[SCM] VLC media player packaging branch, experimental, updated. debian/1.0.6-1-44-gb36a5b7

bdrung-guest at users.alioth.debian.org bdrung-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Wed Jun 23 15:31:04 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the experimental branch:
commit 5528d633d5a496d1649f374a7f676ed733915f96
Author: Benjamin Drung <bdrung at ubuntu.com>
Date:   Wed Jun 23 17:10:54 2010 +0200

    Update symbols files.

diff --git a/debian/libvlc5.symbols b/debian/libvlc5.symbols
index dc73394..43953ba 100644
--- a/debian/libvlc5.symbols
+++ b/debian/libvlc5.symbols
@@ -1,221 +1,221 @@
 libvlc.so.5 libvlc5 #MINVER#
- libvlc_add_intf at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_audio_get_channel at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_audio_get_mute at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_audio_get_track at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_audio_get_track_count at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_audio_get_track_description at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- libvlc_audio_get_volume at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_audio_output_device_count at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- libvlc_audio_output_device_id at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- libvlc_audio_output_device_longname at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- libvlc_audio_output_device_set at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- libvlc_audio_output_get_device_type at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- libvlc_audio_output_list_get at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- libvlc_audio_output_list_release at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- libvlc_audio_output_set at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- libvlc_audio_output_set_device_type at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- libvlc_audio_set_channel at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_audio_set_mute at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_audio_set_track at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_audio_set_volume at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_audio_toggle_mute at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_clearerr at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- libvlc_errmsg at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- libvlc_event_attach at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_event_detach at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_event_manager_new at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_event_manager_register_event_type at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_event_manager_release at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_event_send at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_event_type_name at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_get_changeset at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_get_compiler at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_get_fullscreen at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_get_input_thread at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_get_log_verbosity at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_get_version at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_log_clear at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_log_close at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_log_count at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_log_get_iterator at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_log_iterator_free at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_log_iterator_has_next at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_log_iterator_next at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_log_open at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_add_option at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_add_option_flag at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- libvlc_media_discoverer_event_manager at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_discoverer_is_running at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_discoverer_localized_name at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_discoverer_media_list at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_discoverer_new_from_name at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_discoverer_release at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_duplicate at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_event_manager at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_get_duration at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_get_meta at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_get_mrl at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_get_state at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_get_stats at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- libvlc_media_get_tracks_info at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- libvlc_media_get_user_data at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_is_parsed at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- libvlc_media_library_load at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_library_media_list at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_library_new at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_library_release at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_library_retain at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_list_add_file_content at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_list_add_media at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_list_count at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_list_event_manager at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_list_index_of_item at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_list_insert_media at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_list_is_readonly at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_list_item_at_index at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_list_lock at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_list_media at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_list_new at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_list_player_event_manager at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- libvlc_media_list_player_get_state at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_list_player_is_playing at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_list_player_new at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_list_player_next at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_list_player_pause at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_list_player_play at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_list_player_play_item at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_list_player_play_item_at_index at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_list_player_previous at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- libvlc_media_list_player_release at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_list_player_set_media_list at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_list_player_set_media_player at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_list_player_set_playback_mode at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- libvlc_media_list_player_stop at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_list_release at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_list_remove_index at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_list_retain at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_list_set_media at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_list_unlock at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_new_as_node at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_new_from_input_item at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_new_location at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- libvlc_media_new_path at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- libvlc_media_parse at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- libvlc_media_parse_async at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- libvlc_media_player_can_pause at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_player_event_manager at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_player_get_agl at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- libvlc_media_player_get_chapter at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_player_get_chapter_count at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_player_get_chapter_count_for_title at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- libvlc_media_player_get_fps at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_player_get_hwnd at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- libvlc_media_player_get_length at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_player_get_media at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_player_get_nsobject at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- libvlc_media_player_get_position at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_player_get_rate at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_player_get_state at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_player_get_time at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_player_get_title at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- libvlc_media_player_get_title_count at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- libvlc_media_player_get_xwindow at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- libvlc_media_player_has_vout at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_player_is_playing at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- libvlc_media_player_is_seekable at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_player_new at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_player_new_from_media at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_player_next_chapter at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- libvlc_media_player_next_frame at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- libvlc_media_player_pause at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_player_play at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_player_previous_chapter at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- libvlc_media_player_release at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_player_retain at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_player_set_agl at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- libvlc_media_player_set_chapter at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_player_set_hwnd at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- libvlc_media_player_set_media at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_player_set_nsobject at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- libvlc_media_player_set_position at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_player_set_rate at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_player_set_time at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_player_set_title at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- libvlc_media_player_set_xwindow at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- libvlc_media_player_stop at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_player_will_play at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_release at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_retain at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_save_meta at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- libvlc_media_set_meta at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- libvlc_media_set_state at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_set_user_data at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_media_subitems at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_new at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_playlist_play at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- libvlc_printerr at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- libvlc_release at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_retain at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_set_fullscreen at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_set_log_verbosity at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_toggle_fullscreen at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_toggle_teletext at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_track_description_release at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- libvlc_video_get_aspect_ratio at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_video_get_chapter_description at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- libvlc_video_get_crop_geometry at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_video_get_cursor at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- libvlc_video_get_height at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_video_get_logo_int at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- libvlc_video_get_marquee_int