[SCM] gmerlin-avdecoder/master: re-generated debian/copyright_hints

zmoelnig-guest at users.alioth.debian.org zmoelnig-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Wed Jan 12 19:41:23 UTC 2011

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 602e3d740ecebaa34e6b95a3f5010e6e270a601a
Author: IOhannes m zmölnig <zmoelnig at iem.at>
Date:   Wed Jan 12 20:26:59 2011 +0100

    re-generated debian/copyright_hints

diff --git a/debian/copyright_hints b/debian/copyright_hints
index 49afdc5..6652897 100644
--- a/debian/copyright_hints
+++ b/debian/copyright_hints
@@ -1,600 +1,593 @@
-Format-Specification: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/dep/web/deps/dep5.mdwn?rev=135
-X-Draft: Autogenerated by CDBS snippet copyright-check.mk
+Format: http://bzr.debian.org/scm/loggerhead/dep/dep5/trunk/annotate/132/dep5.mdwn
+Upstream-Name: FIXME
+Upstream-Contact: FIXME
+Source: FIXME
+Copyright: FIXME
+Disclaimer: Autogenerated by CDBS snippet copyright-check.mk
-Files: ./include/a52_header.h,
-	./include/aac_frame.h,
-	./include/audioparser_priv.h,
-	./include/avdec.h,
-	./include/avdec_private.h,
-	./include/bgav_dca.h,
-	./include/bgavdefs.h,
-	./include/bitstream.h,
-	./include/bsf.h,
-	./include/bsf_private.h,
-	./include/cavs_header.h,
-	./include/codecs.h,
-	./include/dirac_header.h,
-	./include/dvb_channels.h,
-	./include/dvframe.h,
-	./include/h264_header.h,
-	./include/http.h,
-	./include/id3.h,
-	./include/language_table.h,
-	./include/matroska.h,
-	./include/mms.h,
-	./include/mpa_header.h,
-	./include/mpeg4_header.h,
-	./include/mpegts_common.h,
-	./include/mpv_header.h,
-	./include/mxf.h,
-	./include/os.h,
-	./include/packettimer.h,
-	./include/parser.h,
-	./include/pes_header.h,
-	./include/pngreader.h,
-	./include/ptscache.h,
-	./include/qt.h,
-	./include/rmff.h,
-	./include/rtp.h,
-	./include/rtsp.h,
-	./include/sdp.h,
-	./include/utils.h,
-	./include/vc1_header.h,
-	./include/videoparser_priv.h,
-	./include/vorbis_comment.h,
-	./include/win32codec.h,
-	./include/xing.h,
-	./include/yml.h,
-	./lib/a52_header.c,
-	./lib/aac_frame.c,
-	./lib/apetag.c,
-	./lib/audio.c,
-	./lib/audio_a52.c,
-	./lib/audio_dca.c,
-	./lib/audio_faad2.c,
-	./lib/audio_ffmpeg.c,
-	./lib/audio_flac.c,
-	./lib/audio_gavl.c,
-	./lib/audio_gsm.c,
-	./lib/audio_mad.c,
-	./lib/audio_pcm.c,
-	./lib/audio_qtwin32.c,
-	./lib/audio_real.c,
-	./lib/audio_speex.c,
-	./lib/audio_vorbis.c,
-	./lib/audio_win32.c,
-	./lib/audioparser.c,
-	./lib/bgav.c,
-	./lib/bitstream.c,
-	./lib/bsf.c,
-	./lib/bsf_avcc.c,
-	./lib/bytebuffer.c,
-	./lib/cavs_header.c,
-	./lib/chapterlist.c,
-	./lib/charset.c,
-	./lib/codecs.c,
-	./lib/demux_4xm.c,
-	./lib/demux_a52.c,
-	./lib/demux_adif.c,
-	./lib/demux_adts.c,
-	./lib/demux_aiff.c,
-	./lib/demux_asf.c,
-	./lib/demux_au.c,
-	./lib/demux_avs.c,
-	./lib/demux_daud.c,
-	./lib/demux_dsicin.c,
-	./lib/demux_dv.c,
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-	./lib/demux_flac.c,
-	./lib/demux_fli.c,
-	./lib/demux_flv.c,
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-	./lib/demux_ircam.c,
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-	./lib/demux_mpegps.c,
-	./lib/demux_mpegvideo.c,
-	./lib/demux_mtv.c,
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-	./lib/demux_mxf.c,
-	./lib/demux_nsv.c,
