[SCM] zynaddsubfx/master: Solve merge conflict

mira-guest at users.alioth.debian.org mira-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Sun Jul 8 23:22:45 UTC 2012

Imported Upstream version 2.4.3
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-Git-Refname: refs/heads/master
X-Git-Reftype: branch
X-Git-Oldrev: 0de970316eff3ddabbf0f7ecb86f752b5e44bee7
X-Git-Newrev: df7a005369182fceedd58531ee0690be34d7b413

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit df7a005369182fceedd58531ee0690be34d7b413
Merge: 0de970316eff3ddabbf0f7ecb86f752b5e44bee7 274d947f7e55d83fe98fc4914d40ec9624f69ecc
Author: Jaromír Mikeš <mira.mikes at seznam.cz>
Date:   Mon Jul 9 01:22:06 2012 +0200

    Solve merge conflict

diff --combined src/main.cpp
index 71fb630,22a5836..0082b40
--- a/src/main.cpp
+++ b/src/main.cpp
@@@ -1,7 -1,7 +1,7 @@@
    ZynAddSubFX - a software synthesizer
-   main.c  -  Main file of the synthesizer
+   main.cpp  -  Main file of the synthesizer
    Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Nasca Octavian Paul
    Author: Nasca Octavian Paul
@@@ -20,39 -20,27 +20,27 @@@
- #include <stdio.h>//remove once iostream is used
  #include <iostream>
+ #include <cmath>
+ #include <cctype>
+ #include <algorithm>
+ #include <signal.h>
  #include <unistd.h>
  #include <pthread.h>
- #ifdef OS_LINUX
  #include <getopt.h>
- #include <winbase.h>
- #include <windows.h>
- #endif
  #include "Misc/Master.h"
+ #include "Misc/Part.h"
  #include "Misc/Util.h"
  #include "Misc/Dump.h"
  extern Dump dump;
- #include "Input/ALSAMidiIn.h"
- #endif
- #ifdef OSSMIDIIN
- #include "Input/OSSMidiIn.h"
- #endif
- #if (defined(NONEMIDIIN)||defined(VSTMIDIIN))
- #include "Input/NULLMidiIn.h"
- #endif
+ #include <FL/Fl.H>
- #ifdef WINMIDIIN
- #include "Input/WINMidiIn.h"
- #endif
+ //Nio System
+ #include "Nio/Nio.h"
  #ifndef DISABLE_GUI
  #ifdef QT_GUI
@@@ -72,775 -60,426 +60,549 @@@ MasterUI *ui
  using namespace std;
- pthread_t thr1,thr2,thr3,thr4;
- Master *master;
- int swaplr=0;//1 for left-right swapping
- bool usejackit=false;
+ pthread_t thr4;
+ Master   *master;
+ SYNTH_T  *synth;
+ int       swaplr = 0; //1 for left-right swapping
- #include "Output/JACKaudiooutput.h"
- #endif
- #include "Output/JACKaudiooutput.h"
- #endif
- #include "Output/PAaudiooutput.h"
- #endif
- #include "Output/OSSaudiooutput.h"
- OSSaudiooutput *audioout;
- #endif
+ int Pexitprogram = 0;     //if the UI set this to 1, the program will exit
- #ifdef USE_LASH
+ #if LASH
  #include "Misc/LASHClient.h"
- LASHClient *lash;
+ LASHClient *lash = NULL;
- MidiIn *Midi;
- int Pexitprogram=0;//if the UI set this to 1, the program will exit
+ #if USE_NSM
+ #include "UI/NSM.H"
- /*
-  * Try to get the realtime priority
-  */
- void set_realtime()
- {
- #ifdef OS_LINUX
-     sched_param sc;
-     sc.sched_priority=50;
-     //if you want get "sched_setscheduler undeclared" from compilation, you can safely remove the folowing line
-     sched_setscheduler(0,SCHED_FIFO,&sc);
- //    if (err==0) printf("Real-time");
+ NSM_Client *nsm = 0;
- };
- /*
-  * Midi input thread
-  */
- #if !(defined(WINMIDIIN)||defined(VSTMIDIIN))
- void *thread1(void *arg)
- {
-     MidiCmdType cmdtype=MidiNoteOFF;
-     unsigned char cmdchan=0,note=0,vel=0;
-     int cmdparams[MP_MAX_BYTES];
-     for (int i=0;i<MP_MAX_BYTES;++i)
-         cmdparams[i]=0;
-     set_realtime();
-     while (Pexitprogram==0) {
-         Midi->getmidicmd(cmdtype,cmdchan,cmdparams);
-         note=cmdparams[0];
-         vel=cmdparams[1];
-         pthread_mutex_lock(&master->mutex);
-         if ((cmdtype==MidiNoteON)&&(note!=0)) master->NoteOn(cmdchan,note,vel);
-         if ((cmdtype==MidiNoteOFF)&&(note!=0)) master->NoteOff(cmdchan,note);
-         if (cmdtype==MidiController) master->SetController(cmdchan,cmdparams[0],cmdparams[1]);