at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- libvlc_video_get_marquee_string at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- libvlc_video_get_scale at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- libvlc_video_get_size at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- libvlc_video_get_spu at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_video_get_spu_count at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- libvlc_video_get_spu_description at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- libvlc_video_get_teletext at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_video_get_title_description at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- libvlc_video_get_track at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- libvlc_video_get_track_count at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- libvlc_video_get_track_description at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- libvlc_video_get_width at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_video_set_aspect_ratio at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_video_set_crop_geometry at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_video_set_deinterlace at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- libvlc_video_set_key_input at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- libvlc_video_set_logo_int at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- libvlc_video_set_logo_string at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- libvlc_video_set_marquee_int at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- libvlc_video_set_marquee_string at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- libvlc_video_set_mouse_input at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- libvlc_video_set_scale at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- libvlc_video_set_spu at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_video_set_subtitle_file at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_video_set_teletext at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_video_set_track at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- libvlc_video_take_snapshot at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_vlm_add_broadcast at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_vlm_add_input at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_vlm_add_vod at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_vlm_change_media at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_vlm_del_media at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_vlm_get_event_manager at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- libvlc_vlm_get_media_instance_length at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_vlm_get_media_instance_position at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_vlm_get_media_instance_rate at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_vlm_get_media_instance_time at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_vlm_pause_media at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_vlm_play_media at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_vlm_release at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_vlm_seek_media at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_vlm_set_enabled at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_vlm_set_input at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_vlm_set_loop at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_vlm_set_mux at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_vlm_set_output at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_vlm_show_media at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_vlm_stop_media at Base 1.1.0~rc
- libvlc_vprinterr at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- libvlc_wait at Base 1.1.0~rc
+ libvlc_add_intf at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_audio_get_channel at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_audio_get_mute at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_audio_get_track at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_audio_get_track_count at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_audio_get_track_description at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_audio_get_volume at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_audio_output_device_count at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_audio_output_device_id at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_audio_output_device_longname at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_audio_output_device_set at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_audio_output_get_device_type at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_audio_output_list_get at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_audio_output_list_release at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_audio_output_set at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_audio_output_set_device_type at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_audio_set_channel at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_audio_set_mute at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_audio_set_track at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_audio_set_volume at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_audio_toggle_mute at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_clearerr at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_errmsg at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_event_attach at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_event_detach at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_event_manager_new at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_event_manager_register_event_type at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_event_manager_release at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_event_send at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_event_type_name at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_get_changeset at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_get_compiler at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_get_fullscreen at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_get_input_thread at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_get_log_verbosity at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_get_version at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_log_clear at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_log_close at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_log_count at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_log_get_iterator at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_log_iterator_free at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_log_iterator_has_next at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_log_iterator_next at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_log_open at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_add_option at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_add_option_flag at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_discoverer_event_manager at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_discoverer_is_running at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_discoverer_localized_name at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_discoverer_media_list at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_discoverer_new_from_name at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_discoverer_release at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_duplicate at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_event_manager at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_get_duration at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_get_meta at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_get_mrl at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_get_state at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_get_stats at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_get_tracks_info at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_get_user_data at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_is_parsed at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_library_load at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_library_media_list at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_library_new at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_library_release at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_library_retain at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_list_add_file_content at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_list_add_media at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_list_count at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_list_event_manager at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_list_index_of_item at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_list_insert_media at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_list_is_readonly at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_list_item_at_index at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_list_lock at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_list_media at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_list_new at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_list_player_event_manager at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_list_player_get_state at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_list_player_is_playing at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_list_player_new at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_list_player_next at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_list_player_pause at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_list_player_play at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_list_player_play_item at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_list_player_play_item_at_index at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_list_player_previous at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_list_player_release at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_list_player_set_media_list at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_list_player_set_media_player at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_list_player_set_playback_mode at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_list_player_stop at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_list_release at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_list_remove_index at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_list_retain at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_list_set_media at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_list_unlock at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_new_as_node at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_new_from_input_item at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_new_location at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_new_path at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_parse at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_parse_async at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_player_can_pause at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_player_event_manager at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_player_get_agl at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_player_get_chapter at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_player_get_chapter_count at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_player_get_chapter_count_for_title at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_player_get_fps at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_player_get_hwnd at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_player_get_length at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_player_get_media at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_player_get_nsobject at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_player_get_position at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_player_get_rate at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_player_get_state at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_player_get_time at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_player_get_title at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_player_get_title_count at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_player_get_xwindow at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_player_has_vout at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_player_is_playing at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_player_is_seekable at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_player_new at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_player_new_from_media at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_player_next_chapter at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_player_next_frame at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_player_pause at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_player_play at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_player_previous_chapter at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_player_release