[SCM] Audacity debian packaging branch, master, updated. debian/1.3.9-7-8-geb67440
bdrung-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
bdrung-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Tue Dec 1 22:34:09 UTC 2009
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit df6db12b84d56a6425cf0964a69384ec42c527fe
Author: Benjamin Drung <bdrung at gmail.com>
Date: Tue Dec 1 23:30:02 2009 +0100
Drop backported ffmpeg-0.5-compatibility.diff patch.
diff --git a/debian/patches/ffmpeg-0.5-compatibility.diff b/debian/patches/ffmpeg-0.5-compatibility.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 5caaa5e..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/ffmpeg-0.5-compatibility.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,351 +0,0 @@
-Description: Make audacity compatible to the ffmpeg 0.5 series
-Origin: upstream: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_name=4A988604.5080907%40gmail.com
-Index: src/export/ExportFFmpeg.cpp
-RCS file: /cvsroot/audacity/audacity-src/src/export/ExportFFmpeg.cpp,v
-retrieving revision 1.62
-diff -u -r1.62 ExportFFmpeg.cpp
---- src/export/ExportFFmpeg.cpp 14 Jul 2009 19:41:04 -0000 1.62
-+++ src/export/ExportFFmpeg.cpp 28 Aug 2009 23:36:34 -0000
-@@ -147,8 +147,12 @@
- AVStream * mEncAudioStream; // the output audio stream (may remain NULL)
- AVCodecContext * mEncAudioCodecCtx; // the encoder for the output audio stream
- uint8_t * mEncAudioEncodedBuf; // buffer to hold frames encoded by the encoder
-- int mEncAudioEncodedBufSiz;
-+ int mEncAudioEncodedBufSiz;
-+ AVFifoBuffer mEncAudioFifo; // FIFO to write incoming audio samples into
- AVFifoBuffer * mEncAudioFifo; // FIFO to write incoming audio samples into
- uint8_t * mEncAudioFifoOutBuf; // buffer to read _out_ of the FIFO into
- wxString mName;
-@@ -227,6 +231,14 @@
- {
- bool result = true;
- int subFormat = AdjustFormatIndex(format);
-+ if (format == FMT_AMRNB || format == FMT_AMRWB)
-+ {
-+ wxMessageBox(_("Properly configured FFmpeg is required to proceed.\nYou can configure it at Preferences > Libraries.\n\nNote that AMR support is not available with our FFmpeg\ninstaller, but requires you compile FFmpeg yourself."), _("AMR support is not distributable"));
-+ result = false;
-+ }
-+ else
- if (!CheckFFmpegPresence())
- {
- result = false;
-@@ -348,7 +360,7 @@
- switch (mSubFormat)
- {
- case FMT_M4A:
-- mEncAudioCodecCtx->bit_rate = 0;
-+ mEncAudioCodecCtx->bit_rate = 98000;
- mEncAudioCodecCtx->bit_rate *= mChannels;
- mEncAudioCodecCtx->profile = FF_PROFILE_AAC_LOW;
- mEncAudioCodecCtx->cutoff = 0;
-@@ -365,10 +377,12 @@
- mSampleRate = 8000;
- mEncAudioCodecCtx->bit_rate = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/FileFormats/AMRNBBitRate"), 12200);
- break;
--/* case FMT_AMRWB:
-+ case FMT_AMRWB:
- mSampleRate = 16000;
- mEncAudioCodecCtx->bit_rate = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/FileFormats/AMRWBBitRate"), 23850);
-- break;*/
-+ break;
- case FMT_WMA2:
- mEncAudioCodecCtx->bit_rate = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/FileFormats/WMABitRate"), 198000);
- if (!CheckSampleRate(mSampleRate,ExportFFmpegWMAOptions::iWMASampleRates[0], ExportFFmpegWMAOptions::iWMASampleRates[4], &ExportFFmpegWMAOptions::iWMASampleRates[0]))
-@@ -409,7 +423,11 @@
- if (mEncAudioCodecCtx->global_quality >= 0)
- {
-- mEncAudioCodecCtx->bit_rate = 0;
-+/* I'm not sure this is required, regardless of FFmpeg version
-+ mEncAudioCodecCtx->bit_rate = 0;
- mEncAudioCodecCtx->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_QSCALE;
- }
- else mEncAudioCodecCtx->global_quality = -99999;
-@@ -458,8 +476,11 @@
- // The encoder may require a minimum number of raw audio samples for each encoding but we can't
- // guarantee we'll get this minimum each time an audio frame is decoded from the input file so
- // we use a FIFO to store up incoming raw samples until we have enough for one call to the codec.
