r846 - in /unstable/x264/debian: changelog rules
lool at users.alioth.debian.org
lool at users.alioth.debian.org
Sun Aug 12 09:27:03 UTC 2007
Author: lool
Date: Sun Aug 12 09:27:03 2007
New Revision: 846
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-multimedia/?sc=1&rev=846
* get-orig-source implementaiton; thanks Kilian Krause.
Modified: unstable/x264/debian/changelog
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-multimedia/unstable/x264/debian/changelog?rev=846&op=diff
--- unstable/x264/debian/changelog (original)
+++ unstable/x264/debian/changelog Sun Aug 12 09:27:03 2007
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
* Pass --build to configure and only pass --host to configure if
* Pass --quiltrc /dev/null to quilt.
- * Include gnome-pkg-tools' get-orig-source implementation if it's present.
+ * get-orig-source implementaiton; thanks Kilian Krause.
- -- Loic Minier <lool at dooz.org> Sun, 12 Aug 2007 10:50:00 +0200
+ -- Loic Minier <lool at dooz.org> Sun, 12 Aug 2007 11:15:42 +0200
x264 (0.svn20070309-4) unstable; urgency=low
Modified: unstable/x264/debian/rules
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-multimedia/unstable/x264/debian/rules?rev=846&op=diff
--- unstable/x264/debian/rules (original)
+++ unstable/x264/debian/rules Sun Aug 12 09:27:03 2007
@@ -7,12 +7,6 @@
# from having to guess our platform (since we know it already)
DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE ?= $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)
DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE ?= $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE)
-# from the gnome-pkg-tools package (but optional): offers a get-orig-source
-# target which will retrieve, repack, or build from a SVN checkout an upstream
-# tarball
--include /usr/share/gnome-pkg-tools/1/rules/gnome-get-source.mk
-GNOME_SVN_URL ?= svn://svn.videolan.org/$(GNOME_MODULE)/$(GNOME_SVN_BRANCH)
confflags := \
--enable-debug \
@@ -27,6 +21,17 @@
CFLAGS += -Wall -g -O$(if $(findstring noopt,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)),0,2)
QUILT := QUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches quilt --quiltrc /dev/null
+DEB_SOURCE_PACKAGE ?= $(strip $(shell egrep '^Source: ' debian/control | cut -f 2 -d ':'))
+DEB_VERSION ?= $(shell dpkg-parsechangelog | egrep '^Version:' | cut -f 2 -d ' ')
+DEB_NOEPOCH_VERSION ?= $(shell echo $(DEB_VERSION) | cut -d: -f2-)
+DEB_UPSTREAM_VERSION ?= $(shell echo $(DEB_NOEPOCH_VERSION) | sed 's/-[^-]*$$//')
+# search for a SVN revision in the version of the changelog
+# accepted formats: foo.svn.r42, foo.svn.42, foo.svn.r42.20070512,
+# foo.svn.42.20070512
+# 0.svn20070309-5
+DEB_UPSTREAM_SVN_REV ?= $(shell echo $(DEB_UPSTREAM_VERSION) | sed -rn 's/^.*[\.~\d]+svn[\.r]?([0-9]+)(\.[0-9]+)?$$/\1/p')
build: build-stamp
@@ -87,5 +92,23 @@
binary-arch: build install
$(MAKE) -f debian/rules DH_OPTIONS=-s binary-common
+ # grab DEB_UPSTREAM_SVN_REV from svn://svn.videolan.org/x264/trunk
+ if [ -z "$(DEB_UPSTREAM_SVN_REV)" ]; then echo "No revision found. Exiting";exit 1; fi
+ echo "Cleaning up."
+ echo "Grabbing r$(DEB_UPSTREAM_SVN_REV) from svn://svn.videolan.org/x264/trunk"
+ svn -q co -r$(DEB_UPSTREAM_SVN_REV) svn://svn.videolan.org/x264/trunk ../tarballs/$(DEB_SOURCE_PACKAGE)-$(DEB_UPSTREAM_VERSION).tmp || \
+ svn -q co -r'{$(DEB_UPSTREAM_SVN_REV)}' svn://svn.videolan.org/x264/trunk ../tarballs/$(DEB_SOURCE_PACKAGE)-$(DEB_UPSTREAM_VERSION).tmp
+ echo "Exporting for packing up"
+ svn export ../tarballs/$(DEB_SOURCE_PACKAGE)-$(DEB_UPSTREAM_VERSION).tmp \
+ echo "Tarring to $(DEB_SOURCE_PACKAGE)_$(DEB_NOEPOCH_VERSION).orig.tar.gz"
+ cd ../tarballs;tar cfz $(DEB_SOURCE_PACKAGE)_$(DEB_NOEPOCH_VERSION).orig.tar.gz \
+ echo "Cleaning up."
+ $(RM) -rf ../tarballs/$(DEB_SOURCE_PACKAGE)-$(DEB_UPSTREAM_VERSION).tmp \
binary: binary-arch binary-indep
.PHONY: build clean binary-indep binary-arch binary install
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