Bug#773121: iceweasel: H.264 playback broken again in Jessie?

Braiam Peguero braiamp at gmail.com
Sun Dec 14 17:52:03 UTC 2014

> My understanding is that gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg has been replaced by
> gstreamer1.0-libav in Jessie, so I've installed that instead.
> about:config shows that media.gstreamer.enabled is set to true.
> Unfortunately, https://www.youtube.com/html5 still insists that H.264 is
> not supported by my browser (both in a regular and in a -safe-mode

If I'm not mistaken, the one you need is actually gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad
which includes in the "Gstreamer-Decoders" section the "video/x-h264"
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