[SCM] mplayer packaging branch, ubuntu, updated. debian/1.0.rc3++final-0ubuntu2

siretart at users.alioth.debian.org siretart at users.alioth.debian.org
Thu Jun 3 13:04:42 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the ubuntu branch:
commit 84587a324e7698681c153b76e0a87d5af6cfde68
Author: Reinhard Tartler <siretart at tauware.de>
Date:   Wed Jun 2 17:38:00 2010 +0200

    mencoder.c fixup
    don't remove mencoder.c, we no longer cowboy it in.

diff --git a/debian/mencoder.c b/debian/mencoder.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d9d037..0000000
--- a/debian/mencoder.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1716 +0,0 @@
-#define VCODEC_COPY 0
-// real codecs:
-#define VCODEC_VFW 7
-#define VCODEC_LIBDV 8
-#define VCODEC_XVID 9
-#define VCODEC_QTVIDEO 10
-#define VCODEC_NUV 11
-#define VCODEC_RAW 12
-#define VCODEC_X264 13
-#define ACODEC_COPY 0
-#define ACODEC_PCM 1
-#define ACODEC_VBRMP3 2
-#define ACODEC_NULL 3
-#define ACODEC_LAVC 4
-#define ACODEC_FAAC 6
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include "config.h"
-#ifdef __MINGW32__
-#define        SIGHUP 1
-#define        SIGQUIT 3
-#define        SIGPIPE 13
-#if defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
-#include <windows.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include "mp_msg.h"
-#include "help_mp.h"
-#include "codec-cfg.h"
-#include "m_option.h"
-#include "m_config.h"
-#include "parser-mecmd.h"
-#include "parser-cfg.h"
-#include "get_path.h"
-#include "stream/stream.h"
-#include "libmpdemux/demuxer.h"
-#include "libmpdemux/stheader.h"
-#include "libmpdemux/mp3_hdr.h"
-#include "libmpdemux/muxer.h"
-#include "libvo/video_out.h"
-#include "libaf/af_format.h"
-#include "libmpcodecs/mp_image.h"
-#include "libmpcodecs/dec_audio.h"
-#include "libmpcodecs/dec_video.h"
-#include "libmpcodecs/vf.h"
-#include "libmpcodecs/vd.h"
-#include "libmpdemux/ms_hdr.h"
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include "libvo/fastmemcpy.h"
-#include "osdep/timer.h"
-#include "stream/stream_dvd.h"
-#include "stream/stream_dvdnav.h"
-#include "libavcodec/avcodec.h"
-#include "libmpcodecs/ae.h"
-int vo_doublebuffering=0;
-int vo_directrendering=0;
-int vo_config_count=1;
-int forced_subs_only=0;
-// cache2:
-int stream_cache_size=-1;
-extern int cache_fill_status;
-float stream_cache_min_percent=20.0;
-float stream_cache_seek_min_percent=50.0;
-#define cache_fill_status 0
-int audio_id=-1;
-int video_id=-1;
-int dvdsub_id=-2;
-int vobsub_id=-1;
-char* audio_lang=NULL;
-char* dvdsub_lang=NULL;
-static char* spudec_ifo=NULL;
-static char** audio_codec_list=NULL;  // override audio codec
-static char** video_codec_list=NULL;  // override video codec
-static char** audio_fm_list=NULL;     // override audio codec family 
-static char** video_fm_list=NULL;     // override video codec family 
-extern char *demuxer_name; // override demuxer
-extern char *audio_demuxer_name; // override audio demuxer
-extern char *sub_demuxer_name; // override sub demuxer
-static int out_audio_codec=-1;
-static int out_video_codec=-1;
-int out_file_format=MUXER_TYPE_AVI;	// default to AVI
-// audio stream skip/resync functions requires only for seeking.
-// (they should be implemented in the audio codec layer)
-//void skip_audio_frame(sh_audio_t *sh_audio){}
-//void resync_audio_stream(sh_audio_t *sh_audio){}
-int quiet=0;
-double video_time_usage=0;
-double vout_time_usage=0;
-double max_video_time_usage=0;
-double max_vout_time_usage=0;
-double cur_video_time_usage=0;
-double cur_vout_time_usage=0;
-int benchmark=0;
-#include "osdep/priority.h"
-// A-V sync:
-int delay_corrected=1;
-static float default_max_pts_correction=-1;//0.01f;
-static float max_pts_correction=0;//default_max_pts_correction;
-static float c_total=0;
-static float audio_preload=0.5;
-static float audio_delay_fix=0.0;
-static float audio_delay=0.0;
-static int ignore_start=0;
-static int audio_density=2;
-double force_fps=0;
-static double force_ofps=0; // set to 24 for inverse telecine
-static int skip_limit=-1;
-float playback_speed=1.0;
-static int force_srate=0;
-static int audio_output_format=0;
-char *vobsub_out=NULL;
-unsigned int vobsub_out_index=0;
-char *vobsub_out_id=NULL;
-char* out_filename=NULL;
-char *force_fourcc=NULL;
-int force_audiofmttag=-1;
-char* passtmpfile="divx2pass.log";
-static int play_n_frames=-1;
-static int play_n_frames_mf=-1;
-#include "libvo/font_load.h"
-#include "libvo/sub.h"
-// sub:
-char *font_name=NULL;
-char *sub_font_name=NULL;
-extern int font_fontconfig;
-float font_factor=0.75;
-char **sub_name=NULL;
-float sub_delay=0;
-float sub_fps=0;
-int   sub_auto = 0;
-int   subcc_enabled=0;
-int   suboverlap_enabled = 1;
-int auto_expand=1;
-int encode_duplicates=1;
-// infos are empty by default
-char *info_name=NULL;
-char *info_artist=NULL;
-char *info_genre=NULL;
-char *info_subject=NULL;
-char *info_copyright=NULL;
-char *info_sourceform=NULL;
-char *info_comment=NULL;
-// Needed by libmpcodecs vf_vo.c
-int config_video_out(const vo_functions_t *vo, uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
-                     uint32_t d_width, uint32_t d_height, uint32_t flags,
-                     char *title, uint32_t format) {
-  return 1;
-// Needed by libmpdemux.
-int mp_input_check_interrupt(int time) {
-  usec_sleep(time);
-  return 0;
-// Needed by getch2
-void mplayer_put_key(int code)
-#ifdef CONFIG_ASS
-#include "libass/ass.h"
-#include "libass/ass_mp.h"
-char *current_module;
-#include "mpcommon.h"
-//char *out_audio_codec=NULL; // override audio codec
-//char *out_video_codec=NULL; // override video codec
-//#include "libmpeg2/mpeg2.h"
-//#include "libmpeg2/mpeg2_internal.h"
-//static int vo_w=0, vo_h=0;
-//-------------------------- config stuff:
-m_config_t* mconfig;
-static int cfg_inc_verbose(m_option_t *conf){ ++verbose; return 0;}
-static int cfg_include(m_option_t *conf, char *filename){
-	return m_config_parse_config_file(mconfig, filename);
-static double seek_to_sec;
-static off_t seek_to_byte=0;
-static m_time_size_t end_at = { .type = END_AT_NONE, .pos = 0 };
-static char * frameno_filename=NULL;
-//static uint8_t* flip_upside_down(uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* src, int width, int height);
-typedef struct {
-    unsigned char* start;
-    int in_size;
-    float frame_time;
-    int already_read;
-} s_frame_data;
-/// Returns a_pts
-static float calc_a_pts(demux_stream_t *d_audio);
-/** \brief Seeks audio forward to pts by dumping audio packets
-    \return The current audio pts.
-static float forward_audio(float pts, demux_stream_t *d_audio, muxer_stream_t* mux_a);
-/** \brief Seeks slowly by dumping frames.
-    \return 1 for success, 2 for EOF.
-static int slowseek(float end_pts, demux_stream_t *d_video, demux_stream_t *d_audio, muxer_stream_t* mux_a, s_frame_data * frame_data, int framecopy, int print_info);
-/// Deletes audio or video as told by -delay to sync
-static void fixdelay(demux_stream_t *d_video, demux_stream_t *d_audio, muxer_stream_t* mux_a, s_frame_data * frame_data, int framecopy);
-#include "edl.h"
-static edl_record_ptr edl_records = NULL; ///< EDL entries memory area
-static edl_record_ptr next_edl_record = NULL; ///< only for traversing edl_records
-static short edl_muted; ///< Stores whether EDL is currently in muted mode.
-static short edl_seeking; ///< When non-zero, stream is seekable.
-static short edl_seek_type; ///< When non-zero, frames are discarded instead of seeking.
-/** \brief Seeks for EDL
-    \return 1 for success, 0 for failure, 2 for EOF.
