[SCM] mma/upstream: add two utilities and man pages from upstream author's mma_1.7_all.deb
bolangi-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
bolangi-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Wed Jan 4 21:46:23 UTC 2012
The following commit has been merged in the upstream branch:
commit 5e93df6b7ebd5adedf728e845908b04f6778e475
Author: Joel Roth <joelz at pobox.com>
Date: Wed Feb 2 23:11:26 2011 -1000
add two utilities and man pages from upstream author's mma_1.7_all.deb
(placed in debian/ directory)
diff --git a/debian/mma-mnx b/debian/mma-mnx
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2620ef0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mma-mnx
@@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Extract midi solos for including into mma scripts using MIDINote.
+# Bob van der Poel, Jan/09
+import os, sys, math, time, getopt
+# Some constants/globals
+ 'Piano1', 'Piano2','Piano3',
+ 'Honky-TonkPiano', 'RhodesPiano', 'EPiano',
+ 'HarpsiChord', 'Clavinet', 'Celesta',
+ 'Glockenspiel', 'MusicBox', 'Vibraphone',
+ 'Marimba', 'Xylophone', 'TubularBells', 'Santur',
+ 'Organ1', 'Organ2', 'Organ3', 'ChurchOrgan',
+ 'ReedOrgan', 'Accordion', 'Harmonica',
+ 'Bandoneon', 'NylonGuitar', 'SteelGuitar',
+ 'JazzGuitar', 'CleanGuitar', 'MutedGuitar',
+ 'OverDriveGuitar', 'DistortonGuitar',
+ 'GuitarHarmonics', 'AcousticBass',
+ 'FingeredBass', 'PickedBass', 'FretlessBass',
+ 'SlapBass1', 'SlapBass2', 'SynthBass1',
+ 'SynthBass2', 'Violin', 'Viola', 'Cello',
+ 'ContraBass', 'TremoloStrings',
+ 'PizzicatoString', 'OrchestralHarp', 'Timpani',
+ 'Strings', 'SlowStrings', 'SynthStrings1',
+ 'SynthStrings2', 'ChoirAahs', 'VoiceOohs',
+ 'SynthVox', 'OrchestraHit', 'Trumpet',
+ 'Trombone', 'Tuba', 'MutedTrumpet', 'FrenchHorn',
+ 'BrassSection', 'SynthBrass1', 'SynthBrass2',
+ 'SopranoSax', 'AltoSax', 'TenorSax',
+ 'BaritoneSax', 'Oboe', 'EnglishHorn', 'Bassoon',
+ 'Clarinet', 'Piccolo', 'Flute', 'Recorder',
+ 'PanFlute', 'BottleBlow', 'Shakuhachi',
+ 'Whistle', 'Ocarina', 'SquareWave', 'SawWave',
+ 'SynCalliope', 'ChifferLead', 'Charang',
+ 'SoloVoice', '5thSawWave', 'Bass&Lead',
+ 'Fantasia', 'WarmPad', 'PolySynth', 'SpaceVoice',
+ 'BowedGlass', 'MetalPad', 'HaloPad', 'SweepPad',
+ 'IceRain', 'SoundTrack', 'Crystal', 'Atmosphere',
+ 'Brightness', 'Goblins', 'EchoDrops',
+ 'StarTheme', 'Sitar', 'Banjo', 'Shamisen',
+ 'Koto', 'Kalimba', 'BagPipe', 'Fiddle', 'Shanai',
+ 'TinkleBell', 'AgogoBells', 'SteelDrums',
+ 'WoodBlock', 'TaikoDrum', 'MelodicTom1',
+ 'SynthDrum', 'ReverseCymbal', 'GuitarFretNoise',
+ 'BreathNoise', 'SeaShore', 'BirdTweet',
+ 'TelephoneRing', 'HelicopterBlade',
+ 'Applause/Noise', 'GunShot' ]
+# Controller names. Tables are borrowed from:
