[SCM] mplayer packaging branch, ubuntu, updated. debian/1.0.rc3++final-0ubuntu2

siretart at users.alioth.debian.org siretart at users.alioth.debian.org
Thu Jun 3 13:06:47 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the ubuntu branch:
commit 71925abf8fb53984ebaaca935da0cc4d75ec8c0b
Author: Reinhard Tartler <siretart at tauware.de>
Date:   Thu Jun 3 10:50:45 2010 +0200

    remove copied vdpau headers

diff --git a/debian/include/vdpau/vdpau.h b/debian/include/vdpau/vdpau.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c2206c..0000000
--- a/debian/include/vdpau/vdpau.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3972 +0,0 @@
- * This source file is documented using Doxygen markup.
- * See http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/
- */
- * This copyright notice applies to this header file:
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2008 NVIDIA Corporation
- * 
- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
- * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
- * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
- * restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
- * copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
- * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
- * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
- * conditions:
- *
- * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
- * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- *
- */
- * \mainpage Video Decode and Presentation API for Unix
- *  
- * \section intro Introduction
- *
- * The Video Decode and Presentation API for Unix (VDPAU) provides
- * a complete solution for decoding, post-processing, compositing,
- * and displaying compressed or uncompressed video streams. These
- * video streams may be combined (composited) with bitmap content,
- * to implement OSDs and other application user interfaces.
- *
- * \section api_partitioning API Partitioning
- *
- * VDPAU is split into two distinct modules:
- * - \ref api_core
- * - \ref api_winsys
- *
- * The intent is that most VDPAU functionality exists and
- * operates identically across all possible Windowing Systems.
- * This functionality is the \ref api_core.
- *
- * However, a small amount of functionality must be included that
- * is tightly coupled to the underlying Windowing System. This
- * functionality is the \ref api_winsys. Possibly examples
- * include:
- * - Creation of the initial VDPAU \ref VdpDevice "VdpDevice"
- *   handle, since this act requires intimate knowledge of the
- *   underlying Window System, such as specific display handle or
- *   driver identification.
- * - Conversion of VDPAU surfaces to/from underlying Window
- *   System surface types, e.g. to allow manipulation of
- *   VDPAU-generated surfaces via native Window System APIs.
- *
- * \section objects Object Types
- *
- * VDPAU is roughly object oriented; most functionality is
- * exposed by creating an object (handle) of a certain class
- * (type), then executing various functions against that handle.
- * The set of object classes supported, and their purpose, is
- * discussed below.
- *
- * \subsection device_type Device Type
- *
- * A \ref VdpDevice "VdpDevice" is the root object in VDPAU's
- * object system. The \ref api_winsys allows creation of a \ref
- * VdpDevice "VdpDevice" object handle, from which all other API
- * entry points can be retrieved and invoked.
- *
- * \subsection surface_types Surface Types
- *
- * A surface stores pixel information. Various types of surfaces
- * existing for different purposes:
- *
- * - \ref VdpVideoSurface "VdpVideoSurface"s store decompressed 
- *   YCbCr video frames in an implementation-defined internal
- *   format.
- * - \ref VdpOutputSurface "VdpOutputSurface"s store RGB 4:4:4
- *   data. They are legal render targets for video
- *   post-processing and compositing operations.
- * - \ref VdpBitmapSurface "VdpBitmapSurface"s store RGB 4:4:4
- *   data. These surfaces are designed to contain read-only
- *   bitmap data, to be used for OSD or application UI
- *   compositing.
- *
- * \subsection transfer_types Transfer Types
- *
- * A data transfer object reads data from a surface (or
- * surfaces), processes it, and writes the result to another
- * surface. Various types of processing are possible:
- *
- * - \ref VdpDecoder "VdpDecoder" objects process compressed video
- *   data, and generate decompressed images.
- * - \ref VdpOutputSurface "VdpOutputSurface"s have their own \ref
- *   VdpOutputSurfaceRender "rendering functionality".
- * - \ref VdpVideoMixer "VdpVideoMixer" objects perform video
- *   post-processing, de-interlacing, and compositing.
- * - \ref VdpPresentationQueue "VdpPresentationQueue" is
- *   responsible for timestamp-based display of surfaces.
- *
- * \section data_flow Data Flow
- *
- * Compressed video data originates in the application's memory
- * space. This memory is typically obtained using \c malloc, and
- * filled via regular file or network read system calls.
- * Alternatively, the application may \c mmap a file.
- *
- * The compressed data is then processed using a \ref VdpDecoder
- * "VdpDecoder", which will decompress the field or frame,
- * and write the result into a \ref VdpVideoSurface
- * "VdpVideoSurface". This action may require reading pixel data
- * from some number of other \ref VdpVideoSurface "VdpVideoSurface"
- * objects, depending on the type of compressed data and
- * field/frame in question.
- *
- * If the application wishes to display any form of OSD or
- * user-interface, this must be created in a \ref
- * VdpOutputSurface "VdpOutputSurface".
- *
- * This process begins with the creation of \ref VdpBitmapSurface
- * "VdpBitmapSurface" objects to contain the OSD/UI's static data,
- * such as individual glyphs.
- *
- * \ref VdpOutputSurface "VdpOutputSurface" \ref
- * VdpOutputSurfaceRender "rendering functionality" may be used
- * to composite together various \ref VdpBitmapSurface
- * "VdpBitmapSurface"s and \ref VdpOutputSurface
- * "VdpOutputSurface"s, into another VdpOutputSurface
- * "VdpOutputSurface".
- *
- * Once video has been decoded, it must be post-processed. This
- * involves various steps such as color space conversion,
- * de-interlacing, and other video adjustments. This step is
- * performed using an \ref VdpVideoMixer "VdpVideoMixer" object.
- * This object can not only perform the aforementioned video
- * post-processing, but also composite the video with a number of
- * \ref VdpOutputSurface "VdpOutputSurface"s, thus allowing complex
- * user interfaces to be built. The final result is written into
- * another \ref VdpOutputSurface "VdpOutputSurface".
- *
- * Note that at this point, the resultant \ref VdpOutputSurface
- * "VdpOutputSurface" may be fed back through the above path,
- * either using \ref VdpOutputSurface "VdpOutputSurface" \ref
- * VdpOutputSurfaceRender "rendering functionality",
- * or as input to the \ref VdpVideoMixer "VdpVideoMixer" object.
- *
- * Finally, the resultant \ref VdpOutputSurface
- * "VdpOutputSurface" must be displayed on screen. This is the job
- * of the \ref VdpPresentationQueue "VdpPresentationQueue" object.
- *
- * \image html vdpau_data_flow.png
- *
- * \section entry_point_retrieval Entry Point Retrieval
- *
- * VDPAU is designed so that multiple implementations can be
- * used without application changes. For example, VDPAU could be
- * hosted on X11, or via direct GPU access. 
- *
- * The key technology behind this is the use of function
- * pointers and a "get proc address" style API for all entry
- * points. Put another way, functions are not called directly
- * via global symbols set up by the linker, but rather through
- * pointers.
- *
- * In practical terms, the \ref api_winsys provides factory
- * functions which not only create and return \ref VdpDevice
- * "VdpDevice" objects, but also a function pointer to a \ref
- * VdpGetProcAddress function, through which all entry point
- * function pointers will be retrieved.
- *
- * \subsection entry_point_philosophy Philosophy
- *
- * It is entirely possible to envisage a simpler scheme whereby
- * such function pointers are hidden. That is, the application
- * would link against a wrapper library that exposed "real"
- * functions. The application would then call such functions
- * directly, by symbol, like any other function. The wrapper
- * library would handle loading the appropriate back-end, and
- * implementing a similar "get proc address" scheme internally.
- *
- * However, the above scheme does not work well in the context 
- * of separated \ref api_core and \ref api_winsys. In this 
- * scenario, one would require a separate wrapper library per
- * Window System, since each Window System would have a
- * different function name and prototype for the main factory
- * function. If an application then wanted to be Window System
- * agnostic (making final determination at run-time via some
- * form of plugin), it may then need to link against two
- * wrapper libraries, which would cause conflicts for all
- * symbols other than the main factory function.
- *
- * Another disadvantage of the wrapper library approach is the
- * extra level of function call required; the wrapper library
- * would internally implement the existing "get proc address"
- * and "function pointer" style dispatch anyway. Exposing this
- * directly to the application is slightly more efficient.
- *
- * \section threading Multi-threading
- *
- * All VDPAU functionality is fully thread-safe; any number of 
- * threads may call into any VDPAU functions at any time. VDPAU
- * may not be called from signal-handlers.
- *  
- * Note, however, that this simply guarantees that internal 
- * VDPAU state will not be corrupted by thread usage, and that 
- * crashes and deadlocks will not occur. Completely arbitrary
- * thread usage may not generate the results that an application
- * desires. In particular, care must be taken when multiple
- * threads are performing operations on the same VDPAU objects.
- *  
- * VDPAU implementations guarantee correct flow of surface 
- * content through the rendering pipeline, but only when 
- * function calls that read from or write to a surface return to
- * the caller prior to any thread calling any other function(s)
- * that read from or write to the surface. Invoking multiple
- * reads from a surface in parallel is OK.
- *  
- * Note that this restriction is placed upon VDPAU function 
- * invocations, and specifically not upon any back-end 
- * hardware's physical rendering operations. VDPAU 
- * implementations are expected to internally synchronize such 
- * hardware operations. 
- *  
- * In a single-threaded application, the above restriction comes 
- * naturally; each function call completes before it is possible 
- * to begin a new function call. 
- *  
- * In a multi-threaded application, threads may need to be 
- * synchronized. For example, consider the situation where:
- *  
- * - Thread 1 is parsing compressed video data, passing them 
- *   through a \ref VdpDecoder "VdpDecoder" object, and filling a
- *   ring-buffer of \ref VdpVideoSurface "VdpVideoSurface"s
- * - Thread 2 is consuming those \ref VdpVideoSurface 
- *   "VdpVideoSurface"s, and using a \ref VdpVideoMixer
- *   "VdpVideoMixer" to process them and composite them with UI.
- *  
- * In this case, the threads must synchronize to ensure that 
- * thread 1's call to \ref VdpDecoderRender has returned prior to 
- * thread 2's call(s) to \ref VdpVideoMixerRender that use that 
- * specific surface. This could be achieved using the following 
- * pseudo-code: 
- * 
- * \code
- * Queue<VdpVideoSurface> q_full_surfaces; 
- * Queue<VdpVideoSurface> q_empty_surfaces; 
- *  
- * thread_1() { 
- *     for (;;) {
- *         VdpVideoSurface s = q_empty_surfaces.get();
- *         // Parse compressed stream here
- *         VdpDecoderRender(s, ...);
- *         q_full_surfaces.put(s);
- *     }
- * } 
- *  
- * // This would need to be more complex if
- * // VdpVideoMixerRender were to be provided with more
- * // than one field/frame at a time.
- * thread_1() { 
- *     for (;;) {
- *         // Possibly, other rendering operations to mixer
- *         // layer surfaces here.
- *         VdpOutputSurface t = ...;
- *         VdpPresentationQueueBlockUntilSurfaceIdle(t);
- *         VdpVideoSurface s = q_full_surfaces.get();
- *         VdpVideoMixerRender(s, t, ...);
- *         q_empty_surfaces.put(s);
- *         // Possibly, other rendering operations to "t" here
- *         VdpPresentationQueueDisplay(t, ...);
- *     }
- * }
- * \endcode
- * 
- * Finally, note that VDPAU makes no guarantees regarding any
- * level of parallelism in any given implementation. Put another
- * way, use of multi-threading is not guaranteed to yield any
- * performance gain, and in theory could even slightly reduce
- * performance due to threading/synchronization overhead.
- *  
- * However, the intent of the threading requirements is to allow
- * for e.g. video decoding and video mixer operations to proceed 
- * in parallel in hardware. Given a (presumably multi-threaded) 
- * application that kept each portion of the hardware busy, this 
- * would yield a performance increase. 
- * 
- * \section endianness Surface Endianness
- *
- * When dealing with surface content, i.e. the input/output of 
- * Put/GetBits functions, applications must take care to access 
- * memory in the correct fashion, so as to avoid endianness 
- * issues. 
- *  
- * By established convention in the 3D graphics world, RGBA data
- * is defined to be an array of 32-bit pixels containing packed
- * RGBA components, not as an array of bytes or interleaved RGBA
- * components. VDPAU follows this convention. As such,
- * applications are expected to access such surfaces as arrays
- * of 32-bit components (i.e. using a 32-bit pointer), and not
- * as interleaved arrays of 8-bit components (i.e. using an
- * 8-bit pointer.) Deviation from this convention will lead to
- * endianness issues, unless appropriate care is taken.
- * 
- * The same convention is followed for some packed YCbCr formats
- * such as \ref VDP_YCBCR_FORMAT_Y8U8V8A8; i.e. they are
- * considered arrays of 32-bit pixels, and hence should be
- * accessed as such.
- * 
- * For YCbCr formats with chroma decimation and/or planar
- * formats, however, this convention is awkward. Therefore, 
- * formats such as \ref VDP_YCBCR_FORMAT_NV12 are defined as
- * arrays of (potentially interleaved) byte-sized components.
- * Hence, applications should manipulate such data 8-bits at a
- * time, using 8-bit pointers.
- * 
- * Note that one common usage for the input/output of
- * Put/GetBits APIs is file I/O. Typical file I/O APIs treat all
- * memory as a simple array of 8-bit values. This violates the
- * rule requiring surface data to be accessed in its true native
- * format. As such, applications may be required to solve
- * endianness issues. Possible solutions include:
- * 
- * - Authoring static UI data files according to the endianness
- *   of the target execution platform.
- * - Conditionally byte-swapping Put/GetBits data buffers at
- *   run-time based on execution platform.
- *  
- * Note: Complete details regarding each surface format's 
- * precise pixel layout is included with the documentation of 
- * each surface type. For example, see \ref 
- *  
- * \section video_mixer_usage Video Mixer Usage
- *  
- * \subsection video_surface_content VdpVideoSurface Content 
- *  
- * Each \ref VdpVideoSurface "VdpVideoSurface" is expected to contain an
- * entire frame's-worth of data, irrespective of whether an interlaced of
- * progressive sequence is being decoded. 
- *  
- * Depending on the exact encoding structure of the compressed video stream,
- * the application may need to call \ref VdpDecoderRender twice to fill a
- * single \ref VdpVideoSurface "VdpVideoSurface". When the stream contains an
- * encoded progressive frame, or a "frame coded" interlaced field-pair, a
- * single \ref VdpDecoderRender call will fill the entire surface. When the
- * stream contains separately encoded interlaced fields, two
- * \ref VdpDecoderRender calls will be required; one for the top field, and
- * one for the bottom field. 
- *  
- * Implementation note: When \ref VdpDecoderRender renders an interlaced
- * field, this operation must not disturb the content of the other field in
- * the surface. 
- *  
- * \subsection vm_surf_list VdpVideoMixer Surface List
- *
- * An video stream is logically composed of a sequence of fields. An
- * example is shown below, in display order, assuming top field first:
- *
- * <pre>t0 b0 t1 b1 t2 b2 t3 b3 t4 b4 t5 b5 t6 b6 t7 b7 t8 b8 t9 b9</pre>
- *
- * The canonical usage is to call \ref VdpVideoMixerRender once for decoded
- * field, in display order, to yield one post-processed frame for display.
- *
- * For each call to \ref VdpVideoMixerRender, the field to be processed should
- * be provided as the \b video_surface_current parameter.
- *
- * To enable operation of advanced de-interlacing algorithms and/or
- * post-processing algorithms, some past and/or future surfaces should be
- * provided as context. These are provided in the \b video_surface_past and
- * \b video_surface_future lists. In general, these lists may contain any
- * number of surfaces. Specific implementations may have specific requirements
- * determining the minimum required number of surfaces for optimal operation,
- * and the maximum number of useful surfaces, beyond which surfaces are not
- * used. It is recommended that in all cases other than plain bob/weave, at
- * least 2 past and 1 future frame be provided. 
- *
- * Note that it is entirely possible, in general, for any of the
- * \ref VdpVideoMixer "VdpVideoMixer" post-processing steps other than
- * de-interlacing to require access to multiple input fields/frames. For
- * example, an motion-sensitive noise-reduction algorithm.
- *
- * For example, when processing field t4, the \ref VdpVideoMixerRender
- * parameters may contain the following values, if the application chose to
- * provide 3 fields of context for both the past and future:
- *
- * <pre>
- * current_picture_structure: VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_PICTURE_STRUCTURE_TOP_FIELD
- * past:    [b3, t3, b2]
- * current: t4
- * future:  [b4, t5, b5]
- * </pre>
- *
- * Note that for both the past/future lists, array index 0 represents the
- * field temporally closest to current, in display order.
- *
- * The \ref VdpVideoMixerRender parameter \b current_picture_structure applies
- * to \b video_surface_current. The picture structure for the other surfaces
- * will be automatically derived from that for the current picture. The
- * derivation algorithm is extremely simple; the concatenated list
- * past/current/future is simply assumed to have an alternating top/bottom
- * pattern throughout.