-	./lib/demux_nuv.c,
-	./lib/demux_ogg.c,
-	./lib/demux_p2xml.c,
-	./lib/demux_psxstr.c,
-	./lib/demux_quicktime.c,
-	./lib/demux_r3d.c,
-	./lib/demux_roq.c,
-	./lib/demux_shorten.c,
-	./lib/demux_smacker.c,
-	./lib/demux_smaf.c,
-	./lib/demux_smjpeg.c,
-	./lib/demux_sol.c,
-	./lib/demux_sphere.c,
-	./lib/demux_thp.c,
-	./lib/demux_tiertex.c,
-	./lib/demux_tta.c,
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-	./lib/demux_voc.c,
-	./lib/demux_vqa.c,
-	./lib/demux_wav.c,
-	./lib/demux_wavpack.c,
-	./lib/demux_wve.c,
-	./lib/demux_y4m.c,
-	./lib/demuxer.c,
-	./lib/device.c,
-	./lib/dirac_header.c,
-	./lib/dvb_channels.c,
-	./lib/dvframe.c,
-	./lib/edl.c,
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-	./lib/formattracker.c,
-	./lib/h264_header.c,
-	./lib/http.c,
-	./lib/id3v1.c,
-	./lib/in_cb.c,
-	./lib/in_dvb_linux.c,
-	./lib/in_dvd.c,
-	./lib/in_fd.c,
-	./lib/in_file.c,
-	./lib/in_ftp.c,
-	./lib/in_http.c,
-	./lib/in_memory.c,
-	./lib/in_mms.c,
-	./lib/in_mmsh.c,
-	./lib/in_pnm.c,
-	./lib/in_rtsp.c,
-	./lib/in_smb.c,
-	./lib/in_vcd.c,
-	./lib/input.c,
-	./lib/keyframetable.c,
-	./lib/languages.c,
-	./lib/log.c,
-	./lib/matroska.c,
-	./lib/metadata.c,
-	./lib/mms.c,
-	./lib/mpa_header.c,
-	./lib/mpeg4_header.c,
-	./lib/mpegts_common.c,
-	./lib/mpv_header.c,
-	./lib/mxf.c,
-	./lib/nanosoft.c,
-	./lib/options.c,
-	./lib/os.c,
-	./lib/packet.c,
-	./lib/packetbuffer.c,
-	./lib/packetpool.c,
-	./lib/packettimer.c,
-	./lib/parse_a52.c,
-	./lib/parse_aac.c,
-	./lib/parse_cavs.c,
-	./lib/parse_dca.c,
-	./lib/parse_dirac.c,
-	./lib/parse_mpeg4.c,
-	./lib/parse_mpegaudio.c,
-	./lib/parse_mpv.c,
-	./lib/parse_vc1.c,
-	./lib/parse_vorbis.c,
-	./lib/pes_header.c,
-	./lib/pngreader.c,
-	./lib/ptscache.c,
-	./lib/qt_atom.c,
-	./lib/qt_chan.c,
-	./lib/qt_cmov.c,
-	./lib/qt_dinf.c,
-	./lib/qt_dref.c,
-	./lib/qt_edts.c,
-	./lib/qt_elst.c,
-	./lib/qt_enda.c,
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-	./lib/qt_fiel.c,
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-	./lib/qt_gmhd.c,
-	./lib/qt_gmin.c,
-	./lib/qt_hdlr.c,
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-	./lib/qt_mdhd.c,
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-	./lib/qt_mvhd.c,
-	./lib/qt_nmhd.c,
-	./lib/qt_palette.c,
-	./lib/qt_pasp.c,
-	./lib/qt_rdrf.c,
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-	./lib/qt_rmra.c,
-	./lib/qt_stbl.c,
-	./lib/qt_stco.c,
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-	./lib/qt_stsz.c,
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-	./lib/qt_tmcd.c,
-	./lib/qt_trak.c,
-	./lib/qt_tref.c,
-	./lib/qt_udta.c,
-	./lib/qt_utils.c,
-	./lib/qt_wave.c,
-	./lib/r_asx.c,
-	./lib/r_m3u.c,
-	./lib/r_pls.c,
-	./lib/r_qtl.c,
-	./lib/r_ref.c,
-	./lib/r_rtsptext.c,
-	./lib/r_smil.c,
-	./lib/redirect.c,
-	./lib/rmff.c,
-	./lib/rtcp.c,
-	./lib/rtp.c,
-	./lib/rtpbuffer.c,
-	./lib/rtsp.c,
-	./lib/sampleseek.c,
-	./lib/sdp.c,
-	./lib/seek.c,
-	./lib/stream.c,
-	./lib/subovl_dvd.c,
-	./lib/subread.c,
-	./lib/subtitle.c,
-	./lib/superindex.c,
-	./lib/tcp.c,
-	./lib/timecode.c,
-	./lib/track.c,
-	./lib/tracktable.c,
-	./lib/translation.c,
-	./lib/udp.c,
-	./lib/utils.c,
-	./lib/vc1_header.c,
-	./lib/video.c,
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-	./lib/video_gavl.c,
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-	./lib/video_tga.c,
