r1463 - in /videolan/vlc/debian: ./ bug/ patches/

xtophe-guest at users.alioth.debian.org xtophe-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Sun Sep 14 17:58:38 UTC 2008

Author: xtophe-guest
Date: Sun Sep 14 17:58:38 2008
New Revision: 1463

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-multimedia/?sc=1&rev=1463
Synchronise with experimental

    videolan/vlc/debian/   (props changed)

Propchange: videolan/vlc/debian/
--- svn:ignore (original)
+++ svn:ignore Sun Sep 14 17:58:38 2008
@@ -6,12 +6,11 @@

Modified: videolan/vlc/debian/README.Debian
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-multimedia/videolan/vlc/debian/README.Debian?rev=1463&op=diff
--- videolan/vlc/debian/README.Debian (original)
+++ videolan/vlc/debian/README.Debian Sun Sep 14 17:58:38 2008
@@ -4,15 +4,6 @@
  - Default configuration is supposed to be latest unstable.
- - To build for a Debian woody system, first build a tarball using
-   "make dist-woody".
- - Usually VLC will come with a copy of faad2 and x264 in the
-   extras/ directory, because they are not yet available in Debian.
- - If there is no CVS directory in the root, debian/rules will assume a
-   full build is requested and will clean faad2 and x264.
  - VLC does not link with libdvdcss by default, thus it will not depend
    on the libdvdcss packages. However it will use libdvdread that can
    optionally open libdvdcss if found. To build packages that link directly

Modified: videolan/vlc/debian/bug/control
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-multimedia/videolan/vlc/debian/bug/control?rev=1463&op=diff
--- videolan/vlc/debian/bug/control (original)
+++ videolan/vlc/debian/bug/control Sun Sep 14 17:58:38 2008
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
 Send-To: vlc-devel at videolan.org
-report-width: vlc vlc-nox libvlc0
+report-with: vlc vlc-nox libvlc2 libvlccore1

Modified: videolan/vlc/debian/bug/presubj
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-multimedia/videolan/vlc/debian/bug/presubj?rev=1463&op=diff
--- videolan/vlc/debian/bug/presubj (original)
+++ videolan/vlc/debian/bug/presubj Sun Sep 14 17:58:38 2008
@@ -1,6 +1,23 @@
-Make sure you have reset your plugins cache before reporting a bug.
-Use "rm ~/.cache/vlc/plugins-*.dat" to remove your plugins cache.
 This VLC package comes from http://nightlies.videolan.org. Bugs
 shouldn't be reported on the official Debian BTS but sent to the
 VideoLAN team. Reportbug will send this report to vlc-devel at videolan.org.
+Debugging and bug reporting advices:
+VLC media player is highly modular. So in case a feature is not working
+at all, you need to check that the module handling it is present.
+ * Use "rm ~/.cache/vlc/plugins-*.dat" to remove your plugins cache.
+ * Check that modules are correctly loaded: "vlc -vvv --color --list"
+   If you have yellow warning lines at the top, that could well be the
+   problem
+ * If you have installed libraries from other reposotories (e.g. to use
+   patent-encumbred encoders), revert to the official Debian libraries
+   before reporting a bug.
+The debug log of vlc ("vlc -vvv --options") is very usefull for the
+developers, do include it in your report.

Modified: videolan/vlc/debian/changelog
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-multimedia/videolan/vlc/debian/changelog?rev=1463&op=diff
--- videolan/vlc/debian/changelog (original)
+++ videolan/vlc/debian/changelog Sun Sep 14 17:58:38 2008
@@ -1,86 +1,201 @@
-vlc (1.0.0-git-1) unstable; urgency=low
+vlc (1.0.0-git-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  * libvlccore soname bumped
+  * New modules:
+    + vlc-nox: aes3, scene, yuv
+  * Modules removed:
+    + vlc-nox: cinepack, image
+ -- Christophe Mutricy <xtophe at videolan.org>  Sun, 14 Sep 2008 19:27:35 +0200
+vlc (0.9.2-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release
+    + Soname changed
+    + Bugs fixed upstream: Closes: #487646,  #298150, #325069, #392292, 
+      #458004, #470903, #458004, #423121
+    + New packages: libvlccore0, libvlccore-dev, vlc-plugin-pulse
+     (Closes: #471069)
+    + Build-depends on libswsale-dev, libshout3-dev, libxpm-dev,
+      zlib1g-dev, liblua5.1-0-dev, libschroedinger-dev, libtag1-dev,
+      libqt4-dev, libqt4-dev-tools and pkg-config. (Closes: #461324) 
+    + Install new modules:
+      - vlc-nox: alphamask, blendbench, bluescreen, canvas, cc, cdg, chain,
+        colorthres, croppadd, dynamicoverlay, erase, faad, gaussianblur, grain,
+        inhibit, lua, memcpy*, mmap, osd_parser, puzzle, remoteosd, rtmp, 
+        schroedinger, sharpen, stats, subusf, t140, telepathy, v4l2, vmem
+      - vlc: qt4
+      - vlc-plugin-jack: access_jack
+    + Distribute the .pc for libvlc and vlc-plugin (Closes: #289507)
+    + Remove wx interface and glide plugin as they've been dropped by upstream  
+    + The Python and java bindings are no longer part of the upstream tarballs 
+      (Closes: #469011)
+    + Temporarly disable libdca module until a pkg with the new 
+      API get in unstable
+    + Delete or refresh patches
+    + New patches:
+        - 052_as-needed taken from bug #347650 to teach libtool about 
+          -Wl,--as-needed
+  * Install the skins DTD and the default skins it's only 113kB
+  * Improve watch file
+  * Add a vlc-data package for /usr/share  (13 MB)
+  * Add a vlc-dbg package (Closes: #491564)
+ -- Christophe Mutricy <xtophe at videolan.org>  Sun, 14 Sep 2008 17:58:19 +0200
+vlc (0.8.6.i-2) experimental; urgency=high
+  [ Loic Minier ]
+  * Fix changelog entries for 0.8.6.h-2 and 0.8.6.h-3.
+  * Bump up Standards-Version to 3.8.0.
+  [ Christophe Mutricy ]
+  * Security: Fix integer overflow in mms module (CVE-2008-3794)
+    (Closes: #496265)(407-mms-overflow.diff taken from upstream)
   [ Sam Hocevar ]
-  * vlc-nox.install
-    + grain
-  [Christophe Mutricy]
-  * debian/control
-    + SONAME change (3 times)
-    + Replaces/Conficts between vlc and vlc-nox. It should help the
-      transition between sid and nightlies.
-    + Build-depends on libswsale-dev, libshout3-dev, libxpm-dev, 
-      zlib1g-dev, liblua5.1-0-dev, libschroedinger-dev, libtag1-dev, libqt4-dev and libqt4-dev-tools
-    + Build-depends on libdc1394-22-dev rather thab libdc1394-1333-dev
-    + add Homepage field
-    + new vlc-plugin-pulse package
-  * debian/rules
-    + activate QT4 interface
-    + activate shout access output
-    + make libvlc is enough to produce libvlc.a
-    + store libvlc.a not in src/ to avoid the linker using it.
-    + enable-fast-install to have a real vlc executable
-    + enable v4l2 modules
-    + explicitely disable the update checker
-    + Disable atmo plugin
-    + enable taglib
-    + Temporaly disable libdca until a pkg with the new API get into sid
-  * vlc-nox.install
-    + faad
-    + memcpy*
-    + sharpen
-    + puzzle
-    + colorthres
-    + erase
-    + alphamask
-    + bluescreen
-    + gaussianblur
-    + lua
-    + subusf
-    + seamcarving
-    + t140
-    + telepathy
-    + cdg
-    + v4l2
-    + cc
-    + inhibit
-    + osd_parser
-    + rvlc, cvlc, nvlc, vlc-wrapper
-    + mmap
-    + rtmp
-    + croppadd
-    + vmem
-    + blendbench
-    + dynamicoverlay
-    + stats
-    + remoteosd
-    + canvas
-    + chain
-    + aes3
-    + yuv
-    + scene
-    + schroedinger
-  * vlc-plugin-jack.install
-    + Add the jack access module
-  * mozilla-plugin-vlc
-    + Add the toolbar pictures
-  * bug/*  + relevant symlinks
-    + Add reportbug magic to avoid bug being reported to Debian's BTS
-  * Reorganise lib, headers and .pc files between libvlc2 and libvlccore0
-  * Remove libwxwidgets_plugin.so and wxvlc from vlc and remove the dummy
-    transition package
-  * Remove the vlc-plugin-glide package as it has been removed upstream
-  [Mohammed Adnène Trojette]
-  * Add a vlc-dbg package with debugging symbols for vlc.
-     + debian/control:
-         * add a vlc-dbg entry
-     + debian/rules:
-         * call dh_strip with --dbg-package=vlc-dbg
-         * add --enable-debug flag
- -- Christophe Mutricy <xtophe at videolan.org>  Thu, 12 Jun 2008 21:46:29 +0100
+  * debian/patches/300_manpage_syntax.diff: fix vlc-config.1 syntax.
+ -- Sam Hocevar (Debian packages) <sam+deb at zoy.org>  Tue, 26 Aug 2008 23:25:13 +0000
+vlc (0.8.6.i-1) experimental; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release.
+    - Refresh patch 010_iceape and change it to only patch the name of the .pc
+      files, keep using FIREFOX_CFLAGS and _LIBS etc. as to allow us to only
+      run autoconf, not automake.
+    - Drop patch 401-CVE-2008-2430, merged upstream.
+    - Update and rename patch 050_bootstrap to 900_autoconf.
+ -- Loic Minier <lool at dooz.org>  Fri, 22 Aug 2008 19:13:30 +0200
+vlc (0.8.6.h-3) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Minor cleanups.
+  * Use DEB_HOST_ARCH instead of DEB_BUILD_ARCH in rules.
+  * Use objdump -x instead of ldd to check for links on libX11 as ldd might
+    resolve libvlc to the system's version if the system has libvlc installed;
+    closes: #495730.
+ -- Loic Minier <lool at dooz.org>  Fri, 22 Aug 2008 19:46:35 +0200
+vlc (0.8.6.h-2) unstable; urgency=high
+  * Fix integer overflow in TTA (CVE-2008-3732) (405-CVE-2008-3732.diff)
+  * Fix crashes in Live555 (406-live555-crash.diff)
+  * Switch to libdc1394-22-dev (Closes: #484695)
+ -- Christophe Mutricy <xtophe at videolan.org>  Thu, 21 Aug 2008 20:19:39 +0100
+vlc (0.8.6.h-1) unstable; urgency=high
+  [ Christophe Mutricy ]
+  * Acknowledge NMU by Nico Golde. Thanks.
+  * Acknowledge NMU by Mike Hommey. Thanks.
+  * New security upstrem release
+    - Fix buffer overflow (CVE-2008-1881)
+    - Fix out of bound array access (CVE-2008-1769)
+    - Fix various integer overflow in MP4 demuxer, Cinepak, RTSP
+      (CVE-2008-1489, CVE-2008-1768)
+    - Remove 105_min_mkv.patch, 400-CVE-2008-1489.diff and
+      401-CVE-2008-0073.diff, 402-CVE-2008-1881, 403-CVE-2008-1768.diff
+      and 404-CVE-2008-1881 integrated upstream
+  * Remove old transitional packages: vlc-plugin-alsa and wxvlc
+    (Closes: #477543, #477545)
+  * Add some magic for reportbug to ask people to remove their plugin cache
+    and get the info for vlc-nox and libvlc0 also.
+  [ Reinhard Tartler ]
+  * added a watch file
+  * new upstream release, refreshing patches
+  [ Christophe Mutricy ]
+  * Fix buffer overflow in Wav demux.(CVE-2008-2430)(Closes: #489004)
+    (Patch taken from upstream: 401-CVE-2008-2430.diff)
+ -- Christophe Mutricy <xtophe at videolan.org>  Sat, 05 Jul 2008 23:45:15 +0100
+vlc (0.8.6.e-2.3) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Non-maintainer upload.
+  * debian/control: Build depend on iceape-dev >= 1.1.9-4 instead of
+    libxul-dev (Closes: #480812).
+  * debian/patches/010_iceape.diff: configure.ac changes to allow to build
+    against iceape.
+  * debian/patches/050_bootstrap.diff: Corresponding configure changes.
+  * debian/patches/series: Added 010_iceape.diff.
+ -- Mike Hommey <glandium at debian.org>  Fri, 23 May 2008 21:11:07 +0200
+vlc (0.8.6.e-2.1) unstable; urgency=high
+  * Non-maintainer upload by the Security Team.
+  * This update addresses the following security issues:
+    - CVE-2008-1769: out-of-bounds array access and memory corruption
+      via a crafted cinepak file (Closes: #478140).
+    - CVE-2008-1768: multiple integer overflow triggering buffer overflows
+      in the mp4 and real demuxer and the cinepak codec (Closes: #478140).
+    - CVE-2008-1881: stack-based buffer overflow in subtitle parsing leading
+      to arbitrary code execution via crafted subtitle file (Closes: #477805).
+ -- Nico Golde <nion at debian.org>  Sun, 27 Apr 2008 16:17:49 +0200
+vlc (0.8.6.e-2) unstable; urgency=high
+  [ Christophe Mutricy ]
+  * Acknowledge NMU by Nico Golde. Thanks
+  * New patch taken from upstream to fix an arbitrary code execution.
+    CVE-2008-0073 (Closes: #473057)
+  * New patch to fix FTBS in MKV module
+  [ Loic Minier ]
+  * Mention CVE id in 0.8.6.e-1.1.
+ -- Christophe Mutricy <xtophe at videolan.org>  Sat, 29 Mar 2008 15:04:28 +0000
+vlc (0.8.6.e-1.1) unstable; urgency=high
+  * Non-maintainer upload by the Security Team.
+  * Fix Integer overflow in MP4_ReadBox_rdrf function
+    that triggers a heap-based buffer overflow via a
+    large atom length value (Closes: #472635); CVE-2008-1489.
+ -- Nico Golde <nion at debian.org>  Wed, 26 Mar 2008 13:21:44 +0100
+vlc (0.8.6.e-1) unstable; urgency=high
+  [ Christophe Mutricy ]
+  * New security upstream release
+    - CORE-2008-0130, VideoLAN-SA-0802, CVE-2008-0986: Arbitrary memory
+      overwrite in the MP4 demuxer (Closes: #467652)
+    - Others security fixes already included in the Debian package
+    - Xshm detection fix (Closes: #404361)
+    - Alsa 5.1 fixes
+    - DTS to S/PDIF fixes
+  * patches/
+    - delete the uneeded sec-* patches
+    - delete 100_no_wx_update.diff as the update "feature" has been removed
+      upstream
+  [ Loic Minier ]
+  * Urgency high for security bugfix.
+ -- Christophe Mutricy <xtophe at videolan.org>  Mon, 25 Feb 2008 23:35:24 +0000
+vlc (0.8.6.c-6) unstable; urgency=high
+  [ Nico Golde ]
+  * This update addresses the following security issues (Closes: #461544).
+    - CVE-2008-0295: Heap-based buffer overflow in real_sdpplin.c
+      which could lead to user-assisted arbitrary code execution
+      via crafted SDP data.
+    - CVE-2008-0296: Heap-based buffer overflow in libaccess_realrtsp plugin
+      which might lead to arbitrary code execution via a crafted RTSP server.
+  [ Loic Minier ]
+  * Merge above changes by Nico Golde.
+ -- Loic Minier <lool at dooz.org>  Mon, 21 Jan 2008 16:16:51 +0100
 vlc (0.8.6.c-5) unstable; urgency=low
@@ -176,9 +291,15 @@
   * Build-depends on linux-libc-dev  rather than linux-kernel-headers
     (Closes: #430710 )
- -- Christophe Mutricy <xtophe at videolan.org>  Wed, 27 Jun 2007 23:43:10 +0100
+  [ Sam Hocevar ]
+  * debian/control:
+    + Build-depend on newer libavcodec libraries.
+    + Build-depend on newer libflac-dev.
+ -- Sam Hocevar (Debian packages) <sam+deb at zoy.org>  Wed, 04 Jul 2007 22:31:32 +0200
 vlc (0.8.6.c-1) unstable; urgency=high
   [ Loic Minier ]
   * New patch, 107_gcc-4.3, fixes missing include causing a build failure with
     GCC 4.3; thanks Martin Michlmayr; closes: #417750.
@@ -189,6 +310,7 @@
   * New patch, 108_flac-1.1.3 taken from upstream to fix building with
     libflac8 (Closes: #426673).
   * Rebuild against new libavcodec and libavformat (Closes: #427573).
   [ Fathi Boudra, Christophe Mutricy ]
   * New upstream release (Closes: #424915):
     + multiple format string vulnerabilities (VideoLAN-SA-0207).

