reassign 289119 to iceape, reassign 300392 to iceape, reassign 212299 to iceape ...

David Prévot taffit at
Mon Apr 9 19:29:13 UTC 2012

# Those old mozilla-mailnews bugs may or may not still apply to
# iceape, but reassigning them where people can actually handle them
# and close those that don't apply any more… Good luck!
reassign 289119 iceape 
reassign 300392 iceape 
reassign 212299 iceape 
reassign 318116 iceape 
reassign 241348 iceape 
reassign 304829 iceape 
reassign 217207 iceape 
reassign 300393 iceape 
reassign 185288 iceape 
reassign 139040 iceape 
reassign 151756 iceape 
reassign 119681 iceape 
reassign 101714 iceape 
reassign 164350 iceape 
reassign 168060 iceape 
reassign 185212 iceape 
reassign 378087 iceape 
reassign 187376 iceape 
reassign 322673 iceape 
reassign 247937 iceape 
reassign 266672 iceape 
reassign 175482 iceape 
reassign 200431 iceape 
reassign 170076 iceape 

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