+# http://www.midi.org/about-midi/table3.shtml
+ctrlNames = {
+ 0:'Bank', 1:'Modulation', 2:'Breath',
+ 3:'Ctrl3', 4:'Foot', 5:'Portamento',
+ 6:'Data', 7:'Volume', 8:'Balance',
+ 9:'Ctrl9', 10:'Pan', 11:'Expression',
+ 12:'Effect1', 13:'Effect2', 14:'Ctrl14',
+ 15:'Ctrl15', 16:'General1', 17:'General2',
+ 18:'General3', 19:'General4', 20:'Ctrl20',
+ 21:'Ctrl21', 22:'Ctrl22', 23:'Ctrl23',
+ 24:'Ctrl24', 25:'Ctrl25', 26:'Ctrl26',
+ 27:'Ctrl27', 28:'Ctrl28', 29:'Ctrl29',
+ 30:'Ctrl30', 31:'Ctrl31', 32:'BankLSB',
+ 33:'ModulationLSB', 34:'BreathLSB', 35:'Ctrl35',
+ 36:'FootLSB', 37:'PortamentoLSB', 38:'DataLSB',
+ 39:'VolumeLSB', 40:'BalanceLSB', 41:'Ctrl41',
+ 42:'PanLSB', 43:'ExpressionLSB', 44:'Effect1LSB',
+ 45:'Effect2LSB', 46:'Ctrl46', 47:'Ctrl47',
+ 48:'General1LSB', 49:'General2LSB', 50:'General3LSB',
+ 51:'General4LSB', 52:'Ctrl52', 53:'Ctrl53',
+ 54:'Ctrl54', 55:'Ctrl55', 56:'Ctrl56',
+ 57:'Ctrl57', 58:'Ctrl58', 59:'Ctrl59',
+ 60:'Ctrl60', 61:'Ctrl61', 62:'Ctrl62',
+ 63:'Ctrl63', 64:'Sustain', 65:'Portamento',
+ 66:'Sostenuto', 67:'SoftPedal', 68:'Legato',
+ 69:'Hold2', 70:'Variation', 71:'Resonance',
+ 72:'ReleaseTime', 73:'AttackTime', 74:'Brightness',
+ 75:'DecayTime', 76:'VibratoRate', 77:'VibratoDepth',
+ 78:'VibratoDelay', 79:'Ctrl79', 80:'General5',
+ 81:'General6', 82:'General7', 83:'General8',
+ 84:'PortamentoCtrl', 85:'Ctrl85', 86:'Ctrl86',
+ 87:'Ctrl87', 88:'Ctrl88', 89:'Ctrl89',
+ 90:'Ctrl90', 91:'Reverb', 92:'Tremolo',
+ 93:'Chorus', 94:'Detune', 95:'Phaser',
+ 96:'DataInc', 97:'DataDec', 98:'NonRegLSB',
+ 99:'NonRegMSB', 100:'RegParLSB', 101:'RegParMSB',
+ 102:'Ctrl102', 103:'Ctrl103', 104:'Ctrl104',
+ 105:'Ctrl105', 106:'Ctrl106', 107:'Ctrl107',
+ 108:'Ctrl108', 109:'Ctrl109', 110:'Ctrl110',
+ 111:'Ctrl111', 112:'Ctrl112', 113:'Ctrl113',
+ 114:'Ctrl114', 115:'Ctrl115', 116:'Ctrl116',
+ 117:'Ctrl117', 118:'Ctrl118', 119:'Ctrl119',
+ # pseudo controllers, also called channel mode messages
+ 120:'AllSoundsOff', 121:'ResetAll', 122:'LocalCtrl',
+ 123:'AllNotesOff', 124:'OmniOff', 125:'OmniOn',
+ 126:'PolyOff', 127:'PolyOn' }
+# This is our midi file reader. Sucked out of ys2mma
+class MF:
+ def __init__(self, filename):
+ """ The filename is assumed to be a valid midi file and is read and
+ parsed. The events found are separated into channels and inserted
+ into events{}. The stucture of events() is:
+ events[ch] - a entry for each channel
+ events[ch][ev] - entry for each offset
+ we also create a few helpful variables:
+ voices[] - the last voice found for each channel, defaults to 0
+ metanames[] - set for ??/
+ tempo - pulled out of header info
+ NOTE: All events are read/parsed but only the limited set
+ needed are saved ... meta events, etc. are just dumped.