-	./lib/video_theora.c,
-	./lib/video_tiff.c,
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-	./lib/video_win32.c,
-	./lib/video_xadll.c,
-	./lib/video_yuv.c,
-	./lib/videoparser.c,
-	./lib/win32codec.c,
-	./lib/xing.c,
-	./lib/yml.c,
-	./plugins/avdec_common.h,
-	./plugins/i_avdec.c,
-	./plugins/i_dvb.c,
-	./plugins/i_dvd.c,
-	./plugins/i_vcd.c,
-	./tests/bgavdemux.c,
-	./tests/bgavdump.c,
-	./tests/bgavsave.c,
-	./tests/count_samples.c,
-	./tests/frametable.c,
-	./tests/indexdump.c,
-	./tests/indextest.c,
-	./tests/mmstest.c,
-	./tests/rtsptest.c,
-	./tests/seektest.c,
-	./tests/vcdtest.c,
-	./tests/ymltest.c
-Copyright: 2001, - 2008, Members of the Gmerlin project
-	2001, - 2010, Members of the Gmerlin project
+Files: include/a52_header.h,
+ include/aac_frame.h,
+ include/audioparser_priv.h,
+ include/avdec.h,
+ include/avdec_private.h,
+ include/bgav_dca.h,
+ include/bgavdefs.h,
+ include/bitstream.h,
+ include/bsf.h,
+ include/bsf_private.h,
+ include/cavs_header.h,
+ include/codecs.h,
+ include/dirac_header.h,
+ include/dvb_channels.h,
+ include/dvframe.h,
+ include/h264_header.h,
+ include/http.h,
+ include/id3.h,
+ include/language_table.h,
+ include/matroska.h,
+ include/mms.h,
+ include/mpa_header.h,
+ include/mpeg4_header.h,
+ include/mpegts_common.h,
+ include/mpv_header.h,
+ include/mxf.h,
+ include/os.h,
+ include/packettimer.h,
+ include/parser.h,
+ include/pes_header.h,
+ include/pngreader.h,
+ include/ptscache.h,
+ include/qt.h,
+ include/rmff.h,
+ include/rtp.h,
+ include/rtsp.h,
+ include/sdp.h,
+ include/utils.h,
+ include/vc1_header.h,
+ include/videoparser_priv.h,
+ include/vorbis_comment.h,
+ include/win32codec.h,
+ include/xing.h,
+ include/yml.h,
+ lib/a52_header.c,
+ lib/aac_frame.c,
+ lib/apetag.c,
+ lib/audio.c,
+ lib/audio_a52.c,
+ lib/audio_dca.c,
+ lib/audio_faad2.c,
+ lib/audio_ffmpeg.c,
+ lib/audio_flac.c,
+ lib/audio_gavl.c,
+ lib/audio_gsm.c,
+ lib/audio_mad.c,
+ lib/audio_pcm.c,
+ lib/audio_qtwin32.c,
+ lib/audio_real.c,
+ lib/audio_speex.c,
+ lib/audio_vorbis.c,
+ lib/audio_win32.c,
+ lib/audioparser.c,
+ lib/bgav.c,
+ lib/bitstream.c,
+ lib/bsf.c,
+ lib/bsf_avcc.c,
+ lib/bytebuffer.c,
+ lib/cavs_header.c,
+ lib/chapterlist.c,
+ lib/charset.c,
+ lib/codecs.c,
+ lib/demux_4xm.c,
+ lib/demux_a52.c,
+ lib/demux_adif.c,
+ lib/demux_adts.c,
+ lib/demux_aiff.c,
+ lib/demux_asf.c,
+ lib/demux_au.c,
+ lib/demux_avs.c,
+ lib/demux_daud.c,
+ lib/demux_dsicin.c,
+ lib/demux_dv.c,
+ lib/demux_dxa.c,
+ lib/demux_flac.c,
+ lib/demux_fli.c,
+ lib/demux_flv.c,
+ lib/demux_gif.c,
+ lib/demux_gsm.c,
+ lib/demux_gxf.c,
+ lib/demux_ircam.c,
+ lib/demux_matroska.c,
+ lib/demux_mpegaudio.c,
+ lib/demux_mpegps.c,
+ lib/demux_mpegvideo.c,
+ lib/demux_mtv.c,
+ lib/demux_musepack.c,
+ lib/demux_mxf.c,
+ lib/demux_nsv.c,
+ lib/demux_nuv.c,
+ lib/demux_ogg.c,
+ lib/demux_p2xml.c,
+ lib/demux_psxstr.c,
+ lib/demux_quicktime.c,
+ lib/demux_r3d.c,
+ lib/demux_roq.c,
+ lib/demux_shorten.c,
+ lib/demux_smacker.c,
+ lib/demux_smaf.c,
+ lib/demux_smjpeg.c,
+ lib/demux_sol.c,
+ lib/demux_sphere.c,
+ lib/demux_thp.c,
+ lib/demux_tiertex.c,
+ lib/demux_tta.c,
+ lib/demux_vmd.c,
+ lib/demux_voc.c,
+ lib/demux_vqa.c,
+ lib/demux_wav.c,
+ lib/demux_wavpack.c,
+ lib/demux_wve.c,
+ lib/demux_y4m.c,
+ lib/demuxer.c,
