wrong person because of the sensitivity of the information regarding your out standing Payment.
Other details will be forward to you as soon as I am convinced I am communicating with the right person.
Reply now please,
Mr. Victor Ama.
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