[SCM] handbrake/master: Use libav/ffmpeg for reading metadata
rbrito-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
rbrito-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Sat Jun 16 05:56:09 UTC 2012
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 3e1bde73579abdc9d8a2aaac6efd22995850186e
Author: Rogério Brito <rbrito at ime.usp.br>
Date: Sat Jun 16 01:03:07 2012 -0300
Use libav/ffmpeg for reading metadata
This substitutes mp4v2 for reading metadata from files. It is currently full
of FIXME's and it was only lightly tested with a pair of MP4 files.
It needs a lot of love, but it is my first try at learning how to use
libav/ffmpeg's API.
Note to self: in a call to `avformat_open_input`, the `AVFormatContext`
pointer that is passed must be initialized to `NULL` or bad things happen
(e.g., segfaults).
Signed-off-by: Rogério Brito <rbrito at ime.usp.br>
diff --git a/debian/patches/0015-use-metadata-reading-from-libav.patch b/debian/patches/0015-use-metadata-reading-from-libav.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9238472
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/0015-use-metadata-reading-from-libav.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+Author: Rogério Theodoro de Brito <rbrito at ime.usp.br>
+Description: (WIP) Use libav/ffmpeg for reading metadata
+ This substitutes mp4v2 for reading metadata from files. It is currently
+ full of FIXME's and it was not even tested to see if it builds.
+Last-Update: 2012-06-16
+Forwarded: no
+--- a/libhb/decmetadata.c
++++ b/libhb/decmetadata.c
+@@ -4,96 +4,111 @@
+ Homepage: <http://handbrake.fr/>.
+ It may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License. */
+-#include <mp4v2/mp4v2.h>
++#include <libavformat/avformat.h>
++#include <libavutil/dict.h>
++#include <libavutil/rational.h>
+ #include "common.h"
+ static void decmp4metadata( hb_title_t *title )
+ {
+- MP4FileHandle input_file;
+- hb_deep_log( 2, "Got an MP4 input, read the metadata");
++ /* FIXME: Is av_registar_all already called here? --- rbrito */
++ av_register_all();
++ AVFormatContext *fmt_ctx = NULL; /* context for the file */
++ AVDictionaryEntry *tags; /* each entry of metadata of the file */
++ AVDictionary *dict; /* shorthand, not strictly necessary */
++ hb_metadata_t *hb_metadata; /* shorthand, not strictly necessary */
++ hb_deep_log(2, "Got an MP4 input, read the metadata");
++ /* Bail out early in case of problems. */
++ if (avformat_open_input(&fmt_ctx, title->path, NULL, NULL) != 0)
++ return;
++ /* avoid typing too much in what follows */
++ dict = fmt_ctx->metadata;
++ hb_metadata = title->metadata;
++ /*
++ * Store iTunes MetaData
++ */
++ if ((tags = av_dict_get(dict, "title", NULL, AV_DICT_IGNORE_SUFFIX)) != NULL) {
++ hb_deep_log(2, "Metadata Name in input file is '%s'", tags->value);
++ strncpy(hb_metadata->name, tags->value, sizeof(hb_metadata->name));
++ }
++ if ((tags = av_dict_get(dict, "artist", NULL, AV_DICT_IGNORE_SUFFIX)) != NULL)
++ strncpy(hb_metadata->artist, tags->value, sizeof(hb_metadata->artist));
++ if ((tags = av_dict_get(dict, "composer", NULL, AV_DICT_IGNORE_SUFFIX)) != NULL)
++ strncpy(hb_metadata->composer, tags->value, sizeof(hb_metadata->composer));
++ if ((tags = av_dict_get(dict, "comment", NULL, AV_DICT_IGNORE_SUFFIX)) != NULL)
++ strncpy(hb_metadata->comment, tags->value, sizeof(hb_metadata->comment));
++ if ((tags = av_dict_get(dict, "album", NULL, AV_DICT_IGNORE_SUFFIX)) != NULL)
++ strncpy(hb_metadata->album, tags->value, sizeof(hb_metadata->album));
++ if ((tags = av_dict_get(dict, "genre", NULL, AV_DICT_IGNORE_SUFFIX)) != NULL)
++ strncpy(hb_metadata->genre, tags->value, sizeof(hb_metadata->genre));
++ if ((tags = av_dict_get(dict, "date", NULL, AV_DICT_IGNORE_SUFFIX)) != NULL)
++ strncpy(hb_metadata->release_date, tags->value, sizeof(hb_metadata->release_date));
++ /* FIXME: take care of artwork here and put it in
++ * title->metadata->coverart and in title->metadata->coverart_size */
++ /*
++ * Handle the chapters.
