Bug#719802: ia64, Iceweasel-17, JS needs ptrs have their high 17 bits cleared

Émeric MASCHINO emeric.maschino at gmail.com
Wed Aug 28 17:32:27 UTC 2013

Thanks Stephan, I'll test your patches.

And I bet that the same will have to be done for Firefox ESR 21?
BTW, I don't understand how upstream code is versioned. Shouldn't your
original patches have been ported to the new JS engine by upstream
when they released > Firefox ESR 10 versions?
Otherwise, what would prevent such breakages in the future with ESR 28, 35, ...?

And the same for Webkit? I've reoppened bug 642750, as Epiphany status
is as bad as Iceweasel ESR 17 since they switched from Webkit 1.8.1 to


2013/8/28 Stephan Schreiber <info at fs-driver.org>:
> retitle 719802 ia64, Iceweasel-17, JS needs ptrs have their high 17 bits
> cleared
> reassign 719802 src:iceweasel
> severity 719802 grave
> tags 719802 + patch
> thanks
> ia64.
> I experienced it, too.
> An assertion
>     GLib-CRITICAL **: g_slice_set_config: assertion `sys_page_size == 0'
> failed
> Iceweasel 17esr crashed immediately before it shows its window on ia64.
> Furthermore the testsuite sometimes crashed when I built the unpatched
> iceweasel 17.0.8esr-2 on ia64.
> The failing assertion is *not* related with the crash. I didn't care about
> it.
> The reason for the crash is a known one: The Mozilla JS engine needs
> pointers have their high 17 bits cleared because it would break a variant
> data type which the engine uses.
> The patch doesn't fix the failing assertion. It will still occur, but the
> crash is gone.
> The patch is also important for the libmozjs17d package which will be used
> by gnome-shell soon.
> The patch is similar to some bugfixes of earlier versions:
> bug#696041 ia64 (Itanium) Mozilla JS engine needs pointers have their high
> 17 bits cleared
> bug#659186 gnome-shell: Segmentation fault in libmozjs185.so.1.0 at startup
> Noam Postavsky wrote:
>> I'm having the same symptoms (same assertion failure and crash at
>> startup) on amd64.
> The amd64 arch isn't affected by the ia64 crash which this patch addresses,
> believe me ;-)
> I suggest filing a separate bug report for the crash on amd64.
> Cheers
> Stephan

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