[SCM] supercollider/master: Recover old changelog entries

fsateler at users.alioth.debian.org fsateler at users.alioth.debian.org
Mon Nov 1 21:21:38 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit a6286e13f3e400b9a329abfce36edc435a98a47d
Author: Felipe Sateler <fsateler at debian.org>
Date:   Mon Nov 1 11:33:46 2010 -0300

    Recover old changelog entries

diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index ac46eb9..984c75e 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -4,3 +4,289 @@ supercollider (3.4-rev2-1) unstable; urgency=low
  -- Alexandre Quessy <alexandre at quessy.net>  Sat, 18 Sep 2010 20:21:00 -0400
+supercollider (1:3.3.2~svn9887-0ubuntu1~lucid1) lucid; urgency=low
+  * First build for Ubuntu.
+ -- Артём Попов <artfwo at gmail.com>  Fri, 26 Feb 2010 09:34:09 +0600
+supercollider (1:3.3.2~svn9887-0) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  [ Артём Попов ]
+  * New upstream release (LP: #183552). Repackaged from scratch
+    (with manpages adapted from the original package).
+  [ Dan Stowell]
+  * Improve behaviour of "scvim" desktop icon: visible user prompt
+    about vim-addon-manager if needed.
+  * Desktop files and icons integration.
+  * Update packaging rules for reorganised folders.
+  * Update and extend manpages for scvim.
+  * Added debian menu files.
+  * Dependencies, architeture, copyright and lintian fixes.
+ -- Артём Попов <artfwo at gmail.com>  Fri, 26 Feb 2010 09:34:09 +0600
+supercollider (20060416-1build1) gutsy; urgency=low
+  * Rebuild for the libflac transition.
+ -- Steve Kowalik <stevenk at ubuntu.com>  Tue, 10 Jul 2007 15:31:52 +1000
+supercollider (20060416-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release
+  * Removed erroneous architecture fields in Suggests (closes: #356372)
+  * Activated RendezVous build, added Build-depends on libavahi-client-dev
+  * Bump sonames to libsclang.so.1 and libscsynth.so.1
+  * Move supercollider-doc to Section: doc
+ -- Paul Brossier <piem at debian.org>  Tue, 18 Apr 2006 12:28:40 +0200
+supercollider (20051211-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release
+  * Prevent byte-compilation for xemacs (closes: #338169, #342358)
+  * sclang is now to be compiled only on supported platforms
+  	(closes: #276212, #290339)
+  * 10fix_emacs_help.dpatch: fix path for Help 
+ -- Paul Brossier <piem at debian.org>  Mon, 12 Dec 2005 10:12:21 +0000
+supercollider (20050921-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release
+  * Removed patch 60SC_Lib_dlopen and 100fix_gcc4, merged upstream.
+  * Added 20virtual_parsenode to prevent virtual destructor g++-4.0 warnings
+  * Drop supercollider package on architectures where test failed. The
+    supercollider-server package remains available on all platforms. Also drop
+    libsclang on these machines.
+ -- Paul Brossier <piem at debian.org>  Thu, 22 Sep 2005 03:42:14 +0100
+supercollider (20050624-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  Paul Brossier:
+    * New upstream release
+    * Updated rules to follow the move to scons
+    * Added scons and removed emacsen first in Build-Deps
+    * Updated 10emacs, 60SC_Lib_dlopen, 70fix_some_warnings
+    * Adds 80remove_pragmas
+    * Removed 80fix_sclang.conf
+    * Bumped Standards-Version
+    * Splitted supercollider into supercollider, supercollider-server,
+      libsclang0 and libscsynth0. supercollider-dev now provides libsclang-dev
+      and libscsynth-dev
+  Mario Lang:
+    * Execute the scons install target.
+    * Patch SConstruct to avoid Emacs byte-compilation at build-time.
+    * Use a emcsen-install script to perform byte-compilation
+      at package install time to be conformant with Debian Emacs Policy.
+    * Put plugins in libscsynth0 so that both either client-only
+      installations (with internal server) and server only installations
+      (no client package installed) work correctly.
+    * Move .rtf docs to /usr/share/SuperCollider/Help (as upstream
+      does by default) and symlink from /usr/share/doc/supercollider-doc/Help.
+    * Build against latest jackd (closes: #317225)