-         pthread_mutex_unlock(&master->mutex);
-     };
-     return(0);
- };
- #endif
+ char *instance_name = 0;
- /*
-  * Wave output thread (for OSS AUDIO out)
-  */
- #if defined(OSSAUDIOOUT)
- //!(defined(JACKAUDIOOUT)||defined(JACK_RTAUDIOOUT)||defined(PAAUDIOOUT)||defined(VSTAUDIOOUT))
+ void exitprogram();
- void *thread2(void *arg)
+ //cleanup on signaled exit
+ void sigterm_exit(int /*sig*/)
++<<<<<<< HEAD
 +    set_realtime();
 +    while (Pexitprogram==0) {
 +        pthread_mutex_lock(&master->mutex);
 +        master->AudioOut(outputl,outputr);
 +        pthread_mutex_unlock(&master->mutex);
 +        audioout->OSSout(outputl,outputr);
 +        /** /  	int i,x,x2;
 +        	REALTYPE xx,xx2;
 +            	short int xsmps[SOUND_BUFFER_SIZE*2];
 +        	for (i=0;i<SOUND_BUFFER_SIZE;i++){//output to stdout
 +        		xx=-outputl[i]*32767;
 +        		xx2=-outputr[i]*32767;
 +        		if (xx<-32768) xx=-32768;
 +        		if (xx>32767) xx=32767;
 +        		if (xx2<-32768) xx2=-32768;
 +        		if (xx2>32767) xx2=32767;
 +        		x=(short int) xx;
 +        		x2=(short int) xx2;
 +        		xsmps[i*2]=x;xsmps[i*2+1]=x2;
 +        		};
 +        		write(1,&xsmps,SOUND_BUFFER_SIZE*2*2);
 +        		/ * */
 +    };
 +    return(0);
 + * User Interface thread
 + */
 +void *thread3(void *arg)
 +#ifndef DISABLE_GUI
 +#ifdef FLTK_GUI
 +    ui->showUI();
 +    while (Pexitprogram==0) {
 +#ifdef USE_LASH
 +        string filename;
 +        switch (lash->checkevents(filename)) {
 +        case LASHClient::Save:
 +            ui->do_save_master(filename.c_str());
 +            lash->confirmevent(LASHClient::Save);
 +            break;
 +        case LASHClient::Restore:
 +            ui->do_load_master(filename.c_str());
 +            lash->confirmevent(LASHClient::Restore);
 +            break;
 +        case LASHClient::Quit:
 +            Pexitprogram = 1;
 +        default:
 +            break;
 +        }
 +#endif //USE_LASH
 +        Fl::wait();
 +    }
 +#elif defined QT_GUI
 +    app = new QApplication(0, 0);
 +    ui=new MasterUI(master, 0);
 +    ui->show();
 +    app->exec();
 +#endif //defined QT_GUI
 +#endif //DISABLE_GUI
 +    return(0);
 + * Sequencer thread (test)
 + */
 +void *thread4(void *arg)
 +    while (Pexitprogram==0) {
 +        int type,par1,par2,again,midichan;
 +        for (int ntrack=0;ntrack<NUM_MIDI_TRACKS;ntrack++) {
 +            if (master->seq.play==0) break;
 +            do {
 +                again=master->seq.getevent(ntrack,&midichan,&type,&par1,&par2);
 +//		printf("ntrack=%d again=%d\n",ntrack,again);
 +                if (type>0) {
 +//	    printf("%d %d  %d %d %d\n",type,midichan,chan,par1,par2);
 +//	if (cmdtype==MidiController) master->SetController(cmdchan,cmdparams[0],cmdparams[1]);
 +                    pthread_mutex_lock(&master->mutex);
 +                    if (type==1) {//note_on or note_off
 +                        if (par2!=0) master->NoteOn(midichan,par1,par2);
 +                        else master->NoteOff(midichan,par1);
 +                    };
 +                    pthread_mutex_unlock(&master->mutex);
 +                };
 +            } while (again>0);
 +        };
 +//if (!realtime player) atunci fac asta
 +#ifdef OS_LINUX
 +        usleep(1000);
 +#elif OS_WINDOWS
 +        Sleep(1);
 +    };
 +    return(0);
+     Pexitprogram = 1;
+ }
++>>>>>>> upstream/2.4.3
   * Program initialisation
- void initprogram()
+ void initprogram(void)
      cerr << std::fixed;
-     cerr << "\nSample Rate = \t\t" << SAMPLE_RATE << endl;
- #endif
- #endif
-     cerr << "Sound Buffer Size = \t" << SOUND_BUFFER_SIZE << " samples" << endl;
-     cerr << "Internal latency = \t" << SOUND_BUFFER_SIZE*1000.0/SAMPLE_RATE << " ms" << endl;
