Bug#690367: problem with wheezy fresh install

Carsten Schönert c.schoenert at t-online.de
Thu Jan 16 20:59:57 UTC 2014

Hello Rene,

Am 15.01.2014 22:52, schrieb Rene Engelhard:
> Dare to explain why?

yes, I will try. You are right, I have forgotten to write why the bug
was reassigned to hunspell.

> 1) Looking at packages.d.o, iceweasel is not linked to libhunspell. Uses it's
>    own copy? So at least the iceweasel part is wrong here and if the problem
>    arose with a iceweasel update to a new version it's thus not hunspells fault

What makes you sure?
The localization of Iceweasel and Icedove has nothing to do with
hunspell or myspell. There are simple files used to make a substitution.

> 2) Even if it used this external hunspell, it probably would use libhunspell-1.3-0,
>    not the command-line "hunspell" tool, no?

That will be probably correct, I never had dived very deeply into the
hunspell packages. If I have reassigned to the wrong hunspell package
then sorry.

> And I'd like to know why you think this was a (lib)hunspell bug in the first place?

The bug first was opened against hunspell and by the progress of the bug
I believe it is definitely not a issue inside Iceweasel/Icedove. As
written above, the localization part is done by various files that held
substitution variables. So the l10n files are not covered by this issue.

The bug report is opend because spell checking is not working or wrong
working. IW/ID does nothing in this part.

Any how, how to catch the real reason?
I have tried to use Error Console inside IW/ID, I getting no related
output. So maybe a tracing of (lib)hunspell calls will bring new
indication. But that's a part there you can help I think.

If I can do something to get the issue I'd glad to help.


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