Bug#665714: iceweasel: consumes vast amount of RAM and swap when gcc 4.7 installed

Mike Hommey mh at glandium.org
Mon Mar 26 13:11:37 UTC 2012

On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 10:38:12PM +1030, Arthur Marsh wrote:
> Mike Hommey wrote, on 26/03/12 02:30:
> >On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 12:21:03AM +1030, Arthur Marsh wrote:
> >>Package: iceweasel
> >>Version: 11.0-3
> >>Followup-For: Bug #665714
> >>
> >>I downgrade libgcc1 and still ran into the problem:
> >>
> >>26124 amarsh04  20   0 1828m 1.2g  36m R 146.4 15.3  65:00.73 firefox-bin
> >>
> >>i.e. 146.4 percent CPU use on a 4-core machine.
> >>
> >>Disabling javascript for twitter.com seemed to reduce the problem.
> >
> >Can you copy/paste the content of about:memory?
> >
> >Mike
> >
> OK, narrowing things down, the problematic site is http://anisama.tv
> with noscript set to allow anisama.tv, twitter.com and twimg.com
> The add-on rikaichan was enabled but was not being used to look up
> Japanese text that the page was displaying.
> To get a relatively clean load, I did a kill -HUP on the iceweasel
> process, then when it prompted to restore tabs, I opened a new tab
> and opened the site http://anisama.tv then let it run until the
> icewaasel process had consumed 1 minute of CPU time. Memory use
> increased while the site anisama.tv was open. If needed I could
> leave it running for longer and post another about:memory
> During the course of waking ours in Japan the site anisama.tv seems
> to display many tweets but even so it shouldn't be consuming several
> gigabytes per day.
> Thanks for your help with this.
> Main Process
> Explicit Allocations
> 108.83 MB (100.0%) -- explicit

That's not a lot of allocations... I guess this isn't coming from a
session where memory usage skyrockets. The about:memory output won't be
useful if it doesn't corresponds to the memory usage skyrocketting.

That being said, what you describe would suggest the site is responsible
for this mess, if, for example, it never deletes the tweets it doesn't
display anymore.


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