-     cerr << "ADsynth Oscil.Size = \t" << OSCIL_SIZE << " samples" << endl;
-     //fflush(stderr);
-     srand(time(NULL));
-     denormalkillbuf=new REALTYPE [SOUND_BUFFER_SIZE];
-     for (int i=0;i<SOUND_BUFFER_SIZE;i++) denormalkillbuf[i]=(RND-0.5)*1e-16;
-     OscilGen::tmpsmps=new REALTYPE[OSCIL_SIZE];
-     newFFTFREQS(&OscilGen::outoscilFFTfreqs,OSCIL_SIZE/2);
-     master=new Master();
-     master->swaplr=swaplr;
- #if defined(JACKAUDIOOUT)
-     if (usejackit) {
-         bool tmp=JACKaudiooutputinit(master);
- #if defined(OSSAUDIOOUT)
-         if (!tmp) cout << "\nUsing OSS instead." << endl;
- #else
-         if (!tmp) exit(1);
- #endif
-         usejackit=tmp;
-     };
- #endif
- #if defined(OSSAUDIOOUT)
-     if (!usejackit) audioout=new OSSaudiooutput();
-     else audioout=NULL;
- #endif
+     cerr << "\nSample Rate = \t\t" << synth->samplerate << endl;
+     cerr << "Sound Buffer Size = \t" << synth->buffersize << " samples" << endl;
+     cerr << "Internal latency = \t" << synth->buffersize_f * 1000.0f
+     / synth->samplerate_f << " ms" << endl;
+     cerr << "ADsynth Oscil.Size = \t" << synth->oscilsize << " samples" << endl;
-     JACKaudiooutputinit(master);
- #endif
-     PAaudiooutputinit(master);
- #endif
-     Midi=new ALSAMidiIn();
- #endif
- #ifdef OSSMIDIIN
-     Midi=new OSSMidiIn();
- #endif
- #if (defined(NONEMIDIIN)||(defined(VSTMIDIIN)))
-     Midi=new NULLMidiIn();
- #endif
- #ifndef DISABLE_GUI
-     ui=new MasterUI(master,&Pexitprogram);
- #endif
- };
+     master = &Master::getInstance();
+     master->swaplr = swaplr;
+     signal(SIGINT, sigterm_exit);
+     signal(SIGTERM, sigterm_exit);
+ }
   * Program exit
  void exitprogram()
+     //ensure that everything has stopped with the mutex wait
-     delete(audioout);
- #endif
-     if (usejackit) JACKfinish();
- #endif
-     JACKfinish();
- #endif
-     PAfinish();
- #endif
+     pthread_mutex_unlock(&master->mutex);
+     Nio::stop();
  #ifndef DISABLE_GUI
-     delete(ui);
+     delete ui;
-     delete(Midi);
-     delete(master);
- #ifdef USE_LASH
-     delete(lash);
+ #if LASH
+     if(lash)
+         delete lash;
+ #endif
+ #if USE_NSM
+     if(nsm)
+         delete nsm;
- //    pthread_mutex_unlock(&master->mutex);
      delete [] denormalkillbuf;
-     delete [] OscilGen::tmpsmps;
-     deleteFFTFREQS(&OscilGen::outoscilFFTfreqs);
- };
- #ifdef OS_WINDOWS
- #define ARGSIZE 100
- char winoptarguments[ARGSIZE];
- char getopt(int argc, char *argv[], const char *shortopts, int *index)
- {
-     winoptarguments[0]=0;
-     char result=0;
-     if (*index>=argc) return(-1);
-     if (strlen(argv[*index])==2)
-         if (argv[*index][0]=='-') {
-             result=argv[*index][1];
-             if (*index+1<argc) {
-                 snprintf(winoptarguments,ARGSIZE,"%s",argv[*index+1]);
-             };
-         };
-     (*index)++;
-     return(result);
- };
- int opterr=0;
- #undef ARGSIZE
- #endif
+ }
  int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- #ifdef USE_LASH
-     lash = new LASHClient(&argc, &argv);
- #endif
+     synth = new SYNTH_T;
-     int noui=0;
-     usejackit=true;//use jack by default
- #endif
-     cerr<<"\nZynAddSubFX - Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nasca Octavian Paul and others"<<endl;
+     int noui = 0;
+     cerr
+     << "\nZynAddSubFX - Copyright (c) 2002-2011 Nasca Octavian Paul and others"
+     << endl;
      cerr << "Compiled: " << __DATE__ << " " << __TIME__ << endl;
      cerr << "This program is free software (GNU GPL v.2 or later) and \n";
      cerr << "it comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.\n" << endl;
- #ifdef OS_LINUX
-     if (argc==1) cerr << "Try 'zynaddsubfx --help' for command-line options." << endl;
- #else
