[Pkg-mpd-commits] [python-mpd] 06/91: Command registration is now done via ``mpd_commands`` decorator. Commands are registered on ``MPDClientBase`` class now with the corresponding result parser callbacks. Adopt ``MPDClient`` class. Add more tests

Simon McVittie smcv at debian.org
Sat Feb 24 14:55:26 UTC 2018

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

smcv pushed a commit to branch debian/master
in repository python-mpd.

commit 7a80317a22de7723566ce4d24a09887118f6bc3c
Author: Robert Niederreiter <office at squarewave.at>
Date:   Thu Aug 25 09:21:16 2016 +0200

    Command registration is now done via ``mpd_commands`` decorator. Commands are registered on ``MPDClientBase`` class now with the corresponding result parser callbacks. Adopt ``MPDClient`` class. Add more tests
 mpd/base.py  | 600 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------
 mpd/tests.py | 228 ++++++++++++++++++++---
 2 files changed, 502 insertions(+), 326 deletions(-)

diff --git a/mpd/base.py b/mpd/base.py
index 64c1082..d8219d3 100644
--- a/mpd/base.py
+++ b/mpd/base.py
@@ -17,11 +17,16 @@
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 # along with python-mpd2.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+from collections import Callable
 import logging
-import sys
 import socket
+import sys
 import warnings
-from collections import Callable
+# constants
 VERSION = (0, 6, 0)
@@ -29,6 +34,11 @@ ERROR_PREFIX = "ACK "
 NEXT = "list_OK"
+# utils
 IS_PYTHON2 = sys.version_info < (3, 0)
     def decode_str(s):
@@ -40,11 +50,20 @@ if IS_PYTHON2:
             return (unicode(s)).encode("utf-8")
     def decode_str(s):
         return s
     encode_str = str
+def escape(text):
+    return text.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace('"', '\\"')
+# logging
     from logging import NullHandler
 except ImportError:  # NullHandler was introduced in python2.7
@@ -52,10 +71,15 @@ except ImportError:  # NullHandler was introduced in python2.7
         def emit(self, record):
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+# exceptions
 class MPDError(Exception):
@@ -84,163 +108,100 @@ class IteratingError(MPDError):
-class _NotConnected(object):
-    def __getattr__(self, attr):
-        return self._dummy
+# command registration
-    def _dummy(*args):
-        raise ConnectionError("Not connected")
+class mpd_commands(object):
+    """Decorator for registering MPD commands with it's corresponding result
+    callback.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, *commands):
+        self.commands = commands
-_commands = {
-    # Status Commands
-    "clearerror":         "_fetch_nothing",
-    "currentsong":        "_fetch_object",
-    "idle":               "_fetch_idle",
-    "status":             "_fetch_object",
-    "stats":              "_fetch_object",
-    # Playback Option Commands
-    "consume":            "_fetch_nothing",
-    "crossfade":          "_fetch_nothing",
-    "mixrampdb":          "_fetch_nothing",
-    "mixrampdelay":       "_fetch_nothing",
-    "random":             "_fetch_nothing",
-    "repeat":             "_fetch_nothing",
-    "setvol":             "_fetch_nothing",
-    "single":             "_fetch_nothing",
-    "replay_gain_mode":   "_fetch_nothing",
-    "replay_gain_status": "_fetch_item",
-    # Playback Control Commands
-    "next":               "_fetch_nothing",
-    "pause":              "_fetch_nothing",
-    "play":               "_fetch_nothing",
-    "playid":             "_fetch_nothing",
-    "previous":           "_fetch_nothing",
-    "seek":               "_fetch_nothing",
-    "seekid":             "_fetch_nothing",
-    "seekcur":            "_fetch_nothing",
-    "stop":               "_fetch_nothing",
-    # Playlist Commands
-    "add":                "_fetch_nothing",
-    "addid":              "_fetch_item",
-    "addtagid":           "_fetch_nothing",
-    "cleartagid":         "_fetch_nothing",
-    "clear":              "_fetch_nothing",
-    "delete":             "_fetch_nothing",
-    "deleteid":           "_fetch_nothing",
-    "move":               "_fetch_nothing",
-    "moveid":             "_fetch_nothing",
-    "playlist":           "_fetch_playlist",
-    "playlistfind":       "_fetch_songs",
-    "playlistid":         "_fetch_songs",
-    "playlistinfo":       "_fetch_songs",
-    "playlistsearch":     "_fetch_songs",
-    "plchanges":          "_fetch_songs",
-    "plchangesposid":     "_fetch_changes",