+ lib/device.c,
+ lib/dirac_header.c,
+ lib/dvb_channels.c,
+ lib/dvframe.c,
+ lib/edl.c,
+ lib/fileindex.c,
+ lib/formattracker.c,
+ lib/h264_header.c,
+ lib/http.c,
+ lib/id3v1.c,
+ lib/in_cb.c,
+ lib/in_dvb_linux.c,
+ lib/in_dvd.c,
+ lib/in_fd.c,
+ lib/in_file.c,
+ lib/in_ftp.c,
+ lib/in_http.c,
+ lib/in_memory.c,
+ lib/in_mms.c,
+ lib/in_mmsh.c,
+ lib/in_pnm.c,
+ lib/in_rtsp.c,
+ lib/in_smb.c,
+ lib/in_vcd.c,
+ lib/input.c,
+ lib/keyframetable.c,
+ lib/languages.c,
+ lib/log.c,
+ lib/matroska.c,
+ lib/metadata.c,
+ lib/mms.c,
+ lib/mpa_header.c,
+ lib/mpeg4_header.c,
+ lib/mpegts_common.c,
+ lib/mpv_header.c,
+ lib/mxf.c,
+ lib/nanosoft.c,
+ lib/options.c,
+ lib/packet.c,
+ lib/packetbuffer.c,
+ lib/packetpool.c,
+ lib/packettimer.c,
+ lib/parse_a52.c,
+ lib/parse_aac.c,
+ lib/parse_cavs.c,
+ lib/parse_dca.c,
+ lib/parse_dirac.c,
+ lib/parse_mpeg4.c,
+ lib/parse_mpegaudio.c,
+ lib/parse_mpv.c,
+ lib/parse_vc1.c,
+ lib/parse_vorbis.c,
+ lib/pes_header.c,
+ lib/pngreader.c,
+ lib/ptscache.c,
+ lib/qt_atom.c,
+ lib/qt_chan.c,
+ lib/qt_cmov.c,
+ lib/qt_dinf.c,
+ lib/qt_dref.c,
+ lib/qt_edts.c,
+ lib/qt_elst.c,
+ lib/qt_enda.c,
+ lib/qt_esds.c,
+ lib/qt_fiel.c,
+ lib/qt_frma.c,
+ lib/qt_ftab.c,
+ lib/qt_glbl.c,
+ lib/qt_gmhd.c,
+ lib/qt_gmin.c,
+ lib/qt_hdlr.c,
+ lib/qt_language.c,
+ lib/qt_mdhd.c,
+ lib/qt_mdia.c,
+ lib/qt_minf.c,
+ lib/qt_moov.c,
+ lib/qt_mvhd.c,
+ lib/qt_nmhd.c,
+ lib/qt_palette.c,
+ lib/qt_pasp.c,
+ lib/qt_rdrf.c,
+ lib/qt_rmda.c,
+ lib/qt_rmra.c,
+ lib/qt_stbl.c,
+ lib/qt_stco.c,
+ lib/qt_stsc.c,
+ lib/qt_stsd.c,
+ lib/qt_stss.c,
+ lib/qt_stsz.c,
+ lib/qt_stts.c,
+ lib/qt_tcmi.c,
+ lib/qt_timecode.c,
+ lib/qt_tkhd.c,
+ lib/qt_tmcd.c,
+ lib/qt_trak.c,
+ lib/qt_tref.c,
+ lib/qt_udta.c,
+ lib/qt_utils.c,
+ lib/qt_wave.c,
+ lib/r_asx.c,
+ lib/r_m3u.c,
+ lib/r_pls.c,
+ lib/r_qtl.c,
+ lib/r_ref.c,
+ lib/r_rtsptext.c,
+ lib/r_smil.c,
+ lib/redirect.c,
+ lib/rmff.c,
+ lib/rtcp.c,
+ lib/rtp.c,
+ lib/rtpbuffer.c,
+ lib/rtsp.c,
+ lib/sampleseek.c,
+ lib/sdp.c,
+ lib/seek.c,
+ lib/stream.c,
+ lib/subovl_dvd.c,
+ lib/subread.c,
+ lib/subtitle.c,
+ lib/superindex.c,
+ lib/tcp.c,
+ lib/timecode.c,
+ lib/track.c,
+ lib/tracktable.c,
+ lib/translation.c,
+ lib/udp.c,
+ lib/utils.c,
+ lib/vc1_header.c,
+ lib/video.c,
+ lib/video_aviraw.c,
+ lib/video_ffmpeg.c,
+ lib/video_gavl.c,
+ lib/video_libmpeg2.c,
+ lib/video_openjpeg.c,
+ lib/video_png.c,
+ lib/video_qtraw.c,
+ lib/video_real.c,
+ lib/video_rtjpeg.c,
+ lib/video_schroedinger.c,
+ lib/video_tga.c,
+ lib/video_theora.c,
+ lib/video_tiff.c,
+ lib/video_win32.c,
+ lib/video_xadll.c,
+ lib/video_yuv.c,
+ lib/videoparser.c,
+ lib/win32codec.c,
+ lib/xing.c,
+ lib/yml.c,
+ plugins/avdec_common.h,
+ plugins/i_avdec.c,
+ plugins/i_dvb.c,
+ plugins/i_dvd.c,
+ plugins/i_vcd.c,
+ tests/bgavdemux.c,
+ tests/bgavdump.c,
+ tests/bgavsave.c,
+ tests/count_samples.c,
+ tests/frametable.c,
+ tests/indexdump.c,
+ tests/indextest.c,
+ tests/mmstest.c,
+ tests/rtsptest.c,
+ tests/seektest.c,
+ tests/vcdtest.c,
+ tests/ymltest.c
+Copyright: 2001, - 2008, Members of the Gmerlin project,
+ 2001, - 2011, Members of the Gmerlin project
 License: GPL-2+
-Files: ./ABOUT-NLS,
-	./ChangeLog,
-	./Makefile.am,
-	./NEWS,
-	./acinclude.m4,
-	./autogen.sh,
-	./configure.ac,
-	./cpuinfo.sh,
-	./cvs_clean.sh,
-	./debian/compat,