+ """
+ self.events = {}
+ self.voices = [ 0 ] * 16 # last voice found for each track
+ self.metanames = []
+ self.tempo = 120 # default tempo if none found in file
+ for c in range(0,16): # create an empty entry for each possible channel
+ self.events[c]=[]
+ # read in file
+ try:
+ inpath = file(filename, "rb")
+ except:
+ error("Unable to open MIDI file %s for reading" % filename)
+ self.midifile=inpath.read()
+ inpath.close()
+ self.offset = 0
+ hd = self.chars(4) # Ensure this is valid header
+ if hd != 'MThd':
+ error("Expecting 'HThd', %s not a standard midi file." % filename)
+ # the next chunk is a 32bit length (always 6), format (0 or 1),
+ # number of tracks, beat division
+ a = self.m32i()
+ if a != 6:
+ error("Expecting a 32 bit value of 6 in header")
+ format=self.m16i()
+ if format not in (0,1):
+ error("MIDI file format %s not recognized" % format)
+ ntracks=self.m16i()
+ self.beatDivision=self.m16i()
+ # Finished the header, now we do each track
+ for tr in range(ntracks):
+ tm=0 # this is the offset pointer, incremented as we parse event times
+ hdr = self.chars(4)
+ if hdr != 'MTrk':
+ error("Malformed MIDI file in track header")
+ trlen = self.m32i() # track length (we don't use it)
+ lastevent = None
+ """ Parse the midi file. We have to parse off each event, even
+ though many will just be thrown away. You can't just skip around
+ in a midi file :)
+ """
+ while 1:
+ tm += self.mvarlen() # adjust total offset by delta
+ ev=self.m8b() # command byte
+ # if the command byte is < 0x80 then we are doing running status
+ if ev < 0x80:
+ if not lastevent:
+ error("Illegal running status in %s at $%06x" % (filename, self.offset))
+ self.offset -= 1
+ ev=lastevent
+ sValue = ev>>4 # Shift MSBs to get a 4 bit value for the command
+ channel = ev & 0x0f # and the channel number (0..15)
+ evptr = self.events[channel]
+ if sValue == 0x8: # note off event
+ evptr.append([tm, 'NoteOff', self.m8b(), self.m8b() ])
+ elif sValue == 0x9: # note on event
+ note=self.m8b()
+ vel=self.m8b()
+ # this needs to be conditional FIXME!
+ if vel == 0:
+ evptr.append([tm, 'NoteOff', note, vel])
+ else:
+ evptr.append([tm, 'NoteOn', note, vel])
+ elif sValue == 0xa: # key pressure
+ self.m8b() # grab and ignore key pressure
+ self.m8b()
+ elif sValue == 0xb: # control change
+ evptr.append([tm, 'Controller', self.m8b(), self.m8b() ])
+ elif sValue == 0xc: # program change
+ v = self.m8b()
+ evptr.append( [tm, 'ProgChange', v])
+ self.voices[channel] = v
+ elif sValue == 0xd: # channel pressure
+ evptr.append( [tm, 'ChannelPressure', self.m8b() ])
+ elif sValue == 0xe: # pitch blend
+ evptr.append([tm, 'PitchBend', self.m8b()+(self.m8b()*128) ])
+ elif sValue == 0xf: # system events
+ if ev == 0xff: # meta events
+ a=self.m8b()
+ stuff=self.chars(self.mvarlen())
+ if a == 0x2f: # end of track
+ evptr.append([tm, "EOT", stuff])
+ break
+ elif a == 0x58: # time sig
+ self.BperB = ord(stuff[0])
+ self.timedenom = 2 ** ord(stuff[1])
+ else: # ignore anything else
+ pass
+ elif ev == 0xf0: # system exclusive
+ self.offset += self.mvarlen()
+ elif ev == 0xf2: # song position pointer, 2 bytes
+ self.offset += 2
+ elif ev == 0xf3: # song select, 1 byte
+ self.offset += 1
+ else: # all others are single byte commands
+ pass
+ if ev >= 0x80 and ev <= 0xef:
+ lastevent = ev
+ self.metanames.append( [tm, "EOF"])
+ def mvarlen(self):
+ """ Convert variable length midi value to int. """
+ x=0L
+ for i in range(4):
+ try:
+ byte=ord(self.midifile[self.offset])
+ self.offset += 1
+ except:
+ error("Invalid MIDI file include (varlen->int).")