Modified: videolan/vlc/debian/control
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-multimedia/videolan/vlc/debian/control?rev=1463&op=diff
--- videolan/vlc/debian/control (original)
+++ videolan/vlc/debian/control Sun Sep 14 17:58:38 2008
@@ -1,27 +1,29 @@
 Source: vlc
 Section: graphics
 Priority: optional
-Maintainer: VideoLAN <vlc-devel at videolan.org>
-Uploaders: Christophe Mutricy <xtophe at videolan.org>
+Maintainer: Debian multimedia packages maintainers <pkg-multimedia-maintainers at ists.alioth.debian.org>
+Uploaders: Sam Hocevar (Debian packages) <sam+deb at zoy.org>,
+           Clément Stenac <zorglub at debian.org>,
+           Loic Minier <lool at dooz.org>,
+           Christophe Mutricy <xtophe at videolan.org>
 Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 6),
                yasm [amd64 kfreebsd-amd64],
-               xulrunner,
-               libxul-dev,
-               xlibmesa-gl-dev,
+               iceape-dev (>=  1.1.9-4),
+               libgl1-mesa-dev,
-               libarts1-dev (>= 1.4.2-1),
+               libarts1-dev (>= 1.4.2),
                libasound2-dev (>= 0.9.0beta10a) [!kfreebsd-i386 !kfreebsd-amd64 !hurd-i386],
-               libavcodec-dev (>= 0.cvs20060823-1),
-               libavformat-dev (>= 0.cvs20060823-1),
+               libavcodec-dev (>= 0.cvs20060823),
+               libavformat-dev (>= 0.cvs20060823),
-               libcaca-dev (>= 0.99.beta4-1),
+               libcaca-dev (>= 0.99.beta4),
@@ -38,7 +40,7 @@
-               liblivemedia-dev (>= 2006.03.17),
+               liblivemedia-dev (>= 2008.07.24),
                libmatroska-dev (>= 0.8.0),
@@ -47,9 +49,10 @@
-               libpostproc-dev (>= 0.cvs20060823-1),
+               libpostproc-dev (>= 0.cvs20060823),
+               libschroedinger-dev
                libsdl1.2-dev (>= 1.2.7+1.2.8cvs20041007-5.3),
                libsvga1-dev [amd64 i386],
@@ -59,7 +62,6 @@
-               libwxgtk2.6-dev,
@@ -71,18 +73,17 @@
                libraw1394-dev [!kfreebsd-i386 !kfreebsd-amd64 !hurd-i386],
                libdc1394-22-dev [!kfreebsd-i386 !kfreebsd-amd64 !hurd-i386],
-               libtwolame-dev (>= 0.3.8-1),
+               libtwolame-dev (>= 0.3.8),
-               libschroedinger-dev,
+               pkg-config,
-#Build-Conflicts-Indep: libvlc0
-Standards-Version: 3.7.3
+Standards-Version: 3.8.0
 Homepage: http://www.videolan.org/vlc
 Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-multimedia/videolan/vlc/
 Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-multimedia/videolan/vlc/
@@ -96,34 +97,9 @@
 Suggests: mozilla-plugin-vlc,
-Replaces: vlc-nox (<<${Source-Version}),
-          vlc-plugin-dvb (<< 0.5.2-2),
-          vlc-plugin-xosd (<< 0.5.2-2),
-          vlc-plugin-dv (<< 0.5.2-2),
-          vlc-plugin-mad (<< 0.5.2-2),
-          vlc-mad (<< 0.5.0),
-          vlc-plugin-a52 (<< 0.5.2-2),
-          vlc-plugin-ogg (<< 0.5.2-2),
-          vlc-plugin-lirc (<< 0.5.2-2),
-          vlc-lirc (<< 0.5.0),
-          vlc-plugin-aa (<< 0.5.2-2),
-          vlc-aa (<< 0.5.0),
-          wxvlc (<< 0.8.5-test3.debian-4),
+Replaces: wxvlc (<< 0.8.5-test3.debian-4),
           vlc-plugin-alsa (<< 0.8.5-test3.debian-4)
-Conflicts: vlc-nox (<<${Source-Version}),
-           vlc-plugin-dvb (<< 0.5.2-2),
-           vlc-plugin-xosd (<< 0.5.2-2),
-           vlc-plugin-dv (<< 0.5.2-2),
-           vlc-plugin-mad (<< 0.5.2-2),
-           vlc-mad (<< 0.5.0),
-           vlc-plugin-a52 (<< 0.5.2-2),
-           vlc-plugin-ogg (<< 0.5.2-2),
-           vlc-plugin-lirc (<< 0.5.2-2),
-           vlc-lirc (<< 0.5.0),
-           vlc-plugin-aa (<< 0.5.2-2),
-           vlc-aa (<< 0.5.0),
-           wxvlc (<< 0.8.5-test3.debian-4),
-           vlc-plugin-alsa (<< 0.8.5-test3.debian-4)
+Conflicts: vlc-plugin-alsa (<< 0.8.5-test3.debian-4)
 Provides: mp3-decoder
 Description: multimedia player and streamer
  VLC is the VideoLAN project's media player. It plays MPEG, MPEG2, MPEG4,
@@ -144,11 +120,11 @@
 Package: vlc-dbg
 Section: graphics
+Priority: extra
 Architecture: any
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends},
-         vlc (= ${source:Version})
-Provides: mp3-decoder
+         vlc-nox (= ${binary:Version})
 Description: debugging symbols for vlc
  VLC is the VideoLAN project's media player. It plays MPEG, MPEG2, MPEG4,
  DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, mp3, Ogg/Vorbis files, DVDs, VCDs, and multimedia
@@ -161,34 +137,10 @@
 Architecture: any
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends},
-Replaces: vlc (<<${Source-Version}),
-          vlc-plugin-dvb (<< 0.5.2-2),
-          vlc-plugin-xosd (<< 0.5.2-2),
-          vlc-plugin-dv (<< 0.5.2-2),
-          vlc-plugin-mad (<< 0.5.2-2),
-          vlc-mad (<< 0.5.0),
-          vlc-plugin-a52 (<< 0.5.2-2),
-          vlc-plugin-ogg (<< 0.5.2-2),
-          vlc-plugin-lirc (<< 0.5.2-2),
-          vlc-lirc (<< 0.5.0),
-          vlc-plugin-aa (<< 0.5.2-2),
-          vlc-aa (<< 0.5.0),
-          wxvlc (<< 0.8.5-test3.debian-4),
+Replaces: wxvlc (<< 0.8.5-test3.debian-4),
           vlc-plugin-alsa (<< 0.8.5-test3.debian-4),
           vlc (<< 0.8.6-svn20060911.0.8.5-1-svn.debian-3)
-Conflicts: vlc (<<${Source-Version}),
-           vlc-plugin-dvb (<< 0.5.2-2),
-           vlc-plugin-xosd (<< 0.5.2-2),
-           vlc-plugin-dv (<< 0.5.2-2),
-           vlc-plugin-mad (<< 0.5.2-2),
-           vlc-mad (<< 0.5.0),
-           vlc-plugin-a52 (<< 0.5.2-2),
-           vlc-plugin-ogg (<< 0.5.2-2),
-           vlc-plugin-lirc (<< 0.5.2-2),
-           vlc-lirc (<< 0.5.0),
-           vlc-plugin-aa (<< 0.5.2-2),
-           vlc-aa (<< 0.5.0),
-           wxvlc (<< 0.8.5-test3.debian-4),
+Conflicts: wxvlc (<< 0.8.5-test3.debian-4),
            vlc-plugin-alsa (<< 0.8.5-test3.debian-4),
            vlc (<< 0.8.6-svn20060911.0.8.5-1-svn.debian-3)
 Provides: mp3-decoder
@@ -215,10 +167,9 @@
 Package: libvlccore1
 Section: libs
 Architecture: any
-Depends: ${shlibs:Depends},
-         ${misc:Depends}
-Conflicts: libvlccore0
-Replaces: libvlccore0 
+Depends: vlc-data,
+         ${shlibs:Depends},
+         ${misc:Depends}
 Description: multimedia player and streamer library
  This package contains the shared library required by VLC modules and libvlc.
@@ -241,10 +192,13 @@
  DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, mp3, Ogg/Vorbis files, DVDs, VCDs, and multimedia
  streams from various network sources.
-Package: libvlccore1-dev
+Package: libvlccore-dev
 Section: libdevel
 Architecture: any
-Depends: libvlccore0 (= ${binary:Version}), ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
+Depends: libvlccore1 (= ${binary:Version}), pkg-config, 
+         ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
+Replaces: libvlccore0-dev, libvlccore1-dev
+Conflicts: libvlccore0-dev, libvlccore1-dev
 Description: development files for VLC
  This package contains headers and a static library required to build plugins
  for VLC.
@@ -253,12 +207,13 @@
  DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, mp3, Ogg/Vorbis files, DVDs, VCDs, and multimedia
  streams from various network sources.
-Package: libvlc2-dev
+Package: libvlc-dev
 Section: libdevel
 Architecture: any
-Depends: libvlc2 (= ${binary:Version}), libvlccore0-dev, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
-Replaces: libvlc0-dev, libvlc1-dev
-Conflicts: libvlc0-dev, libvlc1-dev
+Depends: libvlc2 (= ${binary:Version}), libvlccore-dev, pkg-config, 
+         ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
+Replaces: libvlc0-dev, libvlc2-dev
+Conflicts: libvlc0-dev, libvlc2-dev
 Description: development files for VLC
  This package contains headers and a static library required to build 
  standalone applications that use VLC features.
@@ -270,8 +225,6 @@
 Package: vlc-plugin-esd
 Architecture: any
 Depends: vlc-nox, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
-Conflicts: vlc-esd (<< 0.5.0)
-Replaces: vlc-esd (<< 0.5.0)
 Description: Esound audio output plugin for VLC
  This plugin adds support for the Enlightened Sound Daemon to the VLC
  media player. To activate it, use the `--aout esd' flag or select the
@@ -281,21 +234,9 @@
  DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, mp3, Ogg/Vorbis files, DVDs, VCDs, and multimedia
  streams from various network sources.
-Package: vlc-plugin-alsa
-Architecture: all
-Depends: vlc
-Description: dummy transitional package
- This dummy package is now part of VLC.
- .
- VLC is the VideoLAN project's media player. It plays MPEG, MPEG2, MPEG4,
- DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, mp3, Ogg/Vorbis files, DVDs, VCDs, and multimedia
- streams from various network sources.
 Package: vlc-plugin-sdl
 Architecture: any
 Depends: vlc-nox, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
-Conflicts: vlc-sdl (<< 0.5.0)
-Replaces: vlc-sdl (<< 0.5.0)
 Description: SDL video and audio output plugin for VLC
  This plugin adds support for the Simple DirectMedia Layer library to
  the VLC media player. To activate it, use the `--vout sdl' or
@@ -309,8 +250,6 @@
 Package: vlc-plugin-ggi
 Architecture: any
 Depends: vlc-nox, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
-Conflicts: vlc-ggi (<< 0.5.0)
-Replaces: vlc-ggi (<< 0.5.0)
 Description: GGI video output plugin for VLC
  This is a GGI plugin for the VLC media player.  To activate it, use
  the `--vout ggi' flag or select the `ggi' video output plugin from the
@@ -323,8 +262,6 @@
 Package: vlc-plugin-arts
 Architecture: any
 Depends: vlc-nox, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
-Conflicts: vlc-arts (<< 0.5.0)
-Replaces: vlc-arts (<< 0.5.0)
 Description: aRts audio output plugin for VLC
  This plugin adds support for the aRts Sound System to the VLC media
  player. To activate it, use the `--aout arts' flag or select the `arts'
@@ -389,3 +326,12 @@
  VLC is the VideoLAN project's media player. It plays MPEG, MPEG2, MPEG4,
  DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, mp3, Ogg/Vorbis files, DVDs, VCDs, and multimedia
  streams from various network sources.
+Package: vlc-data
+Architecture: all
+Description: Common data for VLC
+ Localisations, HTTP interface files, Lua scripts for VLC media player 
+ .
+ VLC is the VideoLAN project's media player. It plays MPEG, MPEG2, MPEG4,
+ DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, mp3, Ogg/Vorbis files, DVDs, VCDs, and multimedia
+ streams from various network sources.