- *
- * Continuing the example above, subsequent calls to \ref VdpVideoMixerRender
- * would provide the following sets of parameters:
- *
- * <pre>
- * past:    [t4, b3, t3]
- * current: b4
- * future:  [t5, b5, t6]
- * </pre>
- *
- * then:
- * 
- * <pre>
- * current_picture_structure: VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_PICTURE_STRUCTURE_TOP_FIELD
- * past:    [b4, t4, b3]
- * current: t5
- * future:  [b5, t6, b7]
- * </pre>
- *
- * In other words, the concatenated list of past/current/future frames simply
- * forms a window that slides through the sequence of decoded fields.
- *
- * It is syntactically legal for an application to choose not to provide a
- * particular entry in the past or future lists. In this case, the "slot" in
- * the surface list must be filled with the special value
- * \ref VDP_INVALID_HANDLE, to explicitly indicate that the picture is
- * missing; do not simply shuffle other surfaces together to fill in the gap.
- * Note that entries should only be omitted under special circumstances, such
- * as failed decode due to bitstream error during picture header parsing,
- * since missing entries will typically cause advanced de-interlacing
- * algorithms to experience significantly degraded operation.
- *
- * Specific examples for different de-interlacing types are presented below.
- *
- * \subsection deint_weave Weave De-interlacing
- *
- * Weave de-interlacing is the act of interleaving the lines of two temporally
- * adjacent fields to form a frame for display.
- *
- * To disable de-interlacing for progressive streams, simply specify
- * \b current_picture_structure as \ref VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_PICTURE_STRUCTURE_FRAME;
- * no de-interlacing will be applied.
- *
- * Weave de-interlacing for interlaced streams is identical to disabling
- * de-interlacing, as describe immediately above, because each
- * \ref VdpVideoSurface already contains an entire frame's worth (i.e. two
- * fields) of picture data.
- *
- * Inverse telecine is disabled when using weave de-interlacing.
- *
- * Weave de-interlacing produces one output frame for each input frame. The
- * application should make one \ref VdpVideoMixerRender call per pair of
- * decoded fields, or per decoded frame.
- *
- * Weave de-interlacing requires no entries in the past/future lists.
- *
- * All implementations must support weave de-interlacing.
- *
- * \subsection deint_bob Bob De-interlacing
- *
- * Bob de-interlacing is the act of vertically scaling a single field to the
- * size of a single frame.
- *
- * To achieve bob de-interlacing, simply provide a single field as
- * \b video_surface_current, and set \b current_picture_structure
- * appropriately, to indicate whether a top or bottom field was provided.
- *
- * Inverse telecine is disabled when using bob de-interlacing.
- *
- * Bob de-interlacing produces one output frame for each input field. The
- * application should make one \ref VdpVideoMixerRender call per decoded
- * field.
- *
- * Bob de-interlacing requires no entries in the past/future lists.
- *
- * Bob de-interlacing is the default when no advanced method is requested and
- * enabled. Advanced de-interlacing algorithms may fall back to bob e.g. when
- * required past/future fields are missing.
- * 
- * All implementations must support bob de-interlacing.
- *
- * \subsection deint_adv Advanced De-interlacing
- *
- * Operation of both temporal and temporal-spatial de-interlacing is
- * identical; the only difference is the internal processing the algorithm
- * performs in generating the output frame.
- *
- * These algorithms use various advanced processing on the pixels of both the
- * current and various past/future fields in order to determine how best to
- * de-interlacing individual portions of the image.
- *
- * Inverse telecine may be enabled when using advanced de-interlacing.
- *
- * Advanced de-interlacing produces one output frame for each input field. The
- * application should make one \ref VdpVideoMixerRender call per decoded
- * field.
- *
- * Advanced de-interlacing requires entries in the past/future lists.
- *
- * Availability of advanced de-interlacing algorithms is implementation
- * dependent.
- *
- * \subsection deint_rate De-interlacing Rate
- *
- * For all de-interlacing algorithms except weave, a choice may be made to
- * call \ref VdpVideoMixerRender for either each decoded field, or every
- * second decoded field.
- *
- * If \ref VdpVideoMixerRender is called for every decoded field, the
- * generated post-processed frame rate is equal to the decoded field rate.
- * Put another way, the generated post-processed nominal field rate is equal
- * to 2x the decoded field rate. This is standard practice.
- *
- * If \ref VdpVideoMixerRender is called for every second decoded field (say
- * every top field), the generated post-processed frame rate is half to the
- * decoded field rate. This mode of operation is thus referred to as
- * "half-rate".
- *
- * Implementations may choose whether to support half-rate de-interlacing mode
- * or not. Regular de-interlacing mode should be supported to any supported
- * advanced de-interlacing algorithm.
- *
- * The descriptions of de-interlacing algorithms above assume that regular
- * (not half-rate) operation is being performed, when detailing the number of
-  "half-rate" de-interlacing is used.deoMixerRender calls.
- *
- * Recall that the concatenation of past/current/future surface lists simply
- * forms a window into the stream of decoded fields. To achieve standard
- * de-interlacing, the window is slid through the list of decoded fields one
- * field at a time, and a call is made to \ref VdpVideoMixerRender for each
- * movement of the window. To achieve half-rate de-interlacing, the window is
- * slid through the* list of decoded fields two fields at a time, and a
- * call is made to \ref VdpVideoMixerRender for each movement of the window.
- *
- * \subsection invtc Inverse Telecine
- *
- * Assuming the implementation supports it, inverse telecine may be enabled
- * alongside any advanced de-interlacing algorithm. Inverse telecine is never
- * active for bob or weave.
- *
- * Operation of \ref VdpVideoMixerRender with inverse telecine active is
- * identical to the basic operation mechanisms describe above in every way;
- * all inverse telecine processing is performed internally to the
- * \ref VdpVideoMixer "VdpVideoMixer".
- *
- * In particular, there is no provision way for \ref VdpVideoMixerRender to
- * indicate when identical input fields have been observed, and consequently
- * identical output frames may have been produced.
- *
- * De-interlacing (and inverse telecine) may be applied to streams that are
- * marked as being progressive. This will allow detection of, and correct
- * de-interlacing of, mixed interlace/progressive streams, bad edits, etc.
- * To implement de-interlacing/inverse-telecine on progressive material,
- * simply treat the stream of decoded frames as a stream of decoded fields,
- * apply any telecine flags (see the next section), and then apply
- * de-interlacing to those fields as described above.
- *
- * Implementations are free to determine whether inverse telecine operates
- * in conjunction with half-rate de-interlacing or not. It should always
- * operate with regular de-interlacing, when advertized.
- *
- * \subsection tcflags Telecine (Pull-Down) Flags
- *
- * Some media delivery formats, e.g. DVD-Video, include flags that are
- * intended to modify the decoded field sequence before display. This allows
- * e.g. 24p content to be encoded at 48i, which saves space relative to a 60i
- * encoded stream, but still displayed at 60i, to match target consumer
- * display equipment.
- *
- * If the inverse telecine option is not activated in the
- * \ref VdpVideoMixer "VdpVideoMixer", these flags should be ignored, and the
- * decoded fields passed directly to \ref VdpVideoMixerRender as detailed
- * above.
- *
- * However, to make full use of the inverse telecine feature, these flags
- * should be applied to the field stream, yielding another field stream with
- * some repeated fields, before passing the field stream to
- * \ref VdpVideoMixerRender. In this scenario, the sliding window mentioned
- * in the descriptions above applies to the field stream after application of
- * flags.
- *
- * \section extending Extending the API 
- * 
- * \subsection extend_enums Enumerations and Other Constants
- * 
- * VDPAU defines a number of enumeration types.
- * 
- * When modifying VDPAU, existing enumeration constants must
- * continue to exist (although they may be deprecated), and do
- * so in the existing order.
- * 
- * The above discussion naturally applies to "manually" defined 
- * enumerations, using pre-processor macros, too. 
- *  
- * \subsection extend_structs Structures
- * 
- * In most case, VDPAU includes no provision for modifying existing
- * structure definitions, although they may be deprecated.
- * 
- * New structures may be created, together with new API entry
- * points or feature/attribute/parameter values, to expose new 
- * functionality. 
- *
- * A few structures are considered plausible candidates for future extension.
- * Such structures include a version number as the first field, indicating the
- * exact layout of the client-provided data. Such structures may only be
- * modified by adding new fields to the end of the structure, so that the
- * original structure definition is completely compatible with a leading
- * subset of fields of the extended structure.
- * 
- * \subsection extend_functions Functions
- * 
- * Existing functions may not be modified, although they may be
- * deprecated.
- * 
- * New functions may be added at will. Note the enumeration
- * requirements when modifying the enumeration that defines the
- * list of entry points.
- * 
- * \section preemption_note Display Preemption 
- *  
- * Please note that the display may be preempted away from 
- * VDPAU at any time. See \ref display_preemption for more 
- * details. 
- *
- * \subsection trademarks Trademarks
- *
- * VDPAU is a trademark of NVIDIA Corporation. You may freely use the
- * VDPAU trademark, as long as trademark ownership is attributed to
- * NVIDIA Corporation.
- */
- * \file vdpau.h
- * \brief The Core API
- *
- * This file contains the \ref api_core "Core API".
- */
-#ifndef _VDPAU_H
-#define _VDPAU_H
-#include <stdint.h>
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- * \defgroup api_core Core API
- *
- * The core API encompasses all VDPAU functionality that operates
- * in the same fashion across all Window Systems.
- *
- * @{
- */
- * \defgroup base_types Basic Types
- *  
- * VDPAU primarily uses ISO C99 types from \c stdint.h.
- *
- * @{
- */
-/** \brief A true \ref VdpBool value */
-#define VDP_TRUE 1
-/** \brief A false \ref VdpBool value */
-#define VDP_FALSE 0
- * \brief A boolean value, holding \ref VDP_TRUE or \ref 
- */
-typedef int VdpBool;
- * \defgroup misc_types Miscellaneous Types
- *
- * @{
- */
- * \brief An invalid object handle value. 
- *  
- * This value may be used to represent an invalid, or 
- * non-existent, object (\ref VdpDevice "VdpDevice", 
- * \ref VdpVideoSurface "VdpVideoSurface", etc.) 
- *  
- * Note that most APIs require valid object handles in all 
- * cases, and will fail when presented with this value. 
- */
-#define VDP_INVALID_HANDLE 0xffffffffU
- * \brief The set of all chroma formats for \ref VdpVideoSurface
- * "VdpVideoSurface"s.
- */
-typedef uint32_t VdpChromaType;
-/** \hideinitializer \brief 4:2:0 chroma format. */
-#define VDP_CHROMA_TYPE_420 (VdpChromaType)0
-/** \hideinitializer \brief 4:2:2 chroma format. */
-#define VDP_CHROMA_TYPE_422 (VdpChromaType)1
-/** \hideinitializer \brief 4:4:4 chroma format. */
-#define VDP_CHROMA_TYPE_444 (VdpChromaType)2
- * \brief The set of all known YCbCr surface formats.
- */
-typedef uint32_t VdpYCbCrFormat;
- * \hideinitializer 
- * \brief The "NV12" YCbCr surface format. 
- *  
- * This format has a two planes, a Y plane and a UV plane. 
- *  
- * The Y plane is an array of byte-sized Y components. 
- * Applications should access this data via a uint8_t pointer. 
- *  
- * The UV plane is an array of interleaved byte-sized U and V 
- * components, in the order U, V, U, V. Applications should 
- * access this data via a uint8_t pointer. 
- */ 
-#define VDP_YCBCR_FORMAT_NV12     (VdpYCbCrFormat)0
- * \hideinitializer 
- * \brief The "YV12" YCbCr surface format. 
- *  
- * This format has a three planes, a Y plane, a U plane, and a V
- * plane. 
- *  
- * Each of the planes is an array of byte-sized components. 
- *  
- * Applications should access this data via a uint8_t pointer. 
- */ 
-#define VDP_YCBCR_FORMAT_YV12     (VdpYCbCrFormat)1
- * \hideinitializer 
- * \brief The "UYVY" YCbCr surface format. 
- *  
- * This format may also be known as Y422, UYNV, HDYC. 
- *  
- * This format has a single plane. 
- *  
- * This plane is an array of interleaved byte-sized Y, U, and V 
- * components, in the order U, Y, V, Y, U, Y, V, Y. 
- *  
- * Applications should access this data via a uint8_t pointer.
- */ 
-#define VDP_YCBCR_FORMAT_UYVY     (VdpYCbCrFormat)2
- * \hideinitializer 
- * \brief The "YUYV" YCbCr surface format. 
- *  
- * This format may also be known as YUY2, YUNV, V422.
- *  
- * This format has a single plane. 
- *  
- * This plane is an array of interleaved byte-sized Y, U, and V 
- * components, in the order Y, U, Y, V, Y, U, Y, V. 
- *  
- * Applications should access this data via a uint8_t pointer.
- */ 
-#define VDP_YCBCR_FORMAT_YUYV     (VdpYCbCrFormat)3
- * \hideinitializer 
- * \brief A packed YCbCr format.
- *  
- * This format has a single plane. 
- *  
- * This plane is an array packed 32-bit pixel data. Within each 
- * 32-bit pixel, bits [31:24] contain A, bits [23:16] contain V, 
- * bits [15:8] contain U, and bits [7:0] contain Y. 
- *  
- * Applications should access this data via a uint32_t pointer.
- */ 
-#define VDP_YCBCR_FORMAT_Y8U8V8A8 (VdpYCbCrFormat)4
- * \hideinitializer 
- * \brief A packed YCbCr format.
- *  
- * This format has a single plane. 
- *  
- * This plane is an array packed 32-bit pixel data. Within each 
- * 32-bit pixel, bits [31:24] contain A, bits [23:16] contain Y,
- * bits [15:8] contain U, and bits [7:0] contain V. 
- *  
- * Applications should access this data via a uint32_t pointer.
- */ 
-#define VDP_YCBCR_FORMAT_V8U8Y8A8 (VdpYCbCrFormat)5
- * \brief  The set of all known RGB surface formats.
- */
-typedef uint32_t VdpRGBAFormat;
- * \hideinitializer 
- * \brief A packed RGB format.
- *  
- * This format has a single plane. 
- *  
- * This plane is an array packed 32-bit pixel data. Within each 
- * 32-bit pixel, bits [31:24] contain A, bits [23:16] contain R,
- * bits [15:8] contain G, and bits [7:0] contain B. 
- *  
- * Applications should access this data via a uint32_t pointer.
- */ 
-#define VDP_RGBA_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8    (VdpRGBAFormat)0
- * \hideinitializer 
- * \brief A packed RGB format.
- *  
- * This format has a single plane. 
- *  
- * This plane is an array packed 32-bit pixel data. Within each 
- * 32-bit pixel, bits [31:24] contain A, bits [23:16] contain B,
- * bits [15:8] contain G, and bits [7:0] contain R. 
- *  
- * Applications should access this data via a uint32_t pointer.
- */ 
-#define VDP_RGBA_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8    (VdpRGBAFormat)1
- * \hideinitializer 
- * \brief A packed RGB format.
- *  
- * This format has a single plane. 
- *  
- * This plane is an array packed 32-bit pixel data. Within each 
- * 32-bit pixel, bits [31:30] contain A, bits [29:20] contain B,
- * bits [19:10] contain G, and bits [9:0] contain R. 
- *  
- * Applications should access this data via a uint32_t pointer. 
- */ 
-#define VDP_RGBA_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2 (VdpRGBAFormat)2
- * \hideinitializer 
- * \brief A packed RGB format.
- *  
- * This format has a single plane. 
- *  
- * This plane is an array packed 32-bit pixel data. Within each 
- * 32-bit pixel, bits [31:30] contain A, bits [29:20] contain R,
- * bits [19:10] contain G, and bits [9:0] contain B. 
- *  
- * Applications should access this data via a uint32_t pointer. 
- */ 
-#define VDP_RGBA_FORMAT_B10G10R10A2 (VdpRGBAFormat)3
- * \hideinitializer 
- * \brief An alpha-only surface format. 
- *  
- * This format has a single plane. 
- *  
- * This plane is an array of byte-sized components.
- *  
- * Applications should access this data via a uint8_t pointer. 
- */ 
-#define VDP_RGBA_FORMAT_A8          (VdpRGBAFormat)4
- * \brief  The set of all known indexed surface formats.
- */
-typedef uint32_t VdpIndexedFormat;
- * \hideinitializer 
- * \brief A 4-bit indexed format, with alpha. 
- *  
- * This format has a single plane. 
- *  
- * This plane is an array of byte-sized components. Within each 
- * byte, bits [7:4] contain I (index), and bits [3:0] contain A.
- *  
- * Applications should access this data via a uint8_t pointer. 
- */ 
-#define VDP_INDEXED_FORMAT_A4I4 (VdpIndexedFormat)0
- * \hideinitializer 
- * \brief A 4-bit indexed format, with alpha. 
- *  
- * This format has a single plane. 
- *  
- * This plane is an array of byte-sized components. Within each 
- * byte, bits [7:4] contain A, and bits [3:0] contain I (index). 
- *  
- * Applications should access this data via a uint8_t pointer. 
