Bug#803933: iceweasel: "Save Page As" has no effects or removes the target file under some conditions

Jack Underwood juichenieder-debbie at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Dec 18 16:13:17 UTC 2015

Hi Vincent
I just tried the following on 38.2.1 and I can extend upon this 
further... the steps to accomplish

1. Open a webpage from my local virtual host
2. Disable Apache without reloading page
3. Save As Complete HTML

I could then open the the page I saved, even though it no longer existed 
if I were to refresh the page... (it didn't save the images or css though).

Changing step 3. to "Web Page, HTML only", however made it didn't work.

This kind of makes sense from what they say here 
https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/how-save-web-page; "HTML only", 
will save the original page, i.e. reload it, and "complete" will save 
the current state of the page, i.e. directly from DOM... that it tries 
to download the original css/images seems like a bug though...

If you click on the downloaded files button (the down arrow icon), it 
does say "FAILED".

When you say don't remove the target file, I think you mean that firefox 
should refer to the original file from cache, rather than attempt to 
redownload the file.  In which case I agree, but all of these issues 
(whilst not an expert or maintainer) I would consider as non "grave" 
upstream issues.


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