++ */
++ if (fmt_ctx->nb_chapters <= 0 || hb_list_count(title->list_chapter) > 0)
++ goto finished;
++ AVChapter **chapter_list = fmt_ctx->chapters;
++ AVRational tb = chapter_list[0]->time_base; /* FIXME: the timebases may be different for each chapter. */
++ uint32_t i; /* handbrake wants chapters to be 1-based */
+- input_file = MP4Read(title->path);
++ uint64_t curstart, oldstart, duration;
++ hb_chapter_t *chapter;
+- if( input_file != MP4_INVALID_FILE_HANDLE )
+- {
+- /*
+- * Store iTunes MetaData
+- */
+- const MP4Tags* tags;
+- /* alloc,fetch tags */
+- tags = MP4TagsAlloc();
+- MP4TagsFetch( tags, input_file );
+- if( tags->name ) {
+- hb_deep_log( 2, "Metadata Name in input file is '%s'", tags->name );
+- strncpy( title->metadata->name, tags->name, sizeof(title->metadata->name) );
+- }
+- if( tags->artist )
+- strncpy( title->metadata->artist, tags->artist, sizeof(title->metadata->artist) );
+- if( tags->composer )
+- strncpy( title->metadata->composer, tags->composer, sizeof(title->metadata->composer) );
+- if( tags->comments )
+- strncpy( title->metadata->comment, tags->comments, sizeof(title->metadata->comment) );
+- if( tags->releaseDate )
+- strncpy( title->metadata->release_date, tags->releaseDate, sizeof(title->metadata->release_date) );
+- if( tags->album )
+- strncpy( title->metadata->album, tags->album, sizeof(title->metadata->album) );
+- if( tags->genre )
+- strncpy( title->metadata->genre, tags->genre, sizeof(title->metadata->genre) );
+- if( tags->artworkCount > 0 ) {
+- const MP4TagArtwork* art = tags->artwork + 0; // first element
+- title->metadata->coverart = (uint8_t*)malloc( art->size );
+- title->metadata->coverart_size = art->size;
+- memcpy( title->metadata->coverart, art->data, art->size );
+- hb_deep_log( 2, "Got some cover art of type %d, size %d",
+- art->type,
+- title->metadata->coverart_size );
+- }
+- /* store,free tags */
+- MP4TagsStore( tags, input_file );
+- MP4TagsFree( tags );
+- /*
+- * Handle the chapters.
+- */
+- MP4Chapter_t *chapter_list = NULL;
+- uint32_t chapter_count;
+- MP4GetChapters( input_file, &chapter_list, &chapter_count,
+- MP4ChapterTypeQt );
+- if( chapter_list && ( hb_list_count( title->list_chapter ) == 0 ) ) {
+- uint32_t i = 1;
+- while( i <= chapter_count )
+- {
+- hb_chapter_t * chapter;
+- chapter = calloc( sizeof( hb_chapter_t ), 1 );
+- chapter->index = i;
+- chapter->duration = chapter_list[i-1].duration * 90;
+- chapter->hours = chapter->duration / 90000 / 3600;
+- chapter->minutes = ( ( chapter->duration / 90000 ) % 3600 ) / 60;
+- chapter->seconds = ( chapter->duration / 90000 ) % 60;
+- strcpy( chapter->title, chapter_list[i-1].title );
+- hb_deep_log( 2, "Added chapter %i, name='%s', dur=%"PRId64", (%02i:%02i:%02i)", chapter->index, chapter->title,
+- chapter->duration, chapter->hours,
+- chapter->minutes, chapter->seconds);
+- hb_list_add( title->list_chapter, chapter );
+- i++;
+- }
+- }
++ oldstart = 0;
++ for (i = 0; i < fmt_ctx->nb_chapters; i++) {
++ chapter = calloc(sizeof(hb_chapter_t), 1); /* FIXME: verify errors */
+- MP4Close(input_file, 0);
++ curstart = (chapter_list[i]->start * tb.num)/tb.den;
++ duration = curstart - oldstart;
++ chapter->index = i+1; /* 1-based */
++ chapter->duration = 9000 * duration; /* handbrake's time units is 1/90000 s */
++ chapter->hours = duration / 3600;
++ chapter->minutes = ( duration % 3600 ) / 60;
++ chapter->seconds = ( duration ) % 60;
++ /* FIXME: ffmpeg/libav probably exposes the chapter names as
++ av_dict_get(chapter_list[i]->metadata, "title", NULL, AV_DICT_IGNORE_SUFFIX)->value
++ if the metadata has the "title" key (i.e., not NULL). In essence, we should do:
++ strcpy(chapter->title,
++ av_dict_get(chapter_list[i]->metadata,
++ "title", NULL, AV_DICT_IGNORE_SUFFIX)->value);
++ I'm lazy now to write the few lines of code for that and we should do:
++ */
++ strcpy( chapter->title, "" );
++ hb_deep_log(2, "Added chapter %i, name='%s', dur=%"PRId64", (%02i:%02i:%02i)",
++ chapter->index, chapter->title, chapter->duration, chapter->hours,
++ chapter->minutes, chapter->seconds);
++ hb_list_add(title->list_chapter, chapter);
++ oldstart = chapter_list[i]->start; /* avoid typing */
+ }
++ avformat_free_context(fmt_ctx);
+ }
+ /*
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index d599ae0..fe8d44e 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -12,3 +12,4 @@
handbrake packaging
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