- */ 
-#define VDP_INDEXED_FORMAT_I4A4 (VdpIndexedFormat)1
- * \hideinitializer 
- * \brief A 8-bit indexed format, with alpha. 
- *  
- * This format has a single plane. 
- *  
- * This plane is an array of interleaved byte-sized A and I 
- * (index) components, in the order A, I, A, I. 
- *  
- * Applications should access this data via a uint8_t pointer.
- */ 
-#define VDP_INDEXED_FORMAT_A8I8 (VdpIndexedFormat)2
- * \hideinitializer 
- * \brief A 8-bit indexed format, with alpha. 
- *  
- * This format has a single plane. 
- *  
- * This plane is an array of interleaved byte-sized A and I 
- * (index) components, in the order I, A, I, A. 
- *  
- * Applications should access this data via a uint8_t pointer.
- */ 
-#define VDP_INDEXED_FORMAT_I8A8 (VdpIndexedFormat)3
- * \brief A location within a surface.
- *
- * The VDPAU co-ordinate system has its origin at the top-left
- * of a surface, with x and y components increasing right and
- * down.
- */
-typedef struct {
-    /** X co-ordinate. */
-    uint32_t x;
-    /** Y co-ordinate. */
-    uint32_t y;
-} VdpPoint;
- * \brief A rectangular region of a surface.
- *
- * The co-ordinates are top-left inclusive, bottom-right
- * exclusive.
- *
- * The VDPAU co-ordinate system has its origin at the top-left
- * of a surface, with x and y components increasing right and
- * down.
- */
-typedef struct {
-    /** Left X co-ordinate. Inclusive. */
-    uint32_t x0;
-    /** Top Y co-ordinate. Inclusive. */
-    uint32_t y0;
-    /** Right X co-ordinate. Exclusive. */
-    uint32_t x1;
-    /** Bottom Y co-ordinate. Exclusive. */
-    uint32_t y1;
-} VdpRect;
- * A constant RGBA color.
- *
- * Note that the components are stored as float values in the
- * range 0.0...1.0 rather than format-specific integer values.
- * This allows VdpColor values to be independent from the exact
- * surface format(s) in use.
- */
-typedef struct {
-    float red;
-    float green;
-    float blue;
-    float alpha;
-} VdpColor;
- * \defgroup error_handling Error Handling
- *
- * @{
- */
- * \hideinitializer 
- * \brief The set of all possible error codes.
- */
-typedef enum {
-    /** The operation completed successfully; no error. */
-    VDP_STATUS_OK = 0,
-    /**
-     * No backend implementation could be loaded.
-     */
-    /** 
-     * The display was preempted, or a fatal error occurred.
-     *
-     * The application must re-initialize VDPAU. 
-     */
-    /**
-     * An invalid handle value was provided.
-     *
-     * Either the handle does not exist at all, or refers to an object of an
-     * incorrect type.
-     */
-    /**
-     * An invalid pointer was provided.
-     *
-     * Typically, this means that a NULL pointer was provided for an "output"
-     * parameter.
-     */
-    /**
-     * An invalid/unsupported \ref VdpChromaType value was supplied.
-     */
-    /**
-     * An invalid/unsupported \ref VdpYCbCrFormat value was supplied.
-     */
-    /**
-     * An invalid/unsupported \ref VdpRGBAFormat value was supplied.
-     */
-    /**
-     * An invalid/unsupported \ref VdpIndexedFormat value was supplied.
-     */
-    /**
-     * An invalid/unsupported \ref VdpColorStandard value was supplied.
-     */
-    /**
-     * An invalid/unsupported \ref VdpColorTableFormat value was supplied.
-     */
-    /**
-     * An invalid/unsupported \ref VdpOutputSurfaceRenderBlendFactor value was
-     * supplied.
-     */
-    /**
-     * An invalid/unsupported \ref VdpOutputSurfaceRenderBlendEquation value
-     * was supplied.
-     */
-    /**
-     * An invalid/unsupported flag value/combination was supplied.
-     */
-    /**
-     * An invalid/unsupported \ref VdpDecoderProfile value was supplied.
-     */
-    /**
-     * An invalid/unsupported \ref VdpVideoMixerFeature value was supplied.
-     */
-    /**
-     * An invalid/unsupported \ref VdpVideoMixerParameter value was supplied.
-     */
-    /**
-     * An invalid/unsupported \ref VdpVideoMixerAttribute value was supplied.
-     */
-    /**
-     * An invalid/unsupported \ref VdpVideoMixerPictureStructure value was
-     * supplied.
-     */
-    /**
-     * An invalid/unsupported \ref VdpFuncId value was supplied.
-     */
-    /**
-     * The size of a supplied object does not match the object it is being
-     * used with.
-     *
-     * For example, a \ref VdpVideoMixer "VdpVideoMixer" is configured to
-     * process \ref VdpVideoSurface "VdpVideoSurface" objects of a specific
-     * size. If presented with a \ref VdpVideoSurface "VdpVideoSurface" of a
-     * different size, this error will be raised.
-     */
-    /**
-     * An invalid/unsupported value was supplied.
-     *
-     * This is a catch-all error code for values of type other than those
-     * with a specific error code.
-     */
-    /**
-     * An invalid/unsupported structure version was specified in a versioned
-     * structure. This implies that the implementation is older than the
-     * header file the application was built against.
-     */
-    /**
-     * The system does not have enough resources to complete the requested
-     * operation at this time.
-     */
-    /**
-     * The set of handles supplied are not all related to the same VdpDevice.
-     *
-     * When performing operations that operate on multiple surfaces, such as
-     * \ref  VdpOutputSurfaceRenderOutputSurface or \ref VdpVideoMixerRender,
-     * all supplied surfaces must have been created within the context of the
-     * same \ref VdpDevice "VdpDevice" object. This error is raised if they were
-     * not.
-     */
-    /**
-     * A catch-all error, used when no other error code applies.
-     */
-} VdpStatus;
- * \brief Retrieve a string describing an error code.
- * \param[in] status The error code.
- * \return A pointer to the string. Note that this is a 
- *       statically allocated read-only string. As such, the
- *       application must not free the returned pointer. The
- *       pointer is valid as long as the VDPAU implementation is
- *       present within the application's address space.
- */
-typedef char const * VdpGetErrorString(
-    VdpStatus status
- * \defgroup versioning Versioning 
- *  
- *  
- * @{ 
- */ 
- * \brief The VDPAU version described by this header file. 
- *  
- * Note that VDPAU version numbers are simple integers that 
- * increase monotonically (typically by value 1) with each VDPAU 
- * header revision. 
- */
-#define VDPAU_VERSION 0
- * \brief Retrieve the VDPAU version implemented by the backend. 
- * \param[out] api_version The API version.
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpGetApiVersion(
-    /* output parameters follow */
-    uint32_t * api_version
- * \brief Retrieve an implementation-specific string description 
- *        of the implementation. This typically includes detailed version
- *        information.
- * \param[out] information_string A pointer to the information
- *       string. Note that this is a statically allocated
- *       read-only string. As such, the application must not
- *       free the returned pointer. The pointer is valid as long
- *       as the implementation is present within the
- *       application's address space.
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation. 
- *  
- * Note that the returned string is useful for information 
- * reporting. It is not intended that the application should 
- * parse this string in order to determine any information about 
- * the implementation. 
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpGetInformationString(
-    /* output parameters follow */
-    char const * * information_string
- * \defgroup VdpDevice VdpDevice; Primary API object
- *
- * The VdpDevice is the root of the VDPAU object system. Using a
- * VdpDevice object, all other object types may be created. See
- * the sections describing those other object types for details
- * on object creation.
- *
- * Note that VdpDevice objects are created using the \ref
- * api_winsys.
- *
- * @{
- */
- * \brief  An opaque handle representing a VdpDevice object.
- */
-typedef uint32_t VdpDevice;
- * \brief Destroy a VdpDevice.
- * \param[in] device The device to destroy.
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpDeviceDestroy(
-    VdpDevice device
- * \defgroup VdpCSCMatrix VdpCSCMatrix; CSC Matrix Manipulation
- *
- * When converting from YCbCr to RGB data formats, a color space
- * conversion operation must be performed. This operation is 
- * parameterized using a "color space conversion matrix". The 
- * VdpCSCMatrix is a data structure representing this
- * information.
- *
- * @{
- */
- * \brief Storage for a color space conversion matrix.
- *
- * Note that the application may choose to construct the matrix
- * content by either:
- * - Directly filling in the fields of the CSC matrix
- * - Using the \ref VdpGenerateCSCMatrix helper function.
- *
- * The color space conversion equation is as follows:
- *
- * \f[
- * \left( \begin{array}{c} R \\ G \\ B \end{array} \right)
- * =
- * \left( \begin{array}{cccc}
- * m_{0,0} & m_{0,1} & m_{0,2} & m_{0,3} \\
- * m_{1,0} & m_{1,1} & m_{1,2} & m_{1,3} \\
- * m_{2,0} & m_{2,1} & m_{2,2} & m_{2,3}
- * \end{array}
- * \right)
- * *
- * \left( \begin{array}{c} Y \\ Cb \\ Cr \\ 1.0 \end{array}
- *      \right)
- * \f]
- */
-typedef float VdpCSCMatrix[3][4];
- * \brief Procamp operation parameterization data.
- *
- * When performing a color space conversion operation, various
- * adjustments can be performed at the same time, such as
- * brightness and contrast. This structure defines the level of
- * adjustments to make.
- */
-typedef struct {
-    /**
-     * This field must be filled with VDP_PROCAMP_VERSION
-     */
-    uint32_t struct_version;
-    /**
-     * Brightness adjustment amount. A value clamped between
-     * -1.0 and 1.0. 0.0 represents no modification.
-     */
-    float brightness;
-    /**
-     * Contrast adjustment amount. A value clamped between
-     * 0.0 and 10.0. 1.0 represents no modification.
-     */
-    float contrast;
-    /**
-     * Saturation adjustment amount. A value clamped between 0.0 and
-     * 10.0. 1.0 represents no modification. 
-     */
-    float saturation;
-    /**
-     * Hue adjustment amount. A value clamped between
-     * -PI and PI. 0.0 represents no modification.
-     */
-    float hue;
-} VdpProcamp;
- * \brief YCbCr color space specification.
- *
- * A number of YCbCr color spaces exist. This enumeration
- * defines the specifications known to VDPAU.
- */
-typedef uint32_t VdpColorStandard;
-/** \hideinitializer \brief ITU-R BT.601 */
-#define VDP_COLOR_STANDARD_ITUR_BT_601 (VdpColorStandard)0
-/** \hideinitializer \brief ITU-R BT.709 */
-#define VDP_COLOR_STANDARD_ITUR_BT_709 (VdpColorStandard)1
-/** \hideinitializer \brief SMPTE-240M */
-#define VDP_COLOR_STANDARD_SMPTE_240M  (VdpColorStandard)2
- * \brief Generate a color space conversion matrix
- * \param[in] procamp The procamp adjustments to make. If NULL,
- *        no adjustments will be made.
- * \param[in] standard The YCbCr color space to convert from.
- * \param[out] csc_matrix The CSC matrix to initialize.
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpGenerateCSCMatrix(
-    VdpProcamp *     procamp,
-    VdpColorStandard standard,
-    /* output parameters follow */
-    VdpCSCMatrix *   csc_matrix
- * \defgroup VdpVideoSurface VdpVideoSurface; Video Surface object
- *
- * A VdpVideoSurface stores YCbCr data in an internal format,
- * with a variety of possible chroma sub-sampling options. 
- *
- * A VdpVideoSurface may be filled with:
- * - Data provided by the CPU via \ref
- *   VdpVideoSurfacePutBitsYCbCr (i.e. software decode.)
- * - The result of applying a \ref VdpDecoder "VdpDecoder" to
- *   compressed video data.
- *
- * VdpVideoSurface content may be accessed by:
- * - The application via \ref VdpVideoSurfaceGetBitsYCbCr
- * - The Hardware that implements \ref VdpOutputSurface
- *   "VdpOutputSurface" \ref VdpOutputSurfaceRender
- *   "rendering functionality".
- * - The Hardware the implements \ref VdpVideoMixer
- *   "VdpVideoMixer" functionality.
- *
- * VdpVideoSurfaces are not directly displayable. They must be
- * converted into a displayable format using \ref VdpVideoMixer
- * "VdpVideoMixer" objects.
- *
- * See \ref video_mixer_usage for additional information.
- *
- * @{
- */
- * \brief Query the implementation's VdpVideoSurface
- *        capabilities.
- * \param[in] device The device to query.
- * \param[in] surface_chroma_type The type of chroma type for
- *       which information is requested.
- * \param[out] is_supported Is this chroma type supported?
- * \param[out] max_width The maximum supported surface width for
- *       this chroma type.
- * \param[out] max_height The maximum supported surface height
- *       for this chroma type.
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpVideoSurfaceQueryCapabilities(
-    VdpDevice     device,
-    VdpChromaType surface_chroma_type,
-    /* output parameters follow */
-    VdpBool *     is_supported,
-    uint32_t *    max_width,
-    uint32_t *    max_height
- * \brief Query the implementation's VdpVideoSurface
- *        GetBits/PutBits capabilities.
- * \param[in] device The device to query.
- * \param[in] surface_chroma_type The type of chroma type for
- *       which information is requested.
- * \param[in] bits_ycbcr_format The format of application "bits"
- *       buffer for which information is requested.
- * \param[out] is_supported Is this chroma type supported?
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpVideoSurfaceQueryGetPutBitsYCbCrCapabilities(
-    VdpDevice      device,
-    VdpChromaType  surface_chroma_type,
-    VdpYCbCrFormat bits_ycbcr_format,
-    /* output parameters follow */
-    VdpBool *      is_supported
- * \brief An opaque handle representing a VdpVideoSurface
- *        object.
- */
-typedef uint32_t VdpVideoSurface;
- * \brief Create a VdpVideoSurface.
- * \param[in] device The device that will contain the surface.
- * \param[in] chroma_type The chroma type of the new surface.
- * \param[in] width The width of the new surface.
- * \param[in] height The height of the new surface.
- * \param[out] surface The new surface's handle.
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation. 
- *  
- * The memory backing the surface may not be initialized during
- * creation. Applications are expected to initialize any region 
- * that they use, via \ref VdpDecoderRender or \ref 
- * VdpVideoSurfacePutBitsYCbCr. 
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpVideoSurfaceCreate(
-    VdpDevice         device,
-    VdpChromaType     chroma_type,
-    uint32_t          width,
-    uint32_t          height,
-    /* output parameters follow */
-    VdpVideoSurface * surface
- * \brief Destroy a VdpVideoSurface.
- * \param[in] surface The surface's handle.
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpVideoSurfaceDestroy(
-    VdpVideoSurface surface
- * \brief Retrieve the parameters used to create a
- *        VdpVideoSurface.
- * \param[in] surface The surface's handle.
- * \param[out] chroma_type The chroma type of the surface.
- * \param[out] width The width of the surface.
- * \param[out] height The height of the surface.
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpVideoSurfaceGetParameters(
-    VdpVideoSurface surface,
-    /* output parameters follow */
-    VdpChromaType * chroma_type,
-    uint32_t *      width,
-    uint32_t *      height
- * \brief Copy image data from a VdpVideoSurface to application
- *        memory in a specified YCbCr format.
- * \param[in] surface The surface's handle.
- * \param[in] destination_ycbcr_format The format of the
- *       application's data buffers.
- * \param[in] destination_data Pointers to the application data
- *       buffers into which the image data will be written. Note
- *       that this is an array of pointers, one per plane. The
- *       destination_format parameter will define how many
- *       planes are required.
- * \param[in] destination_pitches Pointers to the pitch values
- *       for the application data buffers. Note that this is an
- *       array of pointers, one per plane. The
- *       destination_format parameter will define how many
- *       planes are required.
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpVideoSurfaceGetBitsYCbCr(
-    VdpVideoSurface  surface,
-    VdpYCbCrFormat   destination_ycbcr_format,
-    void * const *   destination_data,
-    uint32_t const * destination_pitches
- * \brief Copy image data from application memory in a specific
- *        YCbCr format to a VdpVideoSurface.
- * \param[in] surface The surface's handle.
- * \param[in] source_ycbcr_format The format of the
- *       application's data buffers.
- * \param[in] source_data Pointers to the application data
- *       buffers from which the image data will be copied. Note
- *       that this is an array of pointers, one per plane. The
- *       source_format parameter will define how many
- *       planes are required.
- * \param[in] source_pitches Pointers to the pitch values
- *       for the application data buffers. Note that this is an
- *       array of pointers, one per plane. The
- *       source_format parameter will define how many
- *       planes are required.
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpVideoSurfacePutBitsYCbCr(
-    VdpVideoSurface      surface,
-    VdpYCbCrFormat       source_ycbcr_format,
-    void const * const * source_data,
-    uint32_t const *     source_pitches
- * \defgroup VdpOutputSurface VdpOutputSurface; Output Surface \
- * object
- *
- * A VdpOutputSurface stores RGBA data in a defined format. 
- *
- * A VdpOutputSurface may be filled with:
- * - Data provided by the CPU via the various
- *   VdpOutputSurfacePutBits functions.