-    "prio":               "_fetch_nothing",
-    "prioid":             "_fetch_nothing",
-    "rangeid":            "_fetch_nothing",
-    "shuffle":            "_fetch_nothing",
-    "swap":               "_fetch_nothing",
-    "swapid":             "_fetch_nothing",
-    # Stored Playlist Commands
-    "listplaylist":       "_fetch_list",
-    "listplaylistinfo":   "_fetch_songs",
-    "listplaylists":      "_fetch_playlists",
-    "load":               "_fetch_nothing",
-    "playlistadd":        "_fetch_nothing",
-    "playlistclear":      "_fetch_nothing",
-    "playlistdelete":     "_fetch_nothing",
-    "playlistmove":       "_fetch_nothing",
-    "rename":             "_fetch_nothing",
-    "rm":                 "_fetch_nothing",
-    "save":               "_fetch_nothing",
-    # Database Commands
-    "count":              "_fetch_object",
-    "find":               "_fetch_songs",
-    "findadd":            "_fetch_nothing",
-    "list":               "_fetch_list",
-    "listall":            "_fetch_database",
-    "listallinfo":        "_fetch_database",
-    "listfiles":          "_fetch_database",
-    "lsinfo":             "_fetch_database",
-    "readcomments":       "_fetch_object",
-    "search":             "_fetch_songs",
-    "searchadd":          "_fetch_nothing",
-    "searchaddpl":        "_fetch_nothing",
-    "update":             "_fetch_item",
-    "rescan":             "_fetch_item",
-    # Mounts and neighbors
-    "mount":              "_fetch_nothing",
-    "umount":             "_fetch_nothing",
-    "listmounts":         "_fetch_mounts",
-    "listneighbors":      "_fetch_neighbors",
-    # Sticker Commands
-    "sticker get":        "_fetch_sticker",
-    "sticker set":        "_fetch_nothing",
-    "sticker delete":     "_fetch_nothing",
-    "sticker list":       "_fetch_stickers",
-    "sticker find":       "_fetch_songs",
-    # Connection Commands
-    "close":              None,
-    "kill":               None,
-    "password":           "_fetch_nothing",
-    "ping":               "_fetch_nothing",
-    # Audio Output Commands
-    "disableoutput":      "_fetch_nothing",
-    "enableoutput":       "_fetch_nothing",
-    "toggleoutput":       "_fetch_nothing",
-    "outputs":            "_fetch_outputs",
-    # Reflection Commands
-    "config":             "_fetch_item",
-    "commands":           "_fetch_list",
-    "notcommands":        "_fetch_list",
-    "tagtypes":           "_fetch_list",
-    "urlhandlers":        "_fetch_list",
-    "decoders":           "_fetch_plugins",
-    # Client To Client
-    "subscribe":          "_fetch_nothing",
-    "unsubscribe":        "_fetch_nothing",
-    "channels":           "_fetch_list",
-    "readmessages":       "_fetch_messages",
-    "sendmessage":        "_fetch_nothing",
+    def __call__(self, ob):
+        ob.mpd_commands = self.commands
+        return ob
+def mpd_command_provider(cls):
+    """Decorator hooking up registered MPD commands to concrete client
+    implementation.
+    A class using this decorator must inherit from ``MPDClientBase`` and
+    implement it's ``add_command`` function.
+    """
+    def collect(cls, callbacks=dict()):
+        """Collect MPD command callbacks from given class.
+        Searches class __dict__ on given class and all it's bases for functions
+        which have been decorated with @mpd_commands and returns a dict
+        containing callback name as keys and
+        (callback, callback implementing class) tuples as values.
+        """
+        for name, ob in cls.__dict__.items():
+            if hasattr(ob, "mpd_commands") and name not in callbacks:
+                callbacks[name] = (ob, cls)
+        for base in cls.__bases__:
+            callbacks = collect(base, callbacks)
+        return callbacks
+    for name, value in collect(cls).items():
+        callback, from_ = value
+        for command in callback.mpd_commands:
+            cls.add_command(command, callback)
+    return cls
+class Noop(object):
+    """An instance of this class represents a MPD command callback which
+    does nothing.
+    """
+    mpd_commands = None
+# abstract base client
 class MPDClientBase(object):
+    """Abstract MPD client.
+    This class defines a general client contract, provides MPD protocol parsers
+    and defines all available MPD commands and it's corresponding result
+    parsing callbacks. There might be the need of overriding some callbacks on
+    subclasses.
