Open/save file desktop integration

Mike Hommey mh at
Thu May 10 16:25:09 UTC 2012

On Tue, May 08, 2012 at 09:17:19AM +0100, Berni Elbourn wrote:
> Hi,
> Iceweasel and icedove 10.x on squeeze seem to lack the full
> integration with Nautilus...a file open/save starts a file browser
> which looks like Nautilus but does not include my bookmarks or
> network connections or memory cards.
> Am I missing a .deb? or is this a bug?

It could be a bug in older gtk. The open dialog is handled by gtk. As a
matter of fact, it works for me on both stable and unstable. (for the
memory card part. I don't have network connections or bookmarks)


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