at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_player_retain at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_player_set_agl at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_player_set_chapter at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_player_set_hwnd at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_player_set_media at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_player_set_nsobject at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_player_set_position at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_player_set_rate at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_player_set_time at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_player_set_title at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_player_set_xwindow at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_player_stop at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_player_will_play at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_release at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_retain at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_save_meta at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_set_meta at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_set_state at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_set_user_data at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_media_subitems at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_new at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_playlist_play at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_printerr at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_release at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_retain at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_set_fullscreen at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_set_log_verbosity at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_toggle_fullscreen at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_toggle_teletext at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_track_description_release at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_video_get_aspect_ratio at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_video_get_chapter_description at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_video_get_crop_geometry at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_video_get_cursor at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_video_get_height at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_video_get_logo_int at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_video_get_marquee_int at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_video_get_marquee_string at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_video_get_scale at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_video_get_size at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_video_get_spu at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_video_get_spu_count at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_video_get_spu_description at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_video_get_teletext at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_video_get_title_description at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_video_get_track at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_video_get_track_count at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_video_get_track_description at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_video_get_width at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_video_set_aspect_ratio at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_video_set_crop_geometry at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_video_set_deinterlace at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_video_set_key_input at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_video_set_logo_int at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_video_set_logo_string at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_video_set_marquee_int at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_video_set_marquee_string at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_video_set_mouse_input at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_video_set_scale at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_video_set_spu at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_video_set_subtitle_file at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_video_set_teletext at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_video_set_track at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_video_take_snapshot at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_vlm_add_broadcast at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_vlm_add_input at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_vlm_add_vod at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_vlm_change_media at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_vlm_del_media at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_vlm_get_event_manager at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_vlm_get_media_instance_length at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_vlm_get_media_instance_position at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_vlm_get_media_instance_rate at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_vlm_get_media_instance_time at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_vlm_pause_media at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_vlm_play_media at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_vlm_release at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_vlm_seek_media at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_vlm_set_enabled at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_vlm_set_input at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_vlm_set_loop at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_vlm_set_mux at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_vlm_set_output at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_vlm_show_media at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_vlm_stop_media at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_vprinterr at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_wait at Base 1.1.0
diff --git a/debian/libvlccore4.symbols b/debian/libvlccore4.symbols
index 66d596a..ccbf78d 100644
--- a/debian/libvlccore4.symbols
+++ b/debian/libvlccore4.symbols
@@ -1,654 +1,656 @@
 libvlccore.so.4 libvlccore4 #MINVER#
- ACL_AddNet at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- ACL_Check at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- ACL_Create at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- ACL_Destroy at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- ACL_Duplicate at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- ACL_LoadFile at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- AddMD5 at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- EndMD5 at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- EnsureUTF8 at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- FromCharset at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- FromLocale at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- FromLocaleDup at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- GetLang_1 at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- GetLang_2B at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- GetLang_2T at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- InitMD5 at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- IsUTF8 at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- KeyToString at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- LocaleFree at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- NTPtime64 at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- StringToKey at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- ToLocale at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- ToLocaleDup at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- VLC_CompileBy at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- VLC_CompileHost at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- VLC_Compiler at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- VLC_Version at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- access_GetParentInput at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- aout_BitsPerSample at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- aout_ChannelExtract at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- aout_ChannelReorder at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- aout_ChannelsRestart at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- aout_CheckChannelExtraction at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- aout_CheckChannelReorder at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- aout_EnableFilter at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- aout_FifoFirstDate at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- aout_FifoPop at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- aout_FindAndRestart at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- aout_FormatNbChannels at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- aout_FormatPrepare at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- aout_FormatPrint at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- aout_FormatPrintChannels at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- aout_IsMuted at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- aout_OutputNextBuffer at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- aout_SetMute at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- aout_ToggleMute at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- aout_VolumeDown at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- aout_VolumeGet at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- aout_VolumeNoneInit at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- aout_VolumeSet at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- aout_VolumeSoftInit at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- aout_VolumeUp at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- aout_filter_RequestVout at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- block_Alloc at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- block_FifoCount at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- block_FifoEmpty at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- block_FifoGet at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- block_FifoNew at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- block_FifoPace at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- block_FifoPut at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- block_FifoRelease at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- block_FifoShow at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- block_FifoWake at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- block_File at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- block_Init at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- block_Realloc at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- block_heap_Alloc at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- block_mmap_Alloc at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- config_AddIntf at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- config_ChainCreate at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- config_ChainDestroy at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- config_ChainDuplicate at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- config_ChainParse at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- config_ExistIntf at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- config_FindConfig at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- config_GetConfDir at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- config_GetDataDir at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- config_GetFloat at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- config_GetInt at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- config_GetLibDir at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- config_GetPsz at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- config_GetType at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- config_GetUserDir at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- config_PutFloat at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- config_PutInt at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- config_PutPsz at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- config_RemoveIntf at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- config_ResetAll at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- config_SaveConfigFile at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- config_StringEscape at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- config_StringUnescape at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- convert_xml_special_chars at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- date_Change at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- date_Decrement at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- date_Get at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- date_Increment at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- date_Init