Modified: videolan/vlc/debian/copyright
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-multimedia/videolan/vlc/debian/copyright?rev=1463&op=diff
--- videolan/vlc/debian/copyright (original)
+++ videolan/vlc/debian/copyright Sun Sep 14 17:58:38 2008
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
 This package was debianized by Sam Hocevar <sam at zoy.org> on
 Mon, 13 Mar 2000 02:21:45 +0100.
-It was taken from http://download.videolan.org/pub/vlc/, and the source
-tarball also contains the faad2 and x264 trees.
+It was taken from http://download.videolan.org/pub/vlc/
 1. Copyright holders list
@@ -10,7 +9,7 @@
 With the exception of other files mentioned in this document, all code and
 artwork belongs to members of the VideoLAN team <videolan at videolan.org>. See
 each file for precise details about its respective authors.
-  Copyright (c) 1996-2006 Laurent Aimar <fenrir at via.ecp.fr>
+  Copyright (c) 1996-2008 Laurent Aimar <fenrir at via.ecp.fr>
                           Marc Ariberti <marcari at via.ecp.fr>
                           Stephan Assmus <stippi at yellowbites.com>
                           Olivier Aubert <oaubert at lisi dot univ-lyon1 dot fr>
@@ -22,6 +21,7 @@
                           Stéphane Borel <stef at via.ecp.fr>
                           Arnaud de Bossoreille de Ribou <bozo at via.ecp.fr>
                           Filippo Carone <filippo[dontspam]@carone.org>
+			  Rafaël "Hanz, David" Carr é<funman at videolanorg>
                           Tony Castley <tony at castley.net>
                           Antoine Cellerier <dionoea at videolan.org>
                           Renaud Dartus <reno at via.ecp.fr>
@@ -42,11 +42,14 @@
                           Eugenio Jarosiewicz <ej0 at cise.ufl.edu>
                           Jon Lech Johansen <jon-vl at nanocrew.net>
                           Michel Kaempf <maxx at via.ecp.fr>
+                          Jean-Baptiste Kempf <jb at videolan.org>
+                          Pavlov Konstantin <thresh at videolan.oeg>
                           Felix Kühne <fkuehne at users.sourceforge.net>
                           Simon Latapie <garf at via.ecp.fr>
                           Pascal Levesque <pascal.levesque at mindready.com>
                           Christophe Massiot <massiot at via.ecp.fr>
-                          Loïc Minier <lool at via.ecp.fr>
+                          Loïc Minier <lool at via.ecp.fr
+                          Christophe Mutricy <xtophe at videolan.org>
                           Florian G. Pflug <fgp at phlo.org>
                           Heiko Panther <heiko.panther at web.de>
                           Eric Petit <titer at videolan.org>
@@ -59,62 +62,9 @@
                           Richard Shepherd <richard at rshepherd.demon.co.uk>
                           Clément Stenac <zorglub at videolan.org>
                           Peter Surda <shurdeek at panorama.sth.ac.at>
-                          Olivier Teulière <ipkiss at via.ecp.fr>
-  Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2 or later.
-  Copyright (C) 1987, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-  Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2 or later.
-  Copyright (C) 2004 Jon Lech Johansen <jon-vl at nanocrew.net>
-                     Sam Hocevar <sam at zoy.org>
-  Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2 or later.
-  Copyright (C) 2003 Bill May wmay at cisco.com
-  Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2 or later.
-  Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Frederic Fondriest <frederic.fondriest at laposte.net>
-  Licensed under the GNU General Public license, version 2, as can be seen
-  in http://fondriest.frederic.free.fr/fichiers/xmms-mp4_20050213.tar.bz2,
-  found on the author’s website. This code is not used in the build process
-  hence does not cancel the “version 2 or later” clause for binaries.
-Other files in extras/faad2:
-  Copyright (C) 2003-2005 M. Bakker, Ahead Software AG <mbakker(at)nero.com>
-                          Alexander Kurpiers (a.kurpiers(at)nt.tu-darmstadt.de)
-                          Volker Fischer (v.fischer(at)nt.tu-darmstadt.de)
-                          Gian-Carlo Pascutto (gpascutto(at)nero.com)
-  Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2 or later.
-  Copyright (c) 2000 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
-  This code is derived from software contributed to The NetBSD Foundation
-  by Dieter Baron and Thomas Klausner.
-  Licensed under the NetBSD license (see below).
-Other files in extras/x264:
-  Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Laurent Aimar <fenrir at via.ecp.fr>
-                          Alex Izvorski (aizvorski(at)gmail.com)
-                          Alex Wright (alexw0885(at)hotmail.com)
-                          Andrew Dunstan
-                          bobololo
-                          Christian Heine (sennindemokrit(at)gmx.net)
-                          Eric Petit <titer at videolan.org>
-                          Francesco Corriga
-                          Justin Clay (justin_clay(at)hotmail.com)
-                          Loren Merritt (lorenm(at)u.washington.edu)
-                          Måns Rullgård (mru(at)mru.ath.cx)
-                          Michael Niedermayer (michaelni(at)gmx.at)
-                          Mike Matsnev (mike(at)po.cs.msu.su)
-                          Min Chen <chenm001 at 163.com>
-                          Phil Jensen (philj(at)csufresno.edu)
-                          Radek Czyz (radoslaw(at)syskin.cjb.net)
-                          Riccardo Stievano (walkunafraid(at)tin.it)
-                          Tuukka Toivonen (tuukkat(at)ee.oulu.fi)
-                          Vincent Torri (Vincent.Torri(at)iecn.u-nancy.fr)
+                          Olivier Teulière <ipkiss at via.ecp.fr
+                          Yuehua Zhao <zhao908 at hotmail.com>
+                          Bo Wang <silencewang at msn.com>
   Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2 or later.
@@ -162,10 +112,6 @@
   Originally distributed under LPGL 2.1 (or later) by the Wine project.
   Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2 or later.
-Files in intl/:
-  Copyright (C) 1984, 1989, 1990, 1995-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-  Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2 or later.
   Copyright (C) 1997-1999 H. Dietz and R. Fisher
   Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2 or later.
@@ -229,7 +175,7 @@
   Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2 or later.
-  Copyright (C) 2005 Neal Symms <tivo at freakinzoo.com>  
+  Copyright (C) 2005 Neal Symms <tivo at freakinzoo.com>
                 2005 Christopher Wingert for tivo-mplayer
   Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2 or later.