-     if (argc==1) cerr << "Try 'zynaddsubfx -h' for command-line options.\n" << endl;
- #endif
+     if(argc == 1)
+         cerr << "Try 'zynaddsubfx --help' for command-line options." << endl;
      /* Get the settings from the Config*/
-     SAMPLE_RATE=config.cfg.SampleRate;
-     SOUND_BUFFER_SIZE=config.cfg.SoundBufferSize;
-     OSCIL_SIZE=config.cfg.OscilSize;
-     swaplr=config.cfg.SwapStereo;
+     synth->samplerate = config.cfg.SampleRate;
+     synth->buffersize = config.cfg.SoundBufferSize;
+     synth->oscilsize  = config.cfg.OscilSize;
+     swaplr = config.cfg.SwapStereo;
+     Nio::preferedSampleRate(synth->samplerate);
+     synth->alias(); //build aliases
+     sprng(time(NULL));
      /* Parse command-line options */
- #ifdef OS_LINUX
-     struct option opts[]={
-         {"load",2,NULL,'l'},
-         {"load-instrument",2,NULL,'L'},
-         {"sample-rate",2,NULL,'r'},
-         {"buffer-size",2,NULL,'b'},
-         {"oscil-size",2,NULL,'o'},
-         {"dump",2,NULL,'D'},
-         {"swap",2,NULL,'S'},
-         {"no-gui",2,NULL,'U'},
-         {"not-use-jack",2,NULL,'A'},
-         {"dummy",2,NULL,'Y'},
-         {"help",2,NULL,'h'},
-         {0,0,0,0}
+     struct option opts[] = {
+         {
+             "load", 2, NULL, 'l'
+         },
+         {
+             "load-instrument", 2, NULL, 'L'
+         },
+         {
+             "sample-rate", 2, NULL, 'r'
+         },
+         {
+             "buffer-size", 2, NULL, 'b'
+         },
+         {
+             "oscil-size", 2, NULL, 'o'
+         },
+         {
+             "dump", 2, NULL, 'D'
+         },
+         {
+             "swap", 2, NULL, 'S'
+         },
+         {
+             "no-gui", 2, NULL, 'U'
+         },
+         {
+             "dummy", 2, NULL, 'Y'
+         },
+         {
+             "help", 2, NULL, 'h'
+         },
+         {
+             "version", 2, NULL, 'v'
+         },
+         {
+             "named", 1, NULL, 'N'
+         },
+         {
+             "auto-connect", 0, NULL, 'a'
+         },
+         {
+             "output", 1, NULL, 'O'
+         },
+         {
+             "input", 1, NULL, 'I'
+         },
+         {
+             "exec-after-init", 1, NULL, 'e'
+         },
+         {
+             0, 0, 0, 0
+         }
- #endif
-     opterr=0;
-     int option_index=0,opt,exitwithhelp=0;
+     opterr = 0;
+     int option_index = 0, opt, exitwithhelp = 0, exitwithversion = 0;
+     string loadfile, loadinstrument, execAfterInit;
-     char loadfile[1001];
-     ZERO(loadfile,1001);
-     char loadinstrument[1001];
-     ZERO(loadinstrument,1001);
+     while(1) {
+         int tmp = 0;
-     while (1) {
          /**\todo check this process for a small memory leak*/
- #ifdef OS_LINUX
-         opt=getopt_long(argc,argv,"l:L:r:b:o:hSDUAY",opts,&option_index);
-         char *optarguments=optarg;
- #else
-         opt=getopt(argc,argv,"l:L:r:b:o:hSDUAY",&option_index);
-         char *optarguments=&winoptarguments[0];
- #endif
+         opt = getopt_long(argc,
+                           argv,
+                           "l:L:r:b:o:I:O:N:e:hvaSDUY",
+                           opts,
+                           &option_index);
+         char *optarguments = optarg;
-         if (opt==-1) break;
+ #define GETOP(x) if(optarguments) \
+         x = optarguments
+ #define GETOPNUM(x) if(optarguments) \
+         x = atoi(optarguments)
-         int tmp;
-         switch (opt) {
-         case 'h':
-             exitwithhelp=1;
-             break;
-         case 'Y':/* this command a dummy command (has NO effect)
- 		        and is used because I need for NSIS installer
- 			(NSIS sometimes forces a command line for a
- 			program, even if I don't need that; eg. when
- 			I want to add a icon to a shortcut.
