[SCM] x264 packaging annotated tag, debian/2%0.106.1741-3, created. debian/2%0.106.1741-3

siretart at users.alioth.debian.org siretart at users.alioth.debian.org
Wed Nov 10 07:52:52 UTC 2010

The annotated tag, debian/2%0.106.1741-3 has been created
        at  d6a12150570dff903e5c04edb185ffc1fc5a03eb (tag)
   tagging  1f12223502bdde1e5b5ef0a8a6578a02f29dd863 (commit)
  replaces  debian/0.106.1741-2
 tagged by  Reinhard Tartler
        on  Wed Nov 10 08:52:00 2010 +0100

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Debian release 2:0.106.1741-3

Andres Mejia (24):
      Merge branch 'ubuntu'
      Merge branch 'ubuntu'
      Remove git-buildpackage config file.
      Prepare new upload for Debian.
      Add myself to Uploaders field.
      Note the x264 homepage.
      Place x264 in non-free.
      Readd gbp.conf file.
      Place x264 back into main.
      Update changelog.
      Relax build-depends on libavformat-dev to versions 4:0.5 or greater.
      Bump to Standards-Version 3.9.1, no changes needed.
      Update changelog.
      Remove redundant Sections entry for library package.
      Specify source format 1.0 for packaging.
      Include a watch file with comment that explains there's no release files.
      Merge branch 'ubuntu'
      Force CFLAGS to be set by user via DEB_CFLAGS instead of by dpkg-buildpackage.
      Disable debugging by default. Enable it via nostrip option of DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS.
      Make CFLAGS assignment more elegant as suggested by Jonas.
      Add config.mak2 to be removed during clean.
      Merge branch 'master' into ubuntu
      Set debian-branch back to ubuntu.
      Update dev package depends on library package to libx264-106 package.

Fabian Greffrath (17):
      Added myself to uploaders.
      Append to CFLAGS/LDFLAGS instead of overriding.
      Clean up CFLAGS.
      Remove -Wl,--as-needed from LDFLAGS. It has become unnecessary since we don't link against GTK+ anymore. Redundant linking of the frontend against -lX11 and -lm doesn't hurt, because the shared library links against them anyway.
      Add one confflag per line, makes it easier to track minor changes.
      Repeat the last change for the shared_confflags.
      Kill some whitespace from debian/rules to improve readability.
      update debian/changelog
      Added missing comma :/
      Update debian/changelog.
      Revert changes to Makefile in the master branch.
      Added patch description to debian/patches/01_link.diff.
      Fixed binary-control-field-duplicates-source.
      Bumped Standards-Version to 3.8.2.
      Again, update debian/changelog.
      Last time, I swear.
      Update my e-mail address.

Loïc Minier (1):
      Add Vcs-* headers

Reinhard Tartler (17):
      update gbp.conf
      update debian/changelog
      Merge commit 'origin/master'
      Revert "update debian/changelog"
      update debian/changelog
      Merge branch 'ubuntu'
      update debian/changelog
      update download site in debian/copyright
      avoid running configure on distclean
      remove libgpac-dev from build-depends, not available in debian yet.
      target experimental for now
      Merge branch 'ubuntu' of ssh://git.debian.org/git/pkg-multimedia/x264 into ubuntu
      Revert "remove libgpac-dev from build-depends, not available in debian yet."
      start new upload
      add libffms2-dev to build-deps
      link x264cli explicitly against lavf
      update debian/changelog


x264 packaging

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