[Pkg-mpd-commits] [python-mpd] 179/262: Rewrite Readme in Restructured Text
Simon McVittie
smcv at debian.org
Sun May 22 18:16:44 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
smcv pushed a commit to branch upstream
in repository python-mpd.
commit f468fee1314d3ace07ae3d4949f278246475fe6c
Author: Jörg Thalheim <joerg at higgsboson.tk>
Date: Sat Jan 12 16:51:32 2013 +0100
Rewrite Readme in Restructured Text
CHANGES.txt | 4 +
README.md | 245 --------------------------------------------------------
README.rst | 261 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
3 files changed, 265 insertions(+), 245 deletions(-)
diff --git a/CHANGES.txt b/CHANGES.txt
index 1b2b26b..92b7992 100644
--- a/CHANGES.txt
+++ b/CHANGES.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
python-mpd2 Changes List
+Changes in 0.5.0
+* improved support for sticker
Changes in 0.4.6
* enforce utf8 for encoding/decoding in python3
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a172e4..0000000
--- a/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
-python-mpd2 [](https://travis-ci.org/Mic92/python-mpd2)
-*python-mpd2* is a Python library which provides a client interface for the [Music Player Daemon](http://musicpd.org).
-Difference with python-mpd
-python-mpd2 is a fork of [python-mpd](http://jatreuman.indefero.net/p/python-mpd/). It is backward compatible with the original module, so it could act as drop-in replacement (tested with [Sonata](http://sonata.berlios.de/)).
-The following features were added:
- - Python 3 support (but you neead at least Python 2.6)
- - support for the upcoming client-to-client protocol
- - support for new commands from MPD v0.17 (seekcur, prio, prioid, config, searchadd,
- searchaddpl)
- - remove deprecated commands (volume)
- - explicitly declared MPD commands (which is handy when using for example [IPython](http://ipython.org)
- - a test suite
- - API documentation to add new commands (see [Future Compatible](#future-compatible))
- - support for Unicode strings in all commands (optionally in python2, default in python3 - see [Unicode Handling](#unicode-handling))
- - configureable timeouts
- - support for [logging](#logging)
-If you like this module, you could try contact the original author <jat at spatialrift.net> or
-join the discussion on the [issue tracker](http://jatreuman.indefero.net/p/python-mpd/issues/7/) so that it gets merged upstream.
-Getting the latest source code
-If you would instead like to use the latest source code, you can grab a copy
-of the development version from Git by running the command:
- $ git clone git://github.com/Mic92/python-mpd2.git
-Installing from source
-To install *python-mpd2* from source, simply run the command:
- $ python setup.py install
-You can use the *--help* switch to *setup.py* for a complete list of commands
-and their options. See the [Installing Python Modules](http://docs.python.org/inst/inst.html) document for more details.
-Getting the latest release
-The latest stable release of *python-mpd2* can be found on [PyPI](http://pypi.python.org/pypi?:action=display&name=python-mpd2)
-### PyPI:
- $ pip install python-mpd2
-Until Linux distributions adapt this package, here are some ready to use packages to test your applications:
-### Debian
-Drop this line in */etc/apt/sources.list.d/python-mpd2.list*:
- deb http://sima.azylum.org/debian unstable main
-Import the gpg key as root
- $ wget -O - http://sima.azylum.org/sima.gpg | apt-key add -
-Key fingerprint :
- 2255 310A D1A2 48A0 7B59 7638 065F E539 32DC 551D
-Controls with *apt-key finger*.
-Then simply update/install *python-mpd2* or *python3-mpd* with apt or aptitude:
-### Arch Linux
-Install [python-mpd2](http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=59276) from AUR.
-### Gentoo Linux
-Replaces the original python-mpd beginning with version 0.4.2 (currently masked):
- echo dev-python/python-mpd >> /etc/portage/accept_keywords
- emerge -av python-mpd
-Packages for other distributions are welcome!
