[SCM] Audacity debian packaging annotated tag, debian/1.3.5-2, created. debian/1.3.5-2

Reinhard Tartler siretart at tauware.de
Tue Jan 13 08:44:13 UTC 2009

Hi Free, hi pkg-multimedia & demudi folks!

freee at users.alioth.debian.org writes:

> The annotated tag, debian/1.3.5-2 has been created
>         at  0c3ea7c9a752171fb002aa444e669dbb46142c04 (tag)
>    tagging  e3db9a6f7af3d650f0d53da303c0ec2b89ea8472 (commit)
>   replaces  upstream/1.3.5
>  tagged by  Free Ekanayaka
>         on  Sun Jan 11 22:56:09 2009 +0000
> - Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
> Debian release 1.3.5-2
> Free Ekanayaka (1):
>       Imported Debian patch 1.3.5-2
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------

I see that you have imported the packages ardour and audacity to our git
repository. It seems that you did make sure to include both the version
in lenny and in unstable. Thanks for that! It seems the pristine-tar
bits are missing, I'll add them when I do some work on the package.

I'm not sure if you are aware of that but on merkel.debian.org, there is
a mirror of the morgue in /srv/ftp.debian.org/morgue. There you find
(nearly) all superseeded upload to the debian archive. For vlc [3] and
ffmpeg, I've used find and grep to locate a list of source package for
the respective package and the scp to copy them to my local hard
drive. [1] Then I used gitpkg [2] to import them.

This gives us a pretty decent history, I'd think. What do you think?

[1] I assume you can also work in the home on merkel to import them, I'd
think. Perhaps we can even script something here...

[2] http://git.debian.org/?p=users/ron/gitpkg.git;a=summary
(better use that version instead of the version in the archive. it is
just a bash script, so installation is not necessary).

[3] I'm not happy with the import of vlc yet, there are still bugs in
gitpkg which need to be work-arounded... I'll post to the list when I
have something ready and will present it in my home on alioth.

Reinhard Tartler, KeyID 945348A4

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