-static int edl_seek(edl_record_ptr next_edl_record, demuxer_t* demuxer, demux_stream_t *d_audio, muxer_stream_t* mux_a, s_frame_data * frame_data, int framecopy);
-#include "cfg-mencoder.h"
-#include "spudec.h"
-#include "vobsub.h"
-#include "libao2/audio_out.h"
-/* FIXME */
-static void mencoder_exit(int level, const char *how)
-    if (how)
-	mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER, MSGL_INFO, MSGTR_ExitingHow, how);
-    else
-    exit(level);
-static void parse_cfgfiles( m_config_t* conf )
-  char *conffile;
-  if (!disable_system_conf &&
-      m_config_parse_config_file(conf, MPLAYER_CONFDIR "/mencoder.conf") < 0)
-    mencoder_exit(1,MSGTR_ConfigFileError); 
-  if (!disable_user_conf) {
-    if ((conffile = get_path("mencoder.conf")) == NULL) {
-      mp_msg(MSGT_CPLAYER,MSGL_ERR,MSGTR_GetpathProblem);
-    } else {
-      if (m_config_parse_config_file(conf, conffile) < 0)
-        mencoder_exit(1,MSGTR_ConfigFileError);
-      free(conffile);
-    }
-  }
-static int dec_audio(sh_audio_t *sh_audio,unsigned char* buffer,int total){
-    int size=0;
-    int at_eof=0;
-    while(size<total && !at_eof){
-	int len=total-size;
-		if (decode_audio(sh_audio, len) < 0) at_eof=1;
-		if(len>sh_audio->a_out_buffer_len) len=sh_audio->a_out_buffer_len;
-		fast_memcpy(buffer+size,sh_audio->a_out_buffer,len);
-		sh_audio->a_out_buffer_len-=len; size+=len;
-		if(sh_audio->a_out_buffer_len>0)
-		    fast_memcpy(sh_audio->a_out_buffer,&sh_audio->a_out_buffer[len],sh_audio->a_out_buffer_len);
-    }
-    return size;
-// this function returns the absoloute time for which MEncoder will switch files or move in the file.
-// so audio can be cut correctly. -1 if there is no limit.
-static float stop_time(demuxer_t* demuxer, muxer_stream_t* mux_v);
-static volatile int at_eof=0;
-static volatile int interrupted=0;
-static void exit_sighandler(int x){
-    at_eof=1;
-    interrupted=2; /* 1 means error */
-static muxer_t* muxer=NULL;
-void print_wave_header(WAVEFORMATEX *h, int verbose_level);
-int main(int argc,char* argv[]){
-stream_t* stream=NULL;
-stream_t* ostream=NULL;
-demuxer_t* demuxer=NULL;
-stream_t* stream2=NULL;
-demuxer_t* demuxer2=NULL;
-demux_stream_t *d_audio=NULL;
-demux_stream_t *d_video=NULL;
-demux_stream_t *d_dvdsub=NULL;
-sh_audio_t *sh_audio=NULL;
-sh_video_t *sh_video=NULL;
-int file_format=DEMUXER_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
-void *vobsub_writer=NULL;
-s_frame_data frame_data = { .start = NULL, .in_size = 0, .frame_time = 0., .already_read = 0 };
-uint32_t ptimer_start;
-uint32_t audiorate=0;
-uint32_t videorate=0;
-uint32_t audiosamples=1;
-uint32_t videosamples=1;
-uint32_t skippedframes=0;
-uint32_t duplicatedframes=0;
-uint32_t badframes=0;
-muxer_stream_t* mux_a=NULL;
-muxer_stream_t* mux_v=NULL;
-off_t muxer_f_size=0;
-double v_pts_corr=0;
-double v_timer_corr=0;
-m_entry_t* filelist = NULL;
-char* filename=NULL;
-int decoded_frameno=0;
-int next_frameno=-1;
-int curfile=0;
-int new_srate=0;
-unsigned int timer_start=0;
-ao_data_t ao_data = {0,0,0,0,OUTBURST,-1,0};
-audio_encoding_params_t aparams;
-audio_encoder_t *aencoder = NULL;
-user_correct_pts = 0;
-  mp_msg_init();
-  // Create the config context and register the options
-  mconfig = m_config_new();
-  m_config_register_options(mconfig,mencoder_opts);
-  // Preparse the command line
-  m_config_preparse_command_line(mconfig,argc,argv);
-  print_version("MEncoder");
-#if (defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(__CYGWIN__)) && defined(CONFIG_WIN32DLL)
-  set_path_env();
-  InitTimer();
-// check codec.conf
-if(!codecs_file || !parse_codec_cfg(codecs_file)){
-  if(!parse_codec_cfg(get_path("codecs.conf"))){
-    if(!parse_codec_cfg(MPLAYER_CONFDIR "/codecs.conf")){
-      if(!parse_codec_cfg(NULL)){
-	mencoder_exit(1,NULL);
-      }
-      mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER,MSGL_V,MSGTR_BuiltinCodecsConf);
-    }
-  }
- parse_cfgfiles(mconfig);
- filelist = m_config_parse_me_command_line(mconfig, argc, argv);
- if(!filelist) mencoder_exit(1, MSGTR_ErrorParsingCommandLine);
-	char *extension;
-	if (!out_filename) mencoder_exit(1,MSGTR_MissingOutputFilename);
-	extension=strrchr(out_filename,'.');
-	if (extension != NULL && strlen(extension) > 3 && strlen(extension) < 6)
-	{
-		extension++;
-		switch (out_file_format)
-		{
-			case MUXER_TYPE_AVI:
-			if (strcasecmp(extension,"avi"))
-				mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER, MSGL_WARN, MSGTR_MencoderWrongFormatAVI);
-			break;
-			if (strcasecmp(extension,"mpg") &&
-				strcasecmp(extension,"mpeg") &&
-				strcasecmp(extension,"vob")) 
-				mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER, MSGL_WARN, MSGTR_MencoderWrongFormatMPG);
-			break;
-		}
-	}
- /* Display what configure line was used */
- mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER, MSGL_V, "Configuration: " CONFIGURATION "\n");
-if (frameno_filename) {
-  stream2=open_stream(frameno_filename,0,&i);
-  if(stream2){
-    demuxer2=demux_open(stream2,DEMUXER_TYPE_AVI,-1,-1,-2,NULL);
-    if(demuxer2) mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER, MSGL_INFO, MSGTR_UsingPass3ControlFile, frameno_filename);
-    else mp_msg(MSGT_DEMUXER,MSGL_ERR,MSGTR_FormatNotRecognized);
-  }
-  set_priority();
-// check font
-  init_freetype();
-  if(font_fontconfig <= 0)
-  {
-  if(font_name){
-       vo_font=read_font_desc(font_name,font_factor,verbose>1);
-       if(!vo_font) mp_msg(MSGT_CPLAYER,MSGL_ERR,MSGTR_CantLoadFont,font_name);
-  } else {
-      // try default:
-       vo_font=read_font_desc(get_path("font/font.desc"),font_factor,verbose>1);
-       if(!vo_font)
-         vo_font=read_font_desc(MPLAYER_DATADIR "/font/font.desc",font_factor,verbose>1);
-  }
-  }
-  vo_init_osd();
-  /* HACK, for some weird reason, push() has to be called twice,
-     otherwise options are not saved correctly */
-  m_config_push(mconfig);
-  m_config_push(mconfig);
-  m_entry_set_options(mconfig,&filelist[curfile]);
-  filename = filelist[curfile].name;
-  if(!filename){
-	mp_msg(MSGT_CPLAYER, MSGL_FATAL, MSGTR_MissingFilename);
-	mencoder_exit(1,NULL);
-  }
-  stream=open_stream(filename,0,&file_format);
-  if(!stream){
-	mp_msg(MSGT_CPLAYER, MSGL_FATAL, MSGTR_CannotOpenFile_Device);
-	mencoder_exit(1,NULL);
-  }
-  mp_msg(MSGT_CPLAYER, MSGL_INFO, MSGTR_OpenedStream, file_format, (int)(stream->start_pos), (int)(stream->end_pos));
-  if(audio_lang && audio_id==-1) audio_id=dvd_aid_from_lang(stream,audio_lang);
-  if(dvdsub_lang && dvdsub_id==-2) dvdsub_id=dvd_sid_from_lang(stream,dvdsub_lang);
-  if(audio_lang && audio_id==-1) audio_id=mp_dvdnav_aid_from_lang(stream,audio_lang);
-  if(dvdsub_lang && dvdsub_id==-2) dvdsub_id=mp_dvdnav_sid_from_lang(stream,dvdsub_lang);
-  stream->start_pos+=seek_to_byte;
-  if(stream_cache_size>0) stream_enable_cache(stream,stream_cache_size*1024,0,0);
-  if(demuxer2) audio_id=-2; /* do NOT read audio packets... */
-  //demuxer=demux_open(stream,file_format,video_id,audio_id,dvdsub_id);
-  demuxer=demux_open(stream,file_format,audio_id,video_id,dvdsub_id,filename);
-  if(!demuxer){
-    mp_msg(MSGT_DEMUXER, MSGL_FATAL, MSGTR_FormatNotRecognized);
-    mp_msg(MSGT_DEMUXER, MSGL_FATAL, MSGTR_CannotOpenDemuxer);
-	mencoder_exit(1,NULL);
-  }
-  select_audio(demuxer, audio_id, audio_lang);
-  if (dvdsub_id < 0 && dvdsub_lang)
-    dvdsub_id = demuxer_sub_track_by_lang(demuxer, dvdsub_lang);
-  if (dvdsub_id < 0)
-    dvdsub_id = demuxer_default_sub_track(demuxer);
-  for (i = 0; i < MAX_S_STREAMS; i++) {
-    sh_sub_t *sh = demuxer->s_streams[i];
-    if (sh && sh->sid == dvdsub_id) {
-      demuxer->sub->id = i;
-      demuxer->sub->sh = sh;
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  if(dvd_chapter>1) {
-    float pts;
-    if (demuxer_seek_chapter(demuxer, dvd_chapter-1, 1, &pts, NULL, NULL) >= 0 && pts > -1.0)
-      seek_to_sec = pts;
-  }
-d_audio=demuxer2 ? demuxer2->audio : demuxer->audio;
-  if(!sh_video)
-  {
-	mp_msg(MSGT_CPLAYER,MSGL_FATAL,MSGTR_VideoStreamRequired); 
-	mencoder_exit(1,NULL);
-  }
-  if(!video_read_properties(sh_video)){
-      mp_msg(MSGT_CPLAYER, MSGL_FATAL, MSGTR_CannotReadVideoProperties);
-      mencoder_exit(1,NULL);
-  }
-  mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER,MSGL_INFO, MSGTR_FilefmtFourccSizeFpsFtime,
-   demuxer->file_format,sh_video->format, sh_video->disp_w,sh_video->disp_h,
-   sh_video->fps,sh_video->frametime
-  );
-  if(force_fps){
-    sh_video->fps=force_fps;
-    sh_video->frametime=1.0f/sh_video->fps;
-    mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER,MSGL_INFO,MSGTR_ForcingInputFPS, sh_video->fps);
-  }
-  if(sh_audio && out_audio_codec<0){
-    if(audio_id==-2)
-	mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER,MSGL_ERR,MSGTR_DemuxerDoesntSupportNosound);
-    mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER,MSGL_FATAL,MSGTR_NoAudioEncoderSelected);
-    mencoder_exit(1,NULL);
-  }
-  if(sh_video && out_video_codec<0){
-    mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER,MSGL_FATAL,MSGTR_NoVideoEncoderSelected);
-    mencoder_exit(1,NULL);
-  }
-if(sh_audio && (out_audio_codec || seek_to_sec || !sh_audio->wf || playback_speed != 1.0)){
-  // Go through the codec.conf and find the best codec...