-Using the client library
-The client library can be used as follows:
-client = mpd.MPDClient() # create client object
-client.timeout = 10 # network timeout in seconds (floats allowed), default: None
-client.idletimeout = None # timeout for fetching the result of the idle command is handled seperately, default: None
-client.connect("localhost", 6600) # connect to localhost:6600
-print(client.mpd_version) # print the MPD version
-print(client.find("any", "house")) # print result of the command "find any house"
-client.close() # send the close command
-client.disconnect() # disconnect from the server
-A list of supported commands, their arguments (as MPD currently understands
-them), and the functions used to parse their responses can be found in
-*doc/commands.txt*. See the [MPD protocol documentation](http://www.musicpd.org/doc/protocol/) for more details.
-Command lists are also supported using *command_list_ok_begin()* and
-client.command_list_ok_begin() # start a command list
-client.update() # insert the update command into the list
-client.status() # insert the status command into the list
-results = client.command_list_end() # results will be a list with the results
-Commands may also return iterators instead of lists if *iterate* is set to
-client.iterate = True
-for song in client.playlistinfo():
- print song["file"]
-Each command have a *send_* and a *fetch_* variant, which allows to send a
-MPD command and then fetch the result later. This is useful for the idle
-# do something else or use function like select(): http://docs.python.org/howto/sockets.html#non-blocking-sockets
-# ex. select([client], [], []) or with gobject: http://jatreuman.indefero.net/p/python-mpd/page/ExampleIdle/
-events = client.fetch_idle()
-Some more complex usage examples can be found [here](http://jatreuman.indefero.net/p/python-mpd/doc/)
-<a id="unicode-handling">Unicode Handling</a>
-To quote the mpd protocol documentation:
-> All data to be sent between the client and server must be encoded in UTF-8.
-### With Python 3:
-In Python 3, Unicode string is the default string type. So just pass these strings as arguments for MPD commands and *python-mpd2* will also return such Unicode string.
-### With Python 2.x
-For backward compatibility with *python-mpd*, when running with Python 2.x, *python-mpd2* accepts both Unicode strings (ex. u"♥") and UTF-8 encoded strings (ex. "♥").
-In order for *MPDClient* to return Unicode strings with Python 2, create the instance with the `use_unicode` parameter set to `True`.
-Using Unicode strings should be prefered as it is done transparently by the library for you, and makes the transition to Python 3 easier.
->>> import mpd
->>> client = MPDClient(use_unicode=True)
->>> client.urlhandlers()[0]
->>> client.use_unicode = False # Can be switched back later
->>> client.urlhandlers()[0]
-Using this option in Python 3 doesn't have any effect.
-<a id="logging">Logging</a>
-By default messages are sent to the logger named `mpd`:
->>> import logging, mpd
->>> logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
->>> client = mpd.MPDClient()
->>> client.connect("localhost", 6600)
-INFO:mpd:Calling MPD connect('localhost', 6600, timeout=None)
->>> client.find('any', 'dubstep')
-DEBUG:mpd:Calling MPD find('any', 'dubstep')
-For more information about logging configuration, see http://docs.python.org/2/howto/logging.html
-<a id="future-compatible">Future Compatible</a>
-New commands or special handling of commands can be easily implemented.
-Use `add_command()` or `remove_command()` to modify the commands of the
-*MPDClient* class and all its instances.
-def fetch_cover(client):
- """"Take a MPDClient instance as its arguments and return mimetype and image"""
- # this command may come in the future.
- pass
-self.client.add_command("get_cover", fetch_cover)
-# you can then use:
-# remove the command, because it doesn't exist already.
-Currently `MPDClient` is **NOT** thread-safe.
-As it use a socket internaly, only one thread can send or receive at the time.
-But `MPDClient` can be easily extended to be thread-safe using [locks](http://docs.python.org/library/threading.html#lock-objects).
-Take a look at `examples/locking.py` for further informations.
-You can test the project using [Tox](http://tox.testrun.org/), this will take
-care of testing against all the supported Python versions (at least available)
-on our computer, with the required dependencies:
- $ pip install tox
- $ cd /path/to/python-mpd2
- $ tox
-Contacting the author
-Just contact me (Mic92) on Github or via email (<joerg at higgsboson.tk>).