- 		      */
-             break;
-         case 'U':
-             noui=1;
-             break;
-         case 'A':
-             usejackit=false;
- #endif
- #endif
-             break;
-         case 'l':
-             tmp=0;
-             if (optarguments!=NULL) {
-                 snprintf(loadfile,1000,"%s",optarguments);
-             };
-             break;
-         case 'L':
-             tmp=0;
-             if (optarguments!=NULL) {
-                 snprintf(loadinstrument,1000,"%s",optarguments);
-             };
-             break;
-         case 'r':
-             tmp=0;
-             if (optarguments!=NULL) tmp=atoi(optarguments);
-             if (tmp>=4000) {
-                 SAMPLE_RATE=tmp;
-             } else {
-                 cerr << "ERROR:Incorrect sample rate: " << optarguments << endl;
-                 exit(1);
-             };
-             break;
-         case 'b':
-             tmp=0;
-             if (optarguments!=NULL) tmp=atoi(optarguments);
-             if (tmp>=2) {
-                 SOUND_BUFFER_SIZE=tmp;
-             } else {
-                 cerr << "ERROR:Incorrect buffer size: " << optarguments << endl;
-                 exit(1);
-             };
-             break;
-         case 'o':
-             tmp=0;
-             if (optarguments!=NULL) tmp=atoi(optarguments);
-             OSCIL_SIZE=tmp;
-             OSCIL_SIZE=(int) pow(2,ceil(log (OSCIL_SIZE-1.0)/log(2.0)));
-             if (tmp!=OSCIL_SIZE) {
-                 cerr << "\nOSCIL_SIZE is wrong (must be 2^n) or too small. Adjusting to ";
-                 cerr << OSCIL_SIZE << "." << endl;
-             }
-             break;
-         case 'S':
-             swaplr=1;
-             break;
-         case 'D':
-             dump.startnow();
-             break;
-         case '?':
-             cerr << "ERROR:Bad option or parameter.\n" << endl;
-             exitwithhelp=1;
+         if(opt == -1)
-         };
-     };
-     if (exitwithhelp!=0) {
-         cout << "Usage: zynaddsubfx [OPTION]\n" << endl;
-         cout << "  -h , --help \t\t\t\t display command-line help and exit" << endl;
-         cout << "  -l file, --load=FILE\t\t\t loads a .xmz file" << endl;
-         cout << "  -L file, --load-instrument=FILE\t\t loads a .xiz file" << endl;
-         cout << "  -r SR, --sample-rate=SR\t\t set the sample rate SR" << endl;
-         cout << "  -b BS, --buffer-size=SR\t\t set the buffer size (granularity)" << endl;
-         cout << "  -o OS, --oscil-size=OS\t\t set the ADsynth oscil. size" << endl;
-         cout << "  -S , --swap\t\t\t\t swap Left <--> Right" << endl;
-         cout << "  -D , --dump\t\t\t\t Dumps midi note ON/OFF commands" << endl;
-         cout << "  -U , --no-gui\t\t\t\t Run ZynAddSubFX without user interface" << endl;
-         cout << "  -A , --not-use-jack\t\t\t Use OSS/ALSA instead of JACK" << endl;
- #endif
- #endif
- #ifdef OS_WINDOWS
-         cout << "\nWARNING: On Windows systems, only short comandline parameters works." << endl;
-         cout << "  eg. instead '--buffer-size=512' use '-b 512'" << endl;
- #endif
-         cout << '\n' << endl;
-         return(0);
-     };
+         switch(opt) {
+             case 'h':
+                 exitwithhelp = 1;
+                 break;
+             case 'v':
+                 exitwithversion = 1;
+                 break;
+             case 'Y': /* this command a dummy command (has NO effect)
+                         and is used because I need for NSIS installer
+                         (NSIS sometimes forces a command line for a
+                         program, even if I don't need that; eg. when
+                         I want to add a icon to a shortcut.
