Bug#667463: [iceweasel] Weird font rendering

Landry MINOZA landry.minoza at free.fr
Wed Apr 4 10:03:07 UTC 2012

Le mercredi 04 avril 2012 11:45:23, Mike Hommey a écrit :
> On Wed, Apr 04, 2012 at 11:34:08AM +0200, Landry MINOZA wrote:
> > Package: iceweasel
> > Version: 11.0-4
> > Severity: normal
> > 
> > --- Please enter the report below this line. ---
> > Since a few days, don't remember after wich upgrades it was, sometimes
> > Iceweasel (and Icedove, but no other programmes it seams) render font
> > weird (as you can see in the attached screenshot). When moving the mouse
> > around, selecting text or moving the window, the artefacts often
> > disapears.
> > 
> > It appears on 2 hosts using nouveau driver with 3.3.0-rc6 and last 3.2
> > kernels. I'm running a kde desktop and oxygen GTK.
> This is likely to be the same issue as bug 666736.

Arg, searched font on the BTS, but not text and didn't find this one.

> Try downgrading
> libcairo2.

It seams to be better, no more corruptions in 10 minutes surfing.


> Mike

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» (Article L.224-6).

landry.minoza at free.fr
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