+    * Revive test-sclang target and make it run at build time.
+    * supercollider suggests supercollider-doc.
+  Paul Brossier:
+    * Extension are now managed at install time. Changed sclang.cfg location
+      from /etc to /etc/supercollider to avoid loading old conffiles left over
+      from previous install. added a note in NEWS.Debian and updated manpage,
+      installed optional template in /usr/share/doc/supercollider
+    * Added conflict against supercollider (<< ${Source-Version}) to
+      libscsynth0 and libsclang0 to prevent file conflicts.
+    * Update test-sclang: replace LD_LIBRARY_PATH with LD_PRELOAD to make sure
+      newly libs are being used (and avoid a build-conflict against
+      supercollider binary), simplify the command line, activate noruntest
+      DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS to bypass run test
+    * Patch source/lang/LangSource/SC_LanguageClient.cpp to compile with
+      current g++ 4.0.
+    * Dropped unused libsigc++-dev, libtool and emacs21 Build-Deps
+ -- Paul Brossier <piem at debian.org>  Fri,  8 Jul 2005 03:59:30 +0100
+supercollider (20050424-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * CVS update
+  * Added cvsupdate target to rules
+  * Added Psycollider to debian/non-free
+  * Moved 60SC_Lib_dlopen to dpatch
+  * Added 70fix_some_warnings patch to fix some warnings
+  * Fix sclang.cfg template in 80fix_sclang.cfg
+  * Added hand crafted simple icon to menu entries (closes: #299421)
+  * Bumped upstream version number to `date +%Y%m%d`
+  * Removed obsolete scfront and (wish | tk) Suggests
+ -- Paul Brossier <piem at altern.org>  Mon, 25 Apr 2005 15:23:43 +0100
+supercollider (050114-2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Added Mario Lang <mlang at debian.org> to the Uploader field.
+  * Removed libhowl-dev from Build-Depends as howl is being removed (see
+    #289856) (closes: #295776)
+  * Removed odd comment about 64 bits: supercollider fails on many other
+    architectures. apparently anything but i386 and powerpc - and maybe mips
+    (see #274240, #276212 and #290339).
+ -- Paul Brossier <piem at altern.org>  Sun, 27 Feb 2005 20:12:23 +0000
+supercollider (050114-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Cvs update (closes: #289340)
+  * Modified startup script to move synthdefs to ~/.scsynthdefs/
+  * Fix clean and install time test in rules
+  * Removed automake1.7 dependancy.
+ -- Paul Brossier <piem at altern.org>  Sun, 16 Jan 2005 19:31:06 +0000
+supercollider (040926-3) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Adding sclang test to debian/rules to fail 64 bit builds.
+ -- Paul Brossier <piem at altern.org>  Sat,  8 Jan 2005 19:43:52 +0000
+supercollider (040926-2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Asked for supercollider to be added to Packages-arch-specific 
+  and for the 64-bit arch to be removed from archive (see: #276212)
+  * Back to Architecture: any in debian/control (closes: #274240)
+ -- Paul Brossier <piem at altern.org>  Wed, 13 Oct 2004 10:10:25 +0100
+supercollider (040926-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release (closes: #272379)
+  * Added missing BBCUT JITLib support (closes: #272255)
+  * Regenerated automake files
+  * Added missing \ in debian/scsynth.1
+  * Updated emacs menu entry to include emacs and tk.
+  * Dropped 64 bit architecture (closes: #274240)
+ -- Paul Brossier <piem at altern.org>  Thu,  7 Oct 2004 18:12:28 +0100
+supercollider (040808-1) unstable; urgency=high
+  * Cvs update
+  * Removed non-free files (see non-free in debian/), removed useless
+    inclusion and installation of non-free dlfcn.h, updated debian/copyright
+  * Dropped emacs19 emacs20 and xemacs21 Build-Depends, added recommends on
+    emacsen | emacs21, included Makefile within diff and dropped autotools-dev
+    Build-Depends.
+  * Trying again sparc compilation (closes: #260251)
+  * gcc-3.4 compilation fixed upstream (closes: #263817)
+  * Inclusion of bbcut within supercollider orig (closes: #264564)