-- //FFmpegLibsInst->av_fifo_init(&mEncAudioFifo, 1024);
-+ FFmpegLibsInst->av_fifo_init(&mEncAudioFifo, 1024);
- mEncAudioFifo = FFmpegLibsInst->av_fifo_alloc(1024);
- // Allocate a buffer to read OUT of the FIFO into. The FIFO maintains its own buffer internally.
- if ((mEncAudioFifoOutBuf = (uint8_t*)FFmpegLibsInst->av_malloc(2*MAX_AUDIO_PACKET_SIZE)) == NULL)
-@@ -479,7 +500,11 @@
- for (;;)
- {
- AVPacket pkt;
-+ int nFifoBytes = FFmpegLibsInst->av_fifo_size(&mEncAudioFifo); // any bytes left in audio FIFO?
- int nFifoBytes = FFmpegLibsInst->av_fifo_size(mEncAudioFifo); // any bytes left in audio FIFO?
- nEncodedBytes = 0;
- int nAudioFrameSizeOut = mEncAudioCodecCtx->frame_size * mEncAudioCodecCtx->channels * sizeof(int16_t);
-@@ -516,7 +541,11 @@
- nFifoBytes, mEncAudioCodecCtx->frame_size);
- // Pull the bytes out from the FIFO and feed them to the encoder.
-+ if (FFmpegLibsInst->av_fifo_read(&mEncAudioFifo, mEncAudioFifoOutBuf, nFifoBytes) == 0)
- if (FFmpegLibsInst->av_fifo_generic_read(mEncAudioFifo, mEncAudioFifoOutBuf, nFifoBytes, NULL) == 0)
- {
- if (mEncAudioCodecCtx->frame_size != 1)
- nEncodedBytes = FFmpegLibsInst->avcodec_encode_audio(mEncAudioCodecCtx, mEncAudioEncodedBuf, mEncAudioEncodedBufSiz, (int16_t*)mEncAudioFifoOutBuf);
-@@ -580,8 +609,12 @@
- if (mEncAudioFifoOutBuf != NULL)
- FFmpegLibsInst->av_free(mEncAudioFifoOutBuf);
-+ FFmpegLibsInst->av_fifo_free(&mEncAudioFifo);
- FFmpegLibsInst->av_fifo_free(mEncAudioFifo);
- mEncAudioFifo = NULL;
- return true;
- }
-@@ -596,15 +629,29 @@
- nBytesToWrite = frameSize;
- pRawSamples = (uint8_t*)pFrame;
-+ FFmpegLibsInst->av_fifo_realloc(&mEncAudioFifo, FFmpegLibsInst->av_fifo_size(&mEncAudioFifo) + frameSize);
- FFmpegLibsInst->av_fifo_realloc2(mEncAudioFifo, FFmpegLibsInst->av_fifo_size(mEncAudioFifo) + frameSize);
- // Put the raw audio samples into the FIFO.
-+ ret = FFmpegLibsInst->av_fifo_generic_write(&mEncAudioFifo, pRawSamples, nBytesToWrite,NULL);
- ret = FFmpegLibsInst->av_fifo_generic_write(mEncAudioFifo, pRawSamples, nBytesToWrite,NULL);
- wxASSERT(ret == nBytesToWrite);
- // Read raw audio samples out of the FIFO in nAudioFrameSizeOut byte-sized groups to encode.