+    """
     def __init__(self, use_unicode=False):
         self.iterate = False
         self.use_unicode = use_unicode
-    def disconnect(self):
+    @classmethod
+    def add_command(cls, name, callback):
         raise NotImplementedError(
-            "MPDClientBase does not implement disconnect")
+            'Abstract ``MPDClientBase`` does not implement ``add_command``')
+    def noidle(self):
+        raise NotImplementedError(
+            'Abstract ``MPDClientBase`` does not implement ``noidle``')
+    def command_list_ok_begin(self):
+        raise NotImplementedError(
+            'Abstract ``MPDClientBase`` does not implement '
+            '``command_list_ok_begin``')
+    def command_list_end(self):
+        raise NotImplementedError(
+            'Abstract ``MPDClientBase`` does not implement '
+            '``command_list_end``')
     def _reset(self):
         self.mpd_version = None
-        self._pending = []
         self._command_list = None
-    def _parse_line(self, line):
-        if self.use_unicode:
-            line = decode_str(line)
-        if not line.endswith("\n"):
-            self.disconnect()
-            raise ConnectionError("Connection lost while reading line")
-        line = line.rstrip("\n")
-        if line.startswith(ERROR_PREFIX):
-            error = line[len(ERROR_PREFIX):].strip()
-            raise CommandError(error)
-        if self._command_list is not None:
-            if line == NEXT:
-                return
-            if line == SUCCESS:
-                raise ProtocolError("Got unexpected '{}'".format(SUCCESS))
-        elif line == SUCCESS:
-            return
-        return line
     def _parse_pair(self, line, separator):
         if line is None:
@@ -253,20 +214,6 @@ class MPDClientBase(object):
         for line in lines:
             yield self._parse_pair(line, separator)
-    def _parse_list(self, lines):
-        seen = None
-        for key, value in self._parse_pairs(lines):
-            if key != seen:
-                if seen is not None:
-                    raise ProtocolError(
-                        "Expected key '{}', got '{}'".format(seen, key))
-                seen = key
-            yield value
-    def _parse_playlist(self, lines):
-        for key, value in self._parse_pairs(lines, ":"):
-            yield value
     def _parse_objects(self, lines, delimiters=[]):
         obj = {}
         for key, value in self._parse_pairs(lines):
@@ -285,7 +232,7 @@ class MPDClientBase(object):
         if obj:
             yield obj
-    def _parse_stickers(self, lines):
+    def _parse_raw_stickers(self, lines):
         for key, sticker in self._parse_pairs(lines):
             value = sticker.split('=', 1)
             if len(value) < 2:
@@ -293,16 +240,171 @@ class MPDClientBase(object):
                     "Could not parse sticker: {}".format(repr(sticker)))
             yield tuple(value)
+    NOOP = mpd_commands('close', 'kill')(Noop())
+    @mpd_commands('plchangesposid')
+    def _parse_changes(self, lines):
+        return self._parse_objects(lines, ["cpos"])
+    @mpd_commands('listall', 'listallinfo', 'listfiles', 'lsinfo')
+    def _parse_database(self, lines):
+        return self._parse_objects(lines, ["file", "directory", "playlist"])
+    @mpd_commands('idle')
+    def _parse_idle(self, lines):
+        return self._parse_list(lines)
+    @mpd_commands('addid', 'config', 'replay_gain_status', 'rescan', 'update')
+    def _parse_item(self, lines):
+        pairs = list(self._parse_pairs(lines))
+        if len(pairs) != 1:
+            return
+        return pairs[0][1]
+    @mpd_commands(
+        'channels', 'commands', 'list', 'listplaylist', 'notcommands',
+        'tagtypes', 'urlhandlers')
+    def _parse_list(self, lines):
+        seen = None
+        for key, value in self._parse_pairs(lines):
+            if key != seen:
+                if seen is not None:
+                    raise ProtocolError(
+                        "Expected key '{}', got '{}'".format(seen, key))
+                seen = key
+            yield value
+    @mpd_commands('readmessages')
+    def _parse_messages(self, lines):
+        return self._parse_objects(lines, ["channel"])
+    @mpd_commands('listmounts')
+    def _parse_mounts(self, lines):
+        return self._parse_objects(lines, ["mount"])
+    @mpd_commands('listneighbors')
+    def _parse_neighbors(self, lines):
+        return self._parse_objects(lines, ["neighbor"])
+    @mpd_commands(
+        'add', 'addtagid', 'clear', 'clearerror', 'cleartagid', 'consume',
+        'crossfade', 'delete', 'deleteid', 'disableoutput', 'enableoutput',
+        'findadd', 'load', 'mixrampdb', 'mixrampdelay', 'mount', 'move', 
+        'moveid', 'next', 'password', 'pause', 'ping', 'play', 'playid', 