-Usually I hang around on Jabber: sonata at conference.codingteam.net
-You can contact the original author by emailing J. Alexander Treuman <jat at spatialrift.net>.
-He can also be found idling in #mpd on irc.freenode.net as jat.
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..803c556
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/Mic92/python-mpd2.png?branch=master
+ :target: http://travis-ci.org/Mic92/python-mpd2
+ :alt: Build Status
+*python-mpd2* is a Python library which provides a client interface for
+the `Music Player Daemon <http://musicpd.org>`_.
+Difference with python-mpd
+python-mpd2 is a fork of
+`python-mpd <http://jatreuman.indefero.net/p/python-mpd/>`_.
+python-mpd2 is a fork of `python-mpd`_. While 0.4.x was backwards compatible
+with python-mpd, starting with 0.5 provides enhanced features
+which are *NOT* backward compatibles with the original `python-mpd`_ package.
+(see PORTING.txt for more information)
+The following features were added:
+- Python 3 support (but you neead at least Python 2.6)
+- support for the upcoming client-to-client protocol
+- support for new commands from MPD v0.17 (seekcur, prio, prioid,
+ config, searchadd, searchaddpl)
+- remove deprecated commands (volume)
+- explicitly declared MPD commands (which is handy when using for
+ example `IPython <http://ipython.org>`_
+- a test suite
+- API documentation to add new commands (see `Future
+ Compatible <#future-compatible>`_)
+- support for Unicode strings in all commands (optionally in python2,
+ default in python3 - see `Unicode Handling <#unicode-handling>`_)
+- configureable timeouts
+- support for `logging <#logging>`_
+- improved support for sticker
+If you like this module, you could try contact the original author
+jat at spatialrift.net or join the discussion on the `issue
+tracker <http://jatreuman.indefero.net/p/python-mpd/issues/7/>`_ so that
+it gets merged upstream.
+Getting the latest source code
+If you would instead like to use the latest source code, you can grab a
+copy of the development version from Git by running the command::
+ $ git clone git://github.com/Mic92/python-mpd2.git
+Installing from source
+To install *python-mpd2* from source, simply run the command::
+ $ python setup.py install
+You can use the *--help* switch to *setup.py* for a complete list of
+commands and their options. See the `Installing Python
+Modules <http://docs.python.org/inst/inst.html>`_ document for more
+Getting the latest release
+The latest stable release of *python-mpd2* can be found on
+`PyPI <http://pypi.python.org/pypi?:action=display&name=python-mpd2>`_
+ $ pip install python-mpd2
+Until Linux distributions adapt this package, here are some ready to use
+packages to test your applications:
+Drop this line in */etc/apt/sources.list.d/python-mpd2.list*::
+ deb http://sima.azylum.org/debian unstable main
+Import the gpg key as root::
+ $ wget -O - http://sima.azylum.org/sima.gpg | apt-key add -
+Key fingerprint::
+ 2255 310A D1A2 48A0 7B59 7638 065F E539 32DC 551D
+Controls with *apt-key finger*.
+Then simply update/install *python-mpd2* or *python3-mpd* with apt or
+Arch Linux
+Install `python-mpd2 <http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=59276>`_
+from AUR.
+Gentoo Linux
+Replaces the original python-mpd beginning with version 0.4.2 (currently
+ echo dev-python/python-mpd >> /etc/portage/accept_keywords
+ emerge -av python-mpd
+Packages for other distributions are welcome!
+Using the client library
+The client library can be used as follows::
+ client = mpd.MPDClient() # create client object
+ client.timeout = 10 # network timeout in seconds (floats allowed), default: None
+ client.idletimeout = None # timeout for fetching the result of the idle command is handled seperately, default: None
+ client.connect("localhost", 6600) # connect to localhost:6600
+ print(client.mpd_version) # print the MPD version
+ print(client.find("any", "house")) # print result of the command "find any house"
+ client.close() # send the close command
+ client.disconnect() # disconnect from the server
+A list of supported commands, their arguments (as MPD currently
+understands them), and the functions used to parse their responses can
+be found in *doc/commands.txt*. See the `MPD protocol
+documentation <http://www.musicpd.org/doc/protocol/>`_ for more details.
