[SCM] mplayer packaging branch, master, updated. debian/1.0.rc3+svn20090405-1-16-gdbe43a8

siretart at users.alioth.debian.org siretart at users.alioth.debian.org
Thu Jun 4 08:32:35 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit dbe43a875fb0e80abd0f3df062dbb1287306164b
Author: Reinhard Tartler <siretart at tauware.de>
Date:   Thu Jun 4 10:10:15 2009 +0200

    install upstream's version of binary_codecs.sh
    the script originated from the debian package, but has been cleaned up
    and integrated into upstream's TOOLS subdirectory (which was pruned out
    in previous versions of the debian package). Since we no longer do that,
    we have no reason to continue shipping our private, outdated version.

diff --git a/debian/mplayer-nogui.install b/debian/mplayer-nogui.install
index 2f360f3..2f9e0f0 100644
--- a/debian/mplayer-nogui.install
+++ b/debian/mplayer-nogui.install
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-debian/scripts usr/share/mplayer/
+TOOLS/binary_codecs.sh usr/share/mplayer/
 debian/prefs var/lib/mplayer/
 etc/input.conf etc/menu.conf etc/mplayer
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
index e75c4a5..02a7d2b 100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -162,8 +162,6 @@ install-arch:
 	dh_prep -a
 	$(MAKE) install-mplayer DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/mplayer-nogui
 	$(MAKE) install-mplayer-man-en DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/mplayer-nogui
-# scripts
-	chmod a+x debian/scripts/*
 	install -D -m 644 etc/example.conf \
 	# build gui version
diff --git a/debian/scripts/binary_codecs.sh b/debian/scripts/binary_codecs.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index c6e25f9..0000000
--- a/debian/scripts/binary_codecs.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-umask 0022
-# This script will download binary codecs for MPlayer unto a Debian system.
-# Author:  thuglife, mennucc1
-dpkgarch=$(dpkg --print-installation-architecture)
-[ -d $PREFDIR  ] || mkdir -v $PREFDIR
-[ -d $CODECDIR ] || mkdir -v $CODECDIR
-[ -d mplayer_binary_codecs ] || mkdir -v mplayer_binary_codecs
-choosemirror ()
-  cd $PREFDIR
-  #if [ ! -r mirrors ] || find mirrors -mtime +20 ; then
-    echo Downloading mirrors list..
-    wget -nv -N $MYSITE/mirrors || true
-  #fi
-  if [ ! -r bestsites ] || [ mirrors -nt bestsites ] || \
-    find bestsites -mtime +20 | grep -q bestsites ; then
-    if which netselect > /dev/null ; then
-      echo Choosing best mirrors using netselect....
-      netselect -s 5 -t 5 $( cat mirrors ) | awk '{print $2}' > bestsites
-    elif which fping > /dev/null ; then
-     fping -C 1  $( sed   's#.*//##;s#/.*##' mirrors ) 2>&1 | \
-       egrep -v 'bytes.*loss' | sort -n -k3 | \
-       grep -v ': *-' | awk '/:/{print $1}' | head -5 | ( while read mainsite ; do
-         grep $mainsite $PREFDIR/mirrors ; done ) > bestsites
-    else
-      echo "(If you install 'netselect' or 'fping', it will select the best mirror for you"
-      echo "  you may wish to stop this script and rerun after installation)"
-      sleep 3
-      head -3 mirrors > bestsites
-    fi
-  fi
-  filename="$3"
-  dir="$2"
-  url="$1"
-  cd $CODECDIR/mplayer_binary_codecs
-  if [ -r $filename ] ; then
-    cp $filename $filename.bak
-  fi
-  if [ "$url" = @MAINSITE@ ] ; then
-    cat $PREFDIR/bestsites | while read mainsite ; do
-      echo Downloading $filename from $mainsite ...
-      wget -c -N $mainsite/$dir/$filename || true
-      if [ -r "$filename" ] ; then
-        UNPACK "$filename"
-        return 0
-      fi
-    done
-  else
-    wget -c -N $url/$dir/$filename || true
-    if [ -r "$filename" ] ; then
-      UNPACK "$filename"
-      return 0
-    fi
-  fi
-  filename="$1"
-  if [ -r $filename.bak ] && cmp $filename.bak $filename && [ -r  $filename.list ] ; then
-    echo It appears that $filename was already succesfully installed