Added: videolan/vlc/debian/libvlc-dev.install
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-multimedia/videolan/vlc/debian/libvlc-dev.install?rev=1463&op=file
--- videolan/vlc/debian/libvlc-dev.install (added)
+++ videolan/vlc/debian/libvlc-dev.install Sun Sep 14 17:58:38 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,13 @@

Added: videolan/vlc/debian/libvlc-dev.links
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-multimedia/videolan/vlc/debian/libvlc-dev.links?rev=1463&op=file
--- videolan/vlc/debian/libvlc-dev.links (added)
+++ videolan/vlc/debian/libvlc-dev.links Sun Sep 14 17:58:38 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,2 @@
+/usr/share/doc/libvlc2 /usr/share/doc/libvlc-dev
+/usr/share/bug/libvlc2 /usr/share/bug/libvlc-dev

Added: videolan/vlc/debian/libvlc2.links
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-multimedia/videolan/vlc/debian/libvlc2.links?rev=1463&op=file
--- videolan/vlc/debian/libvlc2.links (added)
+++ videolan/vlc/debian/libvlc2.links Sun Sep 14 17:58:38 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,2 @@
+/usr/share/doc/libvlccore0 /usr/share/doc/libvlc2
+/usr/share/bug/libvlccore0 /usr/share/bug/libvlc2

Added: videolan/vlc/debian/libvlc2.symbols
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-multimedia/videolan/vlc/debian/libvlc2.symbols?rev=1463&op=file
--- videolan/vlc/debian/libvlc2.symbols (added)
+++ videolan/vlc/debian/libvlc2.symbols Sun Sep 14 17:58:38 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,239 @@
+libvlc.so.2 libvlc2 #MINVER#
+ libvlc_add_intf at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_audio_get_channel at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_audio_get_mute at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_audio_get_track at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_audio_get_track_count at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_audio_get_volume at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_audio_set_channel at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_audio_set_mute at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_audio_set_track at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_audio_set_volume at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_audio_toggle_mute at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_event_attach at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_event_detach at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_event_manager_new at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_event_manager_register_event_type at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_event_manager_release at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_event_send at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_event_type_name at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_exception_clear at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_exception_get_message at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_exception_init at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_exception_raise at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_exception_raised at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_get_changeset at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_get_compiler at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_get_fullscreen at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_get_input_thread at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_get_log_verbosity at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_get_version at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_get_vlc_id at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_log_clear at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_log_close at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_log_count at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_log_get_iterator at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_log_iterator_free at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_log_iterator_has_next at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_log_iterator_next at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_log_open at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_add_option at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_discoverer_event_manager at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_discoverer_is_running at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_discoverer_localized_name at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_discoverer_media_list at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_discoverer_new_from_name at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_discoverer_release at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_duplicate at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_event_manager at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_get_duration at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_get_meta at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_get_mrl at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_get_state at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_get_user_data at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_is_preparsed at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_library_load at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_library_media_list at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_library_new at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_library_release at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_library_retain at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_library_save at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_list_add_file_content at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_list_add_media at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_list_count at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_list_event_manager at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_list_flat_view at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_list_hierarchical_node_view at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_list_hierarchical_view at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_list_index_of_item at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_list_insert_media at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_list_is_readonly at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_list_item_at_index at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_list_lock at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_list_media at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_list_new at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_list_player_get_state at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_list_player_is_playing at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_list_player_new at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_list_player_next at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_list_player_pause at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_list_player_play at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_list_player_play_item at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_list_player_play_item_at_index at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_list_player_release at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_list_player_set_media_list at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_list_player_set_media_player at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_list_player_stop at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_list_release at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_list_remove_index at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_list_retain at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_list_set_media at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_list_unlock at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_list_view_children_at_index at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_list_view_children_for_item at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_list_view_count at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_list_view_event_manager at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_list_view_item_added at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_list_view_item_at_index at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_list_view_item_deleted at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_list_view_new at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_list_view_parent_media_list at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_list_view_release at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_list_view_retain at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_list_view_set_ml_notification_callback at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_list_view_will_add_item at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_list_view_will_delete_item at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_new at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_new_as_node at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_new_from_input_item at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_player_can_pause at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_player_destroy at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_player_event_manager at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_player_get_chapter at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_player_get_chapter_count at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_player_get_drawable at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_player_get_fps at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_player_get_length at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_player_get_media at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_player_get_position at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_player_get_rate at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_player_get_state at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_player_get_time at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_player_has_vout at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_player_is_seekable at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_player_new at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_player_new_from_input_thread at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_player_new_from_media at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_player_pause at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_player_play at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_player_release at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_player_retain at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_player_set_chapter at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_player_set_drawable at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_player_set_media at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_player_set_position at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_player_set_rate at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_player_set_time at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_player_stop at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_player_will_play at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_release at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_retain at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_set_state at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_set_user_data at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_media_subitems at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_new at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_playlist_add at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_playlist_add_extended at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_playlist_clear at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_playlist_delete_item at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_playlist_get_current_index at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_playlist_get_media_player at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_playlist_isplaying at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_playlist_items_count at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_playlist_lock at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_playlist_loop at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_playlist_next at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_playlist_pause at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_playlist_play at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_playlist_prev at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_playlist_stop at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_playlist_unlock at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_release at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_retain at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_set_fullscreen at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_set_log_verbosity at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_toggle_fullscreen at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_toggle_teletext at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_video_destroy at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_video_get_aspect_ratio at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_video_get_crop_geometry at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_video_get_height at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_video_get_parent at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_video_get_spu at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_video_get_teletext at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_video_get_width at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_video_redraw_rectangle at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_video_reparent at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_video_resize at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_video_set_aspect_ratio at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_video_set_crop_geometry at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_video_set_parent at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_video_set_size at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_video_set_spu at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_video_set_subtitle_file at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_video_set_teletext at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_video_set_viewport at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_video_take_snapshot at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_vlm_add_broadcast at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_vlm_add_input at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_vlm_add_vod at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_vlm_change_media at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_vlm_del_media at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_vlm_get_media_instance_chapter at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_vlm_get_media_instance_length at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_vlm_get_media_instance_position at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_vlm_get_media_instance_rate at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_vlm_get_media_instance_seekable at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_vlm_get_media_instance_time at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_vlm_get_media_instance_title at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_vlm_pause_media at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_vlm_play_media at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_vlm_release at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_vlm_seek_media at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_vlm_set_enabled at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_vlm_set_input at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_vlm_set_loop at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_vlm_set_mux at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_vlm_set_output at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_vlm_show_media at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_vlm_stop_media at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_wait at Base 0.9.1
+ mediacontrol_RGBPicture__free at Base 0.9.1
+ mediacontrol_StreamInformation__free at Base 0.9.1
+ mediacontrol_display_text at Base 0.9.1
+ mediacontrol_exception_cleanup at Base 0.9.1
+ mediacontrol_exception_create at Base 0.9.1
+ mediacontrol_exception_free at Base 0.9.1
+ mediacontrol_exception_init at Base 0.9.1
+ mediacontrol_exit at Base 0.9.1
+ mediacontrol_get_fullscreen at Base 0.9.1
+ mediacontrol_get_libvlc_instance at Base 0.9.1
+ mediacontrol_get_media_player at Base 0.9.1
+ mediacontrol_get_media_position at Base 0.9.1
+ mediacontrol_get_mrl at Base 0.9.1
+ mediacontrol_get_rate at Base 0.9.1
+ mediacontrol_get_stream_information at Base 0.9.1
+ mediacontrol_new at Base 0.9.1
+ mediacontrol_new_from_instance at Base 0.9.1
+ mediacontrol_pause at Base 0.9.1
+ mediacontrol_resume at Base 0.9.1
+ mediacontrol_set_fullscreen at Base 0.9.1
+ mediacontrol_set_media_position at Base 0.9.1
+ mediacontrol_set_mrl at Base 0.9.1
+ mediacontrol_set_rate at Base 0.9.1
+ mediacontrol_set_visual at Base 0.9.1
+ mediacontrol_snapshot at Base 0.9.1
+ mediacontrol_sound_get_volume at Base 0.9.1
+ mediacontrol_sound_set_volume at Base 0.9.1
+ mediacontrol_start at Base 0.9.1
+ mediacontrol_stop at Base 0.9.1