- * - Using the VdpOutputSurface \ref VdpOutputSurfaceRender
- *   "rendering functionality".
- * - Using a \ref VdpVideoMixer "VdpVideoMixer" object.
- *
- * VdpOutputSurface content may be accessed by:
- * - The application via the various VdpOutputSurfaceGetBits
- *   functions.
- * - The Hardware that implements VdpOutputSurface
- *   \ref VdpOutputSurfaceRender "rendering functionality".
- * - The Hardware the implements \ref VdpVideoMixer
- *   "VdpVideoMixer" functionality.
- * - The Hardware that implements \ref VdpPresentationQueue
- *   "VdpPresentationQueue" functionality,
- *
- * VdpVideoSurfaces are directly displayable using a \ref
- * VdpPresentationQueue "VdpPresentationQueue" object.
- *
- * @{
- */
- * \brief The set of all known color table formats, for use with 
- * \ref VdpOutputSurfacePutBitsIndexed.
- */
-typedef uint32_t VdpColorTableFormat;
- * \hideinitializer 
- * \brief 8-bit per component packed into 32-bits 
- *  
- * This format is an array of packed 32-bit RGB color values. 
- * Bits [31:24] are unused, bits [23:16] contain R, bits [15:8] 
- * contain G, and bits [7:0] contain B. Note: The format is 
- * physically an array of uint32_t values, and should be accessed 
- * as such by the application in order to avoid endianness 
- * issues. 
- */ 
-#define VDP_COLOR_TABLE_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8 (VdpColorTableFormat)0
- * \brief Query the implementation's VdpOutputSurface
- *        capabilities.
- * \param[in] device The device to query.
- * \param[in] surface_rgba_format The surface format for
- *       which information is requested.
- * \param[out] is_supported Is this surface format supported?
- * \param[out] max_width The maximum supported surface width for
- *       this chroma type.
- * \param[out] max_height The maximum supported surface height
- *       for this chroma type.
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpOutputSurfaceQueryCapabilities(
-    VdpDevice     device,
-    VdpRGBAFormat surface_rgba_format,
-    /* output parameters follow */
-    VdpBool *     is_supported,
-    uint32_t *    max_width,
-    uint32_t *    max_height
- * \brief Query the implementation's capability to perform a
- *        PutBits operation using application data matching the
- *        surface's format.
- * \param[in] device The device to query.
- * \param[in] surface_rgba_format The surface format for
- *       which information is requested.
- * \param[out] is_supported Is this surface format supported?
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpOutputSurfaceQueryGetPutBitsNativeCapabilities(
-    VdpDevice     device,
-    VdpRGBAFormat surface_rgba_format,
-    /* output parameters follow */
-    VdpBool *     is_supported
- * \brief Query the implementation's capability to perform a
- *        PutBits operation using application data in a specific
- *        indexed format.
- * \param[in] device The device to query.
- * \param[in] surface_rgba_format The surface format for
- *       which information is requested.
- * \param[in] bits_indexed_format The format of the application
- *       data buffer.
- * \param[in] color_table_format The format of the color lookup 
- *       table.
- * \param[out] is_supported Is this surface format supported?
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpOutputSurfaceQueryPutBitsIndexedCapabilities(
-    VdpDevice           device,
-    VdpRGBAFormat       surface_rgba_format,
-    VdpIndexedFormat    bits_indexed_format,
-    VdpColorTableFormat color_table_format,
-    /* output parameters follow */
-    VdpBool *           is_supported
- * \brief Query the implementation's capability to perform a
- *        PutBits operation using application data in a specific
- *        YCbCr/YUB format.
- * \param[in] device The device to query.
- * \param[in] surface_rgba_format The surface format for which
- *       information is requested.
- * \param[in] bits_ycbcr_format The format of the application
- *       data buffer.
- * \param[out] is_supported Is this surface format supported?
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpOutputSurfaceQueryPutBitsYCbCrCapabilities(
-    VdpDevice      device,
-    VdpRGBAFormat  surface_rgba_format,
-    VdpYCbCrFormat bits_ycbcr_format,
-    /* output parameters follow */
-    VdpBool *      is_supported
- * \brief An opaque handle representing a VdpOutputSurface
- *        object.
- */
-typedef uint32_t VdpOutputSurface;
- * \brief Create a VdpOutputSurface.
- * \param[in] device The device that will contain the surface.
- * \param[in] rgba_format The format of the new surface.
- * \param[in] width The width of the new surface.
- * \param[in] height The height of the new surface.
- * \param[out] surface The new surface's handle.
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation. 
- *  
- * The memory backing the surface will be initialized to 0 color
- * and 0 alpha (i.e. black.)
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpOutputSurfaceCreate(
-    VdpDevice          device,
-    VdpRGBAFormat      rgba_format,
-    uint32_t           width,
-    uint32_t           height,
-    /* output parameters follow */
-    VdpOutputSurface * surface
- * \brief Destroy a VdpOutputSurface.
- * \param[in] surface The surface's handle.
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpOutputSurfaceDestroy(
-    VdpOutputSurface surface
- * \brief Retrieve the parameters used to create a
- *        VdpOutputSurface.
- * \param[in] surface The surface's handle.
- * \param[out] rgba_format The format of the surface.
- * \param[out] width The width of the surface.
- * \param[out] height The height of the surface.
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpOutputSurfaceGetParameters(
-    VdpOutputSurface surface,
-    /* output parameters follow */
-    VdpRGBAFormat *  rgba_format,
-    uint32_t *       width,
-    uint32_t *       height
- * \brief Copy image data from a VdpOutputSurface to application
- *        memory in the surface's native format.
- * \param[in] surface The surface's handle.
- * \param[in] source_rect The sub-rectangle of the source
- *       surface to copy. If NULL, the entire surface will be
- *       retrieved.
- * \param[in] destination_data Pointers to the application data
- *       buffers into which the image data will be written. Note
- *       that this is an array of pointers, one per plane. The
- *       destination_format parameter will define how many
- *       planes are required.
- * \param[in] destination_pitches Pointers to the pitch values
- *       for the application data buffers. Note that this is an
- *       array of pointers, one per plane. The
- *       destination_format parameter will define how many
- *       planes are required.
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpOutputSurfaceGetBitsNative(
-    VdpOutputSurface surface,
-    VdpRect const *  source_rect,
-    void * const *   destination_data,
-    uint32_t const * destination_pitches
- * \brief Copy image data from application memory in the
- *        surface's native format to a VdpOutputSurface.
- * \param[in] surface The surface's handle.
- * \param[in] source_data Pointers to the application data
- *       buffers from which the image data will be copied. Note
- *       that this is an array of pointers, one per plane. The
- *       source_format parameter will define how many
- *       planes are required.
- * \param[in] source_pitches Pointers to the pitch values
- *       for the application data buffers. Note that this is an
- *       array of pointers, one per plane. The
- *       source_format parameter will define how many
- *       planes are required.
- * \param[in] destination_rect The sub-rectangle of the surface
- *       to fill with application data. If NULL, the entire
- *       surface will be updated.
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpOutputSurfacePutBitsNative(
-    VdpOutputSurface     surface,
-    void const * const * source_data,
-    uint32_t const *     source_pitches,
-    VdpRect const *      destination_rect
- * \brief Copy image data from application memory in a specific
- *        indexed format to a VdpOutputSurface.
- * \param[in] surface The surface's handle.
- * \param[in] source_indexed_format The format of the
- *       application's data buffers.
- * \param[in] source_data Pointers to the application data
- *       buffers from which the image data will be copied. Note
- *       that this is an array of pointers, one per plane. The
- *       source_indexed_format parameter will define how many
- *       planes are required.
- * \param[in] source_pitches Pointers to the pitch values
- *       for the application data buffers. Note that this is an
- *       array of pointers, one per plane. The
- *       source_indexed_format parameter will define how many
- *       planes are required.
- * \param[in] destination_rect The sub-rectangle of the surface
- *       to fill with application data. If NULL, the entire
- *       surface will be updated.
- * \param[in] color_table_format The format of the color_table. 
- * \param[in] color_table A table that maps between source index
- *       and target color data. See \ref VdpColorTableFormat for
- *       details regarding the memory layout. 
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpOutputSurfacePutBitsIndexed(
-    VdpOutputSurface     surface,
-    VdpIndexedFormat     source_indexed_format,
-    void const * const * source_data,
-    uint32_t const *     source_pitch,
-    VdpRect const *      destination_rect,
-    VdpColorTableFormat  color_table_format,
-    void const *         color_table
- * \brief Copy image data from application memory in a specific
- *        YCbCr format to a VdpOutputSurface.
- * \param[in] surface The surface's handle.
- * \param[in] source_ycbcr_format The format of the
- *       application's data buffers.
- * \param[in] source_data Pointers to the application data
- *       buffers from which the image data will be copied. Note
- *       that this is an array of pointers, one per plane. The
- *       source_ycbcr_format parameter will define how many
- *       planes are required.
- * \param[in] source_pitches Pointers to the pitch values
- *       for the application data buffers. Note that this is an
- *       array of pointers, one per plane. The
- *       source_ycbcr_format parameter will define how many
- *       planes are required.
- * \param[in] destination_rect The sub-rectangle of the surface
- *       to fill with application data. If NULL, the entire
- *       surface will be updated.
- * \param[in] csc_matrix The color space conversion matrix used
- *       by the copy operation. If NULL, a default matrix will
- *       be used internally. Th default matrix is equivalent to
- *       ITU-R BT.601 with no procamp changes.
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpOutputSurfacePutBitsYCbCr(
-    VdpOutputSurface     surface,
-    VdpYCbCrFormat       source_ycbcr_format,
-    void const * const * source_data,
-    uint32_t const *     source_pitches,
-    VdpRect const *      destination_rect,
-    VdpCSCMatrix const * csc_matrix
- * \defgroup VdpBitmapSurface VdpBitmapSurface; Bitmap Surface \
- * object
- *
- * A VdpBitmapSurface stores RGBA data in a defined format.
- *
- * A VdpBitmapSurface may be filled with:
- * - Data provided by the CPU via the \ref
- *   VdpBitmapSurfacePutBitsNative function.
- *
- * VdpBitmapSurface content may be accessed by:
- * - The Hardware that implements \ref VdpOutputSurface
- *   "VdpOutputSurface" \ref VdpOutputSurfaceRender
- *   "rendering functionality"
- *
- * VdpBitmapSurface objects are intended to store static read-only data, such
- * as font glyphs, and the bitmaps used to compose an applications'
- * user-interface.
- *
- * The primary differences between VdpBitmapSurfaces and
- * \ref VdpOutputSurface "VdpOutputSurface"s are:
- *
- * - You cannot render to a VdpBitmapSurface, just upload native data via
- *   the PutBits API.
- *
- * - The read-only nature of a VdpBitmapSurface gives the implementation more
- *   flexibility in its choice of data storage location for the bitmap data.
- *   For example, some implementations may choose to store some/all
- *   VdpBitmapSurface objects in system memory to relieve GPU memory pressure.
- *
- * - VdpBitmapSurface and VdpOutputSurface may support different subsets of all
- *   known RGBA formats.
- *
- * @{
- */
- * \brief Query the implementation's VdpBitmapSurface
- *        capabilities.
- * \param[in] device The device to query.
- * \param[in] surface_rgba_format The surface format for
- *       which information is requested.
- * \param[out] is_supported Is this surface format supported?
- * \param[out] max_width The maximum supported surface width for
- *       this chroma type.
- * \param[out] max_height The maximum supported surface height
- *       for this chroma type.
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpBitmapSurfaceQueryCapabilities(
-    VdpDevice     device,
-    VdpRGBAFormat surface_rgba_format,
-    /* output parameters follow */
-    VdpBool *     is_supported,
-    uint32_t *    max_width,
-    uint32_t *    max_height
- * \brief An opaque handle representing a VdpBitmapSurface
- *        object.
- */
-typedef uint32_t VdpBitmapSurface;
- * \brief Create a VdpBitmapSurface.
- * \param[in] device The device that will contain the surface.
- * \param[in] rgba_format The format of the new surface.
- * \param[in] width The width of the new surface.
- * \param[in] height The height of the new surface.
- * \param[in] frequently_accessed Is this bitmap used
- *       frequently, or infrequently, by compositing options?
- *       Implementations may use this as a hint to determine how
- *       to allocate the underlying storage for the surface.
- * \param[out] surface The new surface's handle.
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation. 
- *  
- * The memory backing the surface may not be initialized 
- * during creation. Applications are expected initialize any 
- * region that they use, via \ref VdpBitmapSurfacePutBitsNative.
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpBitmapSurfaceCreate(
-    VdpDevice          device,
-    VdpRGBAFormat      rgba_format,
-    uint32_t           width,
-    uint32_t           height,
-    VdpBool            frequently_accessed,
-    /* output parameters follow */
-    VdpBitmapSurface * surface
- * \brief Destroy a VdpBitmapSurface.
- * \param[in] surface The surface's handle.
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpBitmapSurfaceDestroy(
-    VdpBitmapSurface surface
- * \brief Retrieve the parameters used to create a
- *        VdpBitmapSurface.
- * \param[in] surface The surface's handle.
- * \param[out] rgba_format The format of the surface.
- * \param[out] width The width of the surface.
- * \param[out] height The height of the surface.
- * \param[out] frequently_accessed The frequently_accessed state
- *       of the surface.
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpBitmapSurfaceGetParameters(
-    VdpBitmapSurface surface,
-    /* output parameters follow */
-    VdpRGBAFormat *  rgba_format,
-    uint32_t *       width,
-    uint32_t *       height,
-    VdpBool *        frequently_accessed
- * \brief Copy image data from application memory in the
- *        surface's native format to a VdpBitmapSurface.
- * \param[in] surface The surface's handle.
- * \param[in] source_data Pointers to the application data
- *       buffers from which the image data will be copied. Note
- *       that this is an array of pointers, one per plane. The
- *       source_format parameter will define how many
- *       planes are required.
- * \param[in] source_pitches Pointers to the pitch values
- *       for the application data buffers. Note that this is an
- *       array of pointers, one per plane. The
- *       source_format parameter will define how many
- *       planes are required.
- * \param[in] destination_rect The sub-rectangle of the surface
- *       to fill with application data. If NULL, the entire
- *       surface will be updated.
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpBitmapSurfacePutBitsNative(
-    VdpBitmapSurface     surface,
-    void const * const * source_data,
-    uint32_t const *     source_pitches,
-    VdpRect const *      destination_rect
- * \defgroup VdpOutputSurfaceRender VdpOutputSurface Rendering \
- *           Functionality
- *
- * \ref VdpOutputSurface "VdpOutputSurface" objects
- * directly provide some rendering/compositing operations. These
- * are described below.
- *
- * @{
- */
- * \hideinitializer 
- * \brief The blending equation factors.
- */ 
-typedef enum {
-    VDP_OUTPUT_SURFACE_RENDER_BLEND_FACTOR_ONE                      = 1,
-} VdpOutputSurfaceRenderBlendFactor;
- * \hideinitializer 
- * \brief The blending equations.
- */ 
-typedef enum {
-} VdpOutputSurfaceRenderBlendEquation;
- * \brief Complete blending operation definition.
- */
-typedef struct {
-    /**
-     * This field must be filled with VDP_OUTPUT_SURFACE_RENDER_BLEND_STATE_VERSIION
-     */
-    uint32_t struct_version;
-    VdpOutputSurfaceRenderBlendFactor   blend_factor_source_color;
-    VdpOutputSurfaceRenderBlendFactor   blend_factor_destination_color;
-    VdpOutputSurfaceRenderBlendFactor   blend_factor_source_alpha;
-    VdpOutputSurfaceRenderBlendFactor   blend_factor_destination_alpha;
-    VdpOutputSurfaceRenderBlendEquation blend_equation_color;
-    VdpOutputSurfaceRenderBlendEquation blend_equation_alpha;
-    VdpColor                            blend_constant;
-} VdpOutputSurfaceRenderBlendState;
- * \hideinitializer 
- * \brief Do not rotate source_surface prior to compositing.
- */
- * \hideinitializer 
- * \brief Rotate source_surface 90 degrees clockwise prior to
- *        compositing.
- */
- * \hideinitializer 
- * \brief Rotate source_surface 180 degrees prior to
- *        compositing.
- */
- * \hideinitializer 
- * \brief Rotate source_surface 270 degrees clockwise prior to
- *        compositing.
- */
- * \hideinitializer 
- * \brief A separate color is used for each vertex of the
- *        smooth-shaded quad. Hence, colors array contains 4
- *        elements rather than 1. See description of colors
- *        array.
- */
- * \brief Composite a sub-rectangle of a \ref VdpOutputSurface
- *        "VdpOutputSurface" into a sub-rectangle of another
- *        \ref VdpOutputSurface VdpOutputSurface.
- * \param[in] destination_surface The destination surface of the
- *       compositing operation.
- * \param[in] destination_rect The sub-rectangle of the
- *       destination surface to update. If NULL, the entire
- *       destination surface will be updated.