+  * Added missing end of lines in diff and small script in debian/rules
+  * Reenabled CFLAGS=-Wall
+  * Added in linux input device compilation --enable-lid
+  * Avoid deletion of .rtfd directories, instead remove empty files called
+    .typeAttributes.dict
+  * Disabled empty Help button in scfront
+  * Removed README.debian and added menu entries for emacs mode
+  * Moved .desktop from /usr/share/gnome/apps/Multimedia to
+    /usr/share/applications.
+ -- Paul Brossier <piem at altern.org>  Mon, 16 Aug 2004 13:52:56 +0200
+supercollider (040719-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Cvs update
+  * Removed .cvsignore files in the archive
+  * Moved clz.h patch to dpatch
+  * Updated manpages, added sclang.real.1 and supercollider.1
+  * Made links to redundant manpages
+  * Removed README.Debian
+  * Fixed .DS_Store removal
+  * Trying again sparc compilation (closes: #260251)
+ -- Paul Brossier <piem at altern.org>  Fri,  6 Aug 2004 12:07:07 +0200
+supercollider (040709-2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * reFixed clz.h
+ -- Paul Brossier <piem at altern.org>  Sat, 17 Jul 2004 13:13:21 +0100
+supercollider (040709-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Added fix for emacs doc (closes: #255002) (patches/10)
+  * Avoid compression of RTF documentation
+  * Added compilation of x11 plugins (fixed configure.in and depends)
+  * Wrapper: added sclang and modified scsynth (now creates ~/synthdefs)
+  * Modified scfront patch (still buggy)
+  * Fixed spelling in scfront.1 manpage
+  * Fixed extMain.sc install using $(DESTDIR) (patches/40)
+  * Use dh_installemacsen and removed install of .elc
+  * Added emacsen-startup (not fully emacsen compliant yet)
+  * Removed .DS_Store files
+  * Updated README.Debian
+  * Completed supercollider.desktop entries
+  * Cvs update
+  * Added workaround 'cd SC_SYNTHDEF_PATH' to both wrapper 
+ -- Paul Brossier <piem at altern.org>  Mon, 12 Jul 2004 18:40:06 +0100
+supercollider (040513-2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Fixed clz.h (thanks again Guenter) 
+  * added missing build deps (thanks G.Geiger)
+  * fixed sclang.wrapper
+ -- Paul Brossier <piem at altern.org>  Tue,  8 Jun 2004 17:04:06 +0100
+supercollider (040513-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * upstream cvs update
+  * added new /etc/sclang.cfg conffile
+  * wrapped scsynth, renamed as scsynth.real
+    (adds default port and jacka connection)
+  * added manpages for scsynth, sclang and scfront (1)
+  * added scfront menu (icons anyone ?)
+  * small hack for make install in linux/examples
+ -- Paul Brossier <piem at altern.org>  Thu, 13 May 2004 23:48:26 +0100
+supercollider (040312-0test1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * upstream update
+  * removed empty changelog file
+  * updated plugins configure (fixed upstream)
+  * removed xlibs-dev dependancy (upstream)
+ -- Paul Brossier <piem at altern.org>  Sun, 14 Mar 2004 01:35:32 +0000
+supercollider (040301-0test2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * fixed missing plugins
+  * corrected dependancies
+  * added sclang.cfg, sclang.sc and some documentation
+  * added scfront (tk front-end)
+ -- Paul Brossier <piem at altern.org>  Mon,  8 Mar 2004 03:42:45 +0000
+supercollider (040301-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * updated to last cvs
+  * added Emacs style files
+  * moved header files to supercollider-dev
+ -- Paul Brossier <piem at altern.org>  Mon,  1 Mar 2004 03:36:00 +0000
+supercollider (3.0-0test1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * debian/control: wrote build dependencies
+  * added locally generated configure script
+  * debian/rules: commented out the autoconf & co. commands
+  * added template manpages for scsynth and sclang
+ -- Free Ekanayaka <free at agnula.org>  Sat,  3 Jan 2004 10:44:07 +0100
+supercollider (3.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Initial Release.
+ -- Paul Brossier <piem at altern.org>  Mon, 10 Nov 2003 01:41:48 +0000

supercollider packaging

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