+ if byte < 0x80:
+ x = ( x << 7 ) + byte
+ break
+ else:
+ x = ( x << 7 ) + ( byte & 0x7f )
+ return int(x)
+ # Class routines to grab bits of the midi
+ def chars(self, count):
+ """ Return 'count' chars from file (updates global pointer). """
+ bytes=self.midifile[self.offset:self.offset+count]
+ self.offset+=count
+ return bytes
+ def m8b(self):
+ """ Get 1 byte/8 bit value (updates global pointer). """
+ try:
+ byte = self.midifile[self.offset]
+ self.offset += 1
+ except:
+ error("Invalid MIDI file include (byte, offset=%s)." % self.offset)
+ return ord(byte)
+ def m32i(self):
+ """ Get 4 byte/32 bit integer. """
+ x = 0L
+ for i in range(4):
+ try:
+ byte = self.midifile[self.offset]
+ self.offset += 1
+ except:
+ error("Invalid MIDI file include (i32->int, offset=%s)." % self.offset)
+ x = (x << 8) + ord(byte)
+ return int(x)
+ def m16i(self):
+ """ Get 2 byte/16 bit integer. """
+ x = 0L
+ for i in range(2):
+ try:
+ byte = self.midifile[self.offset]
+ self.offset += 1
+ except:
+ error("Invalid MIDI file include (i16->int, offset=%s)." % self.offset)
+ x = (x << 8) + ord(byte)
+ return int(x)
+# Routines for errors, usage, etc.
+def error(msg):
+ print "ERROR: %s" % msg
+ sys.exit(1)
+def usage():
+ print "mma-mnx.py - Extracts note events from MIDI files"
+ print " for future inclusion into MMA files"
+ print " using MidiNote (mnx==MidiNote eXtract)."