-+ while ((ret = FFmpegLibsInst->av_fifo_size(&mEncAudioFifo)) >= nAudioFrameSizeOut)
-+ {
-+ ret = FFmpegLibsInst->av_fifo_read(&mEncAudioFifo, mEncAudioFifoOutBuf, nAudioFrameSizeOut);
- while ((ret = FFmpegLibsInst->av_fifo_size(mEncAudioFifo)) >= nAudioFrameSizeOut)
- {
- ret = FFmpegLibsInst->av_fifo_generic_read(mEncAudioFifo, mEncAudioFifoOutBuf, nAudioFrameSizeOut, NULL);
- FFmpegLibsInst->av_init_packet(&pkt);
- pkt.size = FFmpegLibsInst->avcodec_encode_audio(mEncAudioCodecCtx,
-@@ -838,12 +885,14 @@
- od.ShowModal();
- return true;
- }
--/* else if (mSubFormat == FMT_AMRWB)
-+ else if (mSubFormat == FMT_AMRWB)
- {
- ExportFFmpegAMRWBOptions od(parent);
- od.ShowModal();
- return true;
-- }*/
-+ }
- else if (mSubFormat == FMT_WMA2)
- {
- ExportFFmpegWMAOptions od(parent);
-Index: src/export/ExportFFmpegDialogs.h
-RCS file: /cvsroot/audacity/audacity-src/src/export/ExportFFmpegDialogs.h,v
-retrieving revision 1.11
-diff -u -r1.11 ExportFFmpegDialogs.h
---- src/export/ExportFFmpegDialogs.h 14 Jul 2009 19:41:04 -0000 1.11
-+++ src/export/ExportFFmpegDialogs.h 28 Aug 2009 23:34:54 -0000
-@@ -27,7 +27,9 @@
- FMT_M4A,
- FMT_AC3,
-@@ -54,7 +56,9 @@
- {FMT_M4A, wxT("M4A"), wxT("m4a"), wxT("ipod"), 48, true ,true ,_("M4A (AAC) Files (FFmpeg)"), CODEC_ID_AAC, true},
- {FMT_AC3, wxT("AC3"), wxT("ac3"), wxT("ac3"), 7, false,false,_("AC3 Files (FFmpeg)"), CODEC_ID_AC3, true},
- {FMT_AMRNB, wxT("AMRNB"), wxT("amr"), wxT("amr"), 1, false,false,_("AMR (narrow band) Files (FFmpeg)"), CODEC_ID_AMR_NB, true},
--// {FMT_AMRWB, wxT("AMRWB"), wxT("amr"), wxT("amr"), 1, false,false,_("AMR (wide band) Files (FFmpeg)"), CODEC_ID_AMR_WB, true},
-+ {FMT_AMRWB, wxT("AMRWB"), wxT("amr"), wxT("amr"), 1, false,false,_("AMR (wide band) Files (FFmpeg)"), CODEC_ID_AMR_WB, true},
- {FMT_WMA2, wxT("WMA"), wxT("wma"), wxT("asf"), 2, true ,false,_("WMA (version 2) Files (FFmpeg)"), CODEC_ID_WMAV2, true},
- {FMT_OTHER, wxT("FFMPEG"), wxT(""), wxT(""), 255, true ,true ,_("Custom FFmpeg Export"), CODEC_ID_NONE, true}
- };
-Index: src/FFmpeg.cpp
-RCS file: /cvsroot/audacity/audacity-src/src/FFmpeg.cpp,v
-retrieving revision 1.42
-diff -u -r1.42 FFmpeg.cpp
---- src/FFmpeg.cpp 12 Jul 2009 11:26:09 -0000 1.42
-+++ src/FFmpeg.cpp 28 Aug 2009 23:47:08 -0000
-@@ -816,9 +816,14 @@
- INITDYN(avformat,get_buffer);
- INITDYN(avformat,match_ext);
-- INITDYN(codec,avcodec_init);
-+ INITDYN(avformat,av_init_packet);
- INITDYN(codec,av_init_packet);
- INITDYN(codec,av_free_packet);
-+ INITDYN(codec,avcodec_init);
- INITDYN(codec,avcodec_find_encoder);
- INITDYN(codec,avcodec_find_encoder_by_name);
- INITDYN(codec,avcodec_find_decoder);
-@@ -843,13 +848,19 @@
- INITDYN(util,av_free);
- INITDYN(util,av_log_set_callback);
- INITDYN(util,av_log_default_callback);
-+ INITDYN(util,av_fifo_init);
-+ INITDYN(util,av_fifo_read);
-+ INITDYN(util,av_fifo_realloc);
- INITDYN(util,av_fifo_alloc);
-- INITDYN(util,av_fifo_free);
- INITDYN(util,av_fifo_generic_read);
-- INITDYN(util,av_fifo_size);
-- INITDYN(util,av_fifo_generic_write);
- INITDYN(util,av_fifo_realloc2);
-+ INITDYN(util,av_fifo_free);
-+ INITDYN(util,av_fifo_size);
- INITDYN(util,av_malloc);
-+ INITDYN(util,av_fifo_generic_write);
- INITDYN(util,av_freep);
- INITDYN(util,av_rescale_q);
- INITDYN(util,av_strstart);
-Index: src/FFmpeg.h
-RCS file: /cvsroot/audacity/audacity-src/src/FFmpeg.h,v
-retrieving revision 1.42
-diff -u -r1.42 FFmpeg.h
---- src/FFmpeg.h 12 Jul 2009 11:26:09 -0000 1.42
-+++ src/FFmpeg.h 28 Aug 2009 23:43:37 -0000
-@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
- // knowing the value of EINVAL...see bottom of avcodec.h. Not doing
- // so will produce positive error returns when they should be < 0.