- * \param[in] source_surface The source surface for the
- *       compositing operation. The surface is treated as having
- *       four components: red, green, blue and alpha. Any
- *       missing components are treated as 1.0. For example, for
- *       an A8 VdpOutputSurface, alpha will come from the surface
- *       but red, green and blue will be treated as 1.0. If
- *       source_surface is NULL, all components will be treated
- *       as 1.0. Note that destination_surface and
- *       source_surface must have been allocated via the same
- *       \ref VdpDevice "VdpDevice".
- * \param[in] source_rect The sub-rectangle of the source
- *       surface to read from. If NULL, the entire
- *       source_surface will be read. Left/right ot top/bottom
- *       co-ordinates may be swapped to flip the source. Any
- *       flip occurs prior to any requested rotation. Values
- *       from outside the source surface are valid and samples
- *       at those locations will be taken from the nearest edge.
- * \param[in] colors A pointer to an array of \ref VdpColor
- *      "VdpColor" objects. If the flag
- *      VDPAU will four entries from the array, and treat them
- *      as the colors corresponding to the upper-left,
- *      upper-right, lower-right and lower-left corners of the
- *      post-rotation source (i.e. indices 0, 1, 2 and 3 run
- *      clockwise from the upper left corner). If the flag
- *      set, VDPAU will use the single VdpColor for all four
- *      corners. If colors is NULL then red, green, blue and
- *      alpha values of 1.0 will be used.
- * \param[in] blend_state If a blend state is provided, the
- *     blend state will be used for the composite operation. If
- *     NULL, blending is effectively disabled, which is
- *     equivalent to a blend equation of ADD, source blend
- *     factors of ONE and destination blend factors of ZERO. The
- *     blend math is the familiar OpenGL blend math:
- *     \f[
- *     dst.a = equation(blendFactorDstAlpha*dst.a,
- *     blendFactorSrcAlpha*src.a);
- *     \f]
- *     \f[
- *     dst.rgb = equation(blendFactorDstColor*dst.rgb,
- *     blendFactorSrcColor*src.rgb);
- *     \f]
- * \param[in] flags A set of flags influencing how the
- *       compositing operation works.
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
- *
- * The general compositing pipeline is as follows.
- *
- * -# Extract source_rect from source_surface.
- *
- * -# The extracted source is rotated 0, 90, 180 or 270 degrees
- *   according to the flags.
- *
- * -# The rotated source is component-wise multiplied by a
- *    smooth-shaded quad with a (potentially) different color at
- *    each vertex.
- *
- * -# The resulting rotated, smooth-shaded quad is scaled to the
- *    size of destination_rect and composited with
- *    destination_surface using the provided blend state.
- *
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpOutputSurfaceRenderOutputSurface(
-    VdpOutputSurface                         destination_surface,
-    VdpRect const *                          destination_rect,
-    VdpOutputSurface                         source_surface,
-    VdpRect const *                          source_rect,
-    VdpColor const *                         colors,
-    VdpOutputSurfaceRenderBlendState const * blend_state,
-    uint32_t                                 flags
- * \brief Composite a sub-rectangle of a \ref VdpBitmapSurface
- *        "VdpBitmapSurface" into a sub-rectangle of a
- *        \ref VdpOutputSurface VdpOutputSurface.
- * \param[in] destination_surface The destination surface of the
- *       compositing operation.
- * \param[in] destination_rect The sub-rectangle of the
- *       destination surface to update. If NULL, the entire
- *       destination surface will be updated.
- * \param[in] source_surface The source surface for the
- *       compositing operation. The surface is treated as having
- *       four components: red, green, blue and alpha. Any
- *       missing components are treated as 1.0. For example, for
- *       an A8 VdpBitmapSurface, alpha will come from the surface
- *       but red, green and blue will be treated as 1.0. If
- *       source_surface is NULL, all components will be treated
- *       as 1.0. Note that destination_surface and
- *       source_surface must have been allocated via the same
- *       \ref VdpDevice "VdpDevice".
- * \param[in] source_rect The sub-rectangle of the source
- *       surface to read from. If NULL, the entire
- *       source_surface will be read. Left/right ot top/bottom
- *       co-ordinates may be swapped to flip the source. Any
- *       flip occurs prior to any requested rotation. Values
- *       from outside the source surface are valid and samples
- *       at those locations will be taken from the nearest edge.
- * \param[in] colors A pointer to an array of \ref VdpColor
- *      "VdpColor" objects. If the flag
- *      VDPAU will four entries from the array, and treat them
- *      as the colors corresponding to the upper-left,
- *      upper-right, lower-right and lower-left corners of the
- *      post-rotation source (i.e. indices 0, 1, 2 and 3 run
- *      clockwise from the upper left corner). If the flag
- *      set, VDPAU will use the single VdpColor for all four
- *      corners. If colors is NULL then red, green, blue and
- *      alpha values of 1.0 will be used.
- * \param[in] blend_state If a blend state is provided, the
- *     blend state will be used for the composite operation. If
- *     NULL, blending is effectively disabled, which is
- *     equivalent to a blend equation of ADD, source blend
- *     factors of ONE and destination blend factors of ZERO. The
- *     blend math is the familiar OpenGL blend math:
- *     \f[
- *     dst.a = equation(blendFactorDstAlpha*dst.a,
- *     blendFactorSrcAlpha*src.a);
- *     \f]
- *     \f[
- *     dst.rgb = equation(blendFactorDstColor*dst.rgb,
- *     blendFactorSrcColor*src.rgb);
- *     \f]
- * \param[in] flags A set of flags influencing how the
- *       compositing operation works.
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
- *
- * The general compositing pipeline is as follows.
- *
- * -# Extract source_rect from source_surface.
- *
- * -# The extracted source is rotated 0, 90, 180 or 270 degrees
- *   according to the flags.
- *
- * -# The rotated source is component-wise multiplied by a
- *    smooth-shaded quad with a (potentially) different color at
- *    each vertex.
- *
- * -# The resulting rotated, smooth-shaded quad is scaled to the
- *    size of destination_rect and composited with
- *    destination_surface using the provided blend state.
- *
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpOutputSurfaceRenderBitmapSurface(
-    VdpOutputSurface                         destination_surface,
-    VdpRect const *                          destination_rect,
-    VdpBitmapSurface                         source_surface,
-    VdpRect const *                          source_rect,
-    VdpColor const *                         colors,
-    VdpOutputSurfaceRenderBlendState const * blend_state,
-    uint32_t                                 flags
- * \defgroup VdpDecoder VdpDecoder; Video Decoding object
- *
- * The VdpDecoder object decodes compressed video data, writing
- * the results to a \ref VdpVideoSurface "VdpVideoSurface".
- *
- * A specific VDPAU implementation may support decoding multiple
- * types of compressed video data. However, VdpDecoder objects
- * are able to decode a specific type of compressed video data.
- * This type must be specified during creation.
- *
- * @{
- */
- * \brief The set of all known compressed video formats, and
- *        associated profiles, that may be decoded.
- */
-typedef uint32_t VdpDecoderProfile;
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_DECODER_PROFILE_MPEG1                       (VdpDecoderProfile)0
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_DECODER_PROFILE_MPEG2_SIMPLE                (VdpDecoderProfile)1
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_DECODER_PROFILE_MPEG2_MAIN                  (VdpDecoderProfile)2
-/** \hideinitializer */
-/** \brief MPEG 4 part 10 == H.264 == AVC */
-#define VDP_DECODER_PROFILE_H264_BASELINE               (VdpDecoderProfile)6
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_DECODER_PROFILE_H264_MAIN                   (VdpDecoderProfile)7
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_DECODER_PROFILE_H264_HIGH                   (VdpDecoderProfile)8
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_DECODER_PROFILE_VC1_SIMPLE                  (VdpDecoderProfile)9
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_DECODER_PROFILE_VC1_MAIN                    (VdpDecoderProfile)10
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_DECODER_PROFILE_VC1_ADVANCED                (VdpDecoderProfile)11
-/** \hideinitializer */
-/** \hideinitializer */
-/** \hideinitializer */
-/** \hideinitializer */
-/** \hideinitializer */
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_H264_1     10
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_H264_1b    9
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_H264_1_1   11
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_H264_1_2   12
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_H264_1_3   13
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_H264_2     20
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_H264_2_1   21
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_H264_2_2   22
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_H264_3     30
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_H264_3_1   31
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_H264_3_2   32
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_H264_4     40
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_H264_4_1   41
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_H264_4_2   42
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_H264_5     50
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_H264_5_1   51
-/** \hideinitializer */
-/** \hideinitializer */
-/** \hideinitializer */
-/** \hideinitializer */
-/** \hideinitializer */
-/** \hideinitializer */
-/** \hideinitializer */
-/** \hideinitializer */
-/** \hideinitializer */
-/** \hideinitializer */
- * \brief Query the implementation's VdpDecoder capabilities.
- * \param[in] device The device to query.
- * \param[in] profile The decoder profile for which information is requested.
- * \param[out] is_supported Is this profile supported?
- * \param[out] max_level The maximum specification level supported for this
- *       profile.
- * \param[out] max_macroblocks The maximum supported surface size in
- *       macroblocks. Note that this could be greater than that dictated by
- *       the maximum level.
- * \param[out] max_width The maximum supported surface width for this profile.
- *       Note that this could be greater than that dictated by the maximum
- *       level.
- * \param[out] max_height The maximum supported surface height for this
- *       profile. Note that this could be greater than that dictated by the
- *       maximum level.
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpDecoderQueryCapabilities(
-    VdpDevice         device,
-    VdpDecoderProfile profile,
-    /* output parameters follow */
-    VdpBool *         is_supported,
-    uint32_t *        max_level,
-    uint32_t *        max_macroblocks,
-    uint32_t *        max_width,
-    uint32_t *        max_height
- * \brief An opaque handle representing a VdpDecoder object.
- */
-typedef uint32_t VdpDecoder;
- * \brief Create a VdpDecoder.
- * \param[in] device The device that will contain the surface.
- * \param[in] profile The video format the decoder will decode.
- * \param[in] width The width of the new surface.
- * \param[in] height The height of the new surface.
- * \param[in] max_references The maximum number of references that may be
- *       used by a single frame in the stream to be decoded. This parameter
- *       exists mainly for formats such as H.264, where different streams
- *       may use a different number of references. Requesting too many
- *       references may waste memory, but decoding should still operate
- *       correctly. Requesting too few references will cause decoding to
- *       fail.
- * \param[out] decoder The new decoder's handle.
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpDecoderCreate(
-    VdpDevice         device,
-    VdpDecoderProfile profile,
-    uint32_t          width,
-    uint32_t          height,
-    uint32_t          max_references,
-    /* output parameters follow */
-    VdpDecoder *      decoder
- * \brief Destroy a VdpDecoder.
- * \param[in] surface The decoder's handle.
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpDecoderDestroy(
-    VdpDecoder decoder
- * \brief Retrieve the parameters used to create a
- *        VdpDecoder.
- * \param[in] surface The surface's handle.
- * \param[out] profile The video format used to create the
- *       decoder.
- * \param[out] width The width of surfaces decode by the
- *       decoder.
- * \param[out] height The height of surfaces decode by the
- *       decoder
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpDecoderGetParameters(
-    VdpDecoder          decoder,
-    /* output parameters follow */
-    VdpDecoderProfile * profile,
-    uint32_t *          width,
-    uint32_t *          height
- * \brief Application data buffer containing compressed video
- *        data.
- */
-typedef struct {
-    /**
-     * This field must be filled with VDP_BITSTREAM_BUFFER_VERSION
-     */
-    uint32_t     struct_version;
-    /** A pointer to the bitstream data bytes */
-    void const * bitstream;
-    /** The number of data bytes */
-    uint32_t     bitstream_bytes;
-} VdpBitstreamBuffer;
- * \brief A generic "picture information" pointer type. 
- *  
- * This type serves solely to document the expected usage of a 
- * generic (void *) function parameter. In actual usage, the 
- * application is expected to physically provide a pointer to an 
- * instance of one of the "real" VdpPictureInfo* structures, 
- * picking the type appropriate for the decoder object in 
- * question. 
- */
-typedef void * VdpPictureInfo;
- * \brief Picture parameter information for an MPEG 1 or MPEG 2
- *        picture.
- *
- * Note: References to "copy of bitstream field" in the field descriptions
- * may refer to data literally parsed from the bitstream, or derived from
- * the bitstream using a mechanism described in the specification.
- */
-typedef struct {
-    /**
-     * Reference used by B and P frames.
-     * Set to VDP_INVALID_HANDLE when not used.
-     */
-    VdpVideoSurface forward_reference;
-    /**
-     * Reference used by B frames.
-     * Set to VDP_INVALID_HANDLE when not used.
-     */
-    VdpVideoSurface backward_reference;
-    /** Number of slices in the bitstream provided. */
-    uint32_t        slice_count;
-    /** Copy of the MPEG bitstream field. */
-    uint8_t picture_structure;
-    /** Copy of the MPEG bitstream field. */
-    uint8_t picture_coding_type;
-    /** Copy of the MPEG bitstream field. */
-    uint8_t intra_dc_precision;
-    /** Copy of the MPEG bitstream field. */
-    uint8_t frame_pred_frame_dct;
-    /** Copy of the MPEG bitstream field. */
-    uint8_t concealment_motion_vectors;
-    /** Copy of the MPEG bitstream field. */
-    uint8_t intra_vlc_format;
-    /** Copy of the MPEG bitstream field. */
-    uint8_t alternate_scan;
-    /** Copy of the MPEG bitstream field. */
-    uint8_t q_scale_type;
-    /** Copy of the MPEG bitstream field. */
-    uint8_t top_field_first;
-    /** Copy of the MPEG-1 bitstream field. For MPEG-2, set to 0. */
-    uint8_t full_pel_forward_vector;
-    /** Copy of the MPEG-1 bitstream field. For MPEG-2, set to 0. */
-    uint8_t full_pel_backward_vector;
-    /**
-     * Copy of the MPEG bitstream field.
-     * For MPEG-1, fill both horizontal and vertical entries.
-     */
-    uint8_t f_code[2][2];
-    /** Copy of the MPEG bitstream field, converted to raster order. */
-    uint8_t intra_quantizer_matrix[64];
-    /** Copy of the MPEG bitstream field, converted to raster order. */
-    uint8_t non_intra_quantizer_matrix[64];
-} VdpPictureInfoMPEG1Or2;
- * \brief Information about an H.264 reference frame
- *
- * Note: References to "copy of bitstream field" in the field descriptions
- * may refer to data literally parsed from the bitstream, or derived from
- * the bitstream using a mechanism described in the specification.
- */
-typedef struct {
-    /**
-     * The surface that contains the reference image.
-     * Set to VDP_INVALID_HANDLE for unused entries.
-     */
-    VdpVideoSurface surface;
-    /** Is this a long term reference (else short term). */
-    VdpBool         is_long_term;
-    /**
-     * Is the top field used as a reference.
-     * Set to VDP_FALSE for unused entries.
-     */
-    VdpBool         top_is_reference;
-    /**
-     * Is the bottom field used as a reference.
-     * Set to VDP_FALSE for unused entries.
-     */
-    VdpBool         bottom_is_reference;
-    /** [0]: top, [1]: bottom */
-    int32_t         field_order_cnt[2];
-    /**
-     * Copy of the H.264 bitstream field:
-     * frame_num from slice_header for short-term references,
-     * LongTermPicNum from decoding algorithm for long-term references.
-     */
-    uint16_t        frame_idx;
-} VdpReferenceFrameH264;
- * \brief Picture parameter information for an H.264 picture.
- *
- * Note: The \ref referenceFrames array must contain the "DPB" as
- * defined by the H.264 specification. In particular, once a
- * reference frame has been decoded to a surface, that surface must
- * continue to appear in the DPB until no longer required to predict
- * any future frame. Once a surface is removed from the DPB, it can
- * no longer be used as a reference, unless decoded again.
- *
- * Also note that only surfaces previously generated using \ref
- * VdpDecoderRender may be used as reference frames. In particular,
- * surfaces filled using any "put bits" API will not work.
- *
- * Note: References to "copy of bitstream field" in the field descriptions
- * may refer to data literally parsed from the bitstream, or derived from
- * the bitstream using a mechanism described in the specification.