+ print "usage: mma-mnx.py INFILE [options]"
+ print "Options:"
+ print " -h this screen"
+ print " -v display version"
+ print " -c CHANNEL channel to extract data"
+ sys.exit(1)
+def showversion():
+ print "0.1"
+ sys.exit(0)
+def doOpts():
+ """ Parse off the command line options. """
+ global channel, infile
+ try:
+ opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hvc:", [])
+ except getopt.GetoptError:
+ usage()
+ for o, a in opts:
+ if o == "-v":
+ showversion()
+ elif o == "-h":
+ usage()
+ elif o == "-c":
+ channel = int(a)
+ else:
+ usage()
+ if len(args) != 1:
+ usage()
+ infile = args[0]
+def chReport(mf):
+ """ Report number of channels, events. """
+ for a in range(0,16):
+ if len(mf.events[a]):
+ print " Channel %02s Total Events: %04s Voice: %s" % \
+ (a+1, len(mf.events[a]), voiceNames[mf.voices[a]])
+ sys.exit(0)
+def chDump(mf):
+ """ Make up a list of recognized events for MMA midinote. """
+ events = mf.events[channel-1]
+ ons=[]
+ quarters=mf.beatDivision # beats per quarter note
+ print "// Note data for %s. Offsets=Ticks Duration=Ticks" % (infile)
+ # Go though track and change all offsets to MMA's 192 BperQ
+ if quarters != 192:
+ print "// MIDI file tick/beat of %s differs from MMA's 192." \
+ " Will try to compensate" % quarters
+ adjust = 192. / quarters
+ for i in xrange(len(events)):
+ events[i][0] = int(events[i][0] * adjust)
+ quarters = 192
+ beatBar = mf.BperB * quarters # beats per bar
+ bprint=-1 # last bar number printed
+ for i,a in enumerate(events):
+ thisbar = int(a[0]/beatBar)
+ # Determine current bar number
+ if thisbar > bprint:
+ print "// %s" % thisbar
+ bprint=thisbar
+ if a[1] == 'NoteOn':
+ start=a[0]
+ end=-1
+ note=a[2]
+ for aa in events[i:]:
+ if aa[1]=='NoteOff' and aa[2]==note:
+ end=aa[0]
+ break
+ if end == -1:
+ end = start+1
+ dur = end-start
+ print "Note %d %d %d %d" % (a[0], note, a[3], dur )
+ elif a[1] == 'PitchBend': # pitch bend
+ # NOTE, we subtract 8191 from the real value to keep
+ # our values -8191 to +8192.
+ print "PB %s %d " % (a[0], a[2]-8191)
+ elif a[1] == 'ChannelPressure': # channel aftertouch
+ print "CHaT %s %s" % (a[0], a[2])
+ elif a[1] == 'Controller': # controller
+ print "Ctrl %s %s %s" % (a[0], ctrlNames[a[2]], a[3])
+###### Start of mainline code.
+channel = 0 # midi channel to extract 1..16
+infile = '' # name of the midi file
+doOpts() # get command line options/filename
+if not mididata.BperB:
+ error("Expecting file to have valid time signature.")
+if channel == 0:
+ chReport(mididata)
+ chDump(mididata)
+# eof
diff --git a/debian/mma-mnx.1 b/debian/mma-mnx.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87f5a1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mma-mnx.1
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+.TH mma-mnx 1
+mma-mnx \- Convert MIDI file to MMA-readable form
+.B mma-mnx <somefile.mid>
+This program is used to extract note and other data from an
+existing midi file in a format which the MMA MidiNote command
+If you just run the program on a file you will get a report as
+to the number of channels in the file, etc.
+To extract data use the -c option stating the midi channel for the
+data to extract. Note, Pitch Bend, Controller and Channel Aftertouch
+data will be printed for the specified channel. Save using redirect
+if you want. You can now use your favorite editor to import the data
+to your mma file.
+The latest version of this program is always distributed with
+and is available at http://www.mellowood.ca/mma
+Bob van der Poel <bob at mellowood.ca>
+mma-mnx is Copyright 2009 Bob van der Poel. Free use of this software is granted
+under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
diff --git a/util/mma-rm2std.py b/debian/mma-rm2std
similarity index 100%
copy from util/mma-rm2std.py
copy to debian/mma-rm2std
diff --git a/debian/mma-rm2std.1 b/debian/mma-rm2std.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d856969
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/mma-rm2std.1
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+.TH mma-rm2std 1
+mma-rm2std \- Convert MIDI file to MMA-readable form
+.B mma-rm2std <mma-file>
+This program reads a named mma file and converts Roman numeral
+chord notation to standard output. All other input is passed
+It shows how to access some of the mma library from other programs.
+It also shows that the MMA library functions should be converted
+to a real library! Oh well.
+The latest version of this program is always distributed with
+and is available at http://www.mellowood.ca/mma
+Bob van der Poel <bob at mellowood.ca>
+mma-rm2std is Copyright 2010 Bob van der Poel. Free use of this software is granted
+under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
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