at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- date_Move at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- date_Set at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- decode_URI at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- decode_URI_duplicate at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- decoder_DeleteAudioBuffer at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- decoder_DeletePicture at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- decoder_DeleteSubpicture at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- decoder_GetDisplayDate at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- decoder_GetDisplayRate at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- decoder_GetInputAttachments at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- decoder_LinkPicture at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- decoder_NewAudioBuffer at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- decoder_NewPicture at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- decoder_NewSubpicture at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- decoder_SynchroChoose at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- decoder_SynchroDate at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- decoder_SynchroDecode at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- decoder_SynchroEnd at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- decoder_SynchroInit at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- decoder_SynchroNewPicture at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- decoder_SynchroRelease at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- decoder_SynchroReset at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- decoder_SynchroTrash at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- decoder_UnlinkPicture at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- demux_GetParentInput at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- demux_PacketizerDestroy at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- demux_PacketizerNew at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- demux_vaControlHelper at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- dialog_ExtensionUpdate at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- dialog_Login at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- dialog_ProgressCancelled at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- dialog_ProgressCreate at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- dialog_ProgressDestroy at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- dialog_ProgressSet at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- dialog_Question at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- dialog_Register at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- dialog_Unregister at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- dialog_VFatal at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- encode_URI_component at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- es_format_Clean at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- es_format_Copy at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- es_format_Init at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- es_format_InitFromVideo at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- es_format_IsSimilar at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- filename_sanitize at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- filter_Blend at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- filter_ConfigureBlend at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- filter_DeleteBlend at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- filter_NewBlend at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- filter_chain_AppendFilter at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- filter_chain_AppendFromString at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- filter_chain_AudioFilter at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- filter_chain_Delete at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- filter_chain_DeleteFilter at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- filter_chain_GetFmtOut at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- filter_chain_GetLength at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- filter_chain_MouseFilter at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- filter_chain_New at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- filter_chain_Reset at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- filter_chain_SubFilter at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- filter_chain_VideoFilter at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- http_auth_FormatAuthorizationHeader at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- http_auth_Init at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- http_auth_ParseAuthenticationInfoHeader at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- http_auth_ParseWwwAuthenticateHeader at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- http_auth_Reset at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- httpd_ClientIP at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- httpd_ClientModeBidir at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- httpd_ClientModeStream at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- httpd_FileDelete at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- httpd_FileNew at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- httpd_HandlerDelete at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- httpd_HandlerNew at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- httpd_HostDelete at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- httpd_HostNew at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- httpd_MsgAdd at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- httpd_MsgGet at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- httpd_RedirectDelete at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- httpd_RedirectNew at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- httpd_ServerIP at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- httpd_StreamDelete at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- httpd_StreamHeader at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- httpd_StreamNew at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- httpd_StreamSend at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- httpd_TLSHostNew at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- httpd_UrlCatch at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- httpd_UrlDelete at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- httpd_UrlNew at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- httpd_UrlNewUnique at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- image_Ext2Fourcc at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- image_HandlerCreate at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- image_HandlerDelete at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- image_Mime2Fourcc at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- image_Type2Fourcc at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- input_Control at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- input_Create at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- input_CreateAndStart at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- input_CreateFilename at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- input_DecoderDecode at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- input_DecoderDelete at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- input_DecoderNew at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- input_DetachResource at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- input_GetItem at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- input_Read at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- input_SplitMRL at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- input_Start at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- input_Stop at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- input_item_AddInfo at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- input_item_AddOption at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- input_item_Copy at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- input_item_CopyOptions at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- input_item_DelInfo at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- input_item_GetDuration at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- input_item_GetInfo at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- input_item_GetMeta at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- input_item_GetName at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- input_item_GetTitleFbName at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- input_item_GetURI at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- input_item_HasErrorWhenReading at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- input_item_IsArtFetched at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- input_item_IsPreparsed at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- input_item_MergeInfos at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- input_item_MetaMatch at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- input_item_NewExt at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- input_item_NewWithType at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- input_item_PostSubItem at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- input_item_ReplaceInfos at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- input_item_SetDuration at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- input_item_SetMeta at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- input_item_SetName at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- input_item_SetURI at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- input_item_WriteMeta at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- input_item_node_AppendItem at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- input_item_node_AppendNode at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- input_item_node_Create at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- input_item_node_Delete at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- input_item_node_PostAndDelete at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- input_resource_Delete at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- input_vaControl at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- intf_Create at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- intf_Eject at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- libvlc_InternalAddIntf at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- libvlc_InternalCleanup at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- libvlc_InternalCreate at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- libvlc_InternalDestroy at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- libvlc_InternalInit at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- libvlc_InternalWait at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- libvlc_Quit at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- make_URI at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- make_path at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- mdate at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- module_config_free at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- module_config_get at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- module_exists at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- module_find at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- module_get_capability at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- module_get_help at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- module_get_name at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- module_get_object at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- module_get_score at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- module_gettext at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- module_hold at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- module_list_free at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- module_list_get at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- module_need at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- module_provides at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- module_release at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- module_unneed at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- msg_DisableObjectPrinting at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- msg_EnableObjectPrinting at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- msg_Generic at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- msg_GenericVa at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- msg_Subscribe at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- msg_Unsubscribe at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- msleep at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- mstrtime at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- mwait at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- net_Accept at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- net_AcceptSingle