-	./debian/control,
-	./debian/control.in,
-	./debian/gbp.conf,
-	./debian/install,
-	./debian/libgmerlin-avdec-dev.install,
-	./debian/libgmerlin-avdec-doc.doc-base,
-	./debian/libgmerlin-avdec-doc.install,
-	./debian/libgmerlin-avdec1.symbols,
-	./debian/patches/autoconf_removed_sources.patch,
-	./debian/patches/fix_dvdread_configure.patch,
-	./debian/patches/series,
-	./debian/source/format,
-	./debian/source/local-options,
-	./debian/watch,
-	./doc/Doxyfile.in,
-	./doc/Makefile.am,
-	./doc/gavl.tags,
-	./doc/mainpage.incl,
-	./ffmpeg_codecs.txt,
-	./gmerlin_avdec.pc.in,
-	./gmerlin_avdec.spec.in,
-	./include/Makefile.am,
-	./include/bgav_vdpau.h,
-	./include/bgav_version.h.in,
-	./lib/Makefile.am,
-	./lib/os_inet_aton.c,
-	./lib/vdpau.c,
-	./m4/Makefile.am,
-	./m4/avcodec.m4,
-	./m4/avformat.m4,
-	./m4/check_funcs.m4,
-	./m4/lqt_opt_cflags.m4,
-	./make_potfiles,
-	./plugins/Makefile.am,
-	./po/ChangeLog,
-	./po/LINGUAS,
-	./po/Rules-quot,
-	./po/boldquot.sed,
-	./po/de.gmo,
-	./po/en at boldquot.header,
-	./po/en at quot.header,
-	./po/insert-header.sin,
-	./po/messages.mo,
-	./po/quot.sed,
-	./po/remove-potcdate.sin,
-	./tests/Makefile.am,
-	./tests/iso639-utf8.txt,
-	./tests/iso639_to_c.awk,
-	./tests/iso639_to_c1.awk,
-	./update_copyright.sh,
-	./update_libw32dll.sh,
-	./utils/Makefile.am,
-	./utils/cpuinfo.c
+Files: ABOUT-NLS,
+ ChangeLog,
+ Makefile.am,
+ acinclude.m4,
+ autogen.sh,
+ configure.ac,
+ cpuinfo.sh,
+ cvs_clean.sh,
+ debian/compat,
+ debian/control,
+ debian/control.in,
+ debian/gbp.conf,
+ debian/install,
+ debian/libgmerlin-avdec-dev.install,
+ debian/libgmerlin-avdec-doc.doc-base,
+ debian/libgmerlin-avdec-doc.install,
+ debian/libgmerlin-avdec1.symbols,
+ debian/patches/autoconf_removed_sources.patch,
+ debian/patches/fix_dvdread_configure.patch,
+ debian/patches/fix_typos.patch,
+ debian/patches/series,
+ debian/patches/system_gsm.patch,
+ debian/source/format,
+ debian/source/local-options,
+ debian/watch,
+ doc/Doxyfile.in,
+ doc/Makefile.am,
+ doc/gavl.tags,
+ doc/mainpage.incl,
+ gmerlin_avdec.pc.in,
+ gmerlin_avdec.spec.in,
+ include/Makefile.am,
+ include/bgav_vdpau.h,
+ include/bgav_version.h,
+ include/bgav_version.h.in,
+ lib/Makefile.am,
+ lib/vdpau.c,
+ m4/Makefile.am,
+ m4/avcodec.m4,
+ m4/avformat.m4,
+ m4/check_funcs.m4,
+ m4/lqt_opt_cflags.m4,
+ make_potfiles,
+ plugins/Makefile.am,
+ po/ChangeLog,
+ po/POTFILES.in,
+ po/Rules-quot,
+ po/boldquot.sed,
+ po/de.gmo,
+ po/en at boldquot.header,
+ po/en at quot.header,
+ po/insert-header.sin,
+ po/quot.sed,
+ po/remove-potcdate.sin,
+ po/stamp-po,
+ tests/Makefile.am,
+ utils/Makefile.am,
+ utils/cpuinfo.c
 Copyright: *No copyright*
 License: UNKNOWN
-Files: ./config.rpath,
-	./m4/codeset.m4,
-	./m4/gettext.m4,
-	./m4/glibc2.m4,
-	./m4/glibc21.m4,
-	./m4/iconv.m4,
-	./m4/intdiv0.m4,
-	./m4/intmax.m4,
-	./m4/inttypes-h.m4,
-	./m4/inttypes-pri.m4,
-	./m4/inttypes_h.m4,
-	./m4/lcmessage.m4,
-	./m4/lib-ld.m4,
-	./m4/lib-link.m4,
-	./m4/lib-prefix.m4,
-	./m4/lock.m4,
-	./m4/longdouble.m4,
-	./m4/longlong.m4,
-	./m4/nls.m4,
-	./m4/po.m4,
-	./m4/printf-posix.m4,
-	./m4/progtest.m4,
-	./m4/signed.m4,
-	./m4/size_max.m4,
-	./m4/stdint_h.m4,
-	./m4/uintmax_t.m4,
-	./m4/ulonglong.m4,
-	./m4/visibility.m4,
-	./m4/wchar_t.m4,
-	./m4/wint_t.m4,
-	./m4/xsize.m4