+                      */
+                 break;
+             case 'U':
+                 noui = 1;
+                 break;
+             case 'l':
+                 GETOP(loadfile);
+                 break;
+             case 'L':
+                 GETOP(loadinstrument);
+                 break;
+             case 'r':
+                 GETOPNUM(synth->samplerate);
+                 if(synth->samplerate < 4000) {
+                     cerr << "ERROR:Incorrect sample rate: " << optarguments
+                          << endl;
+                     exit(1);
+                 }
+                 break;
+             case 'b':
+                 GETOPNUM(synth->buffersize);
+                 if(synth->buffersize < 2) {
+                     cerr << "ERROR:Incorrect buffer size: " << optarguments
+                          << endl;
+                     exit(1);
+                 }
+                 break;
+             case 'o':
+                 if(optarguments)
+                     synth->oscilsize = tmp = atoi(optarguments);
+                 if(synth->oscilsize < MAX_AD_HARMONICS * 2)
+                     synth->oscilsize = MAX_AD_HARMONICS * 2;
+                 synth->oscilsize =
+                     (int) powf(2,
+                                ceil(logf(synth->oscilsize - 1.0f) / logf(2.0f)));
+                 if(tmp != synth->oscilsize)
+                     cerr
+                     <<
+                     "synth->oscilsize is wrong (must be 2^n) or too small. Adjusting to "
+                     << synth->oscilsize << "." << endl;
+                 break;
+             case 'S':
+                 swaplr = 1;
+                 break;
+             case 'D':
+                 dump.startnow();
+                 break;
+             case 'N':
+                 Nio::setPostfix(optarguments);
+                 break;
+             case 'I':
+                 if(optarguments)
+                     Nio::setDefaultSource(optarguments);
+                 break;
+             case 'O':
+                 if(optarguments)
+                     Nio::setDefaultSink(optarguments);
+                 break;
+             case 'a':
+                 Nio::autoConnect = true;
+                 break;
+             case 'e':
+                 GETOP(execAfterInit);
+                 break;
+             case '?':
+                 cerr << "ERROR:Bad option or parameter.\n" << endl;
+                 exitwithhelp = 1;
+                 break;
+         }
+     }
-     //---------
+     synth->alias();
-     initprogram();
+     if(exitwithversion) {
+         cout << "Version: " << VERSION << endl;
+         return 0;
+     }
+     if(exitwithhelp != 0) {
+         cout << "Usage: zynaddsubfx [OPTION]\n\n"
+              << "  -h , --help \t\t\t\t Display command-line help and exit\n"
+              << "  -v , --version \t\t\t Display version and exit\n"
+              << "  -l file, --load=FILE\t\t\t Loads a .xmz file\n"
+              << "  -L file, --load-instrument=FILE\t Loads a .xiz file\n"
+              << "  -r SR, --sample-rate=SR\t\t Set the sample rate SR\n"
+              <<
+         "  -b BS, --buffer-size=SR\t\t Set the buffer size (granularity)\n"
+              << "  -o OS, --oscil-size=OS\t\t Set the ADsynth oscil. size\n"
+              << "  -S , --swap\t\t\t\t Swap Left <--> Right\n"
+              << "  -D , --dump\t\t\t\t Dumps midi note ON/OFF commands\n"
+              <<
+         "  -U , --no-gui\t\t\t\t Run ZynAddSubFX without user interface\n"
+              << "  -N , --named\t\t\t\t Postfix IO Name when possible\n"
+              << "  -a , --auto-connect\t\t\t AutoConnect when using JACK\n"
+              << "  -O , --output\t\t\t\t Set Output Engine\n"
+              << "  -I , --input\t\t\t\t Set Input Engine\n"
+              << "  -e , --exec-after-init\t\t Run post-initialization script\n"
+              << endl;
+         return 0;
+     }
- #ifdef USE_LASH
-     ALSAMidiIn* alsamidi = dynamic_cast<ALSAMidiIn*>(Midi);
-     if (alsamidi)
-         lash->setalsaid(alsamidi->getalsaid());
- #endif
-     lash->setjackname(JACKgetname());
- #endif
- #endif
+     //produce denormal buf
+     denormalkillbuf = new float [synth->buffersize];
+     for(int i = 0; i < synth->buffersize; ++i)
+         denormalkillbuf[i] = (RND - 0.5f) * 1e-16;
+     initprogram();
-     if (strlen(loadfile)>1) {
-         int tmp=master->loadXML(loadfile);
-         if (tmp<0) {