at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- net_Connect at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- net_ConnectDgram at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- net_Gets at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- net_Listen at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- net_ListenClose at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- net_OpenDgram at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- net_Printf at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- net_Read at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- net_SetCSCov at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- net_Write at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- net_vaPrintf at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- osd_ButtonFind at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- osd_ButtonSelect at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- osd_Icon at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- osd_MenuActivate at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- osd_MenuCreate at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- osd_MenuDelete at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- osd_MenuDown at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- osd_MenuHide at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- osd_MenuNext at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- osd_MenuPrev at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- osd_MenuShow at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- osd_MenuUp at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- osd_Message at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- osd_ShowTextAbsolute at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- osd_ShowTextRelative at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- osd_Slider at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- osd_Volume at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- path_sanitize at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- picture_CopyPixels at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- picture_Delete at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- picture_Export at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- picture_New at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- picture_NewFromFormat at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- picture_NewFromResource at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- picture_Reset at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- picture_Setup at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- picture_fifo_Delete at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- picture_fifo_Flush at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- picture_fifo_New at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- picture_fifo_OffsetDate at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- picture_fifo_Peek at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- picture_fifo_Pop at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- picture_fifo_Push at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- picture_pool_Delete at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- picture_pool_Get at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- picture_pool_New at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- picture_pool_NewExtended at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- picture_pool_NewFromFormat at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- picture_pool_NonEmpty at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- pl_Get at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- plane_CopyPixels at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- playlist_Add at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- playlist_AddExt at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- playlist_AddInput at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- playlist_AskForArtEnqueue at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- playlist_AssertLocked at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- playlist_ChildSearchName at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- playlist_Clear at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- playlist_Control at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- playlist_CurrentInput at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- playlist_CurrentPlayingItem at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- playlist_DeleteFromInput at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- playlist_Export at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- playlist_GetNextLeaf at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- playlist_GetPrevLeaf at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- playlist_Import at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- playlist_IsServicesDiscoveryLoaded at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- playlist_ItemGetById at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- playlist_ItemGetByInput at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- playlist_LiveSearchUpdate at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- playlist_Lock at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- playlist_NodeAddCopy at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- playlist_NodeAddInput at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- playlist_NodeAppend at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- playlist_NodeCreate at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- playlist_NodeDelete at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- playlist_NodeInsert at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- playlist_NodeRemoveItem at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- playlist_PreparseEnqueue at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- playlist_RecursiveNodeSort at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- playlist_ServicesDiscoveryAdd at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- playlist_ServicesDiscoveryRemove at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- playlist_Status at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- playlist_TreeMove at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- playlist_TreeMoveMany at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- playlist_Unlock at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- resolve_xml_special_chars at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- sdp_AddAttribute at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- sdp_AddMedia at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- secstotimestr at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- services_discovery_AddItem at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- services_discovery_EventManager at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- services_discovery_GetLocalizedName at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- services_discovery_RemoveItem at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- sout_AccessOutControl at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- sout_AccessOutDelete at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- sout_AccessOutNew at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- sout_AccessOutRead at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- sout_AccessOutSeek at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- sout_AccessOutWrite at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- sout_AnnounceRegisterSDP at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- sout_AnnounceUnRegister at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- sout_EncoderCreate at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- sout_MethodRelease at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- sout_MuxAddStream at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- sout_MuxDelete at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- sout_MuxDeleteStream at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- sout_MuxGetStream at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- sout_MuxNew at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- sout_MuxSendBuffer at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- sout_SAPMethod at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- sout_StreamChainDelete at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- sout_StreamChainNew at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- sout_UpdateStatistic at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- spu_Create at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- spu_Destroy at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- spu_DisplaySubpicture at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- spu_Init at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- spu_RenderSubpictures at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- spu_SortSubpictures at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- sql_Create at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- sql_Destroy at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- stats_TimerClean at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- stats_TimerDump at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- stats_TimerStart at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- stats_TimerStop at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- stats_TimersCleanAll at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- stats_TimersDumpAll at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- str_format at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- str_format_meta at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- str_format_time at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- stream_Block at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- stream_Control at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- stream_Delete at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- stream_DemuxNew at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- stream_DemuxSend at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- stream_FilterNew at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- stream_MemoryNew at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- stream_Peek at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- stream_Read at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- stream_ReadLine at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- stream_UrlNew at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- stream_vaControl at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- subpicture_Delete at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- subpicture_New at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- subpicture_NewFromPicture at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- subpicture_region_ChainDelete at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- subpicture_region_Delete at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- subpicture_region_New at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- text_style_Copy at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- text_style_Delete at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- text_style_Duplicate at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- text_style_New at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- tls_ClientCreate at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- tls_ClientDelete at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- update_Check at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- update_Delete at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- update_Download at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- update_GetRelease at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- update_NeedUpgrade at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- update_New at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- us_asprintf at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- us_atof at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- us_strtod at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- us_strtof at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- utf8_fprintf at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- utf8_vfprintf at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- var_AddCallback at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- var_Change at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- var_Command at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- var_Create at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- var_DelCallback at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- var_Destroy at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- var_FreeList at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- var_Get at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- var_GetAndSet at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- var_GetChecked at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- var_Inherit at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- var_Set at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- var_SetChecked at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- var_TriggerCallback