+        'playlistadd', 'playlistclear', 'playlistdelete', 'playlistmove',
+        'previous', 'prio', 'prioid', 'random', 'rangeid', 'rename', 'repeat',
+        'replay_gain_mode', 'rm', 'save', 'searchadd', 'searchaddpl', 'seek',
+        'seekcur', 'seekid', 'sendmessage', 'setvol', 'shuffle', 'single', 
+        'sticker delete', 'sticker set', 'stop', 'subscribe', 'swap', 'swapid',
+        'toggleoutput', 'umount', 'unsubscribe')
+    def _parse_nothing(self, lines):
+        for line in lines:
+            raise ProtocolError(
+                "Got unexpected return value: '{}'".format(', '.join(lines)))
+    @mpd_commands('count', 'currentsong', 'readcomments', 'stats', 'status')
+    def _parse_object(self, lines):
+        objs = list(self._parse_objects(lines))
+        if not objs:
+            return {}
+        return objs[0]
+    @mpd_commands('outputs')
+    def _parse_outputs(self, lines):
+        return self._parse_objects(lines, ["outputid"])
+    @mpd_commands('playlist')
+    def _parse_playlist(self, lines):
+        for key, value in self._parse_pairs(lines, ":"):
+            yield value
+    @mpd_commands('listplaylists')
+    def _parse_playlists(self, lines):
+        return self._parse_objects(lines, ["playlist"])
+    @mpd_commands('decoders')
+    def _parse_plugins(self, lines):
+        return self._parse_objects(lines, ["plugin"])
+    @mpd_commands(
+        'find', 'listplaylistinfo', 'playlistfind', 'playlistid',
+        'playlistinfo', 'playlistsearch', 'plchanges', 'search', 'sticker find')
+    def _parse_songs(self, lines):
+        return self._parse_objects(lines, ["file"])
+    @mpd_commands('sticker get')
+    def _parse_sticker(self, lines):
+        key, value = list(self._parse_raw_stickers(lines))[0]
+        return value
+    @mpd_commands('sticker list')
+    def _parse_stickers(self, lines):
+        return dict(self._parse_raw_stickers(lines))
+# sync client
+def _create_callback(self, function, wrap_result):
+    """Create MPD command related response callback.
+    """
+    if not isinstance(function, Callable):
+        return None
+    def command_callback():
+        # command result callback expects response from MPD as iterable lines,
+        # thus read available lines from socket
+        res = function(self, self._read_lines())
+        # wrap result in iterator helper if desired
+        if wrap_result:
+            res = self._wrap_iterator(res)
+        return res
+    return command_callback
+def _create_command(wrapper, name, return_value, wrap_result):
+    """Create MPD command related function.
+    """
+    def mpd_command(self, *args):
+        callback = _create_callback(self, return_value, wrap_result)
+        return wrapper(self, name, args, callback)
+    return mpd_command
+class _NotConnected(object):
+    def __getattr__(self, attr):
+        return self._dummy
+    def _dummy(*args):
+        raise ConnectionError("Not connected")
+ at mpd_command_provider
 class MPDClient(MPDClientBase):
     idletimeout = None
     _timeout = None
+    _wrap_iterator_parsers = [
+        MPDClientBase._parse_list,
+        MPDClientBase._parse_playlist,
+        MPDClientBase._parse_changes,
+        MPDClientBase._parse_songs,
+        MPDClientBase._parse_mounts,
+        MPDClientBase._parse_neighbors,
+        MPDClientBase._parse_playlists,
+        MPDClientBase._parse_database,
+        MPDClientBase._parse_messages,
+        MPDClientBase._parse_outputs,
+        MPDClientBase._parse_plugins
+    ]
+    if IS_PYTHON2:
+        _wrap_iterator_parsers = [f.__func__ for f in _wrap_iterator_parsers]
     def __init__(self, use_unicode=False):
         super(MPDClient, self).__init__(use_unicode=use_unicode)
     def _reset(self):
         super(MPDClient, self)._reset()
+        self._pending = []
         self._iterating = False
         self._sock = None
         self._rfile = _NotConnected()
@@ -374,13 +476,28 @@ class MPDClient(MPDClientBase):
                 logger.debug("Calling MPD password(******)")
                 logger.debug("Calling MPD %s%r", command, args)
-        self._write_line(" ".join(parts))
-    ##################
-    # response helpers
+        cmd = " ".join(parts)
+        self._write_line(cmd)
     def _read_line(self):
-        return self._parse_line(self._rfile.readline())
+        line = self._rfile.readline()
+        if self.use_unicode:
+            line = decode_str(line)
+        if not line.endswith("\n"):
+            self.disconnect()
+            raise ConnectionError("Connection lost while reading line")
+        line = line.rstrip("\n")
+        if line.startswith(ERROR_PREFIX):
+            error = line[len(ERROR_PREFIX):].strip()
+            raise CommandError(error)
+        if self._command_list is not None:
+            if line == NEXT:
+                return
+            if line == SUCCESS:
+                raise ProtocolError("Got unexpected '{}'".format(SUCCESS))
+        elif line == SUCCESS:
+            return
+        return line
     def _read_lines(self):
         line = self._read_line()
@@ -388,31 +505,13 @@ class MPDClient(MPDClientBase):
             yield line
             line = self._read_line()
-    def _read_pair(self, separator):
-        return self._parse_pair(self._read_line(), separator)
-    def _read_pairs(self, separator=": "):
-        return self._parse_pairs(self._read_lines(), separator)
-    def _read_list(self):
-        return self._parse_list(self._read_lines())
-    def _read_playlist(self):
-        return self._parse_playlist(self._read_lines())
-    def _read_objects(self, delimiters=[]):
-        return self._parse_objects(self._read_lines(), delimiters)
-    def _read_stickers(self):
-        return self._parse_stickers(self._read_lines())
     def _read_command_list(self):
             for retval in self._command_list:
                 yield retval()
             self._command_list = None
-        self._fetch_nothing()
+        self._parse_nothing(self._read_lines())
     def _iterator_wrapper(self, iterator):
@@ -427,83 +526,6 @@ class MPDClient(MPDClientBase):
         self._iterating = True
         return self._iterator_wrapper(iterator)
-    ####################
-    # response callbacks
-    def _fetch_nothing(self):
-        line = self._read_line()
-        if line is not None:
-            raise ProtocolError(
-                "Got unexpected return value: '{}'".format(line))
-    def _fetch_item(self):
-        pairs = list(self._read_pairs())
-        if len(pairs) != 1:
-            return
-        return pairs[0][1]
-    def _fetch_sticker(self):
-        # Either we get one or we get an error while reading the line
-        key, value = list(self._read_stickers())[0]
-        return value
-    def _fetch_stickers(self):
-        return dict(self._read_stickers())
-    def _fetch_list(self):
-        return self._wrap_iterator(self._read_list())
-    def _fetch_playlist(self):
-        return self._wrap_iterator(self._read_playlist())
-    def _fetch_object(self):
-        objs = list(self._read_objects())
-        if not objs:
-            return {}
-        return objs[0]
-    def _fetch_objects(self, delimiters):
-        return self._wrap_iterator(self._read_objects(delimiters))
-    def _fetch_changes(self):
-        return self._fetch_objects(["cpos"])
-    def _fetch_idle(self):
-        self._sock.settimeout(self.idletimeout)
-        ret = self._fetch_list()
-        self._sock.settimeout(self._timeout)
-        return ret
-    def _fetch_songs(self):
-        return self._fetch_objects(["file"])
-    def _fetch_mounts(self):
-        return self._fetch_objects(["mount"])
-    def _fetch_neighbors(self):
-        return self._fetch_objects(["neighbor"])
-    def _fetch_playlists(self):
-        return self._fetch_objects(["playlist"])
-    def _fetch_database(self):
-        return self._fetch_objects(["file", "directory", "playlist"])
-    def _fetch_messages(self):
-        return self._fetch_objects(["channel"])
-    def _fetch_outputs(self):
-        return self._fetch_objects(["outputid"])
-    def _fetch_plugins(self):
-        return self._fetch_objects(["plugin"])
-    def _fetch_command_list(self):
-        return self._wrap_iterator(self._read_command_list())
-    # end response callbacks
-    ########################
     def _hello(self):
         line = self._rfile.readline()
         if not line.endswith("\n"):
@@ -549,6 +571,13 @@ class MPDClient(MPDClientBase):
             raise ConnectionError("getaddrinfo returns an empty list")
+    @mpd_commands('idle')
+    def _parse_idle(self, lines):
+        self._sock.settimeout(self.idletimeout)
+        ret = self._wrap_iterator(self._parse_list(lines))
+        self._sock.settimeout(self._timeout)
+        return ret
     def timeout(self):
         return self._timeout
@@ -619,7 +648,7 @@ class MPDClient(MPDClientBase):
             raise CommandError(msg)
         del self._pending[0]
-        return self._fetch_list()
+        return self._wrap_iterator(self._parse_list(self._read_lines()))
     def command_list_ok_begin(self):
         if self._command_list is not None:
@@ -638,19 +667,20 @@ class MPDClient(MPDClientBase):
         if self._iterating:
             raise IteratingError("Already iterating over a command list")
-        return self._fetch_command_list()
+        return self._wrap_iterator(self._read_command_list())
     def add_command(cls, name, callback):
-        method = new_function(cls._execute, name, callback)
-        send_method = new_function(cls._send, name, callback)
-        fetch_method = new_function(cls._fetch, name, callback)