-Copyright: 1995-2002, 2004-2005, Free Software Foundation, Inc
-	1995-2003, 2005-2006, Free Software Foundation, Inc
-	1995-2006, Free Software Foundation, Inc
-	1996-2003, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc
-	1996-2003, Free Software Foundation, Inc
-	1996-2006, Free Software Foundation, Inc
-	1997-2002, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
-	1997-2004, Free Software Foundation, Inc
-	1999-2004, Free Software Foundation, Inc
-	2000-2002, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc
-	2000-2002, Free Software Foundation, Inc
-	2001-2002, Free Software Foundation, Inc
-	2001-2005, Free Software Foundation, Inc
-	2001-2006, Free Software Foundation, Inc
-	2002, Free Software Foundation, Inc
-	2002-2003, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
-	2002-2003, Free Software Foundation, Inc
-	2002-2005, Free Software Foundation, Inc
-	2003, 2005-2006, Free Software Foundation, Inc
-	2003, Free Software Foundation, Inc
-	2003-2004, Free Software Foundation, Inc
-	2005, Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: config.rpath,
+ m4/codeset.m4,
+ m4/gettext.m4,
+ m4/glibc2.m4,
+ m4/glibc21.m4,
+ m4/iconv.m4,
+ m4/intdiv0.m4,
+ m4/intmax.m4,
+ m4/inttypes-h.m4,
+ m4/inttypes-pri.m4,
+ m4/inttypes_h.m4,
+ m4/lcmessage.m4,
+ m4/lib-ld.m4,
+ m4/lib-link.m4,
+ m4/lib-prefix.m4,
+ m4/lock.m4,
+ m4/longdouble.m4,
+ m4/longlong.m4,
+ m4/nls.m4,
+ m4/po.m4,
+ m4/printf-posix.m4,
+ m4/progtest.m4,
+ m4/signed.m4,
+ m4/size_max.m4,
+ m4/stdint_h.m4,
+ m4/uintmax_t.m4,
+ m4/ulonglong.m4,
+ m4/visibility.m4,
+ m4/wchar_t.m4,
+ m4/wint_t.m4,
+ m4/xsize.m4
+Copyright: 1995-2002, 2004-2005, Free Software Foundation, Inc,
+ 1995-2003, 2005-2006, Free Software Foundation, Inc,
+ 1995-2006, Free Software Foundation, Inc,
+ 1996-2003, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc,
+ 1996-2003, Free Software Foundation, Inc,
+ 1996-2006, Free Software Foundation, Inc,
+ 1997-2002, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc,
+ 1997-2004, Free Software Foundation, Inc,
+ 1999-2004, Free Software Foundation, Inc,
+ 2000-2002, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc,
+ 2000-2002, Free Software Foundation, Inc,
+ 2001-2002, Free Software Foundation, Inc,
+ 2001-2005, Free Software Foundation, Inc,
+ 2001-2006, Free Software Foundation, Inc,
+ 2002, Free Software Foundation, Inc,
+ 2002-2003, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc,
+ 2002-2003, Free Software Foundation, Inc,
+ 2002-2005, Free Software Foundation, Inc,
+ 2003, 2005-2006, Free Software Foundation, Inc,
+ 2003, Free Software Foundation, Inc,
+ 2003-2004, Free Software Foundation, Inc,
+ 2005, Free Software Foundation, Inc
 License: UNKNOWN
-Files: ./include/asmrp.h,
-	./lib/asmrp.c,
-	./lib/pnm.c,
-	./lib/pnm.h
-Copyright: 2000-2002, the xine project
-	2002, the xine project
+Files: include/asmrp.h,
+ lib/asmrp.c,
+ lib/pnm.c,
+ lib/pnm.h
+Copyright: 2000-2002, the xine project,
+ 2002, the xine project
 License: GPL-2+
-Files: ./include/md5.h,
-	./lib/md5.c
-Copyright: 1995-1997,1999-2001,2004-2006
-	1995-1997,1999-2001,2005-2006
+Files: include/md5.h,
+ lib/md5.c
+Copyright: 1995-1997,1999-2001,2004-2006,
+ 1995-1997,1999-2001,2005-2006
 License: GPL
-Files: ./lib/targa.c,
-	./lib/targa.h
