[Pkg-mpd-commits] [python-mpd] 51/262: doc/commands.txt: updating to match the new internal API

Simon McVittie smcv at debian.org
Sun May 22 18:16:24 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

smcv pushed a commit to branch upstream
in repository python-mpd.

commit 2a05ed7b31e6656753e1a39daa54fe67e044b530
Author: J. Alexander Treuman <jat at spatialrift.net>
Date:   Fri Sep 11 19:20:50 2009 -0400

    doc/commands.txt: updating to match the new internal API
 doc/commands.txt | 130 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------
 1 file changed, 65 insertions(+), 65 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/commands.txt b/doc/commands.txt
index cd6e183..6762d52 100644
--- a/doc/commands.txt
+++ b/doc/commands.txt
@@ -1,85 +1,85 @@
 == Status Commands
-clearerror                         -> getnone
-currentsong                        -> getobject
-idle             <str>             -> getlist
+clearerror                         -> fetch_nothing
+currentsong                        -> fetch_object
+idle             <str>             -> fetch_list
 noidle                             -> None
-status                             -> getobject
-stats                              -> getobject
+status                             -> fetch_object
+stats                              -> fetch_object
 == Playback Option Commands
-consume          <bool>            -> getnone
-crossfade        <int>             -> getnone
-random           <bool>            -> getnone
-repeat           <bool>            -> getnone
-setvol           <int>             -> getnone
-single           <bool>            -> getnone
-volume           <int>             -> getnone
+consume          <bool>            -> fetch_nothing
+crossfade        <int>             -> fetch_nothing
+random           <bool>            -> fetch_nothing
+repeat           <bool>            -> fetch_nothing
+setvol           <int>             -> fetch_nothing
+single           <bool>            -> fetch_nothing
+volume           <int>             -> fetch_nothing
 == Playback Control Commands
-next                               -> getnone
-pause            [<bool>]          -> getnone
-play             [<int>]           -> getnone
-playid           [<int>]           -> getnone
-previous                           -> getnone
-seek             <int> <int>       -> getnone
-seekid           <int> <int>       -> getnone
-stop                               -> getnone
+next                               -> fetch_nothing
+pause            [<bool>]          -> fetch_nothing
+play             [<int>]           -> fetch_nothing
+playid           [<int>]           -> fetch_nothing
+previous                           -> fetch_nothing
+seek             <int> <int>       -> fetch_nothing
+seekid           <int> <int>       -> fetch_nothing
+stop                               -> fetch_nothing
 == Playlist Commands
-add              <str>             -> getnone
-addid            <str> [<int>]     -> getitem
-clear                              -> getnone
-delete           <int>             -> getnone
-deleteid         <int>             -> getnone
-move             <int> <int>       -> getnone
-moveid           <int> <int>       -> getnone
-playlist                           -> getplaylist
-playlistfind     <locate>          -> getsongs
-playlistid       [<int>]           -> getsongs
-playlistinfo     [<int>]           -> getsongs
-playlistsearch   <locate>          -> getsongs
-plchanges        <int>             -> getsongs
-plchangesposid   <int>             -> getchanges
-shuffle                            -> getnone
-swap             <int> <int>       -> getnone
-swapid           <int> <int>       -> getnone
+add              <str>             -> fetch_nothing
+addid            <str> [<int>]     -> fetch_item
+clear                              -> fetch_nothing
+delete           <int>             -> fetch_nothing
+deleteid         <int>             -> fetch_nothing
+move             <int> <int>       -> fetch_nothing
+moveid           <int> <int>       -> fetch_nothing
+playlist                           -> fetch_playlist
+playlistfind     <locate>          -> fetch_songs
+playlistid       [<int>]           -> fetch_songs
+playlistinfo     [<int>]           -> fetch_songs
+playlistsearch   <locate>          -> fetch_songs
+plchanges        <int>             -> fetch_songs
+plchangesposid   <int>             -> fetch_changes
+shuffle                            -> fetch_nothing
+swap             <int> <int>       -> fetch_nothing
+swapid           <int> <int>       -> fetch_nothing
 == Stored Playlist Commands
-listplaylist     <str>             -> getlist
-listplaylistinfo <str>             -> getsongs
-listplaylists                      -> getplaylists
-load             <str>             -> getnone
-playlistadd      <str> <str>       -> getnone
-playlistclear    <str>             -> getnone
-playlistdelete   <str> <int>       -> getnone
-playlistmove     <str> <int> <int> -> getnone
-rename           <str> <str>       -> getnone
-rm               <str>             -> getnone
-save             <str>             -> getnone
+listplaylist     <str>             -> fetch_list
+listplaylistinfo <str>             -> fetch_songs
+listplaylists                      -> fetch_playlists
+load             <str>             -> fetch_nothing
+playlistadd      <str> <str>       -> fetch_nothing
+playlistclear    <str>             -> fetch_nothing
+playlistdelete   <str> <int>       -> fetch_nothing
+playlistmove     <str> <int> <int> -> fetch_nothing
+rename           <str> <str>       -> fetch_nothing
+rm               <str>             -> fetch_nothing
+save             <str>             -> fetch_nothing
 == Database Commands
-count            <locate>          -> getobject
-find             <locate>          -> getsongs
-list             <str> [<locate>]  -> getlist
-listall          [<str>]           -> getdatabase
-listallinfo      [<str>]           -> getdatabase
-lsinfo           [<str>]           -> getdatabase
-search           <locate>          -> getsongs
-update           [<str>]           -> getitem
+count            <locate>          -> fetch_object
+find             <locate>          -> fetch_songs
+list             <str> [<locate>]  -> fetch_list
+listall          [<str>]           -> fetch_database
+listallinfo      [<str>]           -> fetch_database
+lsinfo           [<str>]           -> fetch_database
+search           <locate>          -> fetch_songs
+update           [<str>]           -> fetch_item
 == Connection Commands
 close                              -> None
 kill                               -> None
-password         <str>             -> getnone
-ping                               -> getnone
+password         <str>             -> fetch_nothing
+ping                               -> fetch_nothing
 == Audio Output Commands
-disableoutput    <int>             -> getnone
-enableoutput     <int>             -> getnone
-outputs                            -> getoutputs
+disableoutput    <int>             -> fetch_nothing
+enableoutput     <int>             -> fetch_nothing
+outputs                            -> fetch_outputs
 == Reflection Commands
-commands                           -> getlist
-notcommands                        -> getlist
-tagtypes                           -> getlist
-urlhandlers                        -> getlist
+commands                           -> fetch_list
+notcommands                        -> fetch_list
+tagtypes                           -> fetch_list
+urlhandlers                        -> fetch_list

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