[SCM] qjackctl/master: Start new upload.

alessio at users.alioth.debian.org alessio at users.alioth.debian.org
Thu Dec 2 09:05:10 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit fb627020fa743400baf88047678591c4415995d4
Author: Alessio Treglia <alessio at debian.org>
Date:   Thu Dec 2 10:03:44 2010 +0100

    Start new upload.

diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 9745b8c..eb295bb 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,74 @@
+qjackctl (0.3.7-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release:
+    - Session widget has session save type preserved as well.
+    - Connections and the new Messages/Status widgets now have
+      their last open tab preserved across program run-cycles.
+    - Connections and Patchbay widgets have been finally given
+      up on an old feature request: an Expand All items button.
+    - A significant UI layout has been made: the Messages and
+      Status widgets were merged into one, giving space to the
+      brand new Session wigdet to be easy accessible from the
+      main panel control window.
+    - libX11 is now being added explicitly to the build link
+      phase, as seen necessary on some bleeding-edge distros
+      eg. Fedora 13, Debian 6. (closing bug #3050915).
+    - Input/Output latency options were missing but now finally
+      enabled for the firewire back-end.
+    - General standard dialog buttons layout is now in place.
+    - Avoid pre-loading a stalled patchbay definition filename
+      and its nagging error on startup (fixes bug #3017078).
+    - Client connection retrial logic scrapped. Being a leftover
+      from early ages, when machines were slower and JACK server
+      startup times were longer... now, if it can't connect first
+      time as client, it will tear down the server whether it's
+      starting up still or not at all. (cf. Setup/Settings/Start
+      Delay for the rescue).
+    - Server name is finally part of the server settings presets,
+      thanks to Fons Adriaensen for the heads-up.
+    - As a workaround regarding issues switching jack2's backends,
+      Robin Gareus sends us yet another D-Bus metho slot: "preset",
+      (dbus-send --system / org.rncbc.qjackctl.preset string:PRESET).
+      Thanks again.
+    - Another D-Bus interface slot makes it through implementation:
+      "quit" (eg. usage: dbus-send --system / org.rncbc.qjackctl.quit).
+      Besides, there's also these new JACK session management actions
+      which were being overlooked as well: "load", "save", "savequit"
+      and "savetemplate" are also available as D-Bus method slots.
+    - Make sure that Patchbay socket names are unique when adding
+      or copying, fixing previous patch by Dominic Sacre.
+    - JACK version is now being shown on the About box (jack2).
+    - Slight Connections widget behavioral change: (dis)connecting a
+      client (from) to one single port, (dis)connections will be
+      applied in sequence from (to) all client output ports to (from)
+      as many input ports there are in below, one by one (satisfying
+      a 5 year old request from Yann Orlarey, thanks:).
+    - JACK session support is being introduced.
+    - Ignore first XRUN occurrence option dropped from statistics.
+    - Initial widget geometry and visibility persistence logic has
+      been slightly revised as much to avoid crash failures due to
+      wrong main widget hidden state.
+    - Double-quotes are now being added to device names which include
+      blank characters and were rendering invalid all command line
+      invocation of the classic JACK server (eg. specially due for
+      Portaudio device names on Windows).
+    - Transport play (rolling) status is now being guarded to avoid
+      backfiring from extraneous transport state changes.
+    - General source tree layout and build configuration change.
+    - Italian (it) translation added (by Sergio Atzori).
+    - Post-shutdown script invocation logic slightly refactored in
+      attempt to enforce its execution on application quit.
+  * Switch to 3.0 (quilt) format, refresh and update patches.
+  * debian/control:
+    - Depends on jackd.
+    - A bit of cleanup.
+    - Bump Standards.
+    - Add myself to Uploaders list.
+  * debian/rules:
+    - translations moved under src/.
+ -- Alessio Treglia <alessio at debian.org>  Thu, 02 Dec 2010 10:00:04 +0100
 qjackctl (0.3.6-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream release (Closes: #548870)

qjackctl packaging

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