-    [ -r $filename.bak ] && rm $filename.bak
-  else
-    if grep -q " $filename$" $PREFDIR/MD5SUMS ; then
-      echo Checking MD5 for $filename
-      grep " $filename$" $PREFDIR/MD5SUMS | md5sum -c -
-    else
-      echo Warning: no MD5 for $filename were found. Hit enter to continue.
-      read dummy
-    fi
-    echo Installing $filename ...
-    if [ -r $filename.list ] ; then
-      tr '\n' '\000' < $filename.list | xargs -r0 rm || true
-      UNLINK $filename.list
-      rm $filename.list
-    fi
-    tarfail () { echo FAILED $filename ; rm $filename.list ; exit 1 ; }
-    case "$filename" in
-      *.tar.gz)
-        tar xvzf $filename > $filename.list || tarfail
-        #rm $filename
-        ;;
-      *.tgz)
-        tar xvzf $filename > $filename.list || tarfail
-        #rm $filename
-        ;;
-      *.tar.bz2)
-        tar --bzip2 -xvf $filename > $filename.list || tarfail
-        #rm $filename
-        ;;
-    esac
-    [ -r $filename.bak ] && rm $filename.bak
-    LINK $filename.list
-    echo "Installed $filename Succesfully!"
-  fi
-LINK () {
-  cd $CODECDIR/
-  cat $CODECDIR/mplayer_binary_codecs/$1 | while read f ; do
-  ln -sbf mplayer_binary_codecs/"$f" .
-  done
-UNLINK () {
-### FIXME
-#  cd $CODECDIR
-#  cat $CODECDIR/mplayer_binary_codecs/$1 | while f do
-#  ln -sbf mplayer_binary_codecs/"$f"
-#  done
-  if which symlinks > /dev/null ; then
-    symlinks -d $CODECDIR
-  fi
-if [ `whoami` != root ]; then
-  echo "You must be 'root' to use this script. Login as root first!"
-  exit 1
-case "$1" in
-  install)
-    if  test -x /bin/bzip2 || test -x /usr/bin/bzip2 ; then : ; else
-      echo You need to install bzip2
-      exit 1
-    fi
-    choosemirror
-    cd $PREFDIR
-    #if [ ! -r codecs_list ] || find codecs_list -mtime +20 ; then
-      echo 'Getting codecs list ...'
-      wget -nv -N $MYSITE/codecs_list || true
-    #fi
-    cd $PREFDIR
-    echo Downloading MD5 sums from main site
-    [ -r MD5SUMS ] && mv MD5SUMS MD5SUMS.bak
-    if wget -nv -N http://www.mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/releases/codecs/MD5SUMS ; then
-      [ -r MD5SUMS.bak ] && rm MD5SUMS.bak
-    else
-      echo failed...
-      if [ -r MD5SUMS.bak ] ; then
-        echo trying to use backup ... ;
-        mv MD5SUMS.bak MD5SUMS
-      fi
-    fi
-    if grep -q "^$dpkgarch" $PREFDIR/codecs_list ; then
-      egrep -v "^[[:space:]]*(#|$)" $PREFDIR/codecs_list | \
-        while read arch url dir file info ; do
-          if [ "$dpkgarch" = "$arch" ]; then
-            echo Downloading and installing $file $info...
-            INSTALL "$url" "$dir" "$file"
-          fi
-        done
-      needlibstd=no
-      test "$dpkgarch" = "powerpc" && needlibstd=yes
-      test "$dpkgarch" = "i386" && needlibstd=yes
-      if test "$needlibstd" = "yes" && ! test -r /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.5 ; then
-	echo 'Warning: you need to install libstdc++ 5 libraries'
-	echo -n 'Do it now? '
-	read R
-	case $R in
-         y*) apt-get install libstdc++5 ;;
-          *) echo 'If you change your mind, use the command'
-             echo '  apt-get install libstdc++5' ;;
-        esac
-      fi
-    else
-      echo "Sorry, no codecs for your arch '$dpkgarch'. Sorry dude :("
-      exit 1
-    fi
-    ;;
-  uninstall)
-    cd $CODECDIR/
-    rm -rf mplayer_binary_codecs
-    #FIXME we need a better clean system
-    if which symlinks > /dev/null ; then
-      symlinks -d .
-    else
-      echo "please install the package 'symlinks' and run 'symlinks -d $CODECDIR' "
-    fi
-    echo "Uninstalled Succesfully!"
-    ;;
-  *)
-    echo "Usage: {install|uninstall}"
-    echo "This program will install binary codecs for MPlayer."
-    exit 1
-    ;;
-exit 0

mplayer packaging

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