at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- var_Type at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- video_format_FixRgb at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- video_format_IsSimilar at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- video_format_Setup at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- video_splitter_Delete at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- video_splitter_New at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_CPU at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_GetActionId at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_accept at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_avcodec_mutex at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_b64_decode at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_b64_decode_binary at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_b64_decode_binary_to_buffer at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_b64_encode at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_b64_encode_binary at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_cancel at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_clone at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_cond_broadcast at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_cond_destroy at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_cond_init at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_cond_init_daytime at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_cond_signal at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_cond_timedwait at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_cond_wait at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_control_cancel at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_drand48 at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_dup at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_epg_AddEvent at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_epg_Clean at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_epg_Delete at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_epg_Init at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_epg_Merge at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_epg_New at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_epg_SetCurrent at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_error at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_event_attach at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_event_detach at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_event_manager_fini at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_event_manager_init at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_event_manager_register_event_type at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_event_send at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_execve at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_fastmem_register at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_fopen at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_fourcc_AreUVPlanesSwapped at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_fourcc_GetCodec at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_fourcc_GetCodecAudio at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_fourcc_GetCodecFromString at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_fourcc_GetDescription at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_fourcc_GetRGBFallback at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_fourcc_GetYUVFallback at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_fourcc_IsYUV at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_freeaddrinfo at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_gai_strerror at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_gc_init at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_getaddrinfo at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_getnameinfo at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_gettext at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_hold at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_iconv at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_iconv_close at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_iconv_open at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_inet_ntop at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_inet_pton at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_join at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_list_children at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_list_release at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_loaddir at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_lrand48 at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_lstat at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_memcpy at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_memset at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_meta_AddExtra at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_meta_CopyExtraNames at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_meta_Delete at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_meta_Get at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_meta_GetExtra at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_meta_GetExtraCount at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_meta_GetStatus at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_meta_Merge at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_meta_New at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_meta_Set at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_meta_SetStatus at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_meta_TypeToLocalizedString at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_mkdir at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_mkstemp at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_mrand48 at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_mutex_destroy at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_mutex_init at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_mutex_init_recursive at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_mutex_lock at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_mutex_trylock at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_mutex_unlock at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_object_attach at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_object_create at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_object_find at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_object_find_name at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_object_get_name at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_object_hold at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_object_kill at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_object_release at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_object_set_destructor at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_open at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_openat at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_opendir at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_plugin_set at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_poll at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_rand_bytes at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_readdir at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_release at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_rename at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_restorecancel at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_rwlock_destroy at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_rwlock_init at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_rwlock_rdlock at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_rwlock_unlock at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_rwlock_wrlock at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_savecancel at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_scandir at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_sd_Create at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_sd_Destroy at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_sd_GetNames at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_sd_Start at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_sd_Stop at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_sd_probe_Add at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_sdp_Start at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_sem_destroy at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_sem_init at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_sem_post at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_sem_wait at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_stat at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_tdestroy at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_testcancel at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_thread_create at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_thread_join at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_thread_set_priority at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_threadvar_create at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_threadvar_delete at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_threadvar_get at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_threadvar_set at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_timer_create at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_timer_destroy at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_timer_getoverrun at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_timer_schedule at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_unlink at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vlc_ureduce at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlc_wclosedir at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlm_Control at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlm_Delete at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlm_ExecuteCommand at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlm_MessageAdd at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlm_MessageDelete at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlm_MessageNew at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlm_MessageSimpleNew at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vlm_New at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vout_AllocatePicture at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vout_AreDisplayPicturesInvalid at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vout_ChromaCmp at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vout_Close at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vout_Create at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vout_CreatePicture at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vout_DeleteDisplay at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vout_DestroyPicture at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vout_DisplayPicture at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vout_EnableFilter at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vout_FilterDisplay at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vout_GetDisplayOpengl at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vout_GetSnapshot at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vout_GetSpu at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vout_IsDisplayFiltered at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vout_LinkPicture at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vout_ManageDisplay at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vout_NewDisplay at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vout_OSDEpg at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vout_OSDIcon at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vout_OSDMessage at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vout_OSDSlider at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vout_PlacePicture at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vout_Request at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vout_SetDisplayAspect at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vout_SetDisplayCrop at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vout_SetDisplayFilled at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vout_SetDisplayFullscreen at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vout_SetDisplayZoom at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vout_SetWindowState at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vout_ShowTextAbsolute at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vout_ShowTextRelative at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vout_UnlinkPicture at Base 1.1.0~rc1
- vout_display_GetDefaultDisplaySize at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vout_display_PlacePicture at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vout_window_Control at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vout_window_Delete at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- vout_window_New at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- xml_Create at Base 1.1.0~rc2
- xml_Delete at Base 1.1.0~rc1
+ ACL_AddNet at Base 1.1.0
+ ACL_Check at Base 1.1.0
+ ACL_Create at Base 1.1.0