-  mp_msg(MSGT_CPLAYER,MSGL_INFO,"==========================================================================\n");
-  if(!init_best_audio_codec(sh_audio,audio_codec_list,audio_fm_list)){
-    sh_audio=d_audio->sh=NULL; // failed to init :(
-  }
-  mp_msg(MSGT_CPLAYER,MSGL_INFO,"==========================================================================\n");
-  if (sh_audio) {
-    new_srate = sh_audio->samplerate;
-    if (playback_speed != 1.0) {
-        new_srate *= playback_speed;
-        // limits are taken from libaf/af_resample.c
-        if (new_srate < 8000) new_srate = 8000;
-        if (new_srate > 192000) new_srate = 192000;
-        playback_speed = (float)new_srate / (float)sh_audio->samplerate;
-    }
-  }
-// after reading video params we should load subtitles because
-// we know fps so now we can adjust subtitles time to ~6 seconds AST
-// check .sub
-//  current_module="read_subtitles_file";
-  if(sub_name && sub_name[0]){
-    subdata=sub_read_file(sub_name[0], sh_video->fps);
-    if(!subdata) mp_msg(MSGT_CPLAYER,MSGL_ERR,MSGTR_CantLoadSub,sub_name[0]);
-  } else
-  if(sub_auto && filename) { // auto load sub file ...
-    char **tmp = NULL;
-    int i = 0;
-    char *psub = get_path( "sub/" );
-    tmp = sub_filenames((psub ? psub : ""), filename);
-    free(psub);
-    subdata=sub_read_file(tmp[0], sh_video->fps);
-    while (tmp[i])
-      free(tmp[i++]);
-    free(tmp);
-  }
-// set up video encoder:
-if (!curfile) { // curfile is non zero when a second file is opened
-if (vobsub_out) {
-    unsigned int palette[16], width, height;
-    unsigned char tmp[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
-    if (spudec_ifo && vobsub_parse_ifo(NULL,spudec_ifo, palette, &width, &height, 1, dvdsub_id, tmp) >= 0)
-	vobsub_writer = vobsub_out_open(vobsub_out, palette, sh_video->disp_w, sh_video->disp_h,
-					vobsub_out_id?vobsub_out_id:(char *)tmp, vobsub_out_index);
-    if (vobsub_writer == NULL) {
-	char tmp[3];
-	if (vobsub_out_id == NULL && stream->type == STREAMTYPE_DVD) {
-	    int i;
-	    dvd_priv_t *dvd = (dvd_priv_t*)stream->priv;
-	    for (i = 0; i < dvd->nr_of_subtitles; ++i)
-		if (dvd->subtitles[i].id == dvdsub_id) {
-		    tmp[0] = (dvd->subtitles[i].language >> 8) & 0xff;
-		    tmp[1] = dvd->subtitles[i].language & 0xff;
-		    tmp[2] = 0;
-		    vobsub_out_id = tmp;
-		    break;
-		}
-	}
-	vobsub_writer=vobsub_out_open(vobsub_out, stream->type==STREAMTYPE_DVD?((dvd_priv_t *)(stream->priv))->cur_pgc->palette:NULL,
-				      sh_video->disp_w, sh_video->disp_h, vobsub_out_id, vobsub_out_index);
-    }
-else {
-if (spudec_ifo) {
-  unsigned int palette[16], width, height;
-  if (vobsub_parse_ifo(NULL,spudec_ifo, palette, &width, &height, 1, -1, NULL) >= 0)
-    vo_spudec=spudec_new_scaled(palette, sh_video->disp_w, sh_video->disp_h, NULL, 0);
-if (vo_spudec==NULL) {
-vo_spudec=spudec_new_scaled(stream->type==STREAMTYPE_DVD?((dvd_priv_t *)(stream->priv))->cur_pgc->palette:NULL,
-                           sh_video->disp_w, sh_video->disp_h, NULL, 0);
-ostream = open_output_stream(out_filename, 0);
-if(!ostream) {
-  mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER, MSGL_FATAL, MSGTR_CannotOpenOutputFile, out_filename);
-  mencoder_exit(1,NULL);
-if(!muxer) {
-  mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER, MSGL_FATAL, MSGTR_CannotInitializeMuxer);
-  mencoder_exit(1,NULL);
-#if 0
-//disabled: it horrybly distorts filtered sound
-if(out_file_format == MUXER_TYPE_MPEG) audio_preload = 0;
-muxer->audio_delay_fix = audio_delay_fix;
-// ============= VIDEO ===============
-mux_v->buffer_size=0x200000; // 2MB
-mux_v->h.dwSampleSize=0; // VBR
-    double fps = force_ofps?force_ofps:sh_video->fps*playback_speed;
-    AVRational q= av_d2q(fps, fps*1001+2);
-    mux_v->h.dwScale= q.den;
-    mux_v->h.dwRate = q.num;
-sh_video->vfilter=NULL; // fixme!
-	if (!curfile) {
-		if (sh_video->bih) {
-			mux_v->bih=malloc(sh_video->bih->biSize);
-			memcpy(mux_v->bih, sh_video->bih, sh_video->bih->biSize);
-		}
-    else
-    {
-	mux_v->bih=calloc(1,sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
-	mux_v->bih->biSize=sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
-	mux_v->bih->biWidth=sh_video->disp_w;
-	mux_v->bih->biHeight=sh_video->disp_h;
-	mux_v->bih->biCompression=sh_video->format;
-	mux_v->bih->biPlanes=1;
-	mux_v->bih->biBitCount=24; // FIXME!!!