Added: videolan/vlc/debian/libvlccore-dev.install
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-multimedia/videolan/vlc/debian/libvlccore-dev.install?rev=1463&op=file
--- videolan/vlc/debian/libvlccore-dev.install (added)
+++ videolan/vlc/debian/libvlccore-dev.install Sun Sep 14 17:58:38 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,4 @@

Added: videolan/vlc/debian/libvlccore-dev.links
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-multimedia/videolan/vlc/debian/libvlccore-dev.links?rev=1463&op=file
--- videolan/vlc/debian/libvlccore-dev.links (added)
+++ videolan/vlc/debian/libvlccore-dev.links Sun Sep 14 17:58:38 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,2 @@
+/usr/share/doc/libvlccore0 /usr/share/doc/libvlccore-dev
+/usr/share/bug/libvlccore0 /usr/share/bug/libvlccore-dev

Modified: videolan/vlc/debian/libvlccore1.links
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-multimedia/videolan/vlc/debian/libvlccore1.links?rev=1463&op=diff
--- videolan/vlc/debian/libvlccore1.links (original)
+++ videolan/vlc/debian/libvlccore1.links Sun Sep 14 17:58:38 2008
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-/usr/share/doc/libvlc2 /usr/share/doc/libvlccore0
-/usr/share/bug/libvlc2 /usr/share/bug/libvlccore0
+/usr/share/doc/vlc-data /usr/share/doc/libvlccore0
+/usr/share/bug/vlc-data /usr/share/bug/libvlccore0