+ ACL_Destroy at Base 1.1.0
+ ACL_Duplicate at Base 1.1.0
+ ACL_LoadFile at Base 1.1.0
+ AddMD5 at Base 1.1.0
+ EndMD5 at Base 1.1.0
+ EnsureUTF8 at Base 1.1.0
+ FromCharset at Base 1.1.0
+ FromLocale at Base 1.1.0
+ FromLocaleDup at Base 1.1.0
+ GetLang_1 at Base 1.1.0
+ GetLang_2B at Base 1.1.0
+ GetLang_2T at Base 1.1.0
+ InitMD5 at Base 1.1.0
+ IsUTF8 at Base 1.1.0
+ KeyToString at Base 1.1.0
+ LocaleFree at Base 1.1.0
+ NTPtime64 at Base 1.1.0
+ StringToKey at Base 1.1.0
+ ToLocale at Base 1.1.0
+ ToLocaleDup at Base 1.1.0
+ VLC_CompileBy at Base 1.1.0
+ VLC_CompileHost at Base 1.1.0
+ VLC_Compiler at Base 1.1.0
+ VLC_Version at Base 1.1.0
+ access_GetParentInput at Base 1.1.0
+ aout_BitsPerSample at Base 1.1.0
+ aout_ChannelExtract at Base 1.1.0
+ aout_ChannelReorder at Base 1.1.0
+ aout_ChannelsRestart at Base 1.1.0
+ aout_CheckChannelExtraction at Base 1.1.0
+ aout_CheckChannelReorder at Base 1.1.0
+ aout_EnableFilter at Base 1.1.0
+ aout_FifoFirstDate at Base 1.1.0
+ aout_FifoPop at Base 1.1.0
+ aout_FindAndRestart at Base 1.1.0
+ aout_FormatNbChannels at Base 1.1.0
+ aout_FormatPrepare at Base 1.1.0
+ aout_FormatPrint at Base 1.1.0
+ aout_FormatPrintChannels at Base 1.1.0
+ aout_IsMuted at Base 1.1.0
+ aout_OutputNextBuffer at Base 1.1.0
+ aout_SetMute at Base 1.1.0
+ aout_ToggleMute at Base 1.1.0
+ aout_VolumeDown at Base 1.1.0
+ aout_VolumeGet at Base 1.1.0
+ aout_VolumeNoneInit at Base 1.1.0
+ aout_VolumeSet at Base 1.1.0
+ aout_VolumeSoftInit at Base 1.1.0
+ aout_VolumeUp at Base 1.1.0
+ aout_filter_RequestVout at Base 1.1.0
+ block_Alloc at Base 1.1.0
+ block_FifoCount at Base 1.1.0
+ block_FifoEmpty at Base 1.1.0
+ block_FifoGet at Base 1.1.0
+ block_FifoNew at Base 1.1.0
+ block_FifoPace at Base 1.1.0
+ block_FifoPut at Base 1.1.0
+ block_FifoRelease at Base 1.1.0
+ block_FifoShow at Base 1.1.0
+ block_FifoWake at Base 1.1.0
+ block_File at Base 1.1.0
+ block_Init at Base 1.1.0
+ block_Realloc at Base 1.1.0
+ block_heap_Alloc at Base 1.1.0
+ block_mmap_Alloc at Base 1.1.0
+ config_AddIntf at Base 1.1.0
+ config_ChainCreate at Base 1.1.0
+ config_ChainDestroy at Base 1.1.0
+ config_ChainDuplicate at Base 1.1.0
+ config_ChainParse at Base 1.1.0
+ config_ExistIntf at Base 1.1.0
+ config_FindConfig at Base 1.1.0
+ config_GetConfDir at Base 1.1.0
+ config_GetDataDir at Base 1.1.0
+ config_GetFloat at Base 1.1.0
+ config_GetInt at Base 1.1.0
+ config_GetLibDir at Base 1.1.0
+ config_GetPsz at Base 1.1.0
+ config_GetType at Base 1.1.0
+ config_GetUserDir at Base 1.1.0
+ config_PutFloat at Base 1.1.0
+ config_PutInt at Base 1.1.0
+ config_PutPsz at Base 1.1.0
+ config_RemoveIntf at Base 1.1.0
+ config_ResetAll at Base 1.1.0
+ config_SaveConfigFile at Base 1.1.0
+ config_StringEscape at Base 1.1.0
+ config_StringUnescape at Base 1.1.0
+ convert_xml_special_chars at Base 1.1.0
+ date_Change at Base 1.1.0
+ date_Decrement at Base 1.1.0
+ date_Get at Base 1.1.0
+ date_Increment at Base 1.1.0
+ date_Init at Base 1.1.0
+ date_Move at Base 1.1.0
+ date_Set at Base 1.1.0
+ decode_URI at Base 1.1.0
+ decode_URI_duplicate at Base 1.1.0
+ decoder_DeleteAudioBuffer at Base 1.1.0
+ decoder_DeletePicture at Base 1.1.0
+ decoder_DeleteSubpicture at Base 1.1.0
+ decoder_GetDisplayDate at Base 1.1.0
+ decoder_GetDisplayRate at Base 1.1.0
+ decoder_GetInputAttachments at Base 1.1.0
+ decoder_LinkPicture at Base 1.1.0
+ decoder_NewAudioBuffer at Base 1.1.0
+ decoder_NewPicture at Base 1.1.0
+ decoder_NewSubpicture at Base 1.1.0
+ decoder_SynchroChoose at Base 1.1.0
+ decoder_SynchroDate at Base 1.1.0
+ decoder_SynchroDecode at Base 1.1.0
+ decoder_SynchroEnd at Base 1.1.0
+ decoder_SynchroInit at Base 1.1.0
+ decoder_SynchroNewPicture at Base 1.1.0
+ decoder_SynchroRelease at Base 1.1.0
+ decoder_SynchroReset at Base 1.1.0
+ decoder_SynchroTrash at Base 1.1.0
+ decoder_UnlinkPicture at Base 1.1.0
+ demux_GetParentInput at Base 1.1.0
+ demux_PacketizerDestroy at Base 1.1.0
+ demux_PacketizerNew at Base 1.1.0
+ demux_vaControlHelper at Base 1.1.0
+ dialog_ExtensionUpdate at Base 1.1.0
+ dialog_Login at Base 1.1.0
+ dialog_ProgressCancelled at Base 1.1.0
+ dialog_ProgressCreate at Base 1.1.0
+ dialog_ProgressDestroy at Base 1.1.0
+ dialog_ProgressSet at Base 1.1.0
+ dialog_Question at Base 1.1.0
+ dialog_Register at Base 1.1.0
+ dialog_Unregister at Base 1.1.0
+ dialog_VFatal at Base 1.1.0
+ encode_URI_component at Base 1.1.0
+ es_format_Clean at Base 1.1.0
+ es_format_Copy at Base 1.1.0
+ es_format_Init at Base 1.1.0
+ es_format_InitFromVideo at Base 1.1.0
+ es_format_IsSimilar at Base 1.1.0
+ filename_sanitize at Base 1.1.0
+ filter_Blend at Base 1.1.0
+ filter_ConfigureBlend at Base 1.1.0
+ filter_DeleteBlend at Base 1.1.0
+ filter_NewBlend at Base 1.1.0
+ filter_chain_AppendFilter at Base 1.1.0
+ filter_chain_AppendFromString at Base 1.1.0
+ filter_chain_AudioFilter at Base 1.1.0
+ filter_chain_Delete at Base 1.1.0
+ filter_chain_DeleteFilter at Base 1.1.0
+ filter_chain_GetFmtOut at Base 1.1.0
+ filter_chain_GetLength at Base 1.1.0
+ filter_chain_MouseFilter at Base 1.1.0
+ filter_chain_New at Base 1.1.0
+ filter_chain_Reset at Base 1.1.0
+ filter_chain_SubFilter at Base 1.1.0
+ filter_chain_VideoFilter at Base 1.1.0
+ http_auth_FormatAuthorizationHeader at Base 1.1.0
+ http_auth_Init at Base 1.1.0
+ http_auth_ParseAuthenticationInfoHeader at Base 1.1.0
+ http_auth_ParseWwwAuthenticateHeader at Base 1.1.0
+ http_auth_Reset at Base 1.1.0
+ httpd_ClientIP at Base 1.1.0
+ httpd_ClientModeBidir at Base 1.1.0
+ httpd_ClientModeStream at Base 1.1.0
+ httpd_FileDelete at Base 1.1.0
+ httpd_FileNew at Base 1.1.0
+ httpd_HandlerDelete at Base 1.1.0
+ httpd_HandlerNew at Base 1.1.0
+ httpd_HostDelete at Base 1.1.0
+ httpd_HostNew at Base 1.1.0
+ httpd_MsgAdd at Base 1.1.0
+ httpd_MsgGet at Base 1.1.0
+ httpd_RedirectDelete at Base 1.1.0
+ httpd_RedirectNew at Base 1.1.0
+ httpd_ServerIP at Base 1.1.0
+ httpd_StreamDelete at Base 1.1.0
+ httpd_StreamHeader at Base 1.1.0
+ httpd_StreamNew at Base 1.1.0
+ httpd_StreamSend at Base 1.1.0
+ httpd_TLSHostNew at Base 1.1.0
+ httpd_UrlCatch at Base 1.1.0
+ httpd_UrlDelete at Base 1.1.0
+ httpd_UrlNew at Base 1.1.0
+ httpd_UrlNewUnique at Base 1.1.0
+ image_Ext2Fourcc at Base 1.1.0
+ image_HandlerCreate at Base 1.1.0
+ image_HandlerDelete at Base 1.1.0
+ image_Mime2Fourcc at Base 1.1.0
+ image_Type2Fourcc at Base 1.1.0
+ input_Control at Base 1.1.0
+ input_Create at Base 1.1.0
+ input_CreateAndStart at Base 1.1.0
+ input_CreateFilename at Base 1.1.0
+ input_DecoderDecode at Base 1.1.0
+ input_DecoderDelete at Base 1.1.0
+ input_DecoderNew at Base 1.1.0
+ input_DetachResource at Base 1.1.0
+ input_GetItem at Base 1.1.0
+ input_Read at Base 1.1.0
+ input_SplitMRL at Base 1.1.0
+ input_Start at Base 1.1.0
+ input_Stop at Base 1.1.0
+ input_item_AddInfo at Base 1.1.0
+ input_item_AddOption at Base 1.1.0
+ input_item_Copy at Base 1.1.0
+ input_item_CopyOptions at Base 1.1.0
+ input_item_DelInfo at Base 1.1.0
+ input_item_GetDuration at Base 1.1.0
+ input_item_GetInfo at Base 1.1.0
+ input_item_GetMeta at Base 1.1.0
+ input_item_GetName at Base 1.1.0
+ input_item_GetTitleFbName at Base 1.1.0
+ input_item_GetURI at Base 1.1.0
+ input_item_HasErrorWhenReading at Base 1.1.0
+ input_item_IsArtFetched at Base 1.1.0
+ input_item_IsPreparsed at Base 1.1.0
+ input_item_MergeInfos at Base 1.1.0
+ input_item_MetaMatch at Base 1.1.0
+ input_item_NewExt at Base 1.1.0
+ input_item_NewWithType at Base 1.1.0
+ input_item_PostSubItem at Base 1.1.0
+ input_item_ReplaceInfos at Base 1.1.0
+ input_item_SetDuration at Base 1.1.0
+ input_item_SetMeta at Base 1.1.0
+ input_item_SetName at Base 1.1.0
+ input_item_SetURI at Base 1.1.0
+ input_item_WriteMeta at Base 1.1.0
+ input_item_node_AppendItem at Base 1.1.0
+ input_item_node_AppendNode at Base 1.1.0
+ input_item_node_Create at Base 1.1.0
+ input_item_node_Delete at Base 1.1.0
+ input_item_node_PostAndDelete at Base 1.1.0
+ input_resource_Delete at Base 1.1.0
+ input_resource_TerminateVout at Base 1.1.0
+ input_vaControl at Base 1.1.0
+ intf_Create at Base 1.1.0
+ intf_Eject at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_InternalAddIntf at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_InternalCleanup at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_InternalCreate at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_InternalDestroy at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_InternalInit at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_InternalWait at Base 1.1.0
+ libvlc_Quit at Base 1.1.0
+ make_URI at Base 1.1.0
+ make_path at Base 1.1.0
+ mdate at Base 1.1.0
+ module_config_free at Base 1.1.0
+ module_config_get at Base 1.1.0
+ module_exists at Base 1.1.0
+ module_find at Base 1.1.0
+ module_get_capability at Base 1.1.0
+ module_get_help at Base 1.1.0
+ module_get_name at Base 1.1.0
+ module_get_object at Base 1.1.0
+ module_get_score at Base 1.1.0
+ module_gettext at Base 1.1.0
+ module_hold at Base 1.1.0
+ module_list_free at Base 1.1.0
+ module_list_get at Base 1.1.0
+ module_need at Base 1.1.0
+ module_provides at Base 1.1.0
+ module_release at Base 1.1.0
+ module_unneed at Base 1.1.0
+ msg_DisableObjectPrinting at Base 1.1.0
+ msg_EnableObjectPrinting at Base 1.1.0
+ msg_Generic at Base 1.1.0
+ msg_GenericVa at Base 1.1.0
+ msg_Subscribe at Base 1.1.0
+ msg_Unsubscribe at Base 1.1.0
+ msleep at Base 1.1.0
+ mstrtime at Base 1.1.0
+ mwait at Base 1.1.0
+ net_Accept at Base 1.1.0
+ net_AcceptSingle at Base 1.1.0
+ net_Connect at Base 1.1.0
+ net_ConnectDgram at Base 1.1.0
+ net_Gets at Base 1.1.0
+ net_Listen at Base 1.1.0
+ net_ListenClose at Base 1.1.0
+ net_OpenDgram at Base 1.1.0
+ net_Printf at Base 1.1.0
+ net_Read at Base 1.1.0
+ net_SetCSCov at Base 1.1.0
+ net_Write at Base 1.1.0
+ net_vaPrintf at Base 1.1.0
+ osd_ButtonFind at Base 1.1.0
+ osd_ButtonSelect at Base 1.1.0
+ osd_Icon at Base 1.1.0
+ osd_MenuActivate at Base 1.1.0
+ osd_MenuCreate at Base 1.1.0
+ osd_MenuDelete at Base 1.1.0
+ osd_MenuDown at Base 1.1.0
+ osd_MenuHide at Base 1.1.0
+ osd_MenuNext at Base 1.1.0
+ osd_MenuPrev at Base 1.1.0
+ osd_MenuShow at Base 1.1.0
+ osd_MenuUp at Base 1.1.0
+ osd_Message at Base 1.1.0
+ osd_ShowTextAbsolute at Base 1.1.0
+ osd_ShowTextRelative at Base 1.1.0
+ osd_Slider at Base 1.1.0
+ osd_Volume at Base 1.1.0
+ path_sanitize at Base 1.1.0
+ picture_CopyPixels at Base 1.1.0
+ picture_Delete at Base 1.1.0
+ picture_Export at Base 1.1.0
+ picture_New at Base 1.1.0
+ picture_NewFromFormat at Base 1.1.0
+ picture_NewFromResource at Base 1.1.0
+ picture_Reset at Base 1.1.0
+ picture_Setup at Base 1.1.0
+ picture_fifo_Delete at Base 1.1.0
+ picture_fifo_Flush at Base 1.1.0
+ picture_fifo_New at Base 1.1.0
+ picture_fifo_OffsetDate at Base 1.1.0
+ picture_fifo_Peek at Base 1.1.0
+ picture_fifo_Pop at Base 1.1.0
+ picture_fifo_Push at Base 1.1.0
+ picture_pool_Delete at Base 1.1.0
+ picture_pool_Get at Base 1.1.0
+ picture_pool_New at Base 1.1.0
+ picture_pool_NewExtended at Base 1.1.0
+ picture_pool_NewFromFormat at Base 1.1.0
+ picture_pool_NonEmpty at Base 1.1.0
+ pl_Get at Base 1.1.0
+ plane_CopyPixels at Base 1.1.0
+ playlist_Add at Base 1.1.0
+ playlist_AddExt at Base 1.1.0
+ playlist_AddInput at Base 1.1.0
+ playlist_AskForArtEnqueue at Base 1.1.0
+ playlist_AssertLocked at Base 1.1.0
+ playlist_ChildSearchName at Base 1.1.0
+ playlist_Clear at Base 1.1.0
+ playlist_Control at Base 1.1.0
+ playlist_CurrentInput at Base 1.1.0
+ playlist_CurrentPlayingItem at Base 1.1.0
+ playlist_DeleteFromInput at Base 1.1.0
+ playlist_Export at Base 1.1.0
+ playlist_GetNextLeaf at Base 1.1.0
+ playlist_GetPrevLeaf at Base 1.1.0
+ playlist_Import at Base 1.1.0
+ playlist_IsServicesDiscoveryLoaded at Base 1.1.0
+ playlist_ItemGetById at Base 1.1.0
+ playlist_ItemGetByInput at Base 1.1.0
+ playlist_LiveSearchUpdate at Base 1.1.0
+ playlist_Lock at Base 1.1.0
+ playlist_NodeAddCopy at Base 1.1.0
+ playlist_NodeAddInput at Base 1.1.0
+ playlist_NodeAppend at Base 1.1.0
+ playlist_NodeCreate at Base 1.1.0
+ playlist_NodeDelete at Base 1.1.0
+ playlist_NodeInsert at Base 1.1.0
+ playlist_NodeRemoveItem at Base 1.1.0
+ playlist_PreparseEnqueue at Base 1.1.0
+ playlist_RecursiveNodeSort at Base 1.1.0
+ playlist_ServicesDiscoveryAdd at Base 1.1.0
+ playlist_ServicesDiscoveryRemove at Base 1.1.0
+ playlist_Status at Base 1.1.0
+ playlist_TreeMove at Base 1.1.0
+ playlist_TreeMoveMany at Base 1.1.0
+ playlist_Unlock at Base 1.1.0
+ resolve_xml_special_chars at Base 1.1.0
+ sdp_AddAttribute at Base 1.1.0
+ sdp_AddMedia at Base 1.1.0
+ secstotimestr at Base 1.1.0
+ services_discovery_AddItem at Base 1.1.0
+ services_discovery_EventManager at Base 1.1.0
+ services_discovery_GetLocalizedName at Base 1.1.0
+ services_discovery_RemoveItem at Base 1.1.0
+ sout_AccessOutControl at Base 1.1.0
+ sout_AccessOutDelete at Base 1.1.0
+ sout_AccessOutNew at Base 1.1.0
+ sout_AccessOutRead at Base 1.1.0
+ sout_AccessOutSeek at Base 1.1.0
+ sout_AccessOutWrite at Base 1.1.0
+ sout_AnnounceRegisterSDP at Base 1.1.0
+ sout_AnnounceUnRegister at Base 1.1.0
+ sout_EncoderCreate at Base 1.1.0
+ sout_MethodRelease at Base 1.1.0
+ sout_MuxAddStream at Base 1.1.0
+ sout_MuxDelete at Base 1.1.0
+ sout_MuxDeleteStream at Base 1.1.0
+ sout_MuxGetStream at Base 1.1.0
+ sout_MuxNew at Base 1.1.0
+ sout_MuxSendBuffer at Base 1.1.0
+ sout_SAPMethod at Base 1.1.0
+ sout_StreamChainDelete at Base 1.1.0
+ sout_StreamChainNew at Base 1.1.0
+ sout_UpdateStatistic at Base 1.1.0
+ spu_Create at Base 1.1.0
+ spu_Destroy at Base 1.1.0
+ spu_DisplaySubpicture at Base 1.1.0
+ spu_Init at Base 1.1.0