-	mux_v->bih->biSizeImage=mux_v->bih->biWidth*mux_v->bih->biHeight*(mux_v->bih->biBitCount/8);
-    }
-	}
-    mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER, MSGL_INFO, MSGTR_VCodecFramecopy,
-	mux_v->bih->biWidth, mux_v->bih->biHeight,
-	mux_v->bih->biBitCount, mux_v->bih->biCompression);
-	if (curfile) {
-		if (sh_video->bih) {
-			if ((mux_v->bih->biSize != sh_video->bih->biSize) ||
-			    memcmp(mux_v->bih, sh_video->bih, sh_video->bih->biSize))
-			{
-				mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER, MSGL_INFO, MSGTR_VCodecFramecopy,
-				       sh_video->bih->biWidth, sh_video->bih->biHeight,
-				       sh_video->bih->biBitCount, sh_video->bih->biCompression);
-				mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER,MSGL_FATAL,MSGTR_FrameCopyFileMismatch);
-				mencoder_exit(1,NULL);
-			}
-		}
-		else {
-			if ((mux_v->bih->biWidth != sh_video->disp_w) ||
-			    (mux_v->bih->biHeight != sh_video->disp_h) ||
-			    (mux_v->bih->biCompression != sh_video->format)) {
-				mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER, MSGL_INFO, MSGTR_VCodecFramecopy,
-				       sh_video->disp_w, sh_video->disp_w, 24, sh_video->format);
-				mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER,MSGL_FATAL,MSGTR_FrameCopyFileMismatch);
-				mencoder_exit(1,NULL);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-    break;
-	if (!curfile) {
-    mux_v->bih=calloc(1,sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
-    mux_v->bih->biSize=sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
-    mux_v->bih->biWidth=sh_video->disp_w;
-    mux_v->bih->biHeight=sh_video->disp_h;
-    mux_v->bih->biPlanes=1;
-    mux_v->bih->biBitCount=24;
-    mux_v->bih->biCompression=mmioFOURCC('F','r','N','o');
-    mux_v->bih->biSizeImage=mux_v->bih->biWidth*mux_v->bih->biHeight*(mux_v->bih->biBitCount/8);
-	}
-    break;
-default: {
-    static vf_instance_t * ve = NULL;
-  if (!ve) {
-    switch(mux_v->codec){
-        sh_video->vfilter=vf_open_encoder(NULL,"lavc",(char *)mux_v); break;
-    case VCODEC_RAW:
-        sh_video->vfilter=vf_open_encoder(NULL,"raw",(char *)mux_v); break;
-    case VCODEC_VFW:
-        sh_video->vfilter=vf_open_encoder(NULL,"vfw",(char *)mux_v); break;
-    case VCODEC_LIBDV:
-        sh_video->vfilter=vf_open_encoder(NULL,"libdv",(char *)mux_v); break;
-    case VCODEC_XVID:
-        sh_video->vfilter=vf_open_encoder(NULL,"xvid",(char *)mux_v); break;
-        sh_video->vfilter=vf_open_encoder(NULL,"qtvideo",(char *)mux_v); break;
-    case VCODEC_NUV:        
-        sh_video->vfilter=vf_open_encoder(NULL,"nuv",(char *)mux_v); break;
-    case VCODEC_X264:
-        sh_video->vfilter=vf_open_encoder(NULL,"x264",(char *)mux_v); break;
-    }
-    if(!mux_v->bih || !sh_video->vfilter){
-        mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER,MSGL_FATAL,MSGTR_EncoderOpenFailed);
-        mencoder_exit(1,NULL);
-    }
-    ve = sh_video->vfilter;
-  } else sh_video->vfilter = ve;
-    // append 'expand' filter, it fixes stride problems and renders osd:
-    if (auto_expand) {
-      char* vf_args[] = { "osd", "1", NULL };
-      sh_video->vfilter=vf_open_filter(sh_video->vfilter,"expand",vf_args);
-    }
-    sh_video->vfilter=append_filters(sh_video->vfilter);
-    mp_msg(MSGT_CPLAYER,MSGL_INFO,"==========================================================================\n");
-    init_best_video_codec(sh_video,video_codec_list,video_fm_list);
-    mp_msg(MSGT_CPLAYER,MSGL_INFO,"==========================================================================\n");
-    if(!sh_video->initialized) mencoder_exit(1,NULL);
- }
-if (!curfile) {
-/* force output fourcc to .. */
-if ((force_fourcc != NULL) && (strlen(force_fourcc) >= 4))
-    mux_v->bih->biCompression = mmioFOURCC(force_fourcc[0], force_fourcc[1],
-					    force_fourcc[2], force_fourcc[3]);
-    mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER, MSGL_INFO, MSGTR_ForcingOutputFourcc,
-	mux_v->bih->biCompression, (char *)&mux_v->bih->biCompression);
-if (! ignore_start)
-    muxer->audio_delay_fix -= sh_video->stream_delay;
-//if(demuxer->file_format!=DEMUXER_TYPE_AVI) pts_from_bps=0; // it must be 0 for mpeg/asf!
-// ============= AUDIO ===============
-if (force_audiofmttag != -1) {
-	sh_audio->format = force_audiofmttag;
-	if (sh_audio->wf) {
-		sh_audio->wf->wFormatTag = sh_audio->format;
-	}
-	mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER, MSGL_INFO, MSGTR_ForcingOutputAudiofmtTag,
-	       force_audiofmttag);
-mux_a->buffer_size=0x100000; //16384;
-if (!mux_a->buffer)
-    mencoder_exit(1,MSGTR_MemAllocFailed);
-ao_data.samplerate = force_srate;
-ao_data.channels = 0;
-ao_data.format = audio_output_format;
-   // input:
-   new_srate,
-   // output:
-   &ao_data.samplerate, &ao_data.channels, &ao_data.format)) {
-     mp_msg(MSGT_CPLAYER,MSGL_ERR,MSGTR_AudioFilterChainPreinitError);
-     mencoder_exit(1, NULL);
-   }
-aparams.channels = ao_data.channels;
-aparams.sample_rate = ao_data.samplerate;
-aparams.audio_preload = 1000 * audio_preload;
-if(mux_a->codec != ACODEC_COPY) {
-    aencoder = new_audio_encoder(mux_a, &aparams);
-    if(!aencoder)
-        mencoder_exit(1, NULL);
-    if(!init_audio_filters(sh_audio, 
-        new_srate,
-        &aparams.sample_rate, &aparams.channels, &aencoder->input_format)) {
-      mp_msg(MSGT_CPLAYER,MSGL_FATAL,MSGTR_NoMatchingFilter);
-      mencoder_exit(1,NULL);
-    }
-    if (playback_speed != 1.0) mp_msg(MSGT_CPLAYER, MSGL_WARN, MSGTR_NoSpeedWithFrameCopy);
-    if (sh_audio->format >= 0x10000) {
-	mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER,MSGL_ERR,MSGTR_CantCopyAudioFormat, sh_audio->format);
-	mencoder_exit(1,NULL);
-    }
-    if (sh_audio->wf){
-	mux_a->wf=malloc(sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX) + sh_audio->wf->cbSize);
-	memcpy(mux_a->wf, sh_audio->wf, sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX) + sh_audio->wf->cbSize);
-	if(!sh_audio->i_bps) sh_audio->i_bps=mux_a->wf->nAvgBytesPerSec;
-    } else {
-	mux_a->wf = malloc(sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX));
-	mux_a->wf->nBlockAlign = 1; //mux_a->h.dwSampleSize;
-	mux_a->wf->wFormatTag = sh_audio->format;
-	mux_a->wf->nChannels = sh_audio->channels;
-	mux_a->wf->nSamplesPerSec = sh_audio->samplerate;
-	mux_a->wf->nAvgBytesPerSec=sh_audio->i_bps; //mux_a->h.dwSampleSize*mux_a->wf->nSamplesPerSec;
-	mux_a->wf->wBitsPerSample = 16; // FIXME
-	mux_a->wf->cbSize=0; // FIXME for l3codeca.acm
-    }
-    if(sh_audio->audio.dwScale){
-	mux_a->h.dwSampleSize=sh_audio->audio.dwSampleSize;
-	mux_a->h.dwScale=sh_audio->audio.dwScale;
-	mux_a->h.dwRate=sh_audio->audio.dwRate;
-    } else {
-	mux_a->h.dwSampleSize=mux_a->wf->nBlockAlign;
-	mux_a->h.dwScale=mux_a->h.dwSampleSize;
-	mux_a->h.dwRate=mux_a->wf->nAvgBytesPerSec;
-    }
-    mux_a->h.dwRate *= playback_speed;
-    mux_a->wf->nSamplesPerSec *= playback_speed;
-    mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER, MSGL_INFO, MSGTR_ACodecFramecopy,
-	mux_a->wf->wFormatTag, mux_a->wf->nChannels, mux_a->wf->nSamplesPerSec,
-	mux_a->wf->wBitsPerSample, mux_a->wf->nAvgBytesPerSec, mux_a->h.dwSampleSize);
-    break;
-if ( mp_msg_test(MSGT_MENCODER,MSGL_DBG2) ) print_wave_header(mux_a->wf, MSGL_DBG2);
-if (! ignore_start)
-    muxer->audio_delay_fix += sh_audio->stream_delay;
-} // if(sh_audio)
-signal(SIGINT,exit_sighandler);  // Interrupt from keyboard
-signal(SIGQUIT,exit_sighandler); // Quit from keyboard
-signal(SIGTERM,exit_sighandler); // kill
-signal(SIGHUP,exit_sighandler);  // broken terminal line
-signal(SIGPIPE,exit_sighandler); // broken pipe
-} // if (!curfile) // if this was the first file.