+Command lists are also supported using *command\_list\_ok\_begin()* and
+ client.command_list_ok_begin() # start a command list
+ client.update() # insert the update command into the list
+ client.status() # insert the status command into the list
+ results = client.command_list_end() # results will be a list with the results
+Commands may also return iterators instead of lists if *iterate* is set
+to *True*::
+ client.iterate = True
+ for song in client.playlistinfo():
+ print song["file"]
+Each command have a *send\_* and a *fetch\_* variant, which allows to
+send a MPD command and then fetch the result later. This is useful for
+the idle command::
+ client.send_idle()
+ # do something else or use function like select(): http://docs.python.org/howto/sockets.html#non-blocking-sockets
+ # ex. select([client], [], []) or with gobject: http://jatreuman.indefero.net/p/python-mpd/page/ExampleIdle/
+ events = client.fetch_idle()
+Some more complex usage examples can be found
+`here <http://jatreuman.indefero.net/p/python-mpd/doc/>`_
+Unicode Handling
+To quote the mpd protocol documentation:
+> All data to be sent between the client and server must be encoded in UTF-8.
+With Python 3:
+In Python 3, Unicode string is the default string type. So just pass
+these strings as arguments for MPD commands and *python-mpd2* will also
+return such Unicode string.
+With Python 2.x
+For backward compatibility with *python-mpd*, when running with Python
+2.x, *python-mpd2* accepts both Unicode strings (ex. u"♥") and UTF-8
+encoded strings (ex. "♥").
+In order for *MPDClient* to return Unicode strings with Python 2, create
+the instance with the ``use_unicode`` parameter set to ``True``.
+Using Unicode strings should be prefered as it is done transparently by
+the library for you, and makes the transition to Python 3 easier.
+``python >>> import mpd >>> client = MPDClient(use_unicode=True) >>> client.urlhandlers()[0] u'http' >>> client.use_unicode = False # Can be switched back later >>> client.urlhandlers()[0] 'http'``
+Using this option in Python 3 doesn't have any effect.
+By default messages are sent to the logger named ``mpd``::
+ >>> import logging, mpd
+ >>> logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
+ >>> client = mpd.MPDClient()
+ >>> client.connect("localhost", 6600)
+ INFO:mpd:Calling MPD connect('localhost', 6600, timeout=None)
+ >>> client.find('any', 'dubstep')
+ DEBUG:mpd:Calling MPD find('any', 'dubstep')
+For more information about logging configuration, see
+Future Compatible
+New commands or special handling of commands can be easily implemented.
+Use ``add_command()`` or ``remove_command()`` to modify the commands of
+the *MPDClient* class and all its instances.::
+ def fetch_cover(client):
+ """"Take a MPDClient instance as its arguments and return mimetype and image"""
+ # this command may come in the future.
+ pass
+ self.client.add_command("get_cover", fetch_cover)
+ # you can then use:
+ self.client.fetch_cover()
+ # remove the command, because it doesn't exist already.
+ self.client.remove_command("get_cover")
+Currently ``MPDClient`` is **NOT** thread-safe. As it use a socket
+internaly, only one thread can send or receive at the time.
+But ``MPDClient`` can be easily extended to be thread-safe using
+`locks <http://docs.python.org/library/threading.html#lock-objects>`_.
+Take a look at ``examples/locking.py`` for further informations.
+You can test the project using `Tox <http://tox.testrun.org/>`_, this
+will take care of testing against all the supported Python versions (at
+least available) on our computer, with the required dependencies::
+ $ pip install tox
+ $ cd /path/to/python-mpd2
+ $ tox
+Contacting the author
+Just contact me (Mic92) on Github or via email (joerg at higgsboson.tk).
+Usually I hang around on Jabber: sonata at conference.codingteam.net
+You can contact the original author by emailing J. Alexander Treuman
+jat at spatialrift.net.
+He can also be found idling in #mpd on irc.freenode.net as jat.
+.. |Build Status| image:: https://travis-ci.org/Mic92/python-mpd2.png
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mpd/python-mpd.git
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