[Pkg-mpd-commits] [python-mpd] 99/262: Make the README file a real reStructuredText file

Simon McVittie smcv at debian.org
Sun May 22 18:16:30 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

smcv pushed a commit to branch upstream
in repository python-mpd.

commit 51d3c26bb864aca822ee19713609bafa7dd46691
Author: Jonathan Ballet <jon at multani.info>
Date:   Fri Feb 17 11:09:11 2012 +0700

    Make the README file a real reStructuredText file
 README.txt | 119 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------------
 1 file changed, 56 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README.txt b/README.txt
index 52a093d..c8b68df 100644
--- a/README.txt
+++ b/README.txt
@@ -5,14 +5,14 @@ Getting python-mpd
 The latest release of python-mpd can be found at
 Getting the latest source code
 If you would instead like to use the latest source code, you can grab a copy
-of the development version from git by running the command:
+of the development version from git by running the command::
   git clone git://jatreuman.indefero.net/jatreuman/python-mpd.git
@@ -20,81 +20,74 @@ of the development version from git by running the command:
 Installing from source
-To install python-mpd from source, simply run the command:
+To install python-mpd from source, simply run the command::
   python setup.py install
-You can use the `--help` switch to `setup.py` for a complete list of commands
-and their options.  See the http://docs.python.org/inst/inst.html[Installing
-Python Modules] document for more details.
+You can use the ``--help`` switch to ``setup.py`` for a complete list of commands
+and their options.  See the `Installing Python Modules
+<http://docs.python.org/inst/inst.html>`_ document for more details.
 Using the client library
-The client library can be used as follows:
+The client library can be used as follows::
-client = mpd.MPDClient()           # create client object
-client.connect("localhost", 6600)  # connect to localhost:6600
-print(client.mpd_version)          # print the mpd version
-print(client.find("any", "house")) # print result of the command "find any house"
-client.close()                     # send the close command
-client.disconnect()                # disconnect from the server
+    client = mpd.MPDClient()           # create client object
+    client.connect("localhost", 6600)  # connect to localhost:6600
+    print(client.mpd_version)          # print the mpd version
+    print(client.find("any", "house")) # print result of the command "find any house"
+    client.close()                     # send the close command
+    client.disconnect()                # disconnect from the server
 A list of supported commands, their arguments (as MPD currently understands
 them), and the functions used to parse their responses can be found in
-`doc/commands.txt`.  See the
-http://www.musicpd.org/doc/protocol/[MPD protocol documentation] for more
-Command lists are also supported using `command_list_ok_begin()` and
-client.command_list_ok_begin()       # start a command list
-client.update()                      # insert the update command into the list
-client.status()                      # insert the status command into the list
-results = client.command_list_end()  # results will be a list with the results
-Commands may also return iterators instead of lists if `iterate` is set to
-client.iterate = True
-for song in client.playlistinfo():
-    print song["file"]
-Each command have a `send_` and a `fetch_` variant, which allows to send a
-mpd command and the fetch the result later. This is useful for the idle command:
-# do something else ...
-events = client.fetch_idle()
-*Future Compatible*
+`doc/commands.txt`.  See the `MPD protocol documentation
+<http://www.musicpd.org/doc/protocol/>`_ for more details.
+Command lists are also supported using ``command_list_ok_begin()`` and
+    client.command_list_ok_begin()       # start a command list
+    client.update()                      # insert the update command into the list
+    client.status()                      # insert the status command into the list
+    results = client.command_list_end()  # results will be a list with the results
+Commands may also return iterators instead of lists if ``iterate`` is set to
+    client.iterate = True
+    for song in client.playlistinfo():
+        print song["file"]
+Each command have a ``send_`` and a ``fetch_`` variant, which allows to send a
+mpd command and the fetch the result later. This is useful for the idle
+    client.send_idle()
+    # do something else ...
+    events = client.fetch_idle()
+Future Compatible
 New commands or special handling of commands can be easily implemented.
-Use `add_command()` or `remove_command()` to modify the commands of the
-MPDClient class and all its instances.
-def fetch_cover(client):
-    """"Take a MPDClient instance as its arguments and return mimetype and image"""
-    # this command may come in the future.
-    pass
-self.client.add_command("get_cover", fetch_cover)
-# remove the command, because it doesn't exist already.
+Use ``add_command()`` or ``remove_command()`` to modify the commands of the
+``MPDClient`` class and all its instances.
+    def fetch_cover(client):
+        """"Take a MPDClient instance as its arguments and return mimetype and image"""
+        # this command may come in the future.
+        pass
+    self.client.add_command("get_cover", fetch_cover)
+    # remove the command, because it doesn't exist already.
+    self.client.remove_command("get_cover")
 Contacting the author
-You can contact the author by emailing J. Alexander Treuman
-<mailto:jat at spatialrift.net[]>.  He can also be found idling in #mpd on
-irc.freenode.net as jat.
+You can contact the author by emailing J. Alexander Treuman jat at spatialrift.net.
+He can also be found idling in #mpd on irc.freenode.net as jat.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mpd/python-mpd.git

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