-else {
-	if (!mux_a != !sh_audio) {
-		mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER,MSGL_FATAL,MSGTR_NoAudioFileMismatch);
-		mencoder_exit(1,NULL);
-	}
-	if (sh_audio && mux_a->codec == ACODEC_COPY) {
-		if (playback_speed != 1.0) mp_msg(MSGT_CPLAYER, MSGL_WARN, MSGTR_NoSpeedWithFrameCopy);
-		mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER, MSGL_INFO, MSGTR_ACodecFramecopy,
-		       mux_a->wf->wFormatTag, mux_a->wf->nChannels, mux_a->wf->nSamplesPerSec,
-		       mux_a->wf->wBitsPerSample, mux_a->wf->nAvgBytesPerSec, mux_a->h.dwSampleSize);
-		if (sh_audio->wf) {
-			if ((mux_a->wf->wFormatTag != sh_audio->wf->wFormatTag) ||
-			    (mux_a->wf->nChannels != sh_audio->wf->nChannels) ||
-			    (mux_a->wf->nSamplesPerSec != sh_audio->wf->nSamplesPerSec * playback_speed))
-			{
-				mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER, MSGL_INFO, MSGTR_ACodecFramecopy,
-				       sh_audio->wf->wFormatTag, sh_audio->wf->nChannels, (int)(sh_audio->wf->nSamplesPerSec * playback_speed),
-				       sh_audio->wf->wBitsPerSample, sh_audio->wf->nAvgBytesPerSec, 0);
-				mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER,MSGL_FATAL,MSGTR_AudioCopyFileMismatch);
-				mencoder_exit(1,NULL);
-			}
-		} else {
-			if ((mux_a->wf->wFormatTag != sh_audio->format) ||
-			    (mux_a->wf->nChannels != sh_audio->channels) ||
-			    (mux_a->wf->nSamplesPerSec != sh_audio->samplerate * playback_speed))
-			{
-				mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER, MSGL_INFO, MSGTR_ACodecFramecopy,
-				       sh_audio->wf->wFormatTag, sh_audio->wf->nChannels, (int)(sh_audio->wf->nSamplesPerSec * playback_speed),
-				       sh_audio->wf->wBitsPerSample, sh_audio->wf->nAvgBytesPerSec, 0);
-				mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER,MSGL_FATAL,MSGTR_AudioCopyFileMismatch);
-				mencoder_exit(1,NULL);
-			}
-		}
-	} else if (sh_audio) {
-		int out_srate = mux_a->wf->nSamplesPerSec;
-		int out_channels = mux_a->wf->nChannels;
-		int out_format = aencoder->input_format;
-		if (!init_audio_filters(sh_audio, new_srate,
-					&out_srate, &out_channels,
-					&out_format)) {
-			mp_msg(MSGT_CPLAYER, MSGL_FATAL, MSGTR_NoMatchingFilter);
-			mencoder_exit(1, NULL);
-		}
-		mux_a->wf->nSamplesPerSec = out_srate;
-		mux_a->wf->nChannels = out_channels;
-	}
-if (seek_to_sec) {
-    demux_seek(demuxer, seek_to_sec, audio_delay, 1);
-//  there is 2 way to handle the -ss option in 3-pass mode:
-// > 1. do the first pass for the whole file, and use -ss for 2nd/3rd pases only
-// > 2. do all the 3 passes with the same -ss value
-//  this line enables behaviour 1. (and kills 2. at the same time):
-//    if(demuxer2) demux_seek(demuxer2, d, audio_delay, 1);
-if (out_file_format == MUXER_TYPE_MPEG)
-	{
-	if (audio_preload > 0.4) {
-	  mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER, MSGL_WARN, MSGTR_LimitingAudioPreload);
-	  audio_preload = 0.4;
-	}
-	if (audio_density < 4) {
-	  mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER, MSGL_WARN, MSGTR_IncreasingAudioDensity);
-	  audio_density = 4;
-	}
-	}
-if(file_format == DEMUXER_TYPE_TV) 
-	{
-	mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER, MSGL_WARN, MSGTR_ZeroingAudioPreloadAndMaxPtsCorrection);
-	audio_preload = 0.0;
-	default_max_pts_correction = 0;
-	}
-if (curfile && end_at.type == END_AT_TIME) end_at.pos += mux_v->timer;
-if (edl_records) free_edl(edl_records);
-next_edl_record = edl_records = NULL;
-edl_muted = 0;
-edl_seeking = 1;
-if (edl_filename) {
-    next_edl_record = edl_records = edl_parse_file();
-if (sh_audio && audio_delay != 0.) fixdelay(d_video, d_audio, mux_a, &frame_data, mux_v->codec==VCODEC_COPY);
-    int blit_frame=0;
-    float a_pts=0;
-    float v_pts=0;
-    int skip_flag=0; // 1=skip  -1=duplicate
-    if((end_at.type == END_AT_SIZE && end_at.pos <= stream_tell(muxer->stream))  ||
-       (end_at.type == END_AT_TIME && end_at.pos < mux_v->timer))
-        break;
-    if(play_n_frames>=0){
-      --play_n_frames;
-      if(play_n_frames<0) break;
-    }
-    if(dvd_last_chapter>0) {
-      int cur_chapter = demuxer_get_current_chapter(demuxer);
-      if(cur_chapter!=-1 && cur_chapter+1>dvd_last_chapter)
-        break;
-    }
-    if (next_edl_record && sh_video && sh_video->pts >= next_edl_record->start_sec) {
-        if (next_edl_record->action == EDL_SKIP && edl_seeking) {
-            float last_pos = d_video->pts;
-            int result;
-            mp_msg(MSGT_CPLAYER, MSGL_DBG4, "EDL_SKIP: start [%f], stop [%f], length [%f]\n",
-                   next_edl_record->start_sec, next_edl_record->stop_sec, next_edl_record->length_sec);
-            result = edl_seek(next_edl_record, demuxer, d_audio, mux_a, &frame_data, mux_v->codec==VCODEC_COPY);
-            if (result == 2) { at_eof=1; break; } // EOF
-            else if (result == 0) edl_seeking = 0; // no seeking
-            else { // sucess
-                edl_muted = 0;
-                if (last_pos >= sh_video->pts) {
-                    // backwards seek detected!! Forget about this EDL skip altogether.
-                    next_edl_record = next_edl_record->next;
-                }
-                else for (next_edl_record = edl_records; next_edl_record; next_edl_record = next_edl_record->next) {
-                    /* note the use of stop_sec,
-                       meaning if by some magical way we landed in the MIDDLE of a censored area,
-                       in the next loop it will jump out of it.
-                    */
-                    if (next_edl_record->stop_sec > sh_video->pts) break; // we got to the right place.
-                    if (next_edl_record->action == EDL_MUTE) edl_muted = !edl_muted; // toggle mute each time.
-                }
-                /* for a pedantic EDL, that doesn't show even a single
-                   frame from the "censored" area, uncomment next line. */
-                goto goto_redo_edl;
-            }
-        } else if (next_edl_record->action == EDL_MUTE) {
-            edl_muted = !edl_muted;  // This variable does nothing for now.
-            mp_msg(MSGT_CPLAYER, MSGL_DBG4, "EDL_MUTE: [%f]\n", next_edl_record->start_sec );
-            next_edl_record=next_edl_record->next;
-        }
-    }
-    // get audio:
-    while(mux_a->timer-audio_preload<mux_v->timer){
-        float tottime;
-	int len=0;
-	ptimer_start = GetTimerMS();
-	// CBR - copy 0.5 sec of audio
-	// or until the end of video:
-	tottime = stop_time(demuxer, mux_v);
-	if (tottime != -1) {
-		tottime -= mux_a->timer;
-		if (tottime > 1./audio_density) tottime = 1./audio_density;
-	}
-	else tottime = 1./audio_density;
-	// let's not output more audio than necessary
-	if (tottime <= 0) break;
-	if(aencoder)
-	{
-		if(mux_a->h.dwSampleSize) /* CBR */
-		{
-			if(aencoder->set_decoded_len)
-			{
-				len = mux_a->h.dwSampleSize*(int)(mux_a->h.dwRate*tottime);
-				aencoder->set_decoded_len(aencoder, len);
-			}
-			else
-				len = aencoder->decode_buffer_size;
-			len = dec_audio(sh_audio, aencoder->decode_buffer, len);
-			mux_a->buffer_len += aencoder->encode(aencoder, mux_a->buffer + mux_a->buffer_len, 
-				aencoder->decode_buffer, len, mux_a->buffer_size-mux_a->buffer_len);
-			if(mux_a->buffer_len < mux_a->wf->nBlockAlign)
-				len = 0;
-			else 
-				len = mux_a->wf->nBlockAlign*(mux_a->buffer_len/mux_a->wf->nBlockAlign);
-		}
-		else	/* VBR */
-		{
-			int sz = 0;
-			while(1)
-			{
-				len = 0;
-				if(! sz)
-					sz = aencoder->get_frame_size(aencoder);
-				if(sz > 0 && mux_a->buffer_len >= sz)
-				{
-					len = sz;
-					break;
-				}
-				len = dec_audio(sh_audio,aencoder->decode_buffer, aencoder->decode_buffer_size);
-				if(len <= 0)
-				{
-					len = 0;
-					break;
-				}
-				len = aencoder->encode(aencoder, mux_a->buffer + mux_a->buffer_len, aencoder->decode_buffer, len, mux_a->buffer_size-mux_a->buffer_len);
-				mux_a->buffer_len += len;
-			}
-	    }
-	    if (mux_v->timer == 0) mux_a->h.dwInitialFrames++;
-	}
-	else {
-	if(mux_a->h.dwSampleSize){
-	    switch(mux_a->codec){
-	    case ACODEC_COPY: // copy
-		len=mux_a->wf->nAvgBytesPerSec*tottime;
-		len/=mux_a->h.dwSampleSize;if(len<1) len=1;
-		len*=mux_a->h.dwSampleSize;
-		len=demux_read_data(sh_audio->ds,mux_a->buffer,len);
-		break;
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    // VBR - encode/copy an audio frame
-	    switch(mux_a->codec){
-	    case ACODEC_COPY: // copy
-		len=ds_get_packet(sh_audio->ds,(unsigned char**) &mux_a->buffer);
-		break;
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-	if(len<=0) break; // EOF?
