Too safe
Axel Beckert
abe at
Sat Jul 20 12:22:03 UTC 2013
Hi Jidanni,
jidanni at wrote:
> All I know is during my years of aptitude updates,
> all the other places in my sources.lists don't get stuck.
> Whereas this site often does,
It does, but this doesn't have to do with "security levels" but with
the level of automation.
> whereupon one must start Googling for the
> answer, never knowing if the problem is on my end or yours.
If you followed the instructions on this site, it's usually on our
site. If you didn't follow them, who knows...
> Somehow the rest of Debian just works. Well OK I suppose this is not
> fully Debian...
That's the point.
Regards, Axel
,''`. | Axel Beckert <abe at>,
: :' : | Debian Developer, Admin
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