- */
-typedef struct {
-    /** Number of slices in the bitstream provided. */
-    uint32_t slice_count;
-    /** [0]: top, [1]: bottom */
-    int32_t  field_order_cnt[2];
-    /** Will the decoded frame be used as a reference later. */
-    VdpBool  is_reference;
-    /** Copy of the H.264 bitstream field. */
-    uint16_t frame_num;
-    /** Copy of the H.264 bitstream field. */
-    uint8_t  field_pic_flag;
-    /** Copy of the H.264 bitstream field. */
-    uint8_t  bottom_field_flag;
-    /** Copy of the H.264 bitstream field. */
-    uint8_t  num_ref_frames;
-    /** Copy of the H.264 bitstream field. */
-    uint8_t  mb_adaptive_frame_field_flag;
-    /** Copy of the H.264 bitstream field. */
-    uint8_t  constrained_intra_pred_flag;
-    /** Copy of the H.264 bitstream field. */
-    uint8_t  weighted_pred_flag;
-    /** Copy of the H.264 bitstream field. */
-    uint8_t  weighted_bipred_idc;
-    /** Copy of the H.264 bitstream field. */
-    uint8_t  frame_mbs_only_flag;
-    /** Copy of the H.264 bitstream field. */
-    uint8_t  transform_8x8_mode_flag;
-    /** Copy of the H.264 bitstream field. */
-    int8_t   chroma_qp_index_offset;
-    /** Copy of the H.264 bitstream field. */
-    int8_t   second_chroma_qp_index_offset;
-    /** Copy of the H.264 bitstream field. */
-    int8_t   pic_init_qp_minus26;
-    /** Copy of the H.264 bitstream field. */
-    uint8_t  num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1;
-    /** Copy of the H.264 bitstream field. */
-    uint8_t  num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1;
-    /** Copy of the H.264 bitstream field. */
-    uint8_t  log2_max_frame_num_minus4;
-    /** Copy of the H.264 bitstream field. */
-    uint8_t  pic_order_cnt_type;
-    /** Copy of the H.264 bitstream field. */
-    uint8_t  log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4;
-    /** Copy of the H.264 bitstream field. */
-    uint8_t  delta_pic_order_always_zero_flag;
-    /** Copy of the H.264 bitstream field. */
-    uint8_t  direct_8x8_inference_flag;
-    /** Copy of the H.264 bitstream field. */
-    uint8_t  entropy_coding_mode_flag;
-    /** Copy of the H.264 bitstream field. */
-    uint8_t  pic_order_present_flag;
-    /** Copy of the H.264 bitstream field. */
-    uint8_t  deblocking_filter_control_present_flag;
-    /** Copy of the H.264 bitstream field. */
-    uint8_t  redundant_pic_cnt_present_flag;
-    /** Copy of the H.264 bitstream field, converted to raster order. */
-    uint8_t scaling_lists_4x4[6][16];
-    /** Copy of the H.264 bitstream field, converted to raster order. */
-    uint8_t scaling_lists_8x8[2][64];
-    /** See \ref VdpPictureInfoH264 for instructions regarding this field. */
-    VdpReferenceFrameH264 referenceFrames[16];
-} VdpPictureInfoH264;
- * \brief Picture parameter information for a VC1 picture.
- *
- * Note: References to "copy of bitstream field" in the field descriptions
- * may refer to data literally parsed from the bitstream, or derived from
- * the bitstream using a mechanism described in the specification.
- */
-typedef struct {
-    /**
-     * Reference used by B and P frames.
-     * Set to VDP_INVALID_HANDLE when not used.
-     */
-    VdpVideoSurface forward_reference;
-    /**
-     * Reference used by B frames.
-     * Set to VDP_INVALID_HANDLE when not used.
-     */
-    VdpVideoSurface backward_reference;
-    /** Number of slices in the bitstream provided. */
-    uint32_t slice_count;
-    /** I=0, P=1, B=3, BI=4  from */
-    uint8_t  picture_type;
-    /** Progressive=0, Frame-interlace=2, Field-interlace=3; see VC-1 */
-    uint8_t  frame_coding_mode;
-    /** Copy of the VC-1 bitstream field. See VC-1 6.1.5. */
-    uint8_t postprocflag;
-    /** Copy of the VC-1 bitstream field. See VC-1 6.1.8. */
-    uint8_t pulldown;
-    /** Copy of the VC-1 bitstream field. See VC-1 6.1.9. */
-    uint8_t interlace;
-    /** Copy of the VC-1 bitstream field. See VC-1 6.1.10. */
-    uint8_t tfcntrflag;
-    /** Copy of the VC-1 bitstream field. See VC-1 6.1.11. */
-    uint8_t finterpflag;
-    /** Copy of the VC-1 bitstream field. See VC-1 6.1.3. */
-    uint8_t psf;
-    /** Copy of the VC-1 bitstream field. See VC-1 6.2.8. */
-    uint8_t dquant;
-    /** Copy of the VC-1 bitstream field. See VC-1 6.2.3. */
-    uint8_t panscan_flag;
-    /** Copy of the VC-1 bitstream field. See VC-1 6.2.4. */
-    uint8_t refdist_flag;
-    /** Copy of the VC-1 bitstream field. See VC-1 6.2.11. */
-    uint8_t quantizer;
-    /** Copy of the VC-1 bitstream field. See VC-1 6.2.7. */
-    uint8_t extended_mv;
-    /** Copy of the VC-1 bitstream field. See VC-1 6.2.14. */
-    uint8_t extended_dmv;
-    /** Copy of the VC-1 bitstream field. See VC-1 6.2.10. */
-    uint8_t overlap;
-    /** Copy of the VC-1 bitstream field. See VC-1 6.2.9. */
-    uint8_t vstransform;
-    /** Copy of the VC-1 bitstream field. See VC-1 6.2.5. */
-    uint8_t loopfilter;
-    /** Copy of the VC-1 bitstream field. See VC-1 6.2.6. */
-    uint8_t fastuvmc;
-    /** Copy of the VC-1 bitstream field. See VC-1 6.12.15. */
-    uint8_t range_mapy_flag;
-    /** Copy of the VC-1 bitstream field. */
-    uint8_t range_mapy;
-    /** Copy of the VC-1 bitstream field. See VC-1 6.2.16. */
-    uint8_t range_mapuv_flag;
-    /** Copy of the VC-1 bitstream field. */
-    uint8_t range_mapuv;
-    /**
-     * Copy of the VC-1 bitstream field. See VC-1 J.1.10.
-     * Only used by simple and main profiles.
-     */
-    uint8_t multires;
-    /**
-     * Copy of the VC-1 bitstream field. See VC-1 J.1.16.
-     * Only used by simple and main profiles.
-     */
-    uint8_t syncmarker;
-    /**
-     * VC-1 SP/MP range reduction control.
-     * Only used by simple and main profiles.
-     * Bit 0: Copy of rangered VC-1 bitstream field; See VC-1 J.1.17.
-     * Bit 1: Copy of rangeredfrm VC-1 bitstream fiels; See VC-1 7.1.13.
-     */
-    uint8_t rangered;
-    /**
-     * Copy of the VC-1 bitstream field. See VC-1 J.1.17.
-     * Only used by simple and main profiles.
-     */
-    uint8_t maxbframes;
-    /**
-     * Out-of-loop deblocking enable.
-     * Bit 0 of POSTPROC from VC-1
-     * Note that bit 1 of POSTPROC (dering enable) should not be included.
-     */
-    uint8_t deblockEnable;
-    /**
-     * Parameter used by VC-1 Annex H deblocking algorithm. Note that VDPAU
-     * implementations may choose which deblocking algorithm to use.
-     * See VC-1
-     */
-    uint8_t pquant;
-} VdpPictureInfoVC1;
- * \brief Decode a compressed field/frame and render the result
- *        into a \ref VdpVideoSurface "VdpVideoSurface".
- * \param[in] decoder The decoder object that will perform the
- *       decode operation.
- * \param[in] target The video surface to render to.
- * \param[in] picture_info A (pointer to a) structure containing
- *       information about the picture to be decoded. Note that
- *       the appropriate type of VdpPictureInfo* structure must
- *       be provided to match to profile that the decoder was
- *       created for.
- * \param[in] bitstream_buffer_count The number of bitstream
- *       buffers containing compressed data for this picture.
- * \param[in] bitstream_buffers An array of bitstream buffers.
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
- *
- * See \ref video_mixer_usage for additional information.
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpDecoderRender(
-    VdpDecoder                 decoder,
-    VdpVideoSurface            target,
-    VdpPictureInfo const *     picture_info,
-    uint32_t                   bitstream_buffer_count,
-    VdpBitstreamBuffer const * bitstream_buffers
- * \defgroup VdpVideoMixer VdpVideoMixer; Video Post-processing \
- *           and Compositing object
- *  
- * VdpVideoMixer can perform some subset of the following
- * post-processing steps on video:
- * - De-interlacing
- *   - Various types, with or without inverse telecine
- * - Noise-reduction
- * - Sharpness adjustment
- * - Color space conversion to RGB
- * - Chroma format upscaling to 4:4:4
- *
- * A VdpVideoMixer takes a source \ref VdpVideoSurface
- * "VdpVideoSurface" VdpVideoSurface and performs various video
- * processing steps on it (potentially using information from
- * past or future video surfaces). It scales the video and
- * converts it to RGB, then optionally composites it with
- * multiple auxiliary \ref VdpOutputSurface "VdpOutputSurface"s 
- * before writing the result to the destination \ref 
- * VdpOutputSurface "VdpOutputSurface". 
- *
- * The video mixer compositing model is as follows:
- *
- * - A rectangle will be rendered on an output surface. No
- *   pixels will be rendered outside of this output rectangle.
- *   The contents of this rectangle will be a composite of many
- *   layers.
- *
- * - The first layer is the background color. The background
- *   color will fill the entire rectangle.
- *  
- * - The second layer is the processed video which has been
- *   converted to RGB. These pixels will overwrite the
- *   background color of the first layer except where the second
- *   layer's rectangle does not completely cover the output
- *   rectangle. In those regions the background color will
- *   continue to show. If any portion of the second layer's
- *   output rectangle is outside of the output rectangle, those
- *   portions will be clipped.
- *
- * - The third layer contains some number of auxiliary layers 
- *   (in the form of \ref VdpOutputSurface "VdpOutputSurface"s)
- *   which will be composited using the alpha value from the
- *   those surfaces. The compositing operations are equivalent
- *   to rendering with \ref VdpOutputSurfaceRenderOutputSurface
- *   using a source blend factor of SOURCE_ALPHA, a destination
- *   blend factor of ONE_MINUS_SOURCE_ALPHA and an equation of
- *   ADD.
- *
- * @{
- */
- * \brief A VdpVideoMixer feature that must be requested at 
- *        creation time to be used.
- *  
- * Certain advanced VdpVideoMixer features are optional, and the 
- * ability to use those features at all must be requested when 
- * the VdpVideoMixer object is created. Each feature is named via 
- * a specific VdpVideoMixerFeature value.
- *  
- * Once requested, these features are permanently available 
- * within that specific VdpVideoMixer object. All features that 
- * are not explicitly requested at creation time default to 
- * being permanently unavailable. 
- *  
- * Even when requested, all features default to being initially 
- * disabled. However, applications can subsequently enable and 
- * disable features at any time. See \ref 
- * VdpVideoMixerSetFeatureEnables. 
- *  
- * Some features allow configuration of their operation. Each 
- * configurable item is an \ref VdpVideoMixerAttribute. These 
- * attributes may be manipulated at any time using \ref 
- * VdpVideoMixerSetAttributeValues. 
- */
-typedef uint32_t VdpVideoMixerFeature;
- * \hideinitializer
- * \brief A VdpVideoMixerFeature.
- *
- * When requested and enabled, motion adaptive temporal 
- * deinterlacing will be used on interlaced content. 
- *  
- * When multiple de-interlacing options are requested and 
- * enabled, the back-end implementation chooses the best 
- * algorithm to apply. 
- */
- * \hideinitializer
- * \brief A VdpVideoMixerFeature.
- *
- * When requested and enabled, this enables a more advanced 
- * version of temporal de-interlacing, that additionally uses 
- * edge-guided spatial interpolation. 
- *  
- * When multiple de-interlacing options are requested and 
- * enabled, the back-end implementation chooses the best 
- * algorithm to apply. 
- */
- * \hideinitializer
- * \brief A VdpVideoMixerFeature.
- *
- * When requested and enabled, cadence detection will be enabled
- * on interlaced content and the video mixer will try to extract 
- * progressive frames from pull-down material. 
- */
-#define VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_FEATURE_INVERSE_TELECINE             (VdpVideoMixerFeature)2
- * \hideinitializer
- * \brief A VdpVideoMixerFeature.
- *
- * When requested and enabled, a noise reduction algorithm will 
- * be applied to the video. 
- */
-#define VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_FEATURE_NOISE_REDUCTION              (VdpVideoMixerFeature)3
- * \hideinitializer
- * \brief A VdpVideoMixerFeature.
- *
- * When requested and enabled, a sharpening algorithm will be 
- * applied to the video. 
- */
-#define VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_FEATURE_SHARPNESS                    (VdpVideoMixerFeature)4
- * \hideinitializer
- * \brief A VdpVideoMixerFeature.
- *
- * When requested and enabled, the alpha of the rendered 
- * surface, which is normally set to the alpha of the background 
- * color, will be forced to 0.0 on pixels corresponding to 
- * source video surface luminance values in the range specified 
- * keying is performed after scaling and de-interlacing. 
- */
-#define VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_FEATURE_LUMA_KEY                     (VdpVideoMixerFeature)5
- * \brief A VdpVideoMixer creation parameter.
- * 
- * When a VdpVideoMixer is created, certain parameters may be
- * supplied. Each parameter is named via a specific
- * VdpVideoMixerParameter value. 
- *  
- * Each parameter has a specific type, and specific default 
- * value if not specified at VdpVideoMixer creation time. The 
- * application may query the legal supported range for some 
- * parameters. 
- */
-typedef uint32_t VdpVideoMixerParameter;
- * \hideinitializer 
- * \brief The exact width of input video surfaces. 
- *  
- * This parameter's type is uint32_t. 
- *  
- * This parameter defaults to 0 if not specified, which entails 
- * that it must be specified. 
- *  
- * The application may query this parameter's supported 
- * range. 
- */
- * \hideinitializer 
- * \brief The exact height of input video surfaces. 
- *  
- * This parameter's type is uint32_t. 
- *  
- * This parameter defaults to 0 if not specified, which entails 
- * that it must be specified. 
- *  
- * The application may query this parameter's supported 
- * range.
- */ 
- * \hideinitializer 
- * \brief The chroma type of the input video surfaces the will 
- *        process.
- *  
- * This parameter's type is VdpChromaType.
- *  
- * If not specified, this parameter defaults to
- *  
- * The application may not query this application's supported 
- * range, since it is a potentially disjoint enumeration.
- */ 
-#define VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_PARAMETER_CHROMA_TYPE          (VdpVideoMixerParameter)2
- * \hideinitializer 
- * \brief The number of auxiliary layers in the mixer's 
- *        compositing model.
- *  
- * Note that this indicates the maximum number of layers that 
- * may be processed by a given \ref VdpVideoMixer "VdpVideoMixer" 
- * object. Each individual \ref VdpVideoMixerRender invocation 
- * may choose to use a different number of actual layers, from 0 
- * up to this limit.
- * 
- * This attribute's type is uint32_t. 
- *  
- * If not specified, this parameter defaults to 0.
- *  
- * The application may query this parameter's supported 
- * range.
- */ 
-#define VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_PARAMETER_LAYERS               (VdpVideoMixerParameter)3
- * \brief An adjustable attribute of VdpVideoMixer operation. 
- *  
- * Various attributes of VdpVideoMixer operation may be adjusted 
- * at any time. Each attribute is named via a specific
- * VdpVideoMixerAttribute value. 
- *  
- * Each attribute has a specific type, and specific default 
- * value if not specified at VdpVideoMixer creation time. The 
- * application may query the legal supported range for some 
- * attributes. 
- */
-typedef uint32_t VdpVideoMixerAttribute;
- * \hideinitializer 
- * \brief The background color in the VdpVideoMixer's compositing 
- *        model.
- *  
- * This attribute's type is VdpColor. 
- *  
- * This parameter defaults to black (all color components 0.0 
- * and alpha 1.0).
- *  
- * The application may not query this parameter's supported 
- * range, since the type is not scalar.
- */ 
-#define VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_ATTRIBUTE_BACKGROUND_COLOR      (VdpVideoMixerAttribute)0
- * \hideinitializer 
- * \brief The color-space conversion matrix used by the 
- *        VdpVideoMixer.
- *  
- * This attribute's type is \ref VdpCSCMatrix. 
- *
- * Note: When using \ref VdpVideoMixerGetAttributeValues to retrieve the
- * current CSC matrix, the attribute_values array must contain a pointer to
- * a pointer a VdpCSCMatrix (VdpCSCMatrix** as a void *). The get function will
- * either initialize the referenced CSC matrix to the current value, *or*
- * clear the supplied pointer to NULL, if the previous set call supplied a
- * value of NULL in parameter_values, to request the default matrix.
- * 
- * \code
- * VdpCSCMatrix   matrix;
- * VdpCSCMatrix * matrix_ptr;
- * void * attribute_values[] = {&matrix_ptr};
- * VdpStatus st = vdp_video_mixer_get_attribute_values(..., attribute_values, ...);
- * \endcode
- *
- * This parameter defaults to a matrix suitable for ITU-R BT.601
- * input surfaces, with no procamp adjustments. 
- *  
- * The application may not query this parameter's supported 
- * range, since the type is not scalar.
- */ 
-#define VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_ATTRIBUTE_CSC_MATRIX            (VdpVideoMixerAttribute)1
- * \hideinitializer 
- * \brief The amount of noise reduction algorithm to apply.
- *  
- * This attribute's type is float. 
- *  
- * This parameter defaults to 0.0, which equates to no noise 
- * reduction.
- *  
- * The application may query this parameter's supported range. 
- * However, the range is fixed as 0.0...1.0. 
- */ 
- * \hideinitializer 
- * \brief The amount of sharpening, or blurring, to apply.
- *  
- * This attribute's type is float.
- *  
- * This parameter defaults to 0.0, which equates to no 
- * sharpening. 