-	muxer_write_chunk(mux_a,len,0x10, MP_NOPTS_VALUE, MP_NOPTS_VALUE);
-	if(!mux_a->h.dwSampleSize && mux_a->timer>0)
-	    mux_a->wf->nAvgBytesPerSec=0.5f+(double)mux_a->size/mux_a->timer; // avg bps (VBR)
-	if(mux_a->buffer_len>=len){
-	    mux_a->buffer_len-=len;
-	    fast_memcpy(mux_a->buffer,mux_a->buffer+len,mux_a->buffer_len);
-	}
-	audiosamples++;
-	audiorate+= (GetTimerMS() - ptimer_start);
-    }
-    // get video frame!
-    if (!frame_data.already_read) {
-        frame_data.in_size=video_read_frame(sh_video,&frame_data.frame_time,&frame_data.start,force_fps);
-        sh_video->timer+=frame_data.frame_time;
-    }
-    frame_data.frame_time /= playback_speed;
-    if(frame_data.in_size<0){ at_eof=1; break; }
-    ++decoded_frameno;
-    v_timer_corr-=frame_data.frame_time-(float)mux_v->h.dwScale/mux_v->h.dwRate;
-if(demuxer2){	// 3-pass encoding, read control file (frameno.avi)
-    // find our frame:
-	while(next_frameno<decoded_frameno){
-	    int* start;
-	    int len=ds_get_packet(demuxer2->video,(unsigned char**) &start);
-	    if(len<0){ at_eof=1;break;}
-	    if(len==0) --skip_flag; else  // duplicate
-	    if(len==4) next_frameno=start[0];
-	}
-    if(at_eof) break;
-	// if(skip_flag) printf("!!!!!!!!!!!!\n");
-	skip_flag=next_frameno-decoded_frameno;
-    // find next frame:
-	while(next_frameno<=decoded_frameno){
-	    int* start;
-	    int len=ds_get_packet(demuxer2->video,(unsigned char**) &start);
-	    if(len<0){ at_eof=1;break;}
-	    if(len==0) --skip_flag; else  // duplicate
-	    if(len==4) next_frameno=start[0];
-	}
-//    if(at_eof) break;
-//	    printf("Current fno=%d  requested=%d  skip=%d  \n",decoded_frameno,fno,skip_flag);
-} else {
-// check frame duplicate/drop:
-//printf("\r### %5.3f ###\n",v_timer_corr);
-float mux_frametime = (float)mux_v->h.dwScale/mux_v->h.dwRate;
-if (v_timer_corr >= mux_frametime && (skip_limit<0 || skip_flag < skip_limit)) {
-    v_timer_corr-=mux_frametime;
-    ++skip_flag; // skip
-while (v_timer_corr <= -mux_frametime && (skip_limit<0 || -skip_flag < skip_limit)) {
-    v_timer_corr+=mux_frametime;
-    --skip_flag; // dup
-// either v_pts_corr is big, more than 2 times framerate, then we follow its advice,
-// or, it cancels out v_timer_corr, in which case be happy and do nothing.
-while ((v_pts_corr <= -mux_frametime && skip_flag > 0) || (v_pts_corr <= -2*mux_frametime)) {
-    v_pts_corr+=mux_frametime;
-    --skip_flag; // dup
-if ((v_pts_corr >= mux_frametime && skip_flag < 0) || (v_pts_corr >= 2*mux_frametime)) {
-  if (skip_flag<=0) { // we can't skip more than 1 frame now
-    v_pts_corr-=mux_frametime;
-    ++skip_flag; // skip
-  }
-} // demuxer2
-ptimer_start = GetTimerMS();
-    mux_v->buffer=frame_data.start;
-    if(skip_flag<=0) muxer_write_chunk(mux_v,frame_data.in_size,(sh_video->ds->flags&1)?0x10:0, MP_NOPTS_VALUE, MP_NOPTS_VALUE);
-    break;
-    mux_v->buffer=(unsigned char *)&decoded_frameno; // tricky
-    if(skip_flag<=0) muxer_write_chunk(mux_v,sizeof(int),0x10, MP_NOPTS_VALUE, MP_NOPTS_VALUE);
-    break;
-    // decode_video will callback down to ve_*.c encoders, through the video filters
-    {void *decoded_frame = decode_video(sh_video,frame_data.start,frame_data.in_size,
-      skip_flag>0 && (!sh_video->vfilter || ((vf_instance_t *)sh_video->vfilter)->control(sh_video->vfilter, VFCTRL_SKIP_NEXT_FRAME, 0) != CONTROL_TRUE), MP_NOPTS_VALUE);
-    blit_frame = decoded_frame && filter_video(sh_video, decoded_frame, MP_NOPTS_VALUE);}
-    if (sh_video->vf_initialized < 0) mencoder_exit(1, NULL);
-    if(!blit_frame){
-      if (play_n_frames >= 0)
-        play_n_frames++;
-      badframes++;
-      if(skip_flag<=0){
-	// unwanted skipping of a frame, what to do?
-        v_timer_corr-=(float)mux_v->h.dwScale/mux_v->h.dwRate;
-#if 0
-        // Old code apparently made under the assumption that !blit_frame means
-        // decoding failed due to corruption or something.. but duplication and
-        // skipping of frames should be entirely disabled when skip_limit==0,
-        // and must be in order for many filters to work with -noskip.
-        // Eventually this entire block should probably be removed.
-	if(skip_limit==0){
-	    // skipping not allowed -> write empty frame:
-	    if (!encode_duplicates || !sh_video->vfilter || ((vf_instance_t *)sh_video->vfilter)->control(sh_video->vfilter, VFCTRL_DUPLICATE_FRAME, 0) != CONTROL_TRUE)
-	      muxer_write_chunk(mux_v,0,0, MP_NOPTS_VALUE, MP_NOPTS_VALUE);
-	} else {
-	    // skipping allowed -> skip it and distriubute timer error:
-	    v_timer_corr-=(float)mux_v->h.dwScale/mux_v->h.dwRate;
-	}
-      }
-    }
-videorate+=(GetTimerMS() - ptimer_start);
-    // duplicate frame
-	if(!quiet) mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER, MSGL_WARN, MSGTR_DuplicateFrames,-skip_flag);
-    while(skip_flag<0){
-	duplicatedframes++;
-	if (!encode_duplicates || !sh_video->vfilter || ((vf_instance_t *)sh_video->vfilter)->control(sh_video->vfilter, VFCTRL_DUPLICATE_FRAME, 0) != CONTROL_TRUE)
-	    muxer_write_chunk(mux_v,0,0, MP_NOPTS_VALUE, MP_NOPTS_VALUE);
-	++skip_flag;
-    }
-} else
-    // skip frame
-	if(!quiet) mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER, MSGL_WARN, MSGTR_SkipFrame);
-	skippedframes++;
-    --skip_flag;
-if(sh_audio && !demuxer2){
-    float AV_delay,x;
-    // A-V sync!
-#if 0
-    if(pts_from_bps){
-        unsigned int samples=(sh_audio->audio.dwSampleSize)?
