Bug#766112: Please remove DRM/EME/Extended Media "extension" from Firefox in debian

Jeffrey Cliff jeffrey.cliff at gmail.com
Mon Oct 20 22:25:57 UTC 2014

Package: iceweasel
Version: 33.0-2
Severity: Important

( Related: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=748342 )

This bug seems to have been closed because, at the time it was
reported (Firefox/Iceweaasel version 29.0), this bug had not yet been
added.  However, as of the current build of Firefox/Iceweasel in
experimental, it has been added, and so now is a valid bug.

This inclusion of DRM within the web browser seems to be against the
core principles of Debian, and has been condemned by the Free Software
Foundation ( https://www.fsf.org/news/fsf-condemns-partnership-between-mozilla-and-adobe-to-support-digital-restrictions-management).

An example patch which might remove *some* EME functionality can be found at

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