+        wrap_result = callback in cls._wrap_iterator_parsers
+        method = _create_command(cls._execute, name, callback, wrap_result)
+        send_method = _create_command(cls._send, name, callback, wrap_result)
+        fetch_method = _create_command(cls._fetch, name, callback, wrap_result)
         # create new mpd commands as function in three flavors:
         # normal, with "send_"-prefix and with "fetch_"-prefix
         escaped_name = name.replace(" ", "_")
         setattr(cls, escaped_name, method)
-        setattr(cls, "send_"+escaped_name, send_method)
-        setattr(cls, "fetch_"+escaped_name, fetch_method)
+        setattr(cls, "send_" + escaped_name, send_method)
+        setattr(cls, "fetch_" + escaped_name, fetch_method)
     def remove_command(cls, name):
@@ -662,42 +692,4 @@ class MPDClient(MPDClientBase):
         delattr(cls, str("send_" + name))
         delattr(cls, str("fetch_" + name))
-def bound_decorator(self, function):
-    """Bind decorator to self.
-    """
-    if not isinstance(function, Callable):
-        return None
-    def decorator(*args, **kwargs):
-        return function(self, *args, **kwargs)
-    return decorator
-def new_function(wrapper, name, return_value):
-    def decorator(self, *args):
-        return wrapper(self, name, args, bound_decorator(self, return_value))
-    return decorator
-def lookup_func(cls, name):
-    func = None
-    if name in cls.__dict__:
-        func = cls.__dict__[name]
-    else:
-        for base in cls.__bases__:
-            func = lookup_func(base, name)
-            if func is not None:
-                break
-    return func
-for key, value in _commands.items():
-    return_value = lookup_func(MPDClient, value)
-    MPDClient.add_command(key, return_value)
-def escape(text):
-    return text.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace('"', '\\"')
 # vim: set expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 textwidth=79:
diff --git a/mpd/tests.py b/mpd/tests.py
index 908d72c..873e688 100755
--- a/mpd/tests.py
+++ b/mpd/tests.py
@@ -2,12 +2,11 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 import itertools
+import mpd
 import sys
 import types
 import warnings
-import mpd
     # is required for python2.6
     # python2.7 works with this module too
@@ -69,6 +68,20 @@ class TestMPDClient(unittest.TestCase):
     def assertMPDReceived(self, *lines):
+    def test_abstract_functions(self):
+        MPDClientBase = mpd.base.MPDClientBase
+        self.assertRaises(
+            NotImplementedError,
+            lambda: MPDClientBase.add_command('command_name', lambda x: x))
+        client = MPDClientBase()
+        self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, lambda: client.noidle())
+        self.assertRaises(
+            NotImplementedError,
+            lambda: client.command_list_ok_begin())
+        self.assertRaises(
+            NotImplementedError,
+            lambda: client.command_list_end())
     def test_metaclass_commands(self):
         # just some random functions
         self.assertTrue(hasattr(self.client, "commands"))
@@ -89,7 +102,7 @@ class TestMPDClient(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertIsInstance(song["track"], list)
-    def test_fetch_nothing(self):
+    def test_parse_nothing(self):
         self.MPDWillReturn('OK\n', 'OK\n')
@@ -98,17 +111,17 @@ class TestMPDClient(unittest.TestCase):
-    def test_fetch_list(self):
+    def test_parse_list(self):
         self.assertIsInstance(self.client.list("album"), list)
         self.assertMPDReceived('list "album"\n')
-    def test_fetch_item(self):
+    def test_parse_item(self):
         self.MPDWillReturn('updating_db: 42\n', 'OK\n')
-    def test_fetch_object(self):
+    def test_parse_object(self):
         # XXX: _read_objects() doesn't wait for the final OK
         self.MPDWillReturn('volume: 63\n', 'OK\n')
         status = self.client.status()
@@ -121,7 +134,7 @@ class TestMPDClient(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertIsInstance(stats, dict)
-    def test_fetch_songs(self):
+    def test_parse_songs(self):
         self.MPDWillReturn("file: my-song.ogg\n",
                            "Pos: 0\n",
                            "Id: 66\n",
@@ -217,7 +230,7 @@ class TestMPDClient(unittest.TestCase):
         self.MPDWillReturn("ACK awesome command\n")
         self.client.add_command("awesome command",
-                                mpd.MPDClient._fetch_nothing)
+                                mpd.MPDClient._parse_nothing)
         self.assertTrue(hasattr(self.client, "awesome_command"))
         self.assertTrue(hasattr(self.client, "send_awesome_command"))
         self.assertTrue(hasattr(self.client, "fetch_awesome_command"))
@@ -302,6 +315,7 @@ class TestMPDClient(unittest.TestCase):