-          ((ds_tell(d_audio)-sh_audio->a_in_buffer_len)/sh_audio->audio.dwSampleSize) :
-          (d_audio->block_no); // <- used for VBR audio
-//	printf("samples=%d  \n",samples);
-        a_pts=samples*(float)sh_audio->audio.dwScale/(float)sh_audio->audio.dwRate;
-      delay_corrected=1;
-    } else 
-    {
-      // PTS = (last timestamp) + (bytes after last timestamp)/(bytes per sec)
-      a_pts=d_audio->pts;
-      if(!delay_corrected) if(a_pts) delay_corrected=1;
-      //printf("*** %5.3f ***\n",a_pts);
-      a_pts+=(ds_tell_pts(d_audio)-sh_audio->a_in_buffer_len)/(float)sh_audio->i_bps;
-    }
-    v_pts=sh_video ? sh_video->pts : d_video->pts;
-    // av = compensated (with out buffering delay) A-V diff
-    AV_delay=(a_pts-v_pts);
-    AV_delay-=audio_delay;
-    AV_delay /= playback_speed;
-    AV_delay-=mux_a->timer-(mux_v->timer-(v_timer_corr+v_pts_corr));
-    // adjust for encoder delays
-    AV_delay -= (float) mux_a->encoder_delay * mux_a->h.dwScale/mux_a->h.dwRate;
-    AV_delay += (float) mux_v->encoder_delay * mux_v->h.dwScale/mux_v->h.dwRate;
-	// compensate input video timer by av:
-        x=AV_delay*0.1f;
-        if(x<-max_pts_correction) x=-max_pts_correction; else
-        if(x> max_pts_correction) x= max_pts_correction;
-        if(default_max_pts_correction>=0)
-          max_pts_correction=default_max_pts_correction*playback_speed;
-        else
-          max_pts_correction=sh_video->frametime*0.10 *playback_speed; // +-10% of time
-	// sh_video->timer-=x;
-	c_total+=x;
-	v_pts_corr+=x;
-//    printf("A:%6.1f V:%6.1f A-V:%7.3f oAV:%7.3f diff:%7.3f ct:%7.3f vpc:%7.3f   \r",
-//	a_pts,v_pts,a_pts-v_pts,
-//	(float)(mux_a->timer-mux_v->timer),
-//	AV_delay, c_total, v_pts_corr );
-//    printf("V:%6.1f \r", d_video->pts );
-#if 0
-    mp_msg(MSGT_AVSYNC,MSGL_STATUS,"A:%6.1f V:%6.1f A-V:%7.3f ct:%7.3f  %3d/%3d  %2d%% %2d%% %4.1f%%  %d%%\r",
-	  a_pts,v_pts,a_pts-v_pts,c_total,
-          (int)sh_video->num_frames,(int)sh_video->num_frames_decoded,
-          (sh_video->timer>0.5)?(int)(100.0*video_time_usage/(double)sh_video->timer):0,
-          (sh_video->timer>0.5)?(int)(100.0*vout_time_usage/(double)sh_video->timer):0,
-          (sh_video->timer>0.5)?(100.0*audio_time_usage/(double)sh_video->timer):0
-	  ,cache_fill_status
-        );
-    {	float t=(GetTimerMS()-timer_start)*0.001f;
-	float len=(demuxer->movi_end-demuxer->movi_start);
-	float p=len>1000 ? (float)(demuxer->filepos-demuxer->movi_start) / len :
-                (demuxer_get_percent_pos(demuxer) / 100.0);
-#if 0
-	if(!len && sh_audio && sh_audio->audio.dwLength>100){
-	    p=(sh_audio->audio.dwSampleSize? ds_tell(sh_audio->ds)/sh_audio->audio.dwSampleSize : sh_audio->ds->block_no)
-	     / (float)(sh_audio->audio.dwLength);
-	}
-#if 0
-	mp_msg(MSGT_AVSYNC,MSGL_STATUS,"%d < %d < %d  \r",
-	    (int)demuxer->movi_start,
-	    (int)demuxer->filepos,
-	    (int)demuxer->movi_end);
-      if(!quiet) {
-	if( mp_msg_test(MSGT_STATUSLINE,MSGL_V) ) {
-		mp_msg(MSGT_STATUSLINE,MSGL_STATUS,"Pos:%6.1fs %6df (%2d%%) %3dfps Trem:%4dmin %3dmb  A-V:%5.3f [%d:%d] A/Vms %d/%d D/B/S %d/%d/%d \r",
-	    	mux_v->timer, decoded_frameno, (int)(p*100),
-	    	(t>1) ? (int)(decoded_frameno/t+0.5) : 0,
-	    	(p>0.001) ? (int)((t/p-t)/60) : 0, 
-	    	(p>0.001) ? (int)(stream_tell(muxer->stream)/p/1024/1024) : 0,
-	    	v_pts_corr,
-	    	(mux_v->timer>1) ? (int)(mux_v->size/mux_v->timer/125) : 0,
-	    	(mux_a && mux_a->timer>1) ? (int)(mux_a->size/mux_a->timer/125) : 0,
-			audiorate/audiosamples, videorate/videosamples,
-			duplicatedframes, badframes, skippedframes
-		);
-	} else
-	mp_msg(MSGT_STATUSLINE,MSGL_STATUS,"Pos:%6.1fs %6df (%2d%%) %5.2ffps Trem:%4dmin %3dmb  A-V:%5.3f [%d:%d]\r",
-	    mux_v->timer, decoded_frameno, (int)(p*100),
-	    (t>1) ? (float)(decoded_frameno/t) : 0,
-	    (p>0.001) ? (int)((t/p-t)/60) : 0, 
-	    (p>0.001) ? (int)(stream_tell(muxer->stream)/p/1024/1024) : 0,
-	    v_pts_corr,
-	    (mux_v->timer>1) ? (int)(mux_v->size/mux_v->timer/125) : 0,
-	    (mux_a && mux_a->timer>1) ? (int)(mux_a->size/mux_a->timer/125) : 0
-	);
-      }
-    }
-        fflush(stdout);
-// DVD sub:
- if(vobsub_writer){
-     unsigned char* packet=NULL;
-     int len;
-     while((len=ds_get_packet_sub(d_dvdsub,&packet))>0){
-	 mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER,MSGL_V,"\rDVD sub: len=%d  v_pts=%5.3f  s_pts=%5.3f  \n",len,sh_video->pts,d_dvdsub->pts);
-	     vobsub_out_output(vobsub_writer,packet,len,mux_v->timer + d_dvdsub->pts - sh_video->pts);
-     }
- }
- else
-    update_subtitles(sh_video, d_dvdsub, 0);
- frame_data = (s_frame_data){ .start = NULL, .in_size = 0, .frame_time = 0., .already_read = 0 };
-#if 0
- if(ferror(muxer_f)) {
-     mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER,MSGL_FATAL,MSGTR_ErrorWritingFile, out_filename);
-     mencoder_exit(1, NULL);
- }
-} // while(!at_eof)
-if (!interrupted && filelist[++curfile].name != 0) {
-	if (sh_video && sh_video->vfilter) { // Before uniniting sh_video and the filter chain, break apart the VE.
- 		vf_instance_t * ve; // this will be the filter right before the ve.
-		for (ve = sh_video->vfilter; ve->next && ve->next->next; ve = ve->next);
-		if (ve->next) ve->next = NULL; // I'm telling the last filter, before the VE, there is nothing after it
-		else sh_video->vfilter = NULL; // There is no chain except the VE.
-	}
-	if(sh_audio){ uninit_audio(sh_audio);sh_audio=NULL; }
-	if(sh_video){ uninit_video(sh_video);sh_video=NULL; }
-	if(demuxer) free_demuxer(demuxer);
-	if(stream) free_stream(stream); // kill cache thread
-	at_eof = 0;
-	m_config_pop(mconfig);
-	goto play_next_file;
-/* Emit the remaining frames in the video system */
-/*TODO emit frmaes delayed by decoder lag*/
-if(sh_video && sh_video->vfilter){
-	mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER, MSGL_INFO, MSGTR_FlushingVideoFrames);
-	if (!((vf_instance_t *)sh_video->vfilter)->fmt.have_configured)
-		mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER, MSGL_WARN, MSGTR_FiltersHaveNotBeenConfiguredEmptyFile);
-	else
-		((vf_instance_t *)sh_video->vfilter)->control(sh_video->vfilter,
-    	                                              VFCTRL_FLUSH_FRAMES, 0);
-    if(aencoder->fixup)
-        aencoder->fixup(aencoder);
-if (muxer->cont_write_index) muxer_write_index(muxer);
-if (muxer->cont_write_header) muxer_write_header(muxer); // update header
-#if 0
-if(ferror(muxer_f) || fclose(muxer_f) != 0) {
-    mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER,MSGL_FATAL,MSGTR_ErrorWritingFile, out_filename);
-    mencoder_exit(1, NULL);
-    vobsub_out_close(vobsub_writer);
-if(out_video_codec==VCODEC_FRAMENO && mux_v->timer>100){
-    mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER, MSGL_INFO, MSGTR_RecommendedVideoBitrate,"650MB",(int)((650*1024*1024-muxer_f_size)/mux_v->timer/125));
-    mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER, MSGL_INFO, MSGTR_RecommendedVideoBitrate,"700MB",(int)((700*1024*1024-muxer_f_size)/mux_v->timer/125));
-    mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER, MSGL_INFO, MSGTR_RecommendedVideoBitrate,"800MB",(int)((800*1024*1024-muxer_f_size)/mux_v->timer/125));
-    mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER, MSGL_INFO, MSGTR_RecommendedVideoBitrate,"2 x 650MB",(int)((2*650*1024*1024-muxer_f_size)/mux_v->timer/125));
-    mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER, MSGL_INFO, MSGTR_RecommendedVideoBitrate,"2 x 700MB",(int)((2*700*1024*1024-muxer_f_size)/mux_v->timer/125));
-    mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER, MSGL_INFO, MSGTR_RecommendedVideoBitrate,"2 x 800MB",(int)((2*800*1024*1024-muxer_f_size)/mux_v->timer/125));
-mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER, MSGL_INFO, MSGTR_VideoStreamResult,
-    (float)(mux_v->size/mux_v->timer*8.0f/1000.0f), (int)(mux_v->size/mux_v->timer), (uint64_t)mux_v->size, (float)mux_v->timer, decoded_frameno);
-mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER, MSGL_INFO, MSGTR_AudioStreamResult,
-    (float)(mux_a->size/mux_a->timer*8.0f/1000.0f), (int)(mux_a->size/mux_a->timer), (uint64_t)mux_a->size, (float)mux_a->timer);
-if(sh_audio){ uninit_audio(sh_audio);sh_audio=NULL; }
-if(sh_video){ uninit_video(sh_video);sh_video=NULL; }
-if(demuxer) free_demuxer(demuxer);
-if(stream) free_stream(stream); // kill cache thread
-return interrupted;
-#if 0
-/* Flip the image in src and store the result in dst. src and dst may overlap.