+ spu_RenderSubpictures at Base 1.1.0
+ spu_SortSubpictures at Base 1.1.0
+ sql_Create at Base 1.1.0
+ sql_Destroy at Base 1.1.0
+ stats_TimerClean at Base 1.1.0
+ stats_TimerDump at Base 1.1.0
+ stats_TimerStart at Base 1.1.0
+ stats_TimerStop at Base 1.1.0
+ stats_TimersCleanAll at Base 1.1.0
+ stats_TimersDumpAll at Base 1.1.0
+ str_format at Base 1.1.0
+ str_format_meta at Base 1.1.0
+ str_format_time at Base 1.1.0
+ stream_Block at Base 1.1.0
+ stream_Control at Base 1.1.0
+ stream_Delete at Base 1.1.0
+ stream_DemuxNew at Base 1.1.0
+ stream_DemuxSend at Base 1.1.0
+ stream_FilterNew at Base 1.1.0
+ stream_MemoryNew at Base 1.1.0
+ stream_Peek at Base 1.1.0
+ stream_Read at Base 1.1.0
+ stream_ReadLine at Base 1.1.0
+ stream_UrlNew at Base 1.1.0
+ stream_vaControl at Base 1.1.0
+ subpicture_Delete at Base 1.1.0
+ subpicture_New at Base 1.1.0
+ subpicture_NewFromPicture at Base 1.1.0
+ subpicture_region_ChainDelete at Base 1.1.0
+ subpicture_region_Delete at Base 1.1.0
+ subpicture_region_New at Base 1.1.0
+ text_style_Copy at Base 1.1.0
+ text_style_Delete at Base 1.1.0
+ text_style_Duplicate at Base 1.1.0
+ text_style_New at Base 1.1.0
+ tls_ClientCreate at Base 1.1.0
+ tls_ClientDelete at Base 1.1.0
+ update_Check at Base 1.1.0
+ update_Delete at Base 1.1.0
+ update_Download at Base 1.1.0
+ update_GetRelease at Base 1.1.0
+ update_NeedUpgrade at Base 1.1.0
+ update_New at Base 1.1.0
+ us_asprintf at Base 1.1.0
+ us_atof at Base 1.1.0
+ us_strtod at Base 1.1.0
+ us_strtof at Base 1.1.0
+ utf8_fprintf at Base 1.1.0
+ utf8_vfprintf at Base 1.1.0
+ var_AddCallback at Base 1.1.0
+ var_Change at Base 1.1.0
+ var_Command at Base 1.1.0
+ var_Create at Base 1.1.0
+ var_DelCallback at Base 1.1.0
+ var_Destroy at Base 1.1.0
+ var_FreeList at Base 1.1.0
+ var_Get at Base 1.1.0
+ var_GetAndSet at Base 1.1.0
+ var_GetChecked at Base 1.1.0
+ var_Inherit at Base 1.1.0
+ var_Set at Base 1.1.0
+ var_SetChecked at Base 1.1.0
+ var_TriggerCallback at Base 1.1.0
+ var_Type at Base 1.1.0
+ video_format_FixRgb at Base 1.1.0
+ video_format_IsSimilar at Base 1.1.0
+ video_format_Setup at Base 1.1.0
+ video_splitter_Delete at Base 1.1.0
+ video_splitter_New at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_CPU at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_GetActionId at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_accept at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_avcodec_mutex at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_b64_decode at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_b64_decode_binary at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_b64_decode_binary_to_buffer at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_b64_encode at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_b64_encode_binary at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_cancel at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_clone at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_cond_broadcast at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_cond_destroy at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_cond_init at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_cond_init_daytime at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_cond_signal at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_cond_timedwait at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_cond_wait at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_control_cancel at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_drand48 at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_dup at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_epg_AddEvent at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_epg_Clean at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_epg_Delete at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_epg_Init at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_epg_Merge at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_epg_New at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_epg_SetCurrent at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_error at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_event_attach at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_event_detach at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_event_manager_fini at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_event_manager_init at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_event_manager_register_event_type at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_event_send at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_execve at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_fastmem_register at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_fopen at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_fourcc_AreUVPlanesSwapped at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_fourcc_GetCodec at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_fourcc_GetCodecAudio at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_fourcc_GetCodecFromString at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_fourcc_GetDescription at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_fourcc_GetRGBFallback at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_fourcc_GetYUVFallback at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_fourcc_IsYUV at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_freeaddrinfo at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_gai_strerror at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_gc_init at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_getaddrinfo at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_getnameinfo at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_gettext at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_global_mutex at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_hold at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_iconv at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_iconv_close at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_iconv_open at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_inet_ntop at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_inet_pton at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_join at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_list_children at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_list_release at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_loaddir at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_lrand48 at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_lstat at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_memcpy at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_memset at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_meta_AddExtra at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_meta_CopyExtraNames at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_meta_Delete at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_meta_Get at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_meta_GetExtra at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_meta_GetExtraCount at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_meta_GetStatus at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_meta_Merge at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_meta_New at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_meta_Set at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_meta_SetStatus at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_meta_TypeToLocalizedString at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_mkdir at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_mkstemp at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_mrand48 at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_mutex_destroy at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_mutex_init at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_mutex_init_recursive at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_mutex_lock at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_mutex_trylock at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_mutex_unlock at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_object_attach at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_object_create at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_object_find at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_object_find_name at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_object_get_name at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_object_hold at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_object_kill at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_object_release at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_object_set_destructor at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_open at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_openat at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_opendir at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_plugin_set at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_poll at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_rand_bytes at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_readdir at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_release at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_rename at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_restorecancel at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_rwlock_destroy at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_rwlock_init at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_rwlock_rdlock at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_rwlock_unlock at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_rwlock_wrlock at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_savecancel at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_scandir at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_sd_Create at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_sd_Destroy at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_sd_GetNames at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_sd_Start at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_sd_Stop at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_sd_probe_Add at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_sdp_Start at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_sem_destroy at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_sem_init at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_sem_post at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_sem_wait at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_stat at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_tdestroy at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_testcancel at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_thread_create at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_thread_join at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_thread_set_priority at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_threadvar_create at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_threadvar_delete at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_threadvar_get at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_threadvar_set at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_timer_create at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_timer_destroy at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_timer_getoverrun at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_timer_schedule at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_unlink at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_ureduce at Base 1.1.0
+ vlc_wclosedir at Base 1.1.0
+ vlm_Control at Base 1.1.0
+ vlm_Delete at Base 1.1.0
+ vlm_ExecuteCommand at Base 1.1.0
+ vlm_MessageAdd at Base 1.1.0
+ vlm_MessageDelete at Base 1.1.0
+ vlm_MessageNew at Base 1.1.0
+ vlm_MessageSimpleNew at Base 1.1.0
+ vlm_New at Base 1.1.0
+ vout_AllocatePicture at Base 1.1.0
+ vout_AreDisplayPicturesInvalid at Base 1.1.0
+ vout_ChromaCmp at Base 1.1.0
+ vout_Close at Base 1.1.0
+ vout_Create at Base 1.1.0
+ vout_CreatePicture at Base 1.1.0
+ vout_DeleteDisplay at Base 1.1.0
+ vout_DestroyPicture at Base 1.1.0
+ vout_DisplayPicture at Base 1.1.0
+ vout_EnableFilter at Base 1.1.0
+ vout_FilterDisplay at Base 1.1.0
+ vout_GetDisplayOpengl at Base 1.1.0
+ vout_GetSnapshot at Base 1.1.0
+ vout_GetSpu at Base 1.1.0
+ vout_IsDisplayFiltered at Base 1.1.0
+ vout_LinkPicture at Base 1.1.0
+ vout_ManageDisplay at Base 1.1.0
+ vout_NewDisplay at Base 1.1.0
+ vout_OSDEpg at Base 1.1.0
+ vout_OSDIcon at Base 1.1.0
+ vout_OSDMessage at Base 1.1.0
+ vout_OSDSlider at Base 1.1.0
+ vout_PlacePicture at Base 1.1.0
+ vout_Request at Base 1.1.0
+ vout_SetDisplayAspect at Base 1.1.0
+ vout_SetDisplayCrop at Base 1.1.0
+ vout_SetDisplayFilled at Base 1.1.0
+ vout_SetDisplayFullscreen at Base 1.1.0
+ vout_SetDisplayZoom at Base 1.1.0
+ vout_SetWindowState at Base 1.1.0
+ vout_ShowTextAbsolute at Base 1.1.0
+ vout_ShowTextRelative at Base 1.1.0
+ vout_UnlinkPicture at Base 1.1.0
+ vout_display_GetDefaultDisplaySize at Base 1.1.0
+ vout_display_PlacePicture at Base 1.1.0
+ vout_window_Control at Base 1.1.0
+ vout_window_Delete at Base 1.1.0
+ vout_window_New at Base 1.1.0
+ xml_Create at Base 1.1.0
+ xml_Delete at Base 1.1.0

VLC media player packaging

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