         # XXX: what are we testing here?
+        #      looks like reconnection test?
         self.client.connect(TEST_MPD_HOST, TEST_MPD_PORT)
@@ -372,27 +386,139 @@ class TestMPDClient(unittest.TestCase):
             self.client.move((1, "garbage"), 2)
             self.assertMPDReceived('move "1:" "2"\n')
-    def test_read_stickers(self):
+    def test_parse_changes(self):
+        self.MPDWillReturn(
+            'cpos: 0\n',
+            'Id: 66\n',
+            'cpos: 1\n',
+            'Id: 67\n',
+            'cpos: 2\n',
+            'Id: 68\n',
+            'cpos: 3\n',
+            'Id: 69\n',
+            'cpos: 4\n',
+            'Id: 70\n',
+            'OK\n')
+        res = self.client.plchangesposid(0)
+        self.assertEqual([
+            {'cpos': '0', 'id': '66'},
+            {'cpos': '1', 'id': '67'},
+            {'cpos': '2', 'id': '68'},
+            {'cpos': '3', 'id': '69'},
+            {'cpos': '4', 'id': '70'}], res)
+    def test_parse_database(self):
+        self.MPDWillReturn(
+            'directory: foo\n',
+            'Last-Modified: 2014-01-23T16:42:46Z\n',
+            'file: bar.mp3\n',
+            'size: 59618802\n',
+            'Last-Modified: 2014-11-02T19:57:00Z\n',
+            'OK\n')
+        self.client.listfiles("/")
+    def test_parse_mounts(self):
+        self.MPDWillReturn(
+            'mount: \n',
+            'storage: /home/foo/music\n',
+            'mount: foo\n',
+            'storage: nfs://\n',
+            'OK\n')
+        res = self.client.listmounts()
+        self.assertEqual([
+            {'mount': '', 'storage': '/home/foo/music'},
+            {'mount': 'foo', 'storage': 'nfs://'}], res)
+    def test_parse_neighbors(self):
+        self.MPDWillReturn(
+            'neighbor: smb://FOO\n',
+            'name: FOO (Samba 4.1.11-Debian)\n',
+            'OK\n')
+        res = self.client.listneighbors()
+        self.assertEqual(
+            [{'name': 'FOO (Samba 4.1.11-Debian)', 'neighbor': 'smb://FOO'}],
+            res)
+    def test_parse_outputs(self):
+        self.MPDWillReturn(
+            'outputid: 0\n',
+            'outputname: My ALSA Device\n',
+            'outputenabled: 0\n',
+            'OK\n')
+        res = self.client.outputs()
+        self.assertEqual([{
+            'outputenabled': '0',
+            'outputid': '0',
+            'outputname': 'My ALSA Device'}], res)
+    def test_parse_playlist(self):
+        self.MPDWillReturn(
+            '0:file: Weezer - Say It Ain\'t So.mp3\n',
+            '1:file: Dire Straits - Walk of Life.mp3\n',
+            '2:file: 01 - Love Delicatessen.mp3\n',
+            '3:file: Guns N\' Roses - Paradise City.mp3\n',
+            '4:file: Nirvana - Lithium.mp3\n',
+            'OK\n')
+        res = self.client.playlist()
+        self.assertEqual([
+            "file: Weezer - Say It Ain't So.mp3",
+            'file: Dire Straits - Walk of Life.mp3',
+            'file: 01 - Love Delicatessen.mp3',
+            "file: Guns N' Roses - Paradise City.mp3",
+            'file: Nirvana - Lithium.mp3'], res)
+    def test_parse_playlists(self):
+        self.MPDWillReturn(
+            'playlist: Playlist\n',
+            'Last-Modified: 2016-08-13T10:55:56Z\n',
+            'OK\n')
+        res = self.client.listplaylists()
+        self.assertEqual([
+            {'last-modified': '2016-08-13T10:55:56Z', 'playlist': 'Playlist'}
+        ], res)
+    def test_parse_plugins(self):
+        self.MPDWillReturn(
+            'plugin: vorbis\n',
+            'suffix: ogg\n',
+            'suffix: oga\n',
+            'mime_type: application/ogg\n',
+            'mime_type: application/x-ogg\n',
+            'mime_type: audio/ogg\n',
+            'mime_type: audio/vorbis\n',
+            'mime_type: audio/vorbis+ogg\n',
+            'mime_type: audio/x-ogg\n',
+            'mime_type: audio/x-vorbis\n',
+            'mime_type: audio/x-vorbis+ogg\n',
+            'OK\n')