-   width is the size of each line in bytes. */
-static uint8_t* flip_upside_down(uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* src, int width,
-                                 int height)
-    uint8_t* tmp = malloc(width);
-    int i;
-    for(i = 0; i < height/2; i++) {
-        fast_memcpy(tmp, &src[i*width], width);
-        fast_memcpy(&dst[i * width], &src[(height - i) * width], width);
-        fast_memcpy(&dst[(height - i) * width], tmp, width);
-    }
-    free(tmp);
-    return dst;
-static float stop_time(demuxer_t* demuxer, muxer_stream_t* mux_v) {
-	float timeleft = -1;
-	if (play_n_frames >= 0) timeleft = mux_v->timer + play_n_frames * (double)(mux_v->h.dwScale) / mux_v->h.dwRate;
-	if (end_at.type == END_AT_TIME && (timeleft > end_at.pos || timeleft == -1)) timeleft = end_at.pos;
-	if (next_edl_record && demuxer && demuxer->video) { // everything is OK to be checked
-		float tmp = mux_v->timer + next_edl_record->start_sec - demuxer->video->pts;
-		if (timeleft == -1 || timeleft > tmp) {
-			// There's less time in EDL than what we already know
-			if (next_edl_record->action == EDL_SKIP && edl_seeking) {
-				timeleft = tmp;
-			} else if (next_edl_record->action == EDL_MUTE) {
-				//timeleft = next_edl_record->start_sec - demuxer->video->pts;
-				// For the moment (and probably forever) EDL mute doesn't work in MEncoder
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return timeleft;
-static float calc_a_pts(demux_stream_t *d_audio) {
-    sh_audio_t * sh_audio = d_audio ? d_audio->sh : NULL;
-    float a_pts = 0.;
-    if (sh_audio)
-        a_pts = d_audio->pts + (ds_tell_pts(d_audio) - sh_audio->a_in_buffer_len)/(float)sh_audio->i_bps;
-    return a_pts;
-static float forward_audio(float pts, demux_stream_t *d_audio, muxer_stream_t* mux_a) {
-    sh_audio_t * sh_audio = d_audio ? d_audio->sh : NULL;
-    int samplesize, avg;
-    float a_pts = calc_a_pts(d_audio);
-    if (!sh_audio) return a_pts;
-    if (sh_audio->audio.dwScale) samplesize = sh_audio->audio.dwSampleSize;
-    else samplesize = (sh_audio->wf ? sh_audio->wf->nBlockAlign : 1);
-    avg = (sh_audio->wf ? sh_audio->wf->nAvgBytesPerSec : sh_audio->i_bps);
-    // after a demux_seek, a_pts will be zero until you read some audio.
-    // carefully checking if a_pts is truely correct by reading tiniest amount of data possible.
-    if (pts > a_pts && a_pts == 0.0 && samplesize) {
-        if (demux_read_data(sh_audio->ds,mux_a->buffer,samplesize) <= 0) return a_pts; // EOF
-        a_pts = calc_a_pts(d_audio);
-    }
-    while (pts > a_pts) {
-        int len;
-        if (samplesize) {
-            len = avg * (pts - a_pts > 0.5 ? 0.5 : pts - a_pts);
-            len/= samplesize; if(len<1) len=1;
-            len*= samplesize;
-            len = demux_read_data(sh_audio->ds,mux_a->buffer,len);
-        } else {
-            unsigned char * crap;
-            len = ds_get_packet(sh_audio->ds, &crap);
-        }
-        if (len <= 0) break; // EOF of audio.
-        a_pts = calc_a_pts(d_audio);
-    }
-    return a_pts;
-static int slowseek(float end_pts, demux_stream_t *d_video, demux_stream_t *d_audio, muxer_stream_t* mux_a, s_frame_data * frame_data, int framecopy, int print_info) {
-    sh_video_t * sh_video = d_video->sh;
-    vf_instance_t * vfilter = sh_video ? sh_video->vfilter : NULL;
-    int done = 0;
-    while (!interrupted) {
-        float a_pts = 0.;
-        if (!frame_data->already_read) { // when called after fixdelay, a frame is already read
-            frame_data->in_size = video_read_frame(sh_video, &frame_data->frame_time, &frame_data->start, force_fps);
-            if(frame_data->in_size<0) return 2;
-            sh_video->timer += frame_data->frame_time;
-        }
-        frame_data->already_read = 0;
-        a_pts = forward_audio(sh_video->pts - frame_data->frame_time + audio_delay, d_audio, mux_a);
-        if (done) {
-            // wait for keyframe in case of -ovc copy
-            if (!framecopy || (sh_video->ds->flags & 1)) {
-                frame_data->already_read = 1;
-                return 1;
-            }
-        }
-        if (sh_video->pts >= end_pts) done = 1;
-        if (vfilter) {
-            int softskip = (vfilter->control(vfilter, VFCTRL_SKIP_NEXT_FRAME, 0) == CONTROL_TRUE);
-            void *decoded_frame = decode_video(sh_video, frame_data->start, frame_data->in_size, !softskip, MP_NOPTS_VALUE);
-	    if (decoded_frame)
-		filter_video(sh_video, decoded_frame, MP_NOPTS_VALUE);
-        }
-        if (print_info) mp_msg(MSGT_MENCODER, MSGL_STATUS,
-               MSGTR_EdlSkipStartEndCurrent,
-               next_edl_record->start_sec, next_edl_record->stop_sec,
-               sh_video->pts, a_pts);
-    }
-    if (interrupted) return 2;
-    return 1;
-static void fixdelay(demux_stream_t *d_video, demux_stream_t *d_audio, muxer_stream_t* mux_a, s_frame_data * frame_data, int framecopy) {
-    // TODO: Find a way to encode silence instead of deleting video
-    sh_video_t * sh_video = d_video->sh;
-    float a_pts;
-    // demux_seek has a weirdness that sh_video->pts is meaningless,
-    // until a single frame is read... Same for audio actually too.
-    // Reading one frame, and keeping it.
-    frame_data->in_size = video_read_frame(sh_video, &frame_data->frame_time, &frame_data->start, force_fps);
-    if(frame_data->in_size<0) return;
-    sh_video->timer += frame_data->frame_time;
-    frame_data->already_read = 1;
-    a_pts = forward_audio(sh_video->pts - frame_data->frame_time + audio_delay, d_audio, mux_a);
-    if (audio_delay > 0) return;
-    else if (sh_video->pts - frame_data->frame_time + audio_delay >= a_pts) return;
-    slowseek(a_pts - audio_delay, d_video, d_audio, mux_a, frame_data, framecopy, 0);
-static int edl_seek(edl_record_ptr next_edl_record, demuxer_t* demuxer, demux_stream_t *d_audio, muxer_stream_t* mux_a, s_frame_data * frame_data, int framecopy) {
-    sh_video_t * sh_video = demuxer->video ? demuxer->video->sh : NULL;
-    if (!sh_video) return 0;
-    if (sh_video->pts >= next_edl_record->stop_sec) return 1; // nothing to do...
-    if (!edl_seek_type) {
-        if(demux_seek(demuxer, next_edl_record->stop_sec - sh_video->pts, audio_delay, 0)){
-            sh_video->pts = demuxer->video->pts;
-            //if (vo_vobsub) vobsub_seek(vo_vobsub,sh_video->pts);
-            resync_video_stream(sh_video);
-            //if(vo_spudec) spudec_reset(vo_spudec);
-            if (audio_delay != 0.0) fixdelay(demuxer->video, d_audio, mux_a, frame_data, framecopy);
-            return 1;
-        }
-        // non-seekable stream.
-        return 0;
-    }
-    // slow seek, read every frame.
-    return slowseek(next_edl_record->stop_sec, demuxer->video, d_audio, mux_a, frame_data, framecopy, 1);
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
index e89a2b3..f3b2232 100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -88,12 +88,7 @@ endif
 # https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DistCompilerFlags
-# cowboy in mencoder.c manually fetched from upstream to avoid having to reroll
-# a new upstream tarball. Will be dropped with a new upstream upgrade
-mencoder.c: debian/mencoder.c
-	cp $^ $@
-install-arch: mencoder.c $(QUILT_STAMPFN)
+install-arch: $(QUILT_STAMPFN)
 	dh_prep -a
 	[ ! -f config.mak ] || $(MAKE) distclean
@@ -145,7 +140,6 @@ clean-real:
 	[ ! -f config.mak ] || $(MAKE) -C DOCS/xml distclean || true
 	[ ! -f config.mak ] || $(MAKE) distclean
 	dh_clean build-arch-stamp configure-arch-stamp snapshot_version
-	dh_clean mencoder.c # cleanup cowboyed mencoder.c
 # Build architecture-independent packages
 binary-indep: install-indep

mplayer packaging

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