info sale (via Google Forms)
forms-shares-noreply at google.com
Mon Jul 20 11:35:51 UTC 2015
Good Day,
Everything that happens to one has spiritual significance.
I was just leafing through the profiles of some names in the
Internet before I came through your Contact information.
I am Mr. Mrs. Stella Marine expert accountant and head of
the accounting department of First National and Trust Bank
I have a proposal urgent and very confidential business to
make with you, In January 2008 a petroleum Consultant
Brazilian has opened an account with a value of £15,342,500
(Fifteen million three hundred and forty two thousand five
British pounds)
We have been notified the depositary of the fund to our bank
died of cancer since December 2008 and after investigation I
discovered that he had died without making a will and all
attempts to trace his next of kin were fruitless.
After study of all the parameters in this case, I contacted
that i could dispose of these funds without problem and the
transfer to a foreign country in any legality and this i
will need the help of a partner living outside of my
For that, I am prepared to give you 40% of these funds and
the rest will be for me and after your response, I will give
you more details and documents to help you understand this
Waiting for your reply at
stellamarinem at gmail.com
Mrs. Stella Marine
I've invited you to fill out the form Untitled form. To fill it out,
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