- *  
- * Positive values request sharpening. Negative values request 
- * blurring. 
- *  
- * The application may query this parameter's supported range. 
- * However, the range is fixed as -1.0...1.0. 
- */ 
-#define VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_ATTRIBUTE_SHARPNESS_LEVEL       (VdpVideoMixerAttribute)3
- * \hideinitializer 
- * \brief The minimum luma value for the luma key algorithm.
- *  
- * This attribute's type is float. 
- *  
- * This parameter defaults to 0.0.
- *  
- * The application may query this parameter's supported range. 
- * However, the range is fixed as 0.0...1.0. 
- */ 
-#define VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_ATTRIBUTE_LUMA_KEY_MIN_LUMA     (VdpVideoMixerAttribute)4
- * \hideinitializer 
- * \brief The maximum luma value for the luma key algorithm.
- *  
- * This attribute's type is float. 
- *  
- * This parameter defaults to 1.0.
- *  
- * The application may query this parameter's supported range. 
- * However, the range is fixed as 0.0...1.0. 
- */ 
-#define VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_ATTRIBUTE_LUMA_KEY_MAX_LUMA     (VdpVideoMixerAttribute)5
- * \hideinitializer 
- * \brief Whether de-interlacers should operate solely on luma, and bob chroma.
- *  
- * Note: This attribute only affects advanced de-interlacing algorithms, not
- * bob or weave.
- *
- * This attribute's type is uint8_t.
- *  
- * This parameter defaults to 0.
- *  
- * The application may query this parameter's supported range. 
- * However, the range is fixed as 0 (no/off) ... 1 (yes/on). 
- */ 
- * \brief Query the implementation's support for a specific 
- *        feature.
- * \param[in] device The device to query.
- * \param[in] feature The feature for which support is to be
- *       queried.
- * \param[out] is_supported Is the specified feature supported?
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpVideoMixerQueryFeatureSupport(
-    VdpDevice            device,
-    VdpVideoMixerFeature feature,
-    /* output parameters follow */
-    VdpBool *            is_supported
- * \brief Query the implementation's support for a specific 
- *        parameter.
- * \param[in] device The device to query.
- * \param[in] parameter The parameter for which support is to be
- *       queried.
- * \param[out] is_supported Is the specified parameter 
- *       supported?
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpVideoMixerQueryParameterSupport(
-    VdpDevice              device,
-    VdpVideoMixerParameter parameter,
-    /* output parameters follow */
-    VdpBool *              is_supported
- * \brief Query the implementation's support for a specific 
- *        attribute.
- * \param[in] device The device to query.
- * \param[in] feature The feature for which support is to be
- *       queried.
- * \param[out] is_supported Is the specified feature supported?
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpVideoMixerQueryAttributeSupport(
-    VdpDevice              device,
-    VdpVideoMixerAttribute attribute,
-    /* output parameters follow */
-    VdpBool *              is_supported
- * \brief Query the implementation's supported for a specific 
- *        parameter.
- * \param[in] device The device to query.
- * \param[in] parameter The parameter for which support is to be
- *       queried.
- * \param[out] min_value The minimum supported value.
- * \param[out] max_value The maximum supported value.
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpVideoMixerQueryParameterValueRange(
-    VdpDevice              device,
-    VdpVideoMixerParameter parameter,
-    /* output parameters follow */
-    void *                min_value,
-    void *                max_value
- * \brief Query the implementation's supported for a specific 
- *        attribute.
- * \param[in] device The device to query.
- * \param[in] attribute The attribute for which support is to be
- *       queried.
- * \param[out] min_value The minimum supported value.
- * \param[out] max_value The maximum supported value.
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpVideoMixerQueryAttributeValueRange(
-    VdpDevice              device,
-    VdpVideoMixerAttribute attribute,
-    /* output parameters follow */
-    void *                min_value,
-    void *                max_value
- * \brief An opaque handle representing a VdpVideoMixer object.
- */
-typedef uint32_t VdpVideoMixer;
- * \brief Create a VdpVideoMixer.
- * \param[in] device The device that will contain the mixer. 
- * \param[in] feature_count The number of features to request.
- * \param[in] features The list of features to request.
- * \param[in] parameter_count The number of parameters to set.
- * \param[in] parameters The list of parameters to set.
- * \param[in] parameter_values The values for the parameters. Note that each
- *     entry in the value array is a pointer to the actual value. In other
- *     words, the values themselves are not cast to "void *" and passed 
- *     "inside" the array.
- * \param[out] mixer The new mixer's handle.
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation. 
- *  
- * Initially, all requested features will be disabled. They can 
- * be enabled using \ref VdpVideoMixerSetFeatureEnables. 
- *  
- * Initially, all attributes will have default values. Values 
- * can be changed using \ref VdpVideoMixerSetAttributeValues.
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpVideoMixerCreate(
-    VdpDevice                      device,
-    // The set of features to request
-    uint32_t                       feature_count,
-    VdpVideoMixerFeature const *   features,
-    // The parameters used during creation
-    uint32_t                       parameter_count,
-    VdpVideoMixerParameter const * parameters,
-    void const * const *           parameter_values,
-    /* output parameters follow */
-    VdpVideoMixer *                mixer
- * \brief Enable or disable features.
- * \param[in] mixer The mixer to manipulate.
- * \param[in] feature_count The number of features to 
- *       enable/disable.
- * \param[in] features The list of features to enable/disable.
- * \param[in] feature_enables The list of new feature enable 
- *       values.
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpVideoMixerSetFeatureEnables(
-    VdpVideoMixer                mixer,
-    uint32_t                     feature_count,
-    VdpVideoMixerFeature const * features,
-    VdpBool const *              feature_enables
- * \brief Set attribute values
- * \param[in] mixer The mixer to manipulate.
- * \param[in] attribute_count The number of attributes to set.
- * \param[in] attributes The list of attributes to set.
- * \param[in] attribute_values The values for the attributes. Note that each
- *     entry in the value array is a pointer to the actual value. In other
- *     words, the values themselves are not cast to "void *" and passed 
- *     "inside" the array. A NULL pointer requests that the default value be
- *     set for that attribute.
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpVideoMixerSetAttributeValues(
-    VdpVideoMixer                  mixer,
-    uint32_t                       attribute_count,
-    VdpVideoMixerAttribute const * attributes,
-    void const * const *           attribute_values
- * \brief Retrieve whether features were requested at creation 
- *        time.
- * \param[in] mixer The mixer to query.
- * \param[in] feature_count The number of features to query.
- * \param[in] features The list of features to query.
- * \param[out] feature_supported A list of values indicating 
- *       whether the feature was requested, and hence is
- *       available.
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpVideoMixerGetFeatureSupport(
-    VdpVideoMixer                mixer,
-    uint32_t                     feature_count,
-    VdpVideoMixerFeature const * features,
-    /* output parameters follow */
-    VdpBool *                    feature_supports
- * \brief Retrieve whether features are enabled.
- * \param[in] mixer The mixer to manipulate.
- * \param[in] feature_count The number of features to query.
- * \param[in] features The list of features to query.
- * \param[out] feature_enabled A list of values indicating 
- *       whether the feature is enabled.
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpVideoMixerGetFeatureEnables(
-    VdpVideoMixer                mixer,
-    uint32_t                     feature_count,
-    VdpVideoMixerFeature const * features,
-    /* output parameters follow */
-    VdpBool *                    feature_enables
- * \brief Retrieve parameter values given at creation time.
- * \param[in] mixer The mixer to manipulate.
- * \param[in] parameter_count The number of parameters to query.
- * \param[in] parameters The list of parameters to query.
- * \param[out] parameter_values The list of current values for 
- *     the parameters. Note that each entry in the value array is a pointer to
- *     storage that will receive the actual value. If the attribute's type is
- *     a pointer itself, please closely read the documentation for that
- *     attribute type for any other data passing requirements.
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpVideoMixerGetParameterValues(
-    VdpVideoMixer                  mixer,
-    uint32_t                       parameter_count,
-    VdpVideoMixerParameter const * parameters,
-    /* output parameters follow */
-    void * const *                 parameter_values
- * \brief Retrieve current attribute values.
- * \param[in] mixer The mixer to manipulate.
- * \param[in] attribute_count The number of attributes to query.
- * \param[in] attributes The list of attributes to query.
- * \param[out] attribute_values The list of current values for 
- *     the attributes. Note that each entry in the value array is a pointer to
- *     storage that will receive the actual value. If the attribute's type is
- *     a pointer itself, please closely read the documentation for that
- *     attribute type for any other data passing requirements.
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpVideoMixerGetAttributeValues(
-    VdpVideoMixer                  mixer,
-    uint32_t                       attribute_count,
-    VdpVideoMixerAttribute const * attributes,
-    /* output parameters follow */
-    void * const *                 attribute_values
- * \brief Destroy a VdpVideoMixer.
- * \param[in] device The device to destroy.
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpVideoMixerDestroy(
-    VdpVideoMixer mixer
- * \hideinitializer 
- * \brief The structure of the picture present in a \ref
- *        VdpVideoSurface "VdpVideoSurface".
- */ 
-typedef enum {
-    /** 
-     * The picture is a field, and is the top field of the surface. 
-     */ 
-    /** 
-     * The picture is a field, and is the bottom field of the
-     * surface.
-     */
-    /** 
-     * The picture is a frame, and hence is the entire surface. 
-     */ 
-} VdpVideoMixerPictureStructure;
- * \brief Definition of an additional \ref VdpOutputSurface 
- *        "VdpOutputSurface" layer in the composting model.
- */ 
-typedef struct {
-    /**
-     * This field must be filled with VDP_LAYER_VERSION
-     */
-    uint32_t struct_version;
-    /** 
-     * The surface to composite from. 
-     */ 
-    VdpOutputSurface source_surface;
-    /** 
-     * The sub-rectangle of the source surface to use. If NULL, the 
-     * entire source surface will be used. 
-     */ 
-    VdpRect const *  source_rect;
-    /** 
-     * The sub-rectangle of the destination surface to map 
-     * this layer into. This rectangle is relative to the entire 
-     * destination surface. This rectangle will be clipped by \ref 
-     * VdpVideoMixerRender's \b destination_rect. If NULL, the 
-     * destination rectangle will be sized to match the source 
-     * rectangle, and will be located at the origin. 
-     */ 
-     VdpRect const * destination_rect;
-} VdpLayer;
- * \brief Perform a video post-processing and compositing 
- *        operation.
- * \param[in] mixer The mixer object that will perform the 
- *       mixing/rendering operation.
- * \param[in] background_surface A background image. If set to any value other
- *       than VDP_INVALID_HANDLE, the specific surface will be used instead of
- *       the background color as the first layer in the mixer's compositing
- *       process.
- * \param[in] background_source_rect When background_surface is specified,
- *       this parameter indicates the portion of background_surface that will
- *       be used as the background layer. The specified region will be
- *       extracted and scaled to match the size of destination_rect. If NULL,
- *       the entire background_surface will be used.
- * \param[in] current_picture_structure The picture structure of 
- *       the field/frame to be processed. This field/frame is
- *       presented in the \b video_surface_current parameter. If
- *       frame, then all \b video_surface_* parameters are
- *       assumed to be frames. If field, then all
- *       video_surface_* parameters are assumed to be fields,
- *       with alternating top/bottom-ness derived from
- *       video_surface_current.
- * \param[in] video_surfaces_past_count The number of provided 
- *       fields/frames prior to the current picture.
- * \param[in] video_surfaces_past The fields/frames prior to the
- *       current field/frame. Note that array index 0 is the
- *       field/frame temporally nearest to the current
- *       field/frame, with increasing array indices used for
- *       older frames. Unavailable entries may be set to
- *       \ref VDP_INVALID_HANDLE.
- * \param[in] video_surface_current The field/frame to be 
- *       processed.
- * \param[in] video_surfaces_future_count The number of provided
- *       fields/frames following the current picture.
- * \param[in] video_surfaces_future The fields/frames that 
- *       follow the current field/frame. Note that array index 0
- *       is the field/frame temporally nearest to the current
- *       field/frame, with increasing array indices used for
- *       newer frames. Unavailable entries may be set to \ref
- * \param[in] video_source_rect The sub-rectangle of the source 
- *       video surface to extract and process. If NULL, the
- *       entire surface will be used.
- * \param[in] destination_surface
- * \param[in] destination_rect The sub-rectangle of the 
- *       destination surface to modify. Note that rectangle clips
- *       all other actions.
- * \param[in] destination_video_rect The sub-rectangle of the 
- *       destination surface that will contain the processed
- *       video. This rectangle is relative to the entire
- *       destination surface. This rectangle is clipped by \b
- *       destination_rect. If NULL, the destination rectangle
- *       will be sized to match the source rectangle, and will
- *       be located at the origin.
- * \param[in] layer_count The number of additional layers to
- *       composite above the video.
- * \param[in] layers The array of additional layers to composite
- *       above the video.
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation. 
- *  
- * For a complete discussion of how to use this API, please see 
- * \ref video_mixer_usage. 
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpVideoMixerRender(
-    VdpVideoMixer                 mixer,
-    VdpOutputSurface              background_surface,
-    VdpRect const *               background_source_rect,
-    VdpVideoMixerPictureStructure current_picture_structure,
-    uint32_t                      video_surface_past_count,
-    VdpVideoSurface const *       video_surface_past,
-    VdpVideoSurface               video_surface_current,
-    uint32_t                      video_surface_future_count,
-    VdpVideoSurface const *       video_surface_future,
-    VdpRect const *               video_source_rect,
-    VdpOutputSurface              destination_surface,
-    VdpRect const *               destination_rect,
-    VdpRect const *               destination_video_rect,
-    uint32_t                      layer_count,
-    VdpLayer const *              layers
- * \defgroup VdpPresentationQueue VdpPresentationQueue; Video \
- *           presentation (display) object
- *
- * The VdpPresentationQueue manages a queue of surfaces and
- * associated timestamps. For each surface in the queue, once
- * the associated timestamp is reached, the surface is displayed
- * to the user. This timestamp-based approach yields high
- * quality video delivery.
- *  
- * The exact location of the displayed content is Window System 
- * specific. For this reason, the \ref api_winsys provides an 
- * API to create a \ref VdpPresentationQueueTarget object (e.g. 
- * via \ref VdpPresentationQueueTargetCreateX11) which 
- * encapsulates this information. 
- *  
- * Note that the presentation queue performs no scaling of 
- * surfaces to match the display target's size, aspect ratio, 
- * etc. 
- *  
- * Surfaces that are too large to fit into the display target 
- * will be clipped. Surfaces that are too small to fill the 
- * display target will be aligned to the top-left corner of the 
- * display target, with the balance of the display target being 
- * filled with a constant configurable "background" color.
- *  
- * Note that the presentation queue operates in a manner that is 
- * semantically equivalent to an overlay surface, with any 
- * required color key painting hidden internally. However, 
- * implementations are free to use whatever semantically 
- * equivalent technique they wish. Note that implementations
- * that actually use color-keyed overlays will typically use
- * the "background" color as the overlay color key value, so
- * this color should be chosen with care.
- *  
- * @{ 
- */
- * \brief The representation of a point in time.
- * 
- * VdpTime timestamps are intended to be a high-precision timing
- * system, potentially independent from any other time domain in
- * the system.
- * 
- * Time is represented in units of nanoseconds. The origin
- * (i.e. the time represented by a value of 0) is implementation
- * dependent.
- */
-typedef uint64_t VdpTime;
- * \brief An opaque handle representing the location where 
- *        video will be presented.
- *  
- * VdpPresentationQueueTarget are created using a \ref api_winsys
- * specific API, such as \ref 
- * VdpPresentationQueueTargetCreateX11. 
- */
-typedef uint32_t VdpPresentationQueueTarget;
- * \brief Destroy a VdpPresentationQueueTarget.
- * \param[in] presentation_queue_target The target to destroy.
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpPresentationQueueTargetDestroy(
-    VdpPresentationQueueTarget presentation_queue_target
- * \brief An opaque handle representing a presentation queue 
- *        object.
- */
-typedef uint32_t VdpPresentationQueue;
- * \brief Create a VdpPresentationQueue.
- * \param[in] device The device that will contain the queue. 
- * \param[in] presentation_queue_target The location to display 
- *       the content.
- * \param[out] presentation_queue The new queue's handle.
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation. 
- *
- * Note: The initial value for the background color will be set to
- * an implementation-defined value.
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpPresentationQueueCreate(
-    VdpDevice                  device,
-    VdpPresentationQueueTarget presentation_queue_target,
-    /* output parameters follow */
-    VdpPresentationQueue *     presentation_queue
- * \brief Destroy a VdpPresentationQueue.
- * \param[in] presentation_queue The queue to destroy.
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpPresentationQueueDestroy(
-    VdpPresentationQueue presentation_queue
- * \brief Configure the background color setting.
- * \param[in] presentation_queue The queue to manipulate. 
- * \param[in] background_color The new background color. 
- *  
- * Note: Implementations may choose whether to apply the
- * new background color value immediately, or defer it until
- * the next surface is presented.
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpPresentationQueueSetBackgroundColor(
-    VdpPresentationQueue presentation_queue,
-    VdpColor * const     background_color
- * \brief Retrieve the current background color setting.