-Copyright: 2001-2003, Emil Mikulic
-	holder is
+Files: lib/targa.c,
+ lib/targa.h
+Copyright: 2001-2003, Emil Mikulic,
+ holder is
 License: UNKNOWN
-Files: ./po/Makevars,
-	./po/Makevars.template
-Copyright: for their translations to this person
-	holder of the package.) Translators are
-	holder of the surrounding
-	holder that gets inserted into the header of the
-License: UNKNOWN
-Files: ./lib/base64.c
-Copyright: ((c > 127) ? 0xff : index_64[
-	1991, Bell Communications Research, Inc. (Bellcore)
-	holders nor the names of its
+Files: lib/base64.c
+Copyright: ((c > 127) ? 0xff : index_64[,
+ 1991, Bell Communications Research, Inc. (Bellcore),
+ holders nor the names of its
 License: BSD (3 clause)
-Files: ./debian/rules
-Copyright: 2008, Christian Marillat <marillat at debian.org>
-	2010, Jonas Smedegaard <dr at jones.dk>
+Files: debian/rules
+Copyright: 2008, Christian Marillat <marillat at debian.org>,
+ 2010, Jonas Smedegaard <dr at jones.dk>
 License: GPL
-Files: ./lib/demux_mpegts.c
-Copyright: ( ((( >> 4) & 0x0f) * 10) + ( & 0x0f) )
-	2001, - 2010, Members of the Gmerlin project
+Files: lib/demux_mpegts.c
+Copyright: ( ((( >> 4) & 0x0f) * 10) + ( & 0x0f) ),
+ 2001, - 2011, Members of the Gmerlin project
 License: GPL-2+
-Files: ./lib/demux_avi.c
-Copyright: (((uint16_t)c) | ((uint16_t)<<8))
-	2001, - 2010, Members of the Gmerlin project
+Files: lib/demux_avi.c
+Copyright: (((uint16_t)c) | ((uint16_t)<<8)),
+ 2001, - 2011, Members of the Gmerlin project
 License: GPL-2+
-Files: ./lib/parse_h264.c
-Copyright: ((c >> 4)*10+(c&0xf))
-	2001, - 2010, Members of the Gmerlin project
+Files: lib/parse_h264.c
+Copyright: ((c >> 4)*10+(c&0xf)),
+ 2001, - 2011, Members of the Gmerlin project
 License: GPL-2+
-Files: ./COPYING
-Copyright: 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc
-	<year> <name of author>
-	disclaimer" for the program, if
-	holder saying it may be distributed
-	holder who places the Program under this License
-	interest in the program
-	law:
-	the software, and
-	year name of author
+Copyright: 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc,
+ <year> <name of author>,
+ disclaimer" for the program, if,
+ holder saying it may be distributed,
+ holder who places the Program under this License,
+ interest in the program,
+ law:,
+ the software, and,
+ year name of author
 License: GPL-2+
-Files: ./plugins/avdec_common.c
-Copyright: 2001, - 2010, Members of the Gmerlin project
-	= bg_strdup(dst->, str);
+Files: plugins/avdec_common.c
+Copyright: 2001, - 2011, Members of the Gmerlin project,
+ = bg_strdup(dst->, str);
 License: GPL-2+
-Files: ./lib/demux_ra.c
-Copyright: 2001, - 2010, Members of the Gmerlin project
-	= bgav_convert_string(charset_cnv
+Files: lib/demux_ra.c
+Copyright: 2001, - 2011, Members of the Gmerlin project,
+ = bgav_convert_string(charset_cnv
 License: GPL-2+
-Files: ./lib/demux_rm.c
-Copyright: 2001, - 2010, Members of the Gmerlin project
-	= bgav_convert_string(cnv
+Files: lib/demux_rm.c
+Copyright: 2001, - 2011, Members of the Gmerlin project,
+ = bgav_convert_string(cnv
 License: GPL-2+
-Files: ./lib/demux_ffmpeg.c
-Copyright: 2001, - 2010, Members of the Gmerlin project
-	= bgav_strdup(avfc->);
+Files: lib/demux_ffmpeg.c
+Copyright: 2001, - 2011, Members of the Gmerlin project,
+ = bgav_strdup(avfc->);