-             fprintf(stderr,"ERROR:Could not load master file  %s .\n",loadfile);
+     if(!loadfile.empty()) {
+         int tmp = master->loadXML(loadfile.c_str());
+         if(tmp < 0) {
+             cerr << "ERROR: Could not load master file " << loadfile
+                  << "." << endl;
-         } else {
+         }
+         else {
- #ifndef DISABLE_GUI
-             if (noui==0) ui->refresh_master_ui();
- #endif
              cout << "Master file loaded." << endl;
-         };
-     };
+         }
+     }
-     if (strlen(loadinstrument)>1) {
-         int loadtopart=0;
-         int tmp=master->part[loadtopart]->loadXMLinstrument(loadinstrument);
-         if (tmp<0) {
-             cerr << "ERROR:Could not load instrument file " << loadinstrument << '.' << endl;
+     if(!loadinstrument.empty()) {
+         int loadtopart = 0;
+         int tmp = master->part[loadtopart]->loadXMLinstrument(
+             loadinstrument.c_str());
+         if(tmp < 0) {
+             cerr << "ERROR: Could not load instrument file "
+                  << loadinstrument << '.' << endl;
-         } else {
+         }
+         else {
- #ifndef DISABLE_GUI
-             if (noui==0) ui->refresh_master_ui();
- #endif
              cout << "Instrument file loaded." << endl;
-         };
-     };
- #if !(defined(NONEMIDIIN)||defined(WINMIDIIN)||defined(VSTMIDIIN))
-     pthread_create(&thr1,NULL,thread1,NULL);
- #endif
- //!(defined(JACKAUDIOOUT)||defined(JACK_RTAUDIOOUT)||defined(PAAUDIOOUT)||defined(VSTAUDIOOUT))
-     if (!usejackit) pthread_create(&thr2,NULL,thread2,NULL);
- #endif
-     /*It is not working and I don't know why
-     //drop the suid-root permisions
-     #if !(defined(JACKAUDIOOUT)||defined(PAAUDIOOUT)||defined(VSTAUDIOOUT)|| (defined (WINMIDIIN)) )
-           setuid(getuid());
-           seteuid(getuid());
-     //      setreuid(getuid(),getuid());
-     //      setregid(getuid(),getuid());
-     #endif
-     */
-     if (noui==0) pthread_create(&thr3,NULL,thread3,NULL);
-     pthread_create(&thr4,NULL,thread4,NULL);
- #ifdef WINMIDIIN
-     InitWinMidi(master);
- #endif
-     while (Pexitprogram==0) {
- #ifdef OS_LINUX
-         usleep(100000);
- #elif OS_WINDOWS
-         Sleep(100);
- #endif
-     };
- #ifdef WINMIDIIN
-     StopWinMidi();
- #endif
-     exitprogram();
-     return(0);
- };
- #else
- #include "Output/VSTaudiooutput.h"
- #define main main_plugin
- extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) AEffect *main_plugin(audioMasterCallback audioMaster);
- int instances=-1;
- AEffect *main (audioMasterCallback audioMaster)
- {
- //    if (audioMaster(0,audioMasterVersion,0,0,0,0)!=0) {
- //	return(0);
- //    };
-     if (instances==-1) {
-         Midi=new NULLMidiIn();
-         denormalkillbuf=new REALTYPE [SOUND_BUFFER_SIZE];
-         for (int i=0;i<SOUND_BUFFER_SIZE;i++) denormalkillbuf[i]=(RND-0.5)*1e-16;
-         instances=0;
-     };
-     if (instances!=0) return(0);//don't allow multiple instances
-     AudioEffect *sintetizator=new VSTSynth(audioMaster);
-     return sintetizator->getAeffect();
- };
- void* hInstance;
- BOOL WINAPI DllMain (HINSTANCE hInst,DWORD dwReason,LPVOID lpvReserved)
- {
-     hInstance=hInst;
-     return(1);
- };
- void *thread(void *arg)
- {
-     VSTSynth *vs=(VSTSynth *) arg;
-     /*    FILE *a=fopen("aaaa1","a");
-         fprintf(a,"%lx %lx %lx -i=%d\n",vs,0,vs->vmaster,instances);
-         fflush(a);fclose(a);
-     */
-     vs->ui=new MasterUI(vs->vmaster,&vs->Pexitprogram);
-     /*    a=fopen("aaaa1","a");
-         fprintf(a,"%lx %lx %lx\n",vs,vs->ui->master,vs->vmaster);
-         fflush(a);fclose(a);
-     */
-     vs->ui->showUI();
-     /*    a=fopen("aaaa1","a");
-         fprintf(a,"%lx %lx %lx\n",vs,vs->ui,vs->vmaster);
-         fflush(a);fclose(a);
-     */
-     while (vs->Pexitprogram==0) Fl::wait(0.01);
-     delete(vs->ui);
-     Fl::wait(0.01);
-     /*    a=fopen("aaaa1","a");
-         fprintf(a,"EXIT\n");
-         fflush(a);fclose(a);
-     */
-     pthread_exit(0);
-     return(0);
- };
- //Parts of the VSTSynth class
- VSTSynth::VSTSynth (audioMasterCallback audioMaster):AudioEffectX(audioMaster,1,0)
- {
-     instances++;
-     if (audioMaster) {
-         setNumInputs(0);
-         setNumOutputs(2);
-         setUniqueID('ZASF');
-         canProcessReplacing();
- //    hasVu(false);
- //    hasClip(false);
-         isSynth(true);
-         programsAreChunks(true);
-     };