+        res = self.client.decoders()
+        self.assertEqual([{
+            'mime_type': [
+                'application/ogg',
+                'application/x-ogg',
+                'audio/ogg',
+                'audio/vorbis',
+                'audio/vorbis+ogg',
+                'audio/x-ogg',
+                'audio/x-vorbis',
+                'audio/x-vorbis+ogg'],
+            'plugin': 'vorbis',
+            'suffix': [
+                'ogg',
+                'oga']}], list(res))
+    def test_parse_raw_stickers(self):
         self.MPDWillReturn("sticker: foo=bar\n", "OK\n")
-        res = self.client._read_stickers()
+        res = self.client._parse_raw_stickers(self.client._read_lines())
         self.assertEqual([('foo', 'bar')], list(res))
         self.MPDWillReturn("sticker: foo=bar\n", "sticker: l=b\n", "OK\n")
-        res = self.client._read_stickers()
+        res = self.client._parse_raw_stickers(self.client._read_lines())
         self.assertEqual([('foo', 'bar'), ('l', 'b')], list(res))
-    def test_fetch_database(self):
-        self.MPDWillReturn('directory: foo\n',
-                           'Last-Modified: 2014-01-23T16:42:46Z\n',
-                           'file: bar.mp3\n',
-                           'size: 59618802\n',
-                           'Last-Modified: 2014-11-02T19:57:00Z\n',
-                           'OK\n')
-        self.client.listfiles("/")
-    def test_read_sticker_with_special_value(self):
+    def test_parse_raw_sticker_with_special_value(self):
         self.MPDWillReturn("sticker: foo==uv=vu\n", "OK\n")
-        res = self.client._read_stickers()
+        res = self.client._parse_raw_stickers(self.client._read_lines())
         self.assertEqual([('foo', '=uv=vu')], list(res))
     def test_parse_sticket_get_one(self):
@@ -415,5 +541,63 @@ class TestMPDClient(unittest.TestCase):
         res = self.client.sticker_list('song', 'baz')
         self.assertEqual({'foo': 'bar'}, res)
+    def test_command_list(self):
+        self.MPDWillReturn(
+            'list_OK\n',
+            'list_OK\n',
+            'list_OK\n',
+            'list_OK\n',
+            'list_OK\n',
+            'volume: 100\n',
+            'repeat: 1\n',
+            'random: 1\n',
+            'single: 0\n',
+            'consume: 0\n',
+            'playlist: 68\n',
+            'playlistlength: 5\n',
+            'mixrampdb: 0.000000\n',
+            'state: play\n',
+            'xfade: 5\n',
+            'song: 0\n',
+            'songid: 56\n',
+            'time: 0:259\n',
+            'elapsed: 0.000\n',
+            'bitrate: 0\n',
+            'nextsong: 2\n',
+            'nextsongid: 58\n',
+            'list_OK\n',
+            'OK\n')
+        self.client.command_list_ok_begin()
+        self.client.clear()
+        self.client.load('Playlist')
+        self.client.random(1)
+        self.client.repeat(1)
+        self.client.play(0)
+        self.client.status()
+        res = self.client.command_list_end()
+        self.assertEqual(None, res[0])
+        self.assertEqual(None, res[1])
+        self.assertEqual(None, res[2])
+        self.assertEqual(None, res[3])
+        self.assertEqual(None, res[4])
+        self.assertEqual([
+            ('bitrate', '0'),
+            ('consume', '0'),
+            ('elapsed', '0.000'),
+            ('mixrampdb', '0.000000'),
+            ('nextsong', '2'),
+            ('nextsongid', '58'),
+            ('playlist', '68'),
+            ('playlistlength', '5'),
+            ('random', '1'),
+            ('repeat', '1'),
+            ('single', '0'),
+            ('song', '0'),
+            ('songid', '56'),
+            ('state', 'play'),
+            ('time', '0:259'),
+            ('volume', '100'),
+            ('xfade', '5')], sorted(res[5].items()))
 if __name__ == '__main__':

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mpd/python-mpd.git

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