 License: GPL-2+
-Files: ./lib/vorbis_comment.c
-Copyright: 2001, - 2010, Members of the Gmerlin project
-	= bgav_strdup(field);
+Files: lib/vorbis_comment.c
+Copyright: 2001, - 2011, Members of the Gmerlin project,
+ = bgav_strdup(field);
 License: GPL-2+
-Files: ./lib/id3v2.c
-Copyright: 2001, - 2010, Members of the Gmerlin project
-	= bgav_strdup(frame->strings[0
+Files: lib/id3v2.c
+Copyright: 2001, - 2011, Members of the Gmerlin project,
+ = bgav_strdup(frame->strings[0
 License: GPL-2+
-Files: ./lib/demux_vivo.c
-Copyright: 2001, - 2010, Members of the Gmerlin project
-	= bgav_strdup(pos);
-	= bgav_strdup(priv->header.);
+Files: lib/demux_vivo.c
+Copyright: 2001, - 2011, Members of the Gmerlin project,
+ = bgav_strdup(pos);,
+ = bgav_strdup(priv->header.);
 License: GPL-2+
-Files: ./lib/demux_8svx.c
-Copyright: 2001, - 2010, Members of the Gmerlin project
-	= buffer;
+Files: lib/demux_8svx.c
+Copyright: 2001, - 2011, Members of the Gmerlin project,
+ = buffer;
 License: GPL-2+
-Files: ./include/nanosoft.h
-Copyright: 2001, - 2010, Members of the Gmerlin project
-	Encyclopedia International 1991." If there are multiple s, separate them
+Files: include/nanosoft.h
+Copyright: 2001, - 2011, Members of the Gmerlin project,
+ Encyclopedia International 1991." If there are multiple s, separate them
 License: GPL-2+
-Files: ./include/bswap.h
-Copyright: 1997-1998, Free Software Foundation, Inc
-	2001, - 2010, Members of the Gmerlin project
+Files: include/bswap.h
+Copyright: 1997-1998, Free Software Foundation, Inc,
+ 2001, - 2011, Members of the Gmerlin project
 License: GPL-2+
-Files: ./lib/RTjpeg.c
-Copyright: 1998-1999, Joerg Walter <trouble at moes.pmnet.uni-oldenburg.de>
-	1999, Wim Taymans <wim.taymans at tvd.be>
-	Justin Schoeman 1998,
-	Justin Schoeman 1998, (justin at suntiger.ee.up.ac.za)
+Files: lib/RTjpeg.c
+Copyright: 1998-1999, Joerg Walter <trouble at moes.pmnet.uni-oldenburg.de>,
+ 1999, Wim Taymans <wim.taymans at tvd.be>,
+ Justin Schoeman 1998,,
+ Justin Schoeman 1998, (justin at suntiger.ee.up.ac.za)
 License: LGPL-2.1+
-Files: ./include/RTjpeg.h
-Copyright: 1998-1999, Joerg Walter <trouble at moes.pmnet.uni-oldenburg.de>
-	1999, Wim Taymans <wim.taymans at tvd.be>
-	Justin Schoeman 1998, (justin at suntiger.ee.up.ac.za)
+Files: include/RTjpeg.h
+Copyright: 1998-1999, Joerg Walter <trouble at moes.pmnet.uni-oldenburg.de>,
+ 1999, Wim Taymans <wim.taymans at tvd.be>,
+ Justin Schoeman 1998, (justin at suntiger.ee.up.ac.za)
 License: LGPL-2.1+
-Files: ./debian/patches/strip_unused_BSD-4-licensed_code.patch
-Copyright: 1983, 1990, 1993
-License: UNKNOWN
-Files: ./po/de.po
+Files: po/de.po
 Copyright: 2007, Members of the gmerlin project
 License: UNKNOWN
-Files: ./po/Makefile.in.in
+Files: po/Makefile.in.in
 Copyright: 1995-1997, 2000-2006, Ulrich Drepper <drepper at gnu.ai.mit.edu>
 License: UNKNOWN
-Files: ./po/gmerlin-avdecoder.pot
+Files: po/gmerlin-avdecoder.pot
 Copyright: YEAR Members of the gmerlin project
 License: UNKNOWN
+Files: po/Makevars
+Copyright: for their translations to this person,
+ holder of the package.) Translators are,
+ holder of the surrounding,
+ holder that gets inserted into the header of the
+License: UNKNOWN

gmerlin-avdecoder packaging

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