Added: videolan/vlc/debian/libvlccore1.symbols
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-multimedia/videolan/vlc/debian/libvlccore1.symbols?rev=1463&op=file
--- videolan/vlc/debian/libvlccore1.symbols (added)
+++ videolan/vlc/debian/libvlccore1.symbols Sun Sep 14 17:58:38 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,531 @@
+libvlccore.so.0 libvlccore0 #MINVER#
+ ACL_AddNet at Base 0.9.1
+ ACL_Check at Base 0.9.1
+ ACL_Destroy at Base 0.9.1
+ ACL_LoadFile at Base 0.9.1
+ AddMD5 at Base 0.9.1
+ EndMD5 at Base 0.9.1
+ EnsureUTF8 at Base 0.9.1
+ FromLocale at Base 0.9.1
+ FromLocaleDup at Base 0.9.1
+ GetFallbackEncoding at Base 0.9.1
+ GetLang_1 at Base 0.9.1
+ GetLang_2B at Base 0.9.1
+ GetLang_2T at Base 0.9.1
+ InitMD5 at Base 0.9.1
+ IsUTF8 at Base 0.9.1
+ LocaleFree at Base 0.9.1
+ NTPtime64 at Base 0.9.1
+ ToLocale at Base 0.9.1
+ ToLocaleDup at Base 0.9.1
+ VLC_Changeset at Base 0.9.1
+ VLC_CompileBy at Base 0.9.1
+ VLC_CompileDomain at Base 0.9.1
+ VLC_CompileHost at Base 0.9.1
+ VLC_Compiler at Base 0.9.1
+ VLC_Version at Base 0.9.1
+ __ACL_Create at Base 0.9.1
+ __ACL_Duplicate at Base 0.9.1
+ __aout_VolumeDown at Base 0.9.1
+ __aout_VolumeGet at Base 0.9.1
+ __aout_VolumeInfos at Base 0.9.1
+ __aout_VolumeMute at Base 0.9.1
+ __aout_VolumeSet at Base 0.9.1
+ __aout_VolumeUp at Base 0.9.1
+ __config_AddIntf at Base 0.9.1
+ __config_ChainParse at Base 0.9.1
+ __config_ExistIntf at Base 0.9.1
+ __config_GetFloat at Base 0.9.1
+ __config_GetInt at Base 0.9.1
+ __config_GetPsz at Base 0.9.1
+ __config_GetType at Base 0.9.1
+ __config_PutFloat at Base 0.9.1
+ __config_PutInt at Base 0.9.1
+ __config_PutPsz at Base 0.9.1
+ __config_RemoveIntf at Base 0.9.1
+ __config_ResetAll at Base 0.9.1
+ __config_SaveConfigFile at Base 0.9.1
+ __filter_chain_New at Base 0.9.1
+ __image_HandlerCreate at Base 0.9.1
+ __input_CreateThread at Base 0.9.1
+ __input_Preparse at Base 0.9.1
+ __input_Read at Base 0.9.1
+ __input_item_GetById at Base 0.9.1
+ __input_item_NewExt at Base 0.9.1
+ __intf_Create at Base 0.9.1
+ __intf_Eject at Base 0.9.1
+ __intf_Progress at Base 0.9.1
+ __intf_ProgressUpdate at Base 0.9.1
+ __intf_UserFatal at Base 0.9.1
+ __intf_UserHide at Base 0.9.1
+ __intf_UserLoginPassword at Base 0.9.1
+ __intf_UserProgressIsCancelled at Base 0.9.1
+ __intf_UserStringInput at Base 0.9.1
+ __intf_UserWarn at Base 0.9.1
+ __intf_UserYesNo at Base 0.9.1
+ __module_Exists at Base 0.9.1
+ __module_Find at Base 0.9.1
+ __module_GetModulesNamesForCapability at Base 0.9.1
+ __module_Need at Base 0.9.1
+ __module_Unneed at Base 0.9.1
+ __msg_Dbg at Base 0.9.1
+ __msg_Err at Base 0.9.1
+ __msg_Generic at Base 0.9.1
+ __msg_GenericVa at Base 0.9.1
+ __msg_Info at Base 0.9.1
+ __msg_Subscribe at Base 0.9.1
+ __msg_Unsubscribe at Base 0.9.1
+ __msg_Warn at Base 0.9.1
+ __net_Accept at Base 0.9.1
+ __net_Connect at Base 0.9.1
+ __net_ConnectDgram at Base 0.9.1
+ __net_Gets at Base 0.9.1
+ __net_OpenDgram at Base 0.9.1
+ __net_Read at Base 0.9.1
+ __net_Write at Base 0.9.1
+ __net_vaPrintf at Base 0.9.1
+ __osd_ButtonFind at Base 0.9.1
+ __osd_ButtonSelect at Base 0.9.1
+ __osd_MenuActivate at Base 0.9.1
+ __osd_MenuCreate at Base 0.9.1
+ __osd_MenuDelete at Base 0.9.1
+ __osd_MenuDown at Base 0.9.1
+ __osd_MenuHide at Base 0.9.1
+ __osd_MenuNext at Base 0.9.1
+ __osd_MenuPrev at Base 0.9.1
+ __osd_MenuShow at Base 0.9.1
+ __osd_MenuUp at Base 0.9.1
+ __osd_Volume at Base 0.9.1
+ __pl_Release at Base 0.9.1
+ __pl_Yield at Base 0.9.1
+ __services_discovery_GetServicesNames at Base 0.9.1
+ __spu_Create at Base 0.9.1
+ __spu_CreateRegion at Base 0.9.1
+ __spu_DestroyRegion at Base 0.9.1
+ __spu_MakeRegion at Base 0.9.1
+ __stats_ComputeGlobalStats at Base 0.9.1
+ __stats_CounterCreate at Base 0.9.1
+ __stats_Get at Base 0.9.1
+ __stats_TimerClean at Base 0.9.1
+ __stats_TimerDump at Base 0.9.1
+ __stats_TimerStart at Base 0.9.1
+ __stats_TimerStop at Base 0.9.1
+ __stats_TimersCleanAll at Base 0.9.1
+ __stats_TimersDumpAll at Base 0.9.1
+ __stats_Update at Base 0.9.1
+ __str_format at Base 0.9.1
+ __str_format_meta at Base 0.9.1
+ __stream_DemuxNew at Base 0.9.1
+ __stream_MemoryNew at Base 0.9.1
+ __stream_UrlNew at Base 0.9.1
+ __update_New at Base 0.9.1
+ __var_AddCallback at Base 0.9.1
+ __var_Change at Base 0.9.1
+ __var_Command at Base 0.9.1
+ __var_Create at Base 0.9.1
+ __var_DelCallback at Base 0.9.1
+ __var_Destroy at Base 0.9.1
+ __var_Get at Base 0.9.1
+ __var_Set at Base 0.9.1
+ __var_TriggerCallback at Base 0.9.1
+ __var_Type at Base 0.9.1
+ __vlc_cond_destroy at Base 0.9.1
+ __vlc_cond_init at Base 0.9.1
+ __vlc_event_attach at Base 0.9.1
+ __vlc_event_manager_init at Base 0.9.1
+ __vlc_execve at Base 0.9.1
+ __vlc_gc_decref at Base 0.9.1
+ __vlc_gc_incref at Base 0.9.1
+ __vlc_gc_init at Base 0.9.1
+ __vlc_list_children at Base 0.9.1
+ __vlc_list_find at Base 0.9.1
+ __vlc_mutex_destroy at Base 0.9.1
+ __vlc_object_attach at Base 0.9.1
+ __vlc_object_create at Base 0.9.1
+ __vlc_object_detach at Base 0.9.1
+ __vlc_object_dump at Base 0.9.1
+ __vlc_object_find at Base 0.9.1
+ __vlc_object_find_name at Base 0.9.1
+ __vlc_object_kill at Base 0.9.1
+ __vlc_object_lock at Base 0.9.1
+ __vlc_object_release at Base 0.9.1
+ __vlc_object_set_destructor at Base 0.9.1
+ __vlc_object_signal_unlocked at Base 0.9.1
+ __vlc_object_timedwait at Base 0.9.1
+ __vlc_object_unlock at Base 0.9.1
+ __vlc_object_wait at Base 0.9.1
+ __vlc_object_waitpipe at Base 0.9.1
+ __vlc_object_yield at Base 0.9.1
+ __vlc_thread_create at Base 0.9.1
+ __vlc_thread_join at Base 0.9.1
+ __vlc_thread_set_priority at Base 0.9.1
+ __vlm_New at Base 0.9.1
+ __vout_AllocatePicture at Base 0.9.1
+ __vout_CopyPicture at Base 0.9.1
+ __vout_Create at Base 0.9.1
+ __vout_InitPicture at Base 0.9.1
+ __vout_OSDMessage at Base 0.9.1
+ __vout_Request at Base 0.9.1
+ __xml_Create at Base 0.9.1
+ aout_BitsPerSample at Base 0.9.1
+ aout_ChannelReorder at Base 0.9.1
+ aout_ChannelsRestart at Base 0.9.1
+ aout_CheckChannelReorder at Base 0.9.1
+ aout_DateGet at Base 0.9.1
+ aout_DateIncrement at Base 0.9.1
+ aout_DateInit at Base 0.9.1
+ aout_DateMove at Base 0.9.1
+ aout_DateSet at Base 0.9.1
+ aout_EnableFilter at Base 0.9.1
+ aout_FifoFirstDate at Base 0.9.1
+ aout_FifoPop at Base 0.9.1
+ aout_FindAndRestart at Base 0.9.1
+ aout_FormatNbChannels at Base 0.9.1
+ aout_FormatPrepare at Base 0.9.1
+ aout_FormatPrint at Base 0.9.1
+ aout_FormatPrintChannels at Base 0.9.1
+ aout_OutputNextBuffer at Base 0.9.1
+ aout_VisualChange at Base 0.9.1
+ aout_VolumeNoneInit at Base 0.9.1
+ aout_VolumeSoftInit at Base 0.9.1
+ block_Alloc at Base 0.9.1
+ block_FifoCount at Base 0.9.1
+ block_FifoEmpty at Base 0.9.1
+ block_FifoGet at Base 0.9.1
+ block_FifoNew at Base 0.9.1
+ block_FifoPut at Base 0.9.1
+ block_FifoRelease at Base 0.9.1
+ block_FifoShow at Base 0.9.1
+ block_FifoSize at Base 0.9.1
+ block_FifoWake at Base 0.9.1
+ block_File at Base 0.9.1
+ block_Init at Base 0.9.1
+ block_Realloc at Base 0.9.1
+ block_mmap_Alloc at Base 0.9.1
+ config_ChainCreate at Base 0.9.1
+ config_ChainDestroy at Base 0.9.1
+ config_FindConfig at Base 0.9.1
+ config_GetCacheDir at Base 0.9.1
+ config_GetConfDir at Base 0.9.1
+ config_GetDataDir at Base 0.9.1
+ config_GetHomeDir at Base 0.9.1
+ config_GetUserConfDir at Base 0.9.1
+ config_GetUserDataDir at Base 0.9.1
+ convert_xml_special_chars at Base 0.9.1
+ date_Change at Base 0.9.1
+ date_Get at Base 0.9.1
+ date_Increment at Base 0.9.1
+ date_Init at Base 0.9.1
+ date_Move at Base 0.9.1
+ date_Set at Base 0.9.1
+ decode_URI at Base 0.9.1
+ decode_URI_duplicate at Base 0.9.1
+ decoder_GetDisplayDate at Base 0.9.1
+ decoder_GetInputAttachment at Base 0.9.1
+ decoder_GetInputAttachments at Base 0.9.1
+ decoder_SynchroChoose at Base 0.9.1
+ decoder_SynchroDate at Base 0.9.1
+ decoder_SynchroDecode at Base 0.9.1
+ decoder_SynchroEnd at Base 0.9.1
+ decoder_SynchroInit at Base 0.9.1
+ decoder_SynchroNewPicture at Base 0.9.1
+ decoder_SynchroRelease at Base 0.9.1
+ decoder_SynchroReset at Base 0.9.1
+ decoder_SynchroTrash at Base 0.9.1
+ demux_vaControlHelper at Base 0.9.1
+ encode_URI_component at Base 0.9.1
+ es_format_Clean at Base 0.9.1
+ es_format_Copy at Base 0.9.1
+ es_format_Init at Base 0.9.1
+ filename_sanitize at Base 0.9.1
+ filter_chain_AppendFilter at Base 0.9.1
+ filter_chain_AppendFromString at Base 0.9.1
+ filter_chain_AudioFilter at Base 0.9.1
+ filter_chain_Delete at Base 0.9.1
+ filter_chain_DeleteFilter at Base 0.9.1
+ filter_chain_GetFilter at Base 0.9.1
+ filter_chain_GetFmtOut at Base 0.9.1
+ filter_chain_GetLength at Base 0.9.1
+ filter_chain_Reset at Base 0.9.1
+ filter_chain_SubFilter at Base 0.9.1
+ filter_chain_VideoFilter at Base 0.9.1
+ httpd_ClientIP at Base 0.9.1
+ httpd_ClientModeBidir at Base 0.9.1
+ httpd_ClientModeStream at Base 0.9.1
+ httpd_FileDelete at Base 0.9.1
+ httpd_FileNew at Base 0.9.1
+ httpd_HandlerDelete at Base 0.9.1
+ httpd_HandlerNew at Base 0.9.1
+ httpd_HostDelete at Base 0.9.1
+ httpd_HostNew at Base 0.9.1
+ httpd_MsgAdd at Base 0.9.1
+ httpd_MsgClean at Base 0.9.1
+ httpd_MsgGet at Base 0.9.1
+ httpd_MsgInit at Base 0.9.1
+ httpd_RedirectDelete at Base 0.9.1
+ httpd_RedirectNew at Base 0.9.1
+ httpd_ServerIP at Base 0.9.1
+ httpd_StreamDelete at Base 0.9.1
+ httpd_StreamHeader at Base 0.9.1
+ httpd_StreamNew at Base 0.9.1
+ httpd_StreamSend at Base 0.9.1
+ httpd_TLSHostNew at Base 0.9.1
+ httpd_UrlCatch at Base 0.9.1
+ httpd_UrlDelete at Base 0.9.1
+ httpd_UrlNew at Base 0.9.1
+ httpd_UrlNewUnique at Base 0.9.1
+ image_HandlerDelete at Base 0.9.1
+ input_AddSubtitles at Base 0.9.1
+ input_Control at Base 0.9.1
+ input_DecoderDecode at Base 0.9.1
+ input_DecoderDelete at Base 0.9.1
+ input_DecoderNew at Base 0.9.1
+ input_GetItem at Base 0.9.1
+ input_MetaTypeToLocalizedString at Base 0.9.1
+ input_SplitMRL at Base 0.9.1
+ input_StopThread at Base 0.9.1
+ input_get_event_manager at Base 0.9.1
+ input_item_AddInfo at Base 0.9.1
+ input_item_AddOpt at Base 0.9.1
+ input_item_AddOption at Base 0.9.1
+ input_item_AddSubItem at Base 0.9.1
+ input_item_CopyOptions at Base 0.9.1
+ input_item_GetDuration at Base 0.9.1
+ input_item_GetInfo at Base 0.9.1
+ input_item_GetMeta at Base 0.9.1
+ input_item_GetMetaObject at Base 0.9.1
+ input_item_GetName at Base 0.9.1
+ input_item_GetURI at Base 0.9.1
+ input_item_HasErrorWhenReading at Base 0.9.1
+ input_item_IsArtFetched at Base 0.9.1
+ input_item_IsPreparsed at Base 0.9.1
+ input_item_MetaMatch at Base 0.9.1
+ input_item_MetaMerge at Base 0.9.1
+ input_item_NewWithType at Base 0.9.1
+ input_item_SetDuration at Base 0.9.1
+ input_item_SetMeta at Base 0.9.1
+ input_item_SetName at Base 0.9.1
+ input_item_SetURI at Base 0.9.1
+ input_vaControl at Base 0.9.1
+ intf_RunThread at Base 0.9.1
+ intf_StopThread at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_InternalAddIntf at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_InternalCleanup at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_InternalCreate at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_InternalDestroy at Base 0.9.1
+ libvlc_InternalInit at Base 0.9.1
+ mdate at Base 0.9.1
+ module_GetConfig at Base 0.9.1
+ module_GetHelp at Base 0.9.1
+ module_GetName at Base 0.9.1
+ module_GetObjName at Base 0.9.1
+ module_IsCapable at Base 0.9.1
+ module_Put at Base 0.9.1
+ module_PutConfig at Base 0.9.1
+ msleep at Base 0.9.1
+ mstrtime at Base 0.9.1
+ mwait at Base 0.9.1
+ net_AcceptSingle at Base 0.9.1
+ net_Listen at Base 0.9.1
+ net_ListenClose at Base 0.9.1
+ net_Printf at Base 0.9.1
+ net_SetCSCov at Base 0.9.1
+ osd_Icon at Base 0.9.1
+ osd_Message at Base 0.9.1
+ osd_ShowTextAbsolute at Base 0.9.1
+ osd_ShowTextRelative at Base 0.9.1
+ osd_Slider at Base 0.9.1
+ path_sanitize at Base 0.9.1
+ picture_CopyPixels at Base 0.9.1
+ picture_Delete at Base 0.9.1
+ picture_New at Base 0.9.1
+ plane_CopyPixels at Base 0.9.1
+ playlist_Add at Base 0.9.1
+ playlist_AddExt at Base 0.9.1
+ playlist_AddInput at Base 0.9.1
+ playlist_AskForArtEnqueue at Base 0.9.1
+ playlist_BothAddInput at Base 0.9.1
+ playlist_ChildSearchName at Base 0.9.1
+ playlist_Clear at Base 0.9.1
+ playlist_Control at Base 0.9.1
+ playlist_CurrentInput at Base 0.9.1
+ playlist_DeleteFromInput at Base 0.9.1
+ playlist_Export at Base 0.9.1
+ playlist_GetLastLeaf at Base 0.9.1
+ playlist_GetNextLeaf at Base 0.9.1
+ playlist_GetPreferredNode at Base 0.9.1
+ playlist_GetPrevLeaf at Base 0.9.1
+ playlist_IsServicesDiscoveryLoaded at Base 0.9.1
+ playlist_ItemGetById at Base 0.9.1
+ playlist_ItemGetByInput at Base 0.9.1
+ playlist_ItemGetByInputId at Base 0.9.1
+ playlist_ItemNewWithType at Base 0.9.1
+ playlist_ItemSetName at Base 0.9.1
+ playlist_ItemToNode at Base 0.9.1
+ playlist_LiveSearchUpdate at Base 0.9.1
+ playlist_NodeAppend at Base 0.9.1
+ playlist_NodeChildrenCount at Base 0.9.1
+ playlist_NodeCreate at Base 0.9.1
+ playlist_NodeDelete at Base 0.9.1
+ playlist_NodeEmpty at Base 0.9.1
+ playlist_NodeInsert at Base 0.9.1
+ playlist_NodeRemoveItem at Base 0.9.1
+ playlist_NodesPairCreate at Base 0.9.1
+ playlist_PreparseEnqueue at Base 0.9.1
+ playlist_PreparseEnqueueItem at Base 0.9.1
+ playlist_RecursiveNodeSort at Base 0.9.1
+ playlist_ServicesDiscoveryAdd at Base 0.9.1
+ playlist_ServicesDiscoveryRemove at Base 0.9.1
+ playlist_TreeMove at Base 0.9.1
+ resolve_xml_special_chars at Base 0.9.1
+ sdp_AddAttribute at Base 0.9.1
+ sdp_AddMedia at Base 0.9.1
+ secstotimestr at Base 0.9.1
+ services_discovery_AddItem at Base 0.9.1
+ services_discovery_Create at Base 0.9.1
+ services_discovery_Destroy at Base 0.9.1
+ services_discovery_EventManager at Base 0.9.1
+ services_discovery_GetLocalizedName at Base 0.9.1
+ services_discovery_RemoveItem at Base 0.9.1
+ services_discovery_SetLocalizedName at Base 0.9.1
+ services_discovery_Start at Base 0.9.1
+ services_discovery_Stop at Base 0.9.1
+ sout_AccessOutControl at Base 0.9.1
+ sout_AccessOutDelete at Base 0.9.1
+ sout_AccessOutNew at Base 0.9.1
+ sout_AccessOutRead at Base 0.9.1
+ sout_AccessOutSeek at Base 0.9.1
+ sout_AccessOutWrite at Base 0.9.1
+ sout_AnnounceRegisterSDP at Base 0.9.1
+ sout_AnnounceUnRegister at Base 0.9.1
+ sout_MethodRelease at Base 0.9.1
+ sout_MuxAddStream at Base 0.9.1
+ sout_MuxDelete at Base 0.9.1
+ sout_MuxDeleteStream at Base 0.9.1
+ sout_MuxNew at Base 0.9.1
+ sout_MuxSendBuffer at Base 0.9.1
+ sout_SAPMethod at Base 0.9.1
+ sout_StreamDelete at Base 0.9.1
+ sout_StreamNew at Base 0.9.1
+ sout_UpdateStatistic at Base 0.9.1
+ spu_CreateSubpicture at Base 0.9.1
+ spu_Destroy at Base 0.9.1
+ spu_DestroySubpicture at Base 0.9.1
+ spu_DisplaySubpicture at Base 0.9.1
+ spu_Init at Base 0.9.1
+ spu_RenderSubpictures at Base 0.9.1
+ spu_SortSubpictures at Base 0.9.1
+ stats_ComputeInputStats at Base 0.9.1
+ stats_CounterClean at Base 0.9.1
+ stats_DumpInputStats at Base 0.9.1
+ stats_ReinitInputStats at Base 0.9.1
+ str_format_time at Base 0.9.1
+ stream_Block at Base 0.9.1
+ stream_Control at Base 0.9.1
+ stream_Delete at Base 0.9.1
+ stream_DemuxDelete at Base 0.9.1
+ stream_DemuxSend at Base 0.9.1
+ stream_Peek at Base 0.9.1
+ stream_Read at Base 0.9.1
+ stream_ReadLine at Base 0.9.1
+ stream_vaControl at Base 0.9.1
+ tls_ClientCreate at Base 0.9.1
+ tls_ClientDelete at Base 0.9.1
+ unescape_URI at Base 0.9.1
+ unescape_URI_duplicate at Base 0.9.1
+ update_Check at Base 0.9.1
+ update_Delete at Base 0.9.1
+ update_Download at Base 0.9.1
+ update_GetRelease at Base 0.9.1
+ update_NeedUpgrade at Base 0.9.1
+ update_WaitDownload at Base 0.9.1
+ us_atof at Base 0.9.1
+ us_strtod at Base 0.9.1
+ utf8_fopen at Base 0.9.1
+ utf8_fprintf at Base 0.9.1
+ utf8_loaddir at Base 0.9.1
+ utf8_lstat at Base 0.9.1
+ utf8_mkdir at Base 0.9.1
+ utf8_open at Base 0.9.1
+ utf8_opendir at Base 0.9.1
+ utf8_readdir at Base 0.9.1
+ utf8_scandir at Base 0.9.1
+ utf8_stat at Base 0.9.1
+ utf8_unlink at Base 0.9.1
+ utf8_vfprintf at Base 0.9.1
+ var_AcquireMutex at Base 0.9.1
+ video_format_FixRgb at Base 0.9.1
+ vlc_CPU at Base 0.9.1
+ vlc_b64_decode at Base 0.9.1
+ vlc_b64_decode_binary at Base 0.9.1
+ vlc_b64_decode_binary_to_buffer at Base 0.9.1
+ vlc_b64_encode at Base 0.9.1
+ vlc_b64_encode_binary at Base 0.9.1
+ vlc_config_create at Base 0.9.1
+ vlc_config_set at Base 0.9.1
+ vlc_error at Base 0.9.1
+ vlc_event_detach at Base 0.9.1
+ vlc_event_manager_fini at Base 0.9.1
+ vlc_event_manager_register_event_type at Base 0.9.1
+ vlc_event_send at Base 0.9.1
+ vlc_fastmem_register at Base 0.9.1
+ vlc_freeaddrinfo at Base 0.9.1
+ vlc_gai_strerror at Base 0.9.1
+ vlc_getaddrinfo at Base 0.9.1
+ vlc_getnameinfo at Base 0.9.1
+ vlc_gettext at Base 0.9.1
+ vlc_iconv at Base 0.9.1
+ vlc_iconv_close at Base 0.9.1
+ vlc_iconv_open at Base 0.9.1
+ vlc_inet_ntop at Base 0.9.1
+ vlc_inet_pton at Base 0.9.1
+ vlc_list_release at Base 0.9.1
+ vlc_memcpy at Base 0.9.1
+ vlc_memset at Base 0.9.1
+ vlc_module_create at Base 0.9.1
+ vlc_module_set at Base 0.9.1
+ vlc_mutex_init at Base 0.9.1
+ vlc_mutex_init_recursive at Base 0.9.1
+ vlc_object_get at Base 0.9.1
+ vlc_poll at Base 0.9.1
+ vlc_pthread_fatal at Base 0.9.1
+ vlc_rand_bytes at Base 0.9.1
+ vlc_recvmsg at Base 0.9.1
+ vlc_sdp_Start at Base 0.9.1
+ vlc_sendmsg at Base 0.9.1
+ vlc_strcasestr at Base 0.9.1
+ vlc_strlcpy at Base 0.9.1
+ vlc_strtoll at Base 0.9.1
+ vlc_submodule_create at Base 0.9.1
+ vlc_threadvar_create at Base 0.9.1
+ vlc_threadvar_delete at Base 0.9.1
+ vlc_ureduce at Base 0.9.1
+ vlc_wclosedir at Base 0.9.1
+ vlc_wraptext at Base 0.9.1
+ vlm_Control at Base 0.9.1
+ vlm_Delete at Base 0.9.1
+ vlm_ExecuteCommand at Base 0.9.1
+ vlm_MessageAdd at Base 0.9.1
+ vlm_MessageDelete at Base 0.9.1
+ vlm_MessageNew at Base 0.9.1
+ vout_ChromaCmp at Base 0.9.1
+ vout_Close at Base 0.9.1
+ vout_ControlWindow at Base 0.9.1
+ vout_CreatePicture at Base 0.9.1
+ vout_DatePicture at Base 0.9.1
+ vout_DestroyPicture at Base 0.9.1
+ vout_DisplayPicture at Base 0.9.1
+ vout_EnableFilter at Base 0.9.1
+ vout_InitFormat at Base 0.9.1
+ vout_LinkPicture at Base 0.9.1
+ vout_OSDIcon at Base 0.9.1
+ vout_OSDSlider at Base 0.9.1
+ vout_PlacePicture at Base 0.9.1
+ vout_ReleaseWindow at Base 0.9.1
+ vout_RequestWindow at Base 0.9.1
+ vout_ShowTextAbsolute at Base 0.9.1
+ vout_ShowTextRelative at Base 0.9.1
+ vout_Snapshot at Base 0.9.1
+ vout_UnlinkPicture at Base 0.9.1
+ vout_vaControlDefault at Base 0.9.1
+ xml_Delete at Base 0.9.1

