[SCM] gjacktransport/master: Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh://git.debian.org/git/pkg-multimedia/gjacktransport

alessio at users.alioth.debian.org alessio at users.alioth.debian.org
Thu Apr 21 07:28:15 UTC 2011

Finalize changelog.
Merge commit 'upstream/0.5.2'
Imported Upstream version 0.5.2
Tidy short and long description.
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-Git-Refname: refs/heads/master
X-Git-Reftype: branch
X-Git-Oldrev: c33748c991bf0d14acda97dfb0417b4e87edcaf2
X-Git-Newrev: 3e0dcb338532ec45645ddeab6e666b77375615f8

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 3e0dcb338532ec45645ddeab6e666b77375615f8
Merge: 8a672f45bda641010f24206e6221b5a49ded74cf c33748c991bf0d14acda97dfb0417b4e87edcaf2
Author: Alessio Treglia <alessio at debian.org>
Date:   Thu Apr 21 09:27:59 2011 +0200

    Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh://git.debian.org/git/pkg-multimedia/gjacktransport

diff --combined debian/control
index f5edfa2,ac056c4..875eb1f
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@@ -5,10 -5,11 +5,10 @@@ Maintainer: Debian Multimedia Maintaine
  Uploaders: Alessio Treglia <alessio at debian.org>
  Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7.0.8~),
 - libjack-dev | libjack-jackd2-0-dev,
 - libgtk2.0-dev,
 - libasound2-dev [!kfreebsd-i386 !kfreebsd-amd64 !hurd-i386],
 - liblash-dev
 + libasound2-dev [!kfreebsd-i386 !kfreebsd-amd64 !hurd-i386],
 + libgtk2.0-dev,
 + libjack-dev | libjack-jackd2-0-dev
  Standards-Version: 3.9.1
  Vcs-Git: git://git.debian.org/git/pkg-multimedia/gjacktransport.git
  Vcs-Browser: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-multimedia/gjacktransport.git
@@@ -17,18 -18,17 +17,18 @@@ Homepage: http://gjacktransport.sourcef
  Package: gjacktransport
  Architecture: any
  Depends: ${shlibs:Depends},
 + jackd,
  Suggests: xjadeo
- Description: Access to the JACK‘s transport mechanism as touchable slider
+ Description: access to the JACK's transport mechanism as touchable slider
   G. JACK Transport is a standalone application that provides access
-  to the Jack Audio Connection Kit‘s, JACK transport mechanism via a
+  to the Jack Audio Connection Kit's, JACK transport mechanism via a
   dynamic graphical slider.
   In other words: this software allows to seek Audio/Video media
   files when they are played along jack transport. Intended for
-  audio-engineers or A/V editors that work with arodour, ecasound,
-  hydrogen and/or xjadeo,..
+  audio-engineers or A/V editors that work with Ardour, Ecasound,
+  Hydrogen, Xjadeo, etc.
   Additionally it provides G. JACK Clock, a "Big Clock" display for

gjacktransport packaging

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