[SCM] tartini/master: Sources are released under GPL-2+

alessio at users.alioth.debian.org alessio at users.alioth.debian.org
Wed Dec 28 10:05:58 UTC 2011

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit a1a5dfe46747a9e9a4b14d348fa57824893d224f
Author: Alessio Treglia <alessio at debian.org>
Date:   Wed Dec 28 11:05:50 2011 +0100

    Sources are released under GPL-2+

diff --git a/debian/copyright b/debian/copyright
index c8189d2..aaa40c3 100644
--- a/debian/copyright
+++ b/debian/copyright
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Source: http://miracle.otago.ac.nz/tartini/
 Files: *
 Copyright: 2002-2007 Philip McLeod <pmcleod at cs.otago.ac.nz>
-License: GPL-2
+License: GPL-2+
 Files: debian/*
 Copyright: 2011 Jeremy Salwen

tartini packaging

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