Added: videolan/vlc/debian/patches/052_as-needed.diff
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-multimedia/videolan/vlc/debian/patches/052_as-needed.diff?rev=1463&op=file
--- videolan/vlc/debian/patches/052_as-needed.diff (added)
+++ videolan/vlc/debian/patches/052_as-needed.diff Sun Sep 14 17:58:38 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,32 @@
+Index: vlc-0.9.1/autotools/ltmain.sh
+--- vlc-0.9.1.orig/autotools/ltmain.sh	2008-04-29 22:21:21.000000000 +0200
++++ vlc-0.9.1/autotools/ltmain.sh	2008-09-04 00:46:24.000000000 +0200
+@@ -1807,6 +1807,11 @@
+ 	arg=`$echo "X$arg" | $Xsed -e "s/^ //"`
+ 	;;
++      -Wl,--as-needed)
++	deplibs="$deplibs $arg"
++	continue
++	;;
+       -Wl,*)
+ 	args=`$echo "X$arg" | $Xsed -e "$sed_quote_subst" -e 's/^-Wl,//'`
+ 	arg=
+@@ -2150,6 +2155,15 @@
+ 	lib=
+ 	found=no
+ 	case $deplib in
++	-Wl,--as-needed)
++	  if test "$linkmode,$pass" = "prog,link"; then
++	    compile_deplibs="$deplib $compile_deplibs"
++	    finalize_deplibs="$deplib $finalize_deplibs"
++	  else
++	    deplibs="$deplib $deplibs"
++	  fi
++	  continue
++	  ;;
+ 	-mt|-mthreads|-kthread|-Kthread|-pthread|-pthreads|--thread-safe|-threads)
+ 	  if test "$linkmode,$pass" = "prog,link"; then
+ 	    compile_deplibs="$deplib $compile_deplibs"

Modified: videolan/vlc/debian/patches/104_notify.diff
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-multimedia/videolan/vlc/debian/patches/104_notify.diff?rev=1463&op=diff
--- videolan/vlc/debian/patches/104_notify.diff (original)
+++ videolan/vlc/debian/patches/104_notify.diff Sun Sep 14 17:58:38 2008
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-Index: vlc-debian/modules/misc/notify/notify.c
+Index: vlc-0.9.1/modules/misc/notify/notify.c
---- vlc-debian.orig/modules/misc/notify/notify.c	2008-06-01 00:46:01.000000000 +0200
-+++ vlc-debian/modules/misc/notify/notify.c	2008-06-01 11:38:57.000000000 +0200
-@@ -220,13 +220,7 @@
+--- vlc-0.9.1.orig/modules/misc/notify/notify.c	2008-08-25 23:40:43.000000000 +0200
++++ vlc-0.9.1/modules/misc/notify/notify.c	2008-09-04 00:46:24.000000000 +0200
+@@ -216,13 +216,7 @@
          free( psz_arturl );
      else /* else we show state-of-the art logo */

Modified: videolan/vlc/debian/patches/series
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-multimedia/videolan/vlc/debian/patches/series?rev=1463&op=diff
--- videolan/vlc/debian/patches/series (original)
+++ videolan/vlc/debian/patches/series Sun Sep 14 17:58:38 2008
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@

