r1569 - /experimental/ffmpeg-debian/debian/patches/050_fix_pkgconfig_files.patch

siretart at users.alioth.debian.org siretart at users.alioth.debian.org
Sat Nov 15 13:02:18 UTC 2008

Author: siretart
Date: Sat Nov 15 13:02:18 2008
New Revision: 1569

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-multimedia/?sc=1&rev=1569

update patch 050_fix_pkgconfig_files.patch.

remove varialbe pkg_requires from the configure script. According to
pkg-config upstream the field Requires.private is only necessary if a
library exposes internal types (structs, enums) of the "required"
libraries. This is only the case for libavutil that is exposed by
libavcodec, libavformat and others. Libraries like theora, dirac, etc
are exposed in Libs.private already.


Modified: experimental/ffmpeg-debian/debian/patches/050_fix_pkgconfig_files.patch
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-multimedia/experimental/ffmpeg-debian/debian/patches/050_fix_pkgconfig_files.patch?rev=1569&op=diff
--- experimental/ffmpeg-debian/debian/patches/050_fix_pkgconfig_files.patch (original)
+++ experimental/ffmpeg-debian/debian/patches/050_fix_pkgconfig_files.patch Sat Nov 15 13:02:18 2008
@@ -1,29 +1,51 @@
 patch by Reinhard Tartler <siretart at debian.org>
-avoid using Requires.private. According to pkg-config upstream they are only
-necessary if a library exposes internal types (structs, enums) of the
-"required" libraries. This is not the case for ffmpeg, so Libs.private should
-be used instead. Moreover, Requires alone is pretty pointless.
+remove varialbe pkg_requires from the configure script. According to
+pkg-config upstream the field Requires.private is only necessary if a
+library exposes internal types (structs, enums) of the "required"
+libraries. This is only the case for libavutil that is exposed by
+libavcodec, libavformat and others. Libraries like theora, dirac, etc
+are exposed in Libs.private already.
 Discussion about this started at:
 --- a/configure
 +++ b/configure
-@@ -2357,11 +2357,11 @@ includedir=$incdir
- Name: $name
- Description: $comment
- Version: $version
--Requires: $(disabled shared && echo $requires)
--Requires.private: $(enabled shared && echo $requires)
- Conflicts:
- Libs: -L\${libdir} -l${shortname} $(disabled shared && echo $libs)
--Libs.private: $(enabled shared && echo $libs)
-+Libs.private: $(enabled shared && echo $libs $requires)
- Cflags: -I\${includedir}
- cat <<EOF > $name/$name-uninstalled.pc
+@@ -2059,11 +2059,6 @@ check_deps $CONFIG_LIST       \
+            $OUTDEV_LIST       \
+            $PROTOCOL_LIST     \
+-enabled libdc1394 && append pkg_requires "libraw1394"
+-enabled libdirac  && append pkg_requires "dirac"
+-enabled libtheora && append pkg_requires "theora"
+-enabled libvorbis && append pkg_requires "vorbisenc"
+ echo "install prefix            $prefix"
+ echo "source path               $source_path"
+ echo "C compiler                $cc"
+@@ -2381,16 +2376,16 @@ EOF
+ }
+ pkgconfig_generate libavutil "FFmpeg utility library" "$LIBAVUTIL_VERSION"
+-pkgconfig_generate libavcodec "FFmpeg codec library" "$LIBAVCODEC_VERSION" "$extralibs" "$pkg_requires libavutil = $LIBAVUTIL_VERSION"
+-pkgconfig_generate libavformat "FFmpeg container format library" "$LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION" "$extralibs" "$pkg_requires libavcodec = $LIBAVCODEC_VERSION"
+-pkgconfig_generate libavdevice "FFmpeg device handling library" "$LIBAVDEVICE_VERSION" "$extralibs" "$pkg_requires libavformat = $LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION"
++pkgconfig_generate libavcodec "FFmpeg codec library" "$LIBAVCODEC_VERSION" "$extralibs" "libavutil = $LIBAVUTIL_VERSION"
++pkgconfig_generate libavformat "FFmpeg container format library" "$LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION" "$extralibs" "libavcodec = $LIBAVCODEC_VERSION"
++pkgconfig_generate libavdevice "FFmpeg device handling library" "$LIBAVDEVICE_VERSION" "$extralibs" "libavformat = $LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION"
+ enabled avfilter &&
+-    pkgconfig_generate libavfilter "FFmpeg video filtering library" "$LIBAVFILTER_VERSION" "$extralibs" "$pkg_requires libavutil = $LIBAVUTIL_VERSION"
++    pkgconfig_generate libavfilter "FFmpeg video filtering library" "$LIBAVFILTER_VERSION" "$extralibs" "libavutil = $LIBAVUTIL_VERSION"
+ enabled postproc &&
+     pkgconfig_generate libpostproc "FFmpeg post processing library" "$LIBPOSTPROC_VERSION"
+ if enabled swscale; then
+     pkgconfig_generate libswscale "FFmpeg image rescaling library" "$LIBSWSCALE_VERSION" "" "libavutil = $LIBAVUTIL_VERSION"
+ else
+-    pkgconfig_generate libswscale "FFmpeg image rescaling library" "$LIBSWSCALE_VERSION" "" "$pkg_requires libavcodec = $LIBAVCODEC_VERSION"
++    pkgconfig_generate libswscale "FFmpeg image rescaling library" "$LIBSWSCALE_VERSION" "" "libavcodec = $LIBAVCODEC_VERSION"
+     apply libswscale/libswscale.pc sed s/^Libs:.*$/Libs:/
+ fi

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