-     SAMPLE_RATE=config.cfg.SampleRate;
-     SOUND_BUFFER_SIZE=config.cfg.SoundBufferSize;
-     OSCIL_SIZE=config.cfg.OscilSize;
-     swaplr=config.cfg.SwapStereo;
-     this->Pexitprogram=0;
-     this->vmaster=new Master();
-     this->vmaster->swaplr=swaplr;
- //    FILE *a=fopen("aaaa0","a");
- //    fprintf(a,"%lx %lx %lx\n",this,this->ui,this->ui->masterwindow);
- //    fflush(a);fclose(a);
-     pthread_create(&this->thr,NULL,thread,this);
- //    suspend();
+         }
+     }
- };
+     //Run the Nio system
+     bool ioGood = Nio::start();
+     if(!execAfterInit.empty()) {
+         cout << "Executing user supplied command: " << execAfterInit << endl;
+         if(system(execAfterInit.c_str()) == -1)
+             cerr << "Command Failed..." << endl;
+     }
- VSTSynth::~VSTSynth()
- {
-     this->Pexitprogram=1;
+ #ifndef DISABLE_GUI
+     ui = new MasterUI(master, &Pexitprogram);
-     Sleep(200);//wait the thread to finish
+     if(!noui) {
+         ui->showUI();
- //    pthread_mutex_lock(&vmaster->mutex);
+         if(!ioGood)
+             fl_alert(
+                 "Default IO did not initialize.\nDefaulting to NULL backend.");
+     }
+ #endif
-     delete(this->vmaster);
+ #ifndef DISABLE_GUI
+ #if USE_NSM
+     char *nsm_url = getenv("NSM_URL");
-     instances--;
- };
+     if(nsm_url) {
+         nsm = new NSM_Client;
- long VSTSynth::processEvents(VstEvents *events)
- {
-     for (int i=0;i<events->numEvents;i++) {
-         //debug stuff
- //      FILE *a=fopen("events","a");
- //      fprintf(a,"%lx\n",events->events[i]->type);
- //      fflush(a);fclose(a);
-         if ((events->events[i])->type != kVstMidiType) continue;
-         VstMidiEvent *ev= (VstMidiEvent*) events->events[i];
-         unsigned char *data= (unsigned char *)ev->midiData;
-         int status=data[0]/16;
-         int cmdchan=data[0]&0x0f;
-         int cntl;
-         pthread_mutex_lock(&vmaster->mutex);
-         switch (status) {
-         case 0x8:
-             vmaster->NoteOff(cmdchan,data[1]&0x7f);
-             break;
-         case 0x9:
-             if (data[2]==0) vmaster->NoteOff(cmdchan,data[1]&0x7f);
-             else vmaster->NoteOn(cmdchan,data[1]&0x7f,data[2]&0x7f);
-             break;
-         case 0xB:
-             cntl=Midi->getcontroller(data[1]&0x7f);
-             vmaster->SetController(cmdchan,cntl,data[2]&0x7f);
-             break;
-         case 0xE:
-             vmaster->SetController(cmdchan,C_pitchwheel,data[1]+data[2]*(long int) 128-8192);
-             break;
-         };
-         pthread_mutex_unlock(&vmaster->mutex);
+         if(!nsm->init(nsm_url))
+             nsm->announce("ZynAddSubFX", ":switch:", argv[0]);
+         else {
+             delete nsm;
+             nsm = NULL;
+         }
+     }
+ #endif
+ #endif
-     };
+ #if USE_NSM
+     if(!nsm)
+ #endif
+     {
+ #if LASH
+         lash = new LASHClient(&argc, &argv);
+ #ifndef DISABLE_GUI
+         ui->sm_indicator1->value(1);
+         ui->sm_indicator2->value(1);
+         ui->sm_indicator1->tooltip("LASH");
+         ui->sm_indicator2->tooltip("LASH");
+ #endif
+ #endif
+     }
-     return(1);
- };
+     while(Pexitprogram == 0) {
+ #ifndef DISABLE_GUI
+ #if USE_NSM
+         if(nsm) {
+             nsm->check();
+             goto done;
+         }
+ #endif
+ #if LASH
+         {
+             string filename;
+             switch(lash->checkevents(filename)) {
+                 case LASHClient::Save:
+                     ui->do_save_master(filename.c_str());
+                     lash->confirmevent(LASHClient::Save);
+                     break;
+                 case LASHClient::Restore:
+                     ui->do_load_master(filename.c_str());
+                     lash->confirmevent(LASHClient::Restore);
+                     break;
+                 case LASHClient::Quit:
+                     Pexitprogram = 1;
+                 default:
+                     break;
+             }
+         }
+ #endif //LASH
- long VSTSynth::getChunk(void** data,bool isPreset)
- {
-     int size=0;
-     size=vmaster->getalldata((char **)data);
-     return((long)size);
- };
+ done:
- long VSTSynth::setChunk(void *data,long size,bool isPreset)
- {
-     vmaster->putalldata((char*)data,size);
-     return(0);
- };
+         Fl::wait(0.1f);
+ #else
+         usleep(100000);
+     }
+     exitprogram();
+     return 0;
+ }

zynaddsubfx packaging

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