[SCM] FFmpeg packaging branch, master.snapshot, updated. debian/0.6-1-5-g4bf2524

fabian-guest at users.alioth.debian.org fabian-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Mon Jun 21 15:13:35 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the master.snapshot branch:
commit 4bf25244468404e6d18a44fde53ef814ca727a2d
Author: Fabian Greffrath <fabian at greffrath.com>
Date:   Mon Jun 21 17:12:56 2010 +0200

    Add conditional support for AMR-NB/WB de/encoding via libopencore-amrnb/amrwb.
    Introduce another cond_enable_version3 check, as both libraries require the ffmpeg license to change to (L)GPL3. Also remove confflags for the now unsupported libamrnb/libamrwb libraries, remove duplicate confflags and move libfaad confflag to the others targeted at ubuntu/multiverse.

diff --git a/debian/confflags b/debian/confflags
index 20929da..76203a4 100644
--- a/debian/confflags
+++ b/debian/confflags
@@ -62,14 +62,16 @@ define cond_enable_nf
 	$(shell test -r $(1) && echo --enable-$(2) --enable-nonfree )
+# another variant that also requires (L)GPL version 3
+define cond_enable_version3
+	$(shell test -r $(1) && echo --enable-$(2) --enable-version3 )
 # Configuration flags causing the libs to be GPL tainted
 gpl_confflags += --enable-gpl
 gpl_confflags += --enable-postproc
 gpl_confflags += --enable-x11grab
-# there is no libfaad in ubuntu/main, on in ubuntu/multiverse
-gpl_confflags += $(call cond_enable,/usr/include/faad.h,libfaad)
 # "forbidden" encoders, see README.Debian for details
 disable_encoders += --disable-encoder=aac
 disable_encoders += --disable-encoder=h263
@@ -111,13 +113,14 @@ endif
 confflags += $(extra_common_confflags)
 # this part below is intended for the 'ffmpeg' package in ubuntu/multiverse
+gpl_confflags += $(call cond_enable,/usr/include/faad.h,libfaad)
 gpl_confflags += $(call cond_enable,/usr/include/xvid.h,libxvid)
-confflags += $(call cond_enable,/usr/include/lame/lame.h,libmp3lame)
 gpl_confflags += $(call cond_enable,/usr/include/x264.h,libx264)
 confflags += $(call cond_enable,/usr/include/lame/lame.h,libmp3lame)
-confflags += $(call cond_enable_nf,/usr/include/amrnb/sp_dec.h,libamr-nb)
-confflags += $(call cond_enable_nf,/usr/include/amrwb/dec.h,libamr-wb)
+# libopencore-amr[nw]b require (L)GPL version 3
+confflags += $(call cond_enable,/usr/include/opencore-amrnb/interf_dec.h,libopencore-amrnb)
+confflags += $(call cond_enable,/usr/include/opencore-amrwb/dec_if.h,libopencore-amrwb)
 # AAC is considered non-free upstream
 confflags += $(call cond_enable_nf,/usr/include/faac.h,libfaac)

FFmpeg packaging

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