- #include <errno.h>
- #include <libavcodec/avcodec.h>
- #include <libavformat/avformat.h>
- #include <libavutil/fifo.h>
-@@ -72,6 +73,14 @@
- /* from here on in, this stuff only applies when ffmpeg is available */
- #if defined(USE_FFMPEG)
-+/* This is a bit shortsighted (matches only 0.5 exactly), but i can't come up with anything smarter at the moment */
-+#define FFMPEG_STABLE 1
-+#define FFMPEG_STABLE 0
- int ufile_fopen(ByteIOContext **s, const wxString & name, int flags);
- #if defined(__WXMSW__)
-@@ -218,19 +227,22 @@
- int (*av_interleaved_write_frame) (AVFormatContext *s, AVPacket *pkt);
- int (*av_write_frame) (AVFormatContext *s, AVPacket *pkt);
- void (*av_init_packet) (AVPacket *pkt);
-- void (*av_free_packet) (AVPacket *pkt);
-- //int (*av_fifo_init) (AVFifoBuffer *f, int size);
-- AVFifoBuffer* (*av_fifo_alloc) (unsigned int size);
-+ int (*av_fifo_generic_write) (AVFifoBuffer *f, void *src, int size, int (*func)(void*, void*, int));
- void (*av_fifo_free) (AVFifoBuffer *f);
--// int (*av_fifo_read) (AVFifoBuffer *f, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size);
-- int (*av_fifo_generic_read) (AVFifoBuffer *f, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size, int (*func)(void*, void*, int));
- int (*av_fifo_size) (AVFifoBuffer *f);
-- int (*av_fifo_generic_write) (AVFifoBuffer *f, void *src, int size, int (*func)(void*, void*, int));
--// void (*av_fifo_realloc) (AVFifoBuffer *f, unsigned int size);
-- int (*av_fifo_realloc2) (AVFifoBuffer *f, unsigned int size);
- void* (*av_malloc) (unsigned int size);
- void (*av_freep) (void *ptr);
- int64_t (*av_rescale_q) (int64_t a, AVRational bq, AVRational cq);
-+ void (*av_free_packet) (AVPacket *pkt);
-+ AVFifoBuffer* (*av_fifo_alloc) (unsigned int size);
-+ int (*av_fifo_generic_read) (AVFifoBuffer *f, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size, int (*func)(void*, void*, int));
-+ int (*av_fifo_realloc2) (AVFifoBuffer *f, unsigned int size);
-+ int (*av_fifo_init) (AVFifoBuffer *f, int size);
-+ int (*av_fifo_read) (AVFifoBuffer *f, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size);
-+ void (*av_fifo_realloc) (AVFifoBuffer *f, unsigned int size);
- ///! Finds libav* libraries
- ///\return true if found, false if not found
-Index: src/import/ImportFFmpeg.cpp
-RCS file: /cvsroot/audacity/audacity-src/src/import/ImportFFmpeg.cpp,v
-retrieving revision 1.34
-diff -u -r1.34 ImportFFmpeg.cpp
---- src/import/ImportFFmpeg.cpp 12 Jul 2009 11:26:09 -0000 1.34
-+++ src/import/ImportFFmpeg.cpp 28 Aug 2009 23:23:19 -0000
-@@ -558,7 +558,11 @@
- // Cleanup after frame decoding
- if (sc->m_pktValid)
- {
-+ av_free_packet(&sc->m_pkt);
- FFmpegLibsInst->av_free_packet(&sc->m_pkt);
- sc->m_pktValid = 0;
- }
- }
-@@ -575,7 +579,11 @@
- if (mScs[i]->m_pktValid)
- {
-+ av_free_packet(&mScs[i]->m_pkt);
- FFmpegLibsInst->av_free_packet(&mScs[i]->m_pkt);
- mScs[i]->m_pktValid = 0;
- }
- }
-@@ -644,7 +652,11 @@
- // When not all streams are selected for import this will happen very often.
- if (sc == NULL)
- {
-+ av_free_packet(&pkt);
- FFmpegLibsInst->av_free_packet(&pkt);
- return (streamContext*)1;
- }
Audacity debian packaging
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