[SCM] mplayer packaging branch, master, updated. debian/1.0.rc2+svn20090303-2-32-g360caa0

siretart at users.alioth.debian.org siretart at users.alioth.debian.org
Sun Apr 5 09:12:28 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 360caa038a616e3790368a4391edd3769e1287d3
Author: Reinhard Tartler <siretart at tauware.de>
Date:   Sun Apr 5 11:11:23 2009 +0200

    special case for libswscale external
    because the mplayer 1.0rc3 release branch does funky externals with svn
    revision options, we need to special case it.
    This is pretty ugly, so feel free to send in cleanups

diff --git a/debian/get-orig-source.sh b/debian/get-orig-source.sh
index 2d27198..bb30f72 100644
--- a/debian/get-orig-source.sh
+++ b/debian/get-orig-source.sh
@@ -85,16 +85,26 @@ svn info -r{${SVNDATE}} \
 	> ${TMPDIR}/${PACKAGENAME}/.svnrevision
 # get svn externals
-svn pg svn:externals $baseurl | \
+svn pg svn:externals $baseurl | grep -v libswscale | \
 while read external url; do
     [ -z $url ] && continue
     svn export -r{${SVNDATE}} --ignore-externals $url $dest
     svn info $url -r{${SVNDATE}} \
-      | awk '/^Revision/ {print $2}' \
-      > ${TMPDIR}/${PACKAGENAME}/${external}/.svnrevision
+      | awk '/^Revision/ {print $2}' > ${dest}/.svnrevision
+# for mplayer release branches, libswscale is special since it contains
+# svn revision options. The revision below needs manual syncing with
+# upstream's svn.
+# TODO: find some way to integrate this in the while loop above
+svn export -r $revision svn://svn.ffmpeg.org/mplayer/trunk/libswscale $dest
+echo $revision > ${dest}/.svnrevision
 # this doesn't belong in strip.sh, because the unstripped source should
 # have this directory renamed as well.
 ( cd ${TMPDIR}/${PACKAGENAME} && rm -rfv debian )

mplayer packaging

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