[SCM] Debian packaging for jack-audio-connection-kit branch, master.jackd2, updated. upstream/1.9.3+svn3819-16-gd3c54ea

adiknoth-guest at users.alioth.debian.org adiknoth-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Fri Nov 20 12:11:08 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the master.jackd2 branch:
commit b7528f3cd27f2912ed0d3e79e19ebaaebb938466
Author: Adrian Knoth <adi at drcomp.erfurt.thur.de>
Date:   Fri Nov 20 12:56:35 2009 +0100

    Clear up documentation.
    jackd2 doesn't provide the HTML manual, but I guess it's ok
    to fetch them directly from the net. (IOW, devs head over to
    jackaudio.org and read all the stuff there. If need be, we could still
    call doxygen)
    I also deleted README.Developers. It's from 2003, horribly outdated. It
    even mentions CVS, but upstream has switched to svn already.

diff --git a/debian/README.developers b/debian/README.developers
deleted file mode 100644
index fdb60bc..0000000
--- a/debian/README.developers
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-*** README.developers - JACK development practices                  ***
-Version: $Id: README.developers,v 1.5 2003/01/28 22:41:15 kaiv Exp $
- What is this? 
-This file is a collection of practices and rules for JACK
-development. If you have questions, or would like to make 
-changes, raise the issue on jackit-devel (see 
-http://jackit.sourceforge.net/lists ).
- Contents
-- What is this?
-- Version numbers
-- Important files for developers
-- Sending patches
-- CVS Access
-- Decision Process
- Important files for developers
-	List of contributors. If you have contributed code, mail Paul 
-	Davis to get your name added to the list, or if you have 
-	CVS-access, help yourself. :)
-	This file.
-	A one file mini-bugzilla for JACK developers. Contains a list
- 	of open and closed items. You can update this directly or 
- 	contact Kai Vehmanen if you don't have CVS access.
-	A list of _all_ changes to the public interface!
- Version numbers 
-1. JACK's package version
-JACK's package version is set in configure.in, and consists of 
-major, minor and revision numbers. This version should be 
-updated whenever a non-trivial set of changes is committed 
-to CVS:
-   major version = ask on jackit-devel :)
-   minor version = incremented when any of the public or internal
-                   interfaces are changed
-   revision      = incremented when implementation-only
-                   changes are made
-2. Client API versioning
-JACK clients are affected by two interfaces, the JACK Client API (libjack)
-and the JACK Client Protocol API (interface between jackd and 
-libjack). The former one is versioned using libtool interface 
-versioniong (set in configure.in). This version should be updated 
-whenever a set of changes affecting the interface is committed 
-to CVS:
-    current  = incremented whenever the public libjack API is changed 
-    revision = incremented when the libjack implementation is changed
-    age      = current libjack is both source and binary compatible with
-               libjack interfaces current,current-1,...,current-age
-Note! It was decided in January 2003 that current interface number
-      will remain as zero until the first stable JACK version
-      is released.
-JACK Client Protocol is versioned... <TBD>.
-Note! All changes that affect the libjack API must be documented 
-in jack/libjack/ChangeLog using the standard ChangeLog style
-(see GNU developer docs).
- Sending patches
-1. People without CVS-access
-Send your patches to jackit-devel. Normally patches are accepted
-by Paul Davis. He either applies the patch right away, or 
-sends an "ok to me" message, after which other developers with
-CVS-access can commit the patch.
-2. People with CVS-access
-Trivial changes can be committed without review. For non-trivial 
-changes, you should first send a proposal to jackit-devel and
-wait for comments. There are no strict approval rules so use of
-common sense is recommended. ;)
-3. Tips for making patches
-- test your patch on a clean CVS-checkout
-- remember to run cvs update before making commits
- CVS Access
-Contact Paul Davis.
- Uses of external libraries and other packages
-The main JACK components, jackd and libjack, should only use 
-standard POSIX and ANSI-C services. Other components like
-example clients and drivers, may rely on other packages, but 
-these dependencies should not affect the main build process.
- Decision Process
-All non-trivial changes should be discussed on the jackit-devel 
-mailing list. It has been agreed that Paul Davis will make 
-the final decisions based on these discussions.
diff --git a/debian/libjack-dev.doc-base b/debian/libjack-dev.doc-base
deleted file mode 100644
index ceeec3e..0000000
--- a/debian/libjack-dev.doc-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-Document: libjack-dev
-Title: JACK Developer's Reference
-Author: Various
-Abstract: Documentation of the JACK API
-Section: Apps/Programming
-Format: HTML
-Index: /usr/share/doc/libjack-dev/HTML/index.html
-Files: /usr/share/doc/libjack-dev/HTML/*
diff --git a/debian/libjack-dev.docs b/debian/libjack-dev.docs
index 771efb0..3cb797a 100644
--- a/debian/libjack-dev.docs
+++ b/debian/libjack-dev.docs
@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@

Debian packaging for jack-audio-connection-kit

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