Modified: videolan/vlc/debian/rules
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-multimedia/videolan/vlc/debian/rules?rev=1463&op=diff
--- videolan/vlc/debian/rules (original)
+++ videolan/vlc/debian/rules Sun Sep 14 17:58:38 2008
@@ -12,11 +12,12 @@
 confflags := --host=$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE) --build=$(DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE)
-# how to call quilt
-QUILT := QUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches quilt --quiltrc /dev/null
+include /usr/share/quilt/quilt.make
+LDFLAGS = -Wl,--as-needed
 # configure flags
-confflags += --enable-maintaner-mode --enable-release --prefix=/usr
+confflags += --enable-maintaner-mode --enable-debug --prefix=/usr
 confflags += \
 	--enable-libtool \
 	--enable-fast-install \
@@ -38,6 +39,7 @@
 	--enable-aa \
 	--enable-dvbpsi \
 	--enable-mozilla \
+	--with-mozilla-pkg=iceape-plugin \
 	--disable-kde \
 	--enable-mp4 \
 	--enable-dvb \
@@ -45,8 +47,6 @@
 	--enable-ogg \
 	--enable-vorbis \
 	--enable-shout \
-	--enable-wxwidgets \
-	--with-wx-config=wx-config \
 	--enable-qt4 \
 	--disable-slp \
 	--enable-flac \
@@ -75,7 +75,6 @@
 	--enable-vcd \
 	--enable-vcdx \
 	--enable-notify \
-	--enable-debug \
 	--enable-twolame \
 	--enable-x264 \
 	--enable-faad \
@@ -107,20 +106,20 @@
 PIXDIR := usr/share/pixmaps
 build: build-stamp
-	dh_testdir
-	$(QUILT) push -a || test $$? = 2
-	./configure --enable-static --mandir=$${prefix}/share/man $(confflags)
+build-stamp: $(QUILT_STAMPFN)
+	dh_testdir
+	find . -name Makefile.in -exec touch '{}' ';'
+	./configure --enable-static $(confflags)
 	$(MAKE) -C src libvlccore.la libvlc.la
 	mkdir -p tmp
 	cp src/.libs/libvlccore.a tmp/libvlccore.a
 	cp src/.libs/libvlc.a tmp/libvlc.a
-	./configure --mandir=$${prefix}/share/man $(confflags)
+	./configure $(confflags)
 ifeq ($(filter nocheck,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)),)
 	# Check which plugins were built and whether they load properly.
-	./vlc --reset-plugins-cache --list --no-color  
+	./vlc -vvv --reset-plugins-cache --list --no-color  
 	# As it is the upstream packaging script, we might built from a git tree
@@ -128,13 +127,10 @@
 	$(MAKE) ChangeLog
 	touch $@
-	dh_testdir
-	dh_testroot
-	sed -e '/lib\(alsa\|dvb\|v4l\|pvr\)_/d' debian/vlc-nox.install \
-	  >debian/vlc-nox.install.kfreebsd-i386
-	cp debian/vlc-nox.install.kfreebsd-i386 \
-	  debian/vlc-nox.install.kfreebsd-amd64
+clean: clean-real unpatch
+	dh_testdir
+	dh_testroot
 	rm -f build-stamp
 	# Clean VLC
 	[ ! -f Makefile ] || $(MAKE) distclean
@@ -147,13 +143,16 @@
 	# Remove spurious autotools stuff
 	rm -f config.log confdefs.h
 	# Unpatch package
-	$(QUILT) pop -a -R || test $$? = 2
 install: build
-	dh_clean -k
+	dh_prep
+	sed -e '/lib\(alsa\|dvb\|v4l\|pvr\)_/d' debian/vlc-nox.install \
+	 >debian/vlc-nox.install.kfreebsd-i386
+	cp debian/vlc-nox.install.kfreebsd-i386 \
+	 debian/vlc-nox.install.kfreebsd-amd64
 	$(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp/
 	cp tmp/libvlc.a debian/tmp/usr/lib
@@ -161,15 +160,14 @@
 	# Clean up libtool crap
 	find debian/tmp -name '*.la' -exec rm '{}' ';'
 	# Remove useless stuff
-	rm -Rf debian/tmp/$(VIDDIR)/skins
 	rm -f debian/tmp/usr/share/vlc/skins2/fonts/FreeSans.ttf
 	rm -f debian/tmp/usr/share/vlc/skins2/fonts/FreeSansBold.ttf
 	ln -s /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu/DejaVuSans.ttf debian/tmp/usr/share/vlc/skins2/fonts/FreeSans.ttf
 	ln -s /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf debian/tmp/usr/share/vlc/skins2/fonts/FreeSansBold.ttf
 	# Move stuff around
 	mkdir -p debian/tmp/$(PIXDIR)
-	-mv debian/tmp/$(VIDDIR)/vlc48x48.png debian/tmp/$(PIXDIR)/vlc.png
-	-mv debian/tmp/$(VIDDIR)/vlc32x32.xpm debian/tmp/$(VIDDIR)/vlc.xpm
+	mv debian/tmp/$(VIDDIR)/vlc48x48.png debian/tmp/$(PIXDIR)/vlc.png
+	mv debian/tmp/$(VIDDIR)/vlc32x32.xpm debian/tmp/$(VIDDIR)/vlc.xpm
 	# Install stuff
 	dh_install -si --fail-missing --sourcedir=debian/tmp
 	#install BTS stuff
@@ -181,7 +179,7 @@
 	# Check that we did not install a plugin linked with libX11 in vlc-nox
 	BORKED=no; \
 	for file in $$(find debian/vlc-nox/usr/lib/vlc -name '*.so'); do \
-	  if ldd $$file | grep -q libX11; then \
+	  if objdump -x $$file | egrep -q '^ +NEEDED +libX11\.so'; then \
 	    BORKED=yes; \
 	    echo $$file depends on libX11; \
 	  fi; \
@@ -194,6 +192,8 @@
 	dh_link -i
+	dh_installdocs -p vlc-data 
+	dh_installchangelogs ChangeLog -p vlc-data
 	dh_compress -i
 	dh_fixperms -i
 	dh_installdeb -i
@@ -205,23 +205,24 @@
 binary-arch: build install
+	dh_installdocs -p vlc
+	dh_installdocs -p vlc-nox
 	dh_link -s
-	dh_installdocs -p vlc-nox
-	dh_installdocs -p libvlc2
 	dh_buildinfo -p vlc-nox
 	dh_installmenu -s
 	dh_installmime -s
 	dh_installman doc/vlc.1 -p vlc-nox
+	dh_installman debian/vlc-wrapper.1 -p vlc-nox
+	dh_installchangelogs ChangeLog -p vlc
 	dh_installchangelogs ChangeLog -p vlc-nox
-	dh_installchangelogs ChangeLog -p libvlc2
 	dh_strip -s --dbg-package=vlc-dbg
 	dh_compress -s
 	dh_fixperms -s
 	dh_makeshlibs -plibvlc2 -V # -V is nasty, but I mean it
-	dh_makeshlibs -plibvlccore1 -V # -V is nasty, but I mean it
+	dh_makeshlibs -plibvlccore0 -V # -V is nasty, but I mean it
 	dh_installdeb -s
-	dh_shlibdeps -s -ldebian/libvlc2/usr/lib:debian/libvlccore1/usr/lib 
+	dh_shlibdeps -s -ldebian/libvlc2/usr/lib:debian/libvlccore0/usr/lib 
 	dh_gencontrol -s
 	dh_md5sums -s
 	dh_builddeb -s

Added: videolan/vlc/debian/vlc-data.install
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-multimedia/videolan/vlc/debian/vlc-data.install?rev=1463&op=file
--- videolan/vlc/debian/vlc-data.install (added)
+++ videolan/vlc/debian/vlc-data.install Sun Sep 14 17:58:38 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,4 @@

Added: videolan/vlc/debian/vlc-dbg.links
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-multimedia/videolan/vlc/debian/vlc-dbg.links?rev=1463&op=file
--- videolan/vlc/debian/vlc-dbg.links (added)
+++ videolan/vlc/debian/vlc-dbg.links Sun Sep 14 17:58:38 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,2 @@
+/usr/share/doc/vlc-nox /usr/share/doc/vlc-dbg
+/usr/share/bug/vlc-nox /usr/share/bug/vlc-dbg

Added: videolan/vlc/debian/vlc-nox.docs
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-multimedia/videolan/vlc/debian/vlc-nox.docs?rev=1463&op=file
--- videolan/vlc/debian/vlc-nox.docs (added)
+++ videolan/vlc/debian/vlc-nox.docs Sun Sep 14 17:58:38 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,6 @@

Modified: videolan/vlc/debian/vlc-nox.install
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-multimedia/videolan/vlc/debian/vlc-nox.install?rev=1463&op=diff
--- videolan/vlc/debian/vlc-nox.install (original)
+++ videolan/vlc/debian/vlc-nox.install Sun Sep 14 17:58:38 2008
@@ -140,8 +140,3 @@

Added: videolan/vlc/debian/vlc-nox.links
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-multimedia/videolan/vlc/debian/vlc-nox.links?rev=1463&op=file
--- videolan/vlc/debian/vlc-nox.links (added)
+++ videolan/vlc/debian/vlc-nox.links Sun Sep 14 17:58:38 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+/usr/share/man/man1/vlc.1.gz /usr/share/man/man1/cvlc.1.gz
+/usr/share/man/man1/vlc.1.gz /usr/share/man/man1/rvlc.1.gz
+/usr/share/man/man1/vlc.1.gz /usr/share/man/man1/nvlc.1.gz

Modified: videolan/vlc/debian/vlc.install
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-multimedia/videolan/vlc/debian/vlc.install?rev=1463&op=diff
--- videolan/vlc/debian/vlc.install (original)
+++ videolan/vlc/debian/vlc.install Sun Sep 14 17:58:38 2008
@@ -13,10 +13,4 @@

Modified: videolan/vlc/debian/vlc.links
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-multimedia/videolan/vlc/debian/vlc.links?rev=1463&op=diff
--- videolan/vlc/debian/vlc.links (original)
+++ videolan/vlc/debian/vlc.links Sun Sep 14 17:58:38 2008
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
 /usr/share/bug/vlc-nox /usr/share/bug/vlc
-/usr/share/doc/vlc-nox /usr/share/doc/vlc
-/usr/share/vlc/vlc.xpm /usr/share/vlc/wxvlc.xpm
 /usr/share/man/man1/vlc.1.gz /usr/share/man/man1/svlc.1.gz
-/usr/share/man/man1/vlc.1.gz /usr/share/man/man1/wxvlc.1.gz
+/usr/share/man/man1/vlc.1.gz /usr/share/man/man1/qvlc.1.gz

Modified: videolan/vlc/debian/vlc.menu
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-multimedia/videolan/vlc/debian/vlc.menu?rev=1463&op=diff
--- videolan/vlc/debian/vlc.menu (original)
+++ videolan/vlc/debian/vlc.menu Sun Sep 14 17:58:38 2008
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-?package(vlc):command="/usr/bin/wxvlc" hotkey="V" needs="X11" \
+?package(vlc):command="/usr/bin/qvlc" hotkey="V" needs="X11" \
               section="Applications/Viewers" title="VLC media player" \
               icon="/usr/share/vlc/vlc.xpm" hints="Video"

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