- * \param[in] presentation_queue The queue to query. 
- * \param[out] background_color The current background color.
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpPresentationQueueGetBackgroundColor(
-    VdpPresentationQueue presentation_queue,
-    VdpColor *           background_color
- * \brief Retrieve the presentation queue's "current" time. 
- * \param[in] presentation_queue The queue to query. 
- * \param[out] current_time The current time, which may 
- *       represent a point between display VSYNC events.
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation. 
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpPresentationQueueGetTime(
-    VdpPresentationQueue presentation_queue,
-    /* output parameters follow */
-    VdpTime *            current_time
- * \brief Enter a surface into the presentation queue.
- * \param[in] presentation_queue The queue to query.
- * \param[in] surface The surface to enter into the queue.
- * \param[in] clip_width If set to a non-zero value, the presentation queue
- *       will display only clip_width pixels of the surface (anchored to the
- *       top-left corner of the surface.
- * \param[in] clip_height If set to a non-zero value, the presentation queue
- *       will display only clip_height lines of the surface (anchored to the
- *       top-left corner of the surface.
- * \param[in] earliest_presentation_time The timestamp 
- *       associated with the surface. The presentation queue
- *       will not display the surface until the presentation
- *       queue's current time is at least this value.
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation. 
- *
- * Applications may choose to allow resizing of the presentation queue target
- * (which may be e.g. a regular Window when using an X11-based
- * implementation).
- *
- * \b clip_width and \b clip_height may be used to limit the size of the
- * displayed region of a surface, in order to match the specific region that
- * was rendered to.
- *
- * In turn, this allows the application to allocate over-sized (e.g.
- * screen-sized) surfaces, but render to a region that matches the current
- * size of the video window.
- *
- * Using this technique, an application's response to window resizing may
- * simply be to render to, and display, a different region of the surface,
- * rather than de-/re-allocation of surfaces to match the updated window size.
- */ 
-typedef VdpStatus VdpPresentationQueueDisplay(
-    VdpPresentationQueue presentation_queue,
-    VdpOutputSurface     surface,
-    uint32_t             clip_width,
-    uint32_t             clip_height,
-    VdpTime              earliest_presentation_time
- * \brief Wait for a surface to finish being displayed.
- * \param[in] presentation_queue The queue to query.
- * \param[in] surface The surface to wait for. 
- * \param[out] first_presentation_time The timestamp of the 
- *       VSYNC at which this surface was first displayed. Note
- *       that 0 means the surface was never displayed.
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation. 
- *  
- * Note that this API will block indefinitely if queried about 
- * the surface most recently added to a presentation queue, 
- * since there is no other surface that could possibly replace 
- * the queried surface.
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpPresentationQueueBlockUntilSurfaceIdle(
-    VdpPresentationQueue presentation_queue,
-    VdpOutputSurface     surface,
-    /* output parameters follow */
-    VdpTime *            first_presentation_time
- * \hideinitializer 
- * \brief The status of a surface within a presentation queue.
- */
-typedef enum {
-    /** The surface is no queued or currently visible. */
-    /** The surface is in the queue, and not currently visible. */
-    /** The surface is the currently visible surface. */
-} VdpPresentationQueueStatus;
- * \brief Poll the current queue status of a surface.
- * \param[in] presentation_queue The queue to query.
- * \param[in] surface The surface to query. 
- * \param[out] status The current status of the surface within 
- *       the queue.
- * \param[out] first_presentation_time The timestamp of the 
- *       VSYNC at which this surface was first displayed. Note
- *       that 0 means the surface was never displayed.
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation. 
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpPresentationQueueQuerySurfaceStatus(
-    VdpPresentationQueue         presentation_queue,
-    VdpOutputSurface             surface,
-    /* output parameters follow */
-    VdpPresentationQueueStatus * status,
-    VdpTime *                    first_presentation_time
- * \defgroup display_preemption Display Preemption 
- *  
- * The Window System may operate within a frame-work (such as 
- * Linux's VT switching) where the display is shared between the 
- * Window System (e.g. X) and some other output mechanism (e.g. 
- * the VT.) Given this scenario, the Window System's control of 
- * the display could be preempted, and restored, at any time. 
- * 
- * VDPAU does not mandate that implementations hide such 
- * preemptions from VDPAU client applications; doing so may 
- * impose extreme burdens upon VDPAU implementations. Equally, 
- * however, implementations are free to hide such preemptions 
- * from client applications. 
- *  
- * VDPAU allows implementations to inform the client application
- * when such a preemption has occurred, and then refuse to 
- * continue further operation. 
- * 
- * Similarly, some form of fatal hardware error could prevent further
- * operation of the VDPAU implementation, without a complete
- * re-initialization.
- *
- * The following discusses the behavior of implementations that 
- * choose not to hide preemption from client applications. 
- *  
- * When preemption occurs, VDPAU internally destroys all 
- * objects; the client application need not do this. However, if 
- * the client application wishes to continue operation, it must 
- * recreate all objects that it uses. It is probable that this 
- * recreation will not succeed until the display ownership is 
- * restored to the Window System. 
- *  
- * Once preemption has occurred, all VDPAU entry points will 
- * return the specific error code \ref 
- *  
- * VDPAU client applications may also be notified of such 
- * preemptions and fatal errors via a callback. See \ref 
- * VdpPreemptionCallbackRegister for more details. 
- * 
- * @{
- */
- * \brief A callback to notify the client application that a 
- *        device's display has been preempted.
- * \param[in] device The device that had its display preempted.
- * \param[in] context The client-supplied callback context 
- *       information.
- * \return void No return value 
- */
-typedef void VdpPreemptionCallback(
-    VdpDevice device,
-    void *   context
- * \brief Configure the display preemption callback.
- * \param[in] device The device to be monitored for preemption. 
- * \param[in] callback The client application's callback 
- *       function. If NULL, the callback is unregistered.
- * \param[in] context The client-supplied callback context 
- *       information. This information will be passed to the
- *       callback function if/when invoked.
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation. 
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpPreemptionCallbackRegister(
-    VdpDevice             device,
-    VdpPreemptionCallback callback,
-    void *               context
- * \defgroup get_proc_address Entry Point Retrieval
- *  
- * In order to facilitate multiple implementations of VDPAU
- * co-existing within a single process, all functionality is
- * available via function pointers. The mechanism to retrieve
- * those function pointers is described below.
- *  
- * @{ 
- */
- * \brief A type suitable for \ref VdpGetProcAddress 
- *        "VdpGetProcAddress"'s \b function_id parameter.
- */ 
-typedef uint32_t VdpFuncId;
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_GET_ERROR_STRING                                            (VdpFuncId)0
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_GET_PROC_ADDRESS                                            (VdpFuncId)1
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_GET_API_VERSION                                             (VdpFuncId)2
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_GET_INFORMATION_STRING                                      (VdpFuncId)4
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_DEVICE_DESTROY                                              (VdpFuncId)5
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_GENERATE_CSC_MATRIX                                         (VdpFuncId)6
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_VIDEO_SURFACE_QUERY_CAPABILITIES                            (VdpFuncId)7
-/** \hideinitializer */
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_VIDEO_SURFACE_CREATE                                        (VdpFuncId)9
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_VIDEO_SURFACE_DESTROY                                       (VdpFuncId)10
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_VIDEO_SURFACE_GET_PARAMETERS                                (VdpFuncId)11
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_VIDEO_SURFACE_GET_BITS_Y_CB_CR                              (VdpFuncId)12
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_VIDEO_SURFACE_PUT_BITS_Y_CB_CR                              (VdpFuncId)13
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_OUTPUT_SURFACE_QUERY_CAPABILITIES                           (VdpFuncId)14
-/** \hideinitializer */
-/** \hideinitializer */
-/** \hideinitializer */
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_OUTPUT_SURFACE_CREATE                                       (VdpFuncId)18
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_OUTPUT_SURFACE_DESTROY                                      (VdpFuncId)19
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_OUTPUT_SURFACE_GET_PARAMETERS                               (VdpFuncId)20
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_OUTPUT_SURFACE_GET_BITS_NATIVE                              (VdpFuncId)21
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_OUTPUT_SURFACE_PUT_BITS_NATIVE                              (VdpFuncId)22
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_OUTPUT_SURFACE_PUT_BITS_INDEXED                             (VdpFuncId)23
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_OUTPUT_SURFACE_PUT_BITS_Y_CB_CR                             (VdpFuncId)24
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_BITMAP_SURFACE_QUERY_CAPABILITIES                           (VdpFuncId)25
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_BITMAP_SURFACE_CREATE                                       (VdpFuncId)26
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_BITMAP_SURFACE_DESTROY                                      (VdpFuncId)27
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_BITMAP_SURFACE_GET_PARAMETERS                               (VdpFuncId)28
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_BITMAP_SURFACE_PUT_BITS_NATIVE                              (VdpFuncId)29
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_OUTPUT_SURFACE_RENDER_OUTPUT_SURFACE                        (VdpFuncId)33
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_OUTPUT_SURFACE_RENDER_BITMAP_SURFACE                        (VdpFuncId)34
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_OUTPUT_SURFACE_RENDER_VIDEO_SURFACE_LUMA                    (VdpFuncId)35
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_DECODER_QUERY_CAPABILITIES                                  (VdpFuncId)36
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_DECODER_CREATE                                              (VdpFuncId)37
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_DECODER_DESTROY                                             (VdpFuncId)38
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_DECODER_GET_PARAMETERS                                      (VdpFuncId)39
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_DECODER_RENDER                                              (VdpFuncId)40
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_VIDEO_MIXER_QUERY_FEATURE_SUPPORT                           (VdpFuncId)41
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_VIDEO_MIXER_QUERY_PARAMETER_SUPPORT                         (VdpFuncId)42
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_VIDEO_MIXER_QUERY_ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORT                         (VdpFuncId)43
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_VIDEO_MIXER_QUERY_PARAMETER_VALUE_RANGE                     (VdpFuncId)44
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_VIDEO_MIXER_QUERY_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_RANGE                     (VdpFuncId)45
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_VIDEO_MIXER_CREATE                                          (VdpFuncId)46
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_VIDEO_MIXER_SET_FEATURE_ENABLES                             (VdpFuncId)47
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_VIDEO_MIXER_SET_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES                            (VdpFuncId)48
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_VIDEO_MIXER_GET_FEATURE_SUPPORT                             (VdpFuncId)49
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_VIDEO_MIXER_GET_FEATURE_ENABLES                             (VdpFuncId)50
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_VIDEO_MIXER_GET_PARAMETER_VALUES                            (VdpFuncId)51
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_VIDEO_MIXER_GET_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES                            (VdpFuncId)52
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_VIDEO_MIXER_DESTROY                                         (VdpFuncId)53
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_VIDEO_MIXER_RENDER                                          (VdpFuncId)54
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_PRESENTATION_QUEUE_TARGET_DESTROY                           (VdpFuncId)55
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_PRESENTATION_QUEUE_CREATE                                   (VdpFuncId)56
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_PRESENTATION_QUEUE_DESTROY                                  (VdpFuncId)57
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_PRESENTATION_QUEUE_SET_BACKGROUND_COLOR                     (VdpFuncId)58
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_PRESENTATION_QUEUE_GET_BACKGROUND_COLOR                     (VdpFuncId)59
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_PRESENTATION_QUEUE_GET_TIME                                 (VdpFuncId)62
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_PRESENTATION_QUEUE_DISPLAY                                  (VdpFuncId)63
-/** \hideinitializer */
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_PRESENTATION_QUEUE_QUERY_SURFACE_STATUS                     (VdpFuncId)65
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_PREEMPTION_CALLBACK_REGISTER                                (VdpFuncId)66
-#define VDP_FUNC_ID_BASE_WINSYS 0x1000
- * \brief Retrieve a VDPAU function pointer.
- * \param[in] device The device that the function will operate
- *       against.
- * \param[in] function_id The specific function to retrieve. 
- * \param[out] function_pointer The actual pointer for the
- *       application to call.
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation. 
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpGetProcAddress(
-    VdpDevice device,
-    VdpFuncId function_id,
-    /* output parameters follow */
-    void * *  function_pointer
- * \defgroup api_winsys Window System Integration Layer
- *
- * The set of VDPAU functionality specific to an individual
- * Windowing System.
- */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/debian/include/vdpau/vdpau_x11.h b/debian/include/vdpau/vdpau_x11.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d56ae1c..0000000
--- a/debian/include/vdpau/vdpau_x11.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- * This source file is documented using Doxygen markup.
- * See http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/
- */
- * This copyright notice applies to this header file:
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2008 NVIDIA Corporation
- * 
- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
- * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
- * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
- * restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
- * copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
- * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
- * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
- * conditions:
- *
- * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
- * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- *
- */
- * \file vdpau_x11.h
- * \brief X11 Window System Integration Layer
- * 
- * This file contains the \ref api_winsys_x11 "X11 Window System 
- * Integration Layer". 
- */ 
-#ifndef _VDPAU_X11_H
-#define _VDPAU_X11_H
-#include <X11/Xlib.h>
-#include "vdpau.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- * \ingroup api_winsys 
- * @{ 
- */
- * \defgroup api_winsys_x11 X11 Window System Integration Layer
- *  
- * The set of VDPAU functionality specific to usage with the X 
- * Window System.
- *  
- * \section Driver Library Layout 
- *  
- * An X11-oriented VDPAU installation consists of the following 
- * components: 
- *  
- * - Header files. These files are located in the standard 
- *   system header file path.
- *   - \c vdpau/vdpau.h
- *   - \c vdpau/vdpau_x11.h
- * - The VDPAU wrapper library. These files are located in the 
- *   standard system (possibly X11-specific) library path.
- *   - \c libvdpau.so.1 (runtime)
- *   - \c libvdpau.so (development)
- * - Back-end driver files. These files are located in the 
- *   standard system (possibly X11-specific) library path.
- *   - \c libvdpau_\%s.so
- *   For example:
- *   - \c libvdpau_nvidia.so
- *   - \c libvdpau_intel.so
- *   - \c libvdpau_ati.so
- *  
- * The VDPAU wrapper library implements just one function; \ref 
- * vdp_device_create_x11. The wrapper will implement this function 
- * by dynamically loading the appropriate back-end driver file 
- * mentioned above. Long-term, the wrapper will use a
- * VDPAU-specific X  extension to determine which back-end driver
- * to load. Currently, the wrapper library hard-codes the driver
- * name as "nvidia", although this can be overridden using the 
- * environment variable VDPAU_DRIVER.
- *
- * The back-end driver is expected to implement a function named 
- * \b vdp_imp_device_create_x11. The wrapper will call this function to
- * actually implement the \ref vdp_device_create_x11 application call. 
- *  
- * Note that it is theoretically possible for an application to 
- * create multiple \ref VdpDevice "VdpDevice" objects. In this 
- * case, the wrapper library may load multiple back-end drivers 
- * into the same application, and/or invoke a specific back-end 
- * driver's \b VdpImpDeviceCreateX11 multiple times. The wrapper 
- * libray imposes no policy regarding whether the application 
- * may instantiate multiple \ref VdpDevice "VdpDevice" objects for
- * the same display and/or screen. However, back-end drivers are 
- * free to limit the number of \ref VdpDevice "VdpDevice" objects 
- * as required by their implementation. 
- *  
- * @{ 
- */
- * \brief Create a VdpDevice object for use with X11. 
- * \param[in] display The X Display that the VdpDevice VdpDevice
- *       will operate against.
- * \param[in] screen The X screen that the VdpDevice will operate 
- *       against.
- * \param[out] device The new device's handle. 
- * \param[out] get_proc_address The get_proc_address entry point 
- *       to use with this device.
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation. 
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpDeviceCreateX11(
-    Display *             display,
-    int                   screen,
-    /* output parameters follow */
-    VdpDevice *           device,
-    VdpGetProcAddress * * get_proc_address
- * \brief Create a VdpDevice object for use with X11. 
- * This is an actual symbol of type \ref VdpDeviceCreateX11
- * 
- */
-VdpDeviceCreateX11 vdp_device_create_x11;
- * \brief Create a VdpPresentationQueueTarget for use with X11.
- * \param[in] device The device that will contain the queue 
- *       target.
- * \param[in] drawable The X11 Drawable that the presentation 
- *       queue will present into.
- * \param[out] target The new queue target's handle. 
- * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation. 
- *
- * Note: VDPAU expects to own the entire drawable for the duration of time
- * that the presentation queue target exists. In particular,
- * implementations may choose to manipulate client-visible X11 window state
- * as required. As such, it is recommended that applications create a
- * dedicated window for the presentation queue target, as a child
- * (grand-child, ...) of their top-level application window.
- *
- * Applications may also create child-windows of the presentation queue
- * target, which will cover any presented video in the normal fashion. VDPAU
- * implementations will not manipulate such child windows in any fashion.
- */
-typedef VdpStatus VdpPresentationQueueTargetCreateX11(
-    VdpDevice                   device,
-    Drawable                    drawable,
-    /* output parameters follow */
-    VdpPresentationQueueTarget * target
